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Solar Shadow

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Everything posted by Solar Shadow

  1. @, "Hi Lyrica I'm SolarShadow you can just call me Solar if you'd like and hello to you as well Joke." Solar looks back at the draft "you know if those papers are important you should hold on to them a little more tightly you never know where they could end up." he says as he smiles and turns to start walking away.
  2. @, As Solar continues to walks to the Cafe with Thunder and Aurora he Notices a Pony searching through her bag then looking under the table next to her."I wonder what shes so worried about?" he thought to himself. As he walks closer he notices she's looking at some paper under the occupied table. Solar walks up to the ponies at the table. "excuse me can i grab something really quickly?" The ponies at the table gave Solar a weird look" Sure?" one of the ponies replied. Solar grabbed the paper from underneath the table and walked it over to Lyrica. "Here this is yours right?" He asks with a smile on his face.as he hands over the papers.
  3. @,@@Aurora Lights, Solar Looks at Thunder and Aurora Lights. "Wow its awesome that there's so many ponies here with unique abilities it makes me feel at ease. It's very nice to meet you Aurora Lights i'm SolarShadow. You two sure are close and the Changeling Palace what was that like?" Solar asks with excitement
  4. @, @, Solar looks at the cupcake with a surprised look on his face. "is that a real cupcake?" he asks as he takes it from Thunder then takes a bite out of it."WOW its a real cupcake! i'm still not sure how you got it to appear here but that's amazing! Solar Happily eating the cupcake looks around and notices another pony exploring PonyVille. "Hey Thunder-Dash is he new here as well?" Solar walks up to Midnight Star. "hello my names SolarShadow and this is Thunder-Dash are you new here too?
  5. "Thunder-Dash is really understanding I wonder if more ponies around here are like that." Solar thinks to himself. "Yeah maybe it is a curse. Do you mind if I change the subject for awhile? It's been on my mind for sometime how did you make the map appear? Solar asks
  6. Solar looks at Thunder then start to walk with him. "So you're not afraid of me?" Solar asks in an off tone "I normally don't stay in one place for to long because of that everyone starts to hate me or be afraid of me. When I got my cutie mark I was told it shows that I might be willing to help others and protect them but it comes at a cost or something like that it was some time ago"
  7. Solar stops and looks back at Thunder. "Well it's not really a secret power.. When I was younger i had a friend who would always be getting into trouble she would jump off cliffs and explore dark caves. One day she asked me to bring her up to the clouds because she wanted to see the world through my eyes and as a unicorn she couldn't fly. So I took her up there only after she learned how to use the spell to walk on clouds but her magic was weak and it only lasted for a few minutes and with out me noticing she fell through the clouds." Solar stop with a sad look on his face and then continues."as I was moving some clouds to make a bridge for her to cross I heard a scream and looked around she was no where is sight. I heard the scream get farther away and then noticed her falling. There's no way I could catch her unless I tried to fly as fast as I could so I took off going faster and faster trying to catch up. Just when I thought I wouldn't make it there was a black flash and I was flying faster then ever. After I caught her and we finally made it back the everyone was screaming and yelling about the sun being blacked out. I had no idea that it was me tell some years later. That at that time I made a black sonic boom the appears to black out the sun. And now whenever I try flying any faster then a light glide it happens. Sorry for the long explanation it's just easier to explain this way" solar says as he turns around with the sad look still on his face.
  8. Solar follows Thunder as he heads towed the cafe. "Thanks for all the help Thunder-Dash where I'm from everyone's afraid of me so not very many ponies come up and talk to me." Says as he looks at all the ponies playing and enjoying the weather. "So what do they well at the cafe were going to?"
  9. @Thunder-Dash Solar looks over the map as Thunder points out the marketplace. "I've been smelling cupcakes for sometime now that must be where it's coming from." Solars stumach grumbles. "Uh. Would you like to go get some food I've been flying for hours without anything to eat."
  10. @, "So this is Ponyville what a nice place. Thank you Thunder-Dash my name is SolarShadow." Shadow lifted his hoof up to hoof bump Thunder. Still nervous Solar begins to take a few steps forward. "Thunder-Dash is everyone here as friendly as you are?" he asks as he begins to worry about meeting everyone.
  11. @ Thunder-Dash SolarShadow looks around to see if anyone else is standing by him then looks back with a shocked look. "Ar-Are you Talking to me? i'm not sure where i am really is this ponyville?" Asks solar as he takes a step back to get a better look at unknown pony.
  12. It's midday in Ponyville the birds are singing and the smell of freshly baked cupcakes filled the air. Everypony was enjoying the beautiful day and why not enjoy this wonderful day for Hearts and Hooves day is just around the corner. SolarShadow Flies over the Everfree forest Searching for a town known as Ponyville. He has never been to Ponyville but he has heard of how friendly and caring everypony is that lives there. Hoping he could make new friends who won't fear him because of a unique occurrence that happens when he starts to fly at a fast speed. Finally after flying for hours and getting lost countless times he see's a town in the distance. "Could this be Ponyville" he wondered. Flying right to the edge of town he lands and looks at all the happy ponies. "Well Solar you can do this you can finally make some friends" he says to himself as he walks into town. (this is my first RP sorry if its not that good)
  13. Hey guys i was wondering where i can post a video on the forums. It's a video about well trying to help those bronies who are afraid to tell others they're a brony and that it's normal to feel that. i want others to see this video for one reason to know that they're not alone in this many people are afraid to tell others but changing who you are because you're afraid to tell them is worse then hiding it. I don't know becoming a brony that's pretty open about it has opened a lot of doors to friendships and i don't want them to miss out. I'll just post a link so you can view it yourself thanks guys.
  14. It's about time for me to head off to work what's everypony up to today?

  15. Huh interesting video good thing that Nickel guy is actually writing a script for the next one haha
  16. Haha that awesome moment when you tell a girl you're a Brony and they freak out.

  17. A pink Dragon awesome haha (or am i getting that wrong thats from pokemon right?)

    1. Fox801


      Why Why Why you have That Cars Game This is a sooooo bad idea. :P Joking :P

      I hope you fine someone you can play with Fore now Fox Out!! B)

    2. Solar Shadow

      Solar Shadow

      oh i did this is for a skit

  19. Solar Shadow

    request shop Drawing for practice.

    they weren't just met you blew them out of the water!
  20. Solar Shadow

    request shop Drawing for practice.

    That's amazing!! even better then i imagined thank you so much!
  21. Solar Shadow

    request shop Drawing for practice.

    yeah that's awesome!
  22. Solar Shadow

    request shop Drawing for practice.

    That's awesome! what would it look like with some black sun rays where its shaded? if you know what i mean?
  23. Alright don't do anything with that laptop tell it's fully fixed you don't want it to get messed up even more! everyone here should know what its like when their pc goes down.
  24. Sorry for the huge time gap between A Simple Memory chapters look forward to seeing the next part on tuesday

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