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Fire Lily

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Posts posted by Fire Lily

  1. Lily threw her coat down on the couch ignoring the possibility of someone sleeping there shortly. "Well I guess we're stuck here for a while, I'm not sure that even I'd want to go out in that, at least as long as we have supplies anyway. There seems to be food in the kitchen and fuel for a fire so we don't seem to be in any immediate danger someone isn't telling us." She looked around the room at everypony trying to avoid the subject of the basement. 

  2. Angel was still pretending to feel small when Dax pointed out the stars. Not having a dad was just part of life to her, sun rises, school bell rings, goes home to just mom. Though it did bug a very large part of her when she saw other ponies getting picked up by their dads, or playing catch, or even just father's day, she tried her best to just ignore it. The way her mom acted when he was mentioned told her it really wasn't a good idea to push the issue at all. 


    She listened wide eyed go Dax's story as it was one she'd never heard before, either from her mom or in school. "So you're saying I'm like Zanari...alone, but not alone. It does make me feel a little better, even if he never did promise. One day when mom was distracted she said he left right before I was born." She said letting her ears flop back down again. 


    "it really bugs her more than it does me since I never met him, just kind of feels weird sometimes, not having one. Thanks for trying to cheer me up anyway." She said managing just a small filly sized smile. 

    • Brohoof 1
  3. @@Randimaxis

    Angel walked beside Dax while staring at the ground, hanging out with big ponies all by herself wasn't something she was used to and wasn't something she placed very high on the fun scale. 


    "My mom's pretty cool I guess, she lets me explore after school and stuff. Her and I don't talk a lot though except for dinner, she's usually busy working somewhere, she never says where really, just here and there." 


    Angel's ears flopped all the way down and she tried to seem small for once in her life though. "I don't have a dad though, at least not here. Mom won't really talk about it, or him, other than the red in my wings is from him, she said he had red in his too. She also say's he's not comming back from wherever, I hope she's wrong though." 

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Angel looks over at Dax hesitantly, he didn't seem to mean her any harm yet, but she's still learned to be cautious. Diamond Tiara seemed nice to her too before pushing her over and stealing her lunch. "Well I suppose you could, mom says not to be talking to strange ponies though, and it is getting dark out. But I'm not too familiar with the forest myself so as long as you don't tell her where we were or what we were doing it'll be ok." She looks at Dax with a small smile, "besides, it's more fun walking with someone than going alone." 




    She bounced over to Blitz and gave her a quick hug. "I'll try my best to talk my mom into letting me out tomorrow. Hopefully we can find more of those weird leaves you're looking for." She walked back over by Dax and started walking back out of the forest. 

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Lily wandered around the cabin wondering idly why the basement door was locked too, she decided not to say anything just yet to the others though. "Well since everyone else is being so generious I'll take one of the beds to myself then." She was halfway up the stairs to the bedrooms when she heard Sparkle call out from below and she decided to head down to see what she had found. 

  6. So I do kind of have a plan to bring Lily in, if we skip to the next day I could have Angel explain it all to her and go from there with whatever happens. Of course if it all happens the same day that's fine too, I can work with it either way.


    edit: also sorry if that was less "Angel" than usual, I kind of lose the ability to type like a kid when my sleep schedule is so far off. Also She's kind of weird to write for in general but that's another story. 

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Angel looks sheepishly between Dax and Blitz. "I think I should be thanking you two if anything...for not kicking me out. Most ponies just tell me to get out and go away when they see me somewhere they wern't expecting me to be, or that I'm not really supposed to be. You two are the first ones that caught me and didn't yell, or treat me like just a little filly." 



    She looked back at Blitz "I'm not so sure about asking around the big ponies, at least for that being my job anyway. LIke I said most of them know what I get up to and they don't really care for me poking around in their business even if I don't mean to do any harm, I just like exploring." she said slightly blushing. 


    She looked over to where Blitz was pointing. "I've never seen one of those timberthingys before. But if they're scared of you I'm sure it can't be too dangerous though...right?" Angel was trying her absolute hardest not to look afraid in front of her new...Friends? She didn't have many of those but these certain seemed like some, and they seemed to consider her one. 


    "It looks like it's getting kind of dark out, are you sure we're going to go chase them tonight instead of in the morning. Mom knows I like to be out late but I do need to be home before it gets too dark." 

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I'd be interested in doing one. As for genere I'm good for almost anything, SoL, romance, adventure, horror, only thing I don't really touch on much is crossovers but it would really have to depend on the scenario. Lily would be my go to for anything action/adventure/etc.. While I'd use Dusk more for SoL/romance since I'm working on developing her character more. 

  9. @@C. Thunder Dash


    Well I was going to send you a pm but it's not going to let me so I'll just put it here. 


    For the first movement it's kind of hard to break it up when I'm not using real chords per se. Even worse when you're going into way more theory then someone that taught himself knows ;) 

    But I'm tuned a whole step down (for this song anyway, usually I play in C standard) so that would have to be adjusted too for the chords I think. Basicly the "root" I guess I started with is 2nd fret D string and 4th fret G string and played everything else open, picking around it and moving that shape up and down the fretboard. so let's start with what you think of that for advising the change to the first movement keeping that in mind and going from there. 

  10. Angel stopped dead in her tracks when Blitz started staring at her, the look in her eyes scared Angel slightly. "Umm...ideas...well, what kind of stuff have you made before? I mean you're pretty good with ponies, you could do us, or mom, or even him!" She said while staring over at Dax excitedly. 


    "Aww why were you kicked out of school? Is it because you make cool things and they just didn't like it? Well I like you anyway, even if you did get kicked out" Angel said while quickly giving her new friend a reassuring hug. Angel still wasn't used to the whole hugging random ponies thing but this one had hugged her a few times already so she figured she might as well go for it herself. 


    "About this Pinkie Pie..I've seen posters for parties and stuff around town with her name on it. Maybe that's what she does?" She said turning back over to Dax. She hoped she wasn't giving too much away about seeing the posters, normally they were placed only in areas where big ponies could see them. But she had wings and could fly up there so as far as she was concerned she was a big pony, just not quite sized right. 


    "All I know about the elements is that one time Princess Twilight was in town eating a hayburger and this one filly said something about going to meet her and maybe getting my cutie mark. So I went out there with some of my friends and all I saw was exactly that, a pony eating a burger. Really boring in my opinion, she didn't even say hi or anything. I think that pink one you two were talking about was there too. We learned in school that Princess Twilight holds the element of magic, we haven't talked about anything else yet though..." Angel said looking down sheepishly. When she got exciting she tended to talk and talk and talk and a lot of ponies found it extremely annoying. She was hoping she wasn't making her new friends mad. 

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Well I actually did redo the second part and didn't save it. I really planned on it being more of a tribal feel that didn't come out there, maybe it's just not suited well for a solo guitar though? if you listen to Let's Shake Some Dust by Volbeat kind of what the beat is like there is what I'm thinking of, just less western.

  12. I hope this is in the right place.


    Here's the story. A couple years back I started working on a theme for my OC Lily. It went through about 4 key changes, eventually ending in a variation of Fm achieved through detuning my guitar. However it never got finished. It was supposed to start off painting a picture of the Everfree Forest in a cold, dark, winters night and move through some happier and sad movements. I never got the transistions right and I was never happy with it.


    Here's where this one comes in. One day back in May I was still trying to play with it and getting nowhere. Eventually I broke off on something different and this happened. Totally different to what I normally do and I wanted to know if it's something I should work on more, still inspired by the Everfree though. And I'm finally brave enough to post it to get opinions or maybe some advice on how to make it better, I already have some plans though.


    It's in four movements, first one is entering the forest and noticing something in the trees, the second is being chased by the something, third is entering a peaceful clearing, and the fourth is returning back to ponyville...I think, haven't listened to it in ages myself.

    This is just a demo, please ignore the loud buzzing in the beginning, no idea what that is and too lazy to remove it.

    2015-05-30 (1).mp3

    • Brohoof 2
  13. Well to put it from my point of view...It's like being invited to a party at 5 but all your friends told you 7 so you show up late and miss it. Just kind of annoys me that something that was made with mention to my character kind of got finished while I was sleeping. I can keep on top of Angel, with Dusk it feels like I'm never supposed to sleep, time zones blah blah blah. I'll bring Dusk back in a later storyline. 

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