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Posts posted by JhonHipster

  1. I honestly think we should all just stay on the Internet the real world is no place for ponys and those who praise them. Just I cant imagine what bad stuff could happen.


    I think it's just best to remove all possibilitys of failure before it happens.

  2. thats one thing about all this fan stuff, one person believes something, it gets widely accepted, then Hasbro proves it wrong then hundreds of other theories come out and overall makes a mess.


    just another flaw that i have found in are community.

  3. lol read bout this on memebase.


    whoever organized bronycon cheaped out n cheap rent. any facility with good maintenance shouldn't have low pressure sodium bulbs catching fire.

  4. looks good id watch. although movies are almost never better then the book.


    im most intrested in how there going to get dashie into the movie. if the plan on cropping her into each individual frame they better plan on adding 4 years to the release date. even with the best programs its still going to be a painstaking process.

  5. Posted Image


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    • Nurse Readheart
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    • Starlight
    • Steamer
    • Stella
    • Storm
    • Strawberry Cream
    • Sun Streak
    • Sunset Bliss
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    • Time Turner
    • Toffee
    • Tourist Trap
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    • Tux n' Tails
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    • Vanilla Sweets
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    • Wacky hair Day and Spray
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    • Walter Coltchak
    • Welly
    • Wildwood Flower
    • William Wright
    • Winter withers
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    • Yooess Dee
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    • Blaze
    • Fire Streak
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    • Rapidfire
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    • Wave Chill
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    • Blossomforth
    • Blue Skies
    • Blue October
    • Blueberry Cloud
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    • Luke
    • Chocolate Blueberry
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    • Cloudchaser
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    • Deep Blue
    • Dewdrop
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    • Drizzle
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    • Flash Buld
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    • Great Scott
    • Green Gem
    • Helia
    • Honeysuckle
    • Hoops
    • Frosty Hooves
    • Icy Rain
    • Jack Hammer
    • Juicy Fruit
    • Lavendr Skies
    • Lightning Bolg
    • Lucy Packard
    • Madden
    • Medley
    • Merry May
    • Milky Way
    • Nana Knits
    • Opal Water Orange Blossom
    • Orange Box
    • Papermoon
    • Parasol
    • Parula
    • Peppermint
    • Pink Cloud
    • Prim Strider
    • Pumpkin Tart
    • Q.T. Prism
    • Rainbowshine
    • Raindrops
    • Velvet Hooves
    • Riverdance
    • Rivet
    • Sandstorm
    • Sassaflash
    • Score
    • Serenity
    • Silver Script
    • Silverspeed
    • Skyra
    • Snow Catcher
    • Snowflake
    • Spectrum
    • Star Hunter
    • Starburst
    • Stardancer
    • Suger Apple
    • Strawberry Sunrise
    • Suger Grape
    • Sunburst
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    • Sunny Rays
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    • Tiger Lily
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    • Bue Belle
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    • Chocolate Tail
    • Cinnabelle
    • Comet Tail
    • Diamond Mint
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    • Earl Grey
    • Eliza
    • Clockwork
    • Fleur de Lis
    • Spring Fresh
    • Graphite
    • Holly Dash
    • Hors D'oeuvore
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    • Jazz
    • Jenny
    • Jet Set
    • Jolene
    • Katt Apples
    • Lemon Hearts
    • Lemon Tart
    • Lonsdaleite
    • Marey Felock
    • Maxie
    • May Ball
    • Minuette
    • Mochaccino
    • Neon Lights
    • Nixie
    • North Pole
    • Rosaline
    • Orchid Dew
    • Berry Pierce
    • Pixie
    • Pokey Pierce
    • Ponet
    • Primrose
    • Pristine
    • Raty
    • Night Shade
    • Rosewood Brook
    • Sea Swirl
    • South Pole
    • Star Bright
    • Sky Dream
    • Strawberry Lime
    • Sugerberry
    • Swan Dive
    • Sweet Dreams
    • Top Notch
    • Twinkleshine
    • Upper Crust
    • Vance Van Vandington
    • Starbeam Twinkle
    • Written Script
    • Alula
    • Apple Bytes
    • Archer
    • Atlas
    • Bee Bop
    • Berry Pinch
    • Bloo
    • Blueberry Cake
    • Checkered Flag
    • Cheery
    • Chip Mint
    • Coronet
    • Cotton Cloudy
    • Cotton Top
    • Cream Puff
    • Cyan Skies
    • Dinky Doo
    • Doctor Whooves Jr.
    • Fruitbasket
    • Grace Lightning
    • Half Note
    • High Score
    • Honey Drop
    • Hot Wheels
    • Lance
    • Lemon Daze
    • Lickety Split
    • Lily Dache
    • Little Hoof
    • Mango Dash
    • Muffin
    • Noi
    • Nursery Rhyme
    • Peachy Petal
    • Peachy Pie
    • Pina Colada
    • Pink Feather
    • Purpleskies
    • Rainy Feather
    • Royal Blue
    • Rumble
    • Shady Daze
    • Strike
    • Sun Glimmer
    • Sunny Daze
    • Sweet Pop
    • Tootsie Flute
    • Tornado Bolt
    • Truffle Shuffle
    • Crafty Crate
    • Green Gem
    • Jack Hammer
    • Rivet
    • Spectrum
    • Star Hunter
    • Sunburst
    • Tin Tailor
    • Meadow Song
    • Twilight Sky
    • Horte Cuisine
    • Lucy Packard
    • Master
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    • Red Gala
    • Golden Glory
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    Let me know if I missed anypony ;)


    mlp wiki back ground ponys *cough cough*

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