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Everything posted by FancyHorse

  1. @ From the storage locker the Arms master brings out a reinforced leather armored suit. The insignia of the dark star printed on the left paldroun, on the right a white print of a unicorn head. "Ammo is on resupply. If you need more munitions you'll have to apply for a reorder ticket." He says. @ Sydney nods, "I think a lot of people know how those guys are." She responds
  2. @ Sydney smirks at him, "well aren't you just fancy taking charge like that." She says in a playful manner. The squad returns onto it's usual patrol following the western wall. "West ruins secure. " Sydney says via portable radio. "Copy that. Got you on over watch passing by corner tower. I'll keep a far eye out." A unit replies
  3. @ The trooper is propped up against a dumpster. "He should be okay. Just a burn. He's lucky his armor held up." Sydney says. The trooper smiles at the squad, "We appreciate the help you guys." He says, he picks up his service rifle and the trooper squad departs heading back to McCarran. @ The arms master examines Twitch's acquisition form. "Okay okay... One moment." He says turning to the storage crates. Returning back with a long barreled grenade rifle (not launcher), a grenade sling pouch(with grenades) and a .22 submachine gun and laying out three large circular magazines along with a small 9mm pistol. "Light or Medium armor?" He asks
  4. @ With his trained accuracy, Connor earns a clean hit, more like burning kill, on the metallic armored fiend as the laser bolt zaps through his armor, a clean home can be seen as he begins to collapse. The surviving fiend begins to panic. As he makes a run, the troopers below gun him down with accurate fire. @ @ With the Arms Master busy with the ghoul, an NCR trooper approaches the two. "I can finish your gear acquisition. Please show me your files." He says "All hostiles down!" Sydney calls out to Connor.
  5. @ Sydney and Kim sprint forward rushing to the troopers position, the other fellow troopers peak out adding additional suppressing fire. Sydney and Kim pick up the trooper beginning to haul him back. "No no! Shoot the big one!" One of the fiends shout, his armor a thick heavy metal as, he points to Connors position. The fiends then fire their weapons wildly at Connor.
  6. @ Ahead of his position, three raiders fire away their scavenged energy weapons wildly at the NCR trooper positions, Two troopers are taking cover near a concrete ruin wall. An injured third trooper clinches his side in pain, his position nearer to the fiends as he his hidden by a corner wall. Sydney and Kim enter onto the street. "Suppressing!" Sydney says loudly firing at the group of fiends, holding position at the end of said street.
  7. @ The Arms master turns around hearing Twitch's laugh, he is adorned in heavy black painted power armor. He gives a narrow expression. "hey! Put those down !" He commands, "You didn't even receive your authorization release." He says. (Filler just filler fill) @ "Copy that." Sydney replies. The two move along the in low crouch run. The gunfire continues along with echoing srhouts. "I could use some fucking help!" A voice shouts out, possibly a trooper. Moving along down a ruined alley Connor sees a clearing into the next street where the gun battle rages. He follow into the near by ruins to an upper position via stairs, or have think cover by the large dumpers?
  8. @@Firehearted[/b) The officer begins rummaging about through the file "Alright Mr. Loyd." He says opening said file stamping and approval note, "Head to the armory to get geared up." He says pointing down to a ramp way. @ "Alright sir." She replies looking through the alphabetically arranged files taking out the correct. Without a hesitation she stamps an approval. "Just head down to the armory for your equipment." She says @ After being given his release. Twitch is sent down to the armory along with Atlas and Lou
  9. @ They both nod agreeing... From in the distance they can hear gunfire echo in the ruins. Sydneys radio on her hip chattering, "Anyone got uhhh that there gunfire. On west wall?" A static voice says, "Affirmative. We'll check it out." Sydney responds She and Kim begin a brisk jog into the ruins to investigate @ @ The recruits await in line as their final process. Atlas and Lou in separate lines as they approach to the desks. "Hello there. Name please." The male officer asks Atlas. "Hello there sir. Name please?" A female officer asks Lou. The terminal is filled with chatter as the place packs up.
  10. @[/b] Sydney keeps her eyes focused to the right watching for hostiles. Kim following along behind her. "Oh I've been with them from the start. Long time member." She says (Sydney from Fallout 3) Kim follows the pattern, watching the right side. "When I came from California I had a few years of service from the troopers. Thought it'd be a good way to put my skills to use." Kim replies
  11. @ "Sydney, and that's Kim." The tall woman responds, Kim readies her Trail carbine. She is adorned in her reinforced armor. Sydney in her black combat armor. Connor and the lady duo exits from the camp beginning their walk along the wall the west path moving past El Roy motel. (Forgot to add this but your armor has been marked with the Unicorn emblem representing your company which is one of the occupying merc divisions in New Vegas.)
  12. @ Connor approaches toward the main gate seeing the terminal desk outside. Two others both are female. The first one places her scan card on the swipe. The terminal flashes green before showing results. "All set." She says readies her RCW. Her hair at a medium length and black colored, and just as tall to Connor without his armor. The shorter woman scans next, "All set." She responds. The taller woman looks to Conner. "Wanna tag along?" They ask
  13. @ "Well... You could go check with patrol schedule. Just outside in the yard by radio control tower. Oh you'll need this number." He says returning to the desk and pulling it a slip "Access code 2032. Its like your ID code you could say. A clock in number. This let's us monitor what units have been on active patrol." He says. "Let me rephrase. Terminal at the control tower is for wall guards. At the main gate is for ground patrol. Once punched in you'll be assigned a patrol route." He says
  14. @ Shorty loosens the pressure valves. Connor gains 2 plus strength points but losses 2 agility points. "You can have this pair." He says from his desk he hands him a pair of sunglasses. "Alright then. Testing air conditioner." He says flipping another small switch on the back. A cool jet of air begins flowing throughout the suit, relieving him of the dry air inside. "Alright you're good to go."
  15. @ Shorty looks about for it. "One moment." He says. Returning to the crates he rummages about to the crates. He returns holding a black painted combat helmet. "Not a power helmet I know but it'll keep ya cranium safe." He says He helps secure the paldrouns on Connors shoulders. He turns to the hydraulic tanks on his armor. "gonna activate the hyrda couplets. Tell me when you feel the pressure." He, says beginning to activate them via valve
  16. @ Opening up he takes out the armor pieces individually. With them all layed about he begins equipping them onto Connors body. "If the internal air conditioner doesn't work you let me know okay?" Shorty asks connecting first the leggings. Unfortunately this armor doesn't seem to have a helmet.
  17. @ "I'll take a look around.." He says, returning to his search He returns bringing back a simple outfit (merc grunt outfit) "Couldn't find it in. But these can substitute." He says handing him the outfit. He gestures him forward to a locker. "Let's get you armored up."
  18. @ "I'm gonna assume you have eyes and see I'm looking like a, walking tank. Just messing with you. Like I said we've got a supply of t45d power armor. Now usually we'd have to give additional training for it. But you've already got the skill so you're good to go." He says to him.
  19. @[/b] Shorty chuckles at his miniature episode of praising the weapon. "Standard sidearm however does have lead." He says having him a black polished 10mm pistol. It's condition seeming near flawless with the occasional scratch on it, but superior to those 9mm crap sidearms of the troopers. "And I'll skip the next question, you'll be wanting a suit of power armor. Acquisitioners with the NCR Quartermasters are bitch faces so you'll have to use our standard issue until they approve your armor into our catalog." He says
  20. @ "Okay okay... Boss told you were coming. So I did a little picketing. " he steps back and rummages through the crates and lockers. He returns with a what seems like an AE14 Model laser rifle. With his energy weapon knowledge [skill of 75] unlike the common model, this one Connor can tell has a phase enhance at the muzzle meaning it's got more power. And unlike normal laser, this one can penetrate armor rather then simply scorching it. And has a nice blue paint. "It's not like your Enclave weaponry but I know it'll serve you better then that cheaper variant." Shorty says.
  21. @ Red slightly blushes but smiles anyway. Back in the armory a small line has formed. One by one each is assigned to their role, starting weapon, and is given a choice of armor. Connor approaches to the desk, a short T45d power armored Asian man awaits. He has a broad chin and a narrow expression but displays a sense of pride. "I'm Arms Master Shorty. Skip the cheesy short jokes and let me see your file please." He says looking up at Connor.
  22. @ She looks back up to him, "Oh well my name tag should- oh." She looks to her breastplate, her name tag absent from its spot. "Op. Forgetful me. Anyway, everyone just calls Red. I'm the chief medical officer." She responds, "Nice to meet you Connor." She greets with her warm smile.
  23. @ She begins rummaging about looking through the plethora of identify files. "Mr. ... Connigan." She whispers opening the yellow tint file and placing a stamp onto the approval box below the information sheet. "You're good to go. Turn this in to the armory and they'll get you set up." She says smiling handing him then file
  24. @@arkman575 "It's the city. Gotta pay money to have utilities dear." He replies Using his phone he uses it to illuminate his way about into the kitchen. From one of the cabinets he takes out an LED lantern fashioned in the style of an old oil lamp. Flicking the switch it lights up almost both kitchen and living room. He returns setting the lantern down on thecoffee table. ---- As Fizzy Potion exits entering is Twilight. seeing the sight of her mentor wrecks with grief. "P-princess?" She calls out carefully approaching.
  25. @ Connor approaches into line awaiting his turn. After the line decreases he approaches to an African American woman, like the rest of the mercenaries she adorns black combat armor. But like the commander at first she wears a black beret upon her head. She must be high ranked officer. She looks up to Connor. "Good day. Just state your full name please." She says kindly adjusting her glasses
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