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Everything posted by FancyHorse

  1. @ One of the coach drawers looks to Kelly, " مهلا ماذا تفعل؟!? " he demands, "He's asking what are you doing? I get you are eager to do something but let him do his job, you'll get yours." Ahaban says to her. The rest of the squads of company four soon begin to depart from the tent and loading onto their coaches.
  2. @ @ @ Ahaban looks to his squad mates, "Come along." He orders and they follow along as they leave the tent. The squad makes its way along down camp, "We'll be transferred to one of the operating posts near Mri'n lik, one of the villages." He says, Approaching near a convoy of carts, they approach one of the coach drawers, a large brown stallion, a native. " مرحبا هناك. ." He speaks to Ahaban " أنا مستعد لإنهاء." He replies, "You guys load onto the coach." He commands
  3. @ @ @ The commander examines through a list of names, "Alrighty, assigning for purple squad, Operator Steelwings step forward, "I'll be assigning you with... Hmm.. These three look promising, I need Star Synth, Void Crawler and... Kelly. You all will be assigned as squad members." He finishes Ahaban nods replying, " أنا أفهم. " he speaks in his native tongue.
  4. @ @ @ A tall uniformed stallion enters, "Alright everypony! I want your undivided attention please." The gruff old pony commands, his voice backed with age. "Welcome to company 4 gentlecolts (meaning just in general everyone) I'm gonna tell first, everyone could be a threat while on your stay. Don't let your guard down for anything." He says All the ponies gather about near the center table, "I'll be assigning each of you your operators, they'll be assisting as a squad advisor. Bear with me please." He says as he rummages about searching through his folders and log books.
  5. @ "I said, good to meet you." He n responds with a chuckle, "You'll be hearing that language quite a lot." He says observing the other ponies. "You gonna be our medical pony?" He asks looking at her noting the medical band on her fore hoof. (lots of lovely filler ehy?)
  6. @ @ @ Ahaban smiles at the twos embrace, and cheerful greeting but noticing over a mare entering in confident fashion. Ahaban, walks over to Synth. "Hey there, جيد أن نرى لك.. " he says to here speaking a bit in his native tongue to her. The tent is now a Bussel of chatter as the ponies await for briefing.
  7. @ @ Ahaban smiles at the familiar changeling. "Very small yeah.. " he responds. He looks over to Kelly as, she enters inside seeming lost, "Miss? You alright?" He asks, he and the changeling approach to the mare. More ponies begin entering into the tent. (filler filler) @ "Good to see you. So I appreciate your help for the past months but our problems are moving out from the camp sites, " the stallion says, "I'll be assigning you to one of contract groups. They need all the medical help they can. Now I know you didn't sign off a danger waver but I'll be adding a little extra for your regular compensation." He says handing her a tag with number 4 on it.
  8. @ "Report to tent number 4. Better hurry they're about to start." The guard pony says. Kelly then begins making her way toward the tent barracks looking for number 4. The heat was blazing down onto the camp as the afternoon approaches. (minor filler la filler] @ Synth is returned to the infirmary tent, a couple of injured ponies lay about onto the the beds lated out, the nurse brings her to a small office space, "The head doctor will want to see you. Now." She, says opening the door. Inside awaiting is a brown stallion dressed in his medical coat, "Please come on in." The doctor says
  9. @ @ The line continues decreasing smaller size as each are assigned to a task force. "Kelly. Hmm simple name." He says as he waits for the pony to step forward, A nurse, pony approaches Synth, "there you are what are you doing here? The infirmary needs you." The nurse pony says pulling her out from line.
  10. @ The changeling arrives at Tent four, a sign outside says, operational assigning. Entering inside, the air is a bit cooler, stuffy yet cool. You and other ponies wait about near a center table, from the other side tent flab another pony enters, this one different from the rest. Unlike normal Equestrian ponies, this ones legs are slimmer and his head a bit more narrow, the pony pulls down his shemag revealing a familiar face (Ahaban) . @ Kelly marches along lining up with the mares. "Thorny Rose " an operator says, a pink and white mare approaching taking her tag.
  11. @ Eulogy heard the soft sniffles and continued holding the sad little mare in his warm embrace. "Everything will be okay sweetie." He say softly to her. He didn't want to tell her. He couldn't stand to hurt with sad truths but she didn't deserve a lie. He promised that when she gets older, he'll explain everything.
  12. @ ,"Void Crawler." His name is called, trotting up and he receives his tag, with the number 4 on it. "Report to brief tent number four for assigning." The pony says. @ @ One of the armored ponies approaches, "Hey! What are you standing around for? Get to assigning process." He commands pointing to the line of ponies
  13. @ He pulls back his hand noting her seriousness, he sighs sadly, "Luna dear... You... You don't have a mother." He responds to her sadly. "I'm sorry baby girl." He says to her trying to ease from erupting into tears or such. He holds the filly into his arms "I'm sorry Luna." He whispers
  14. @ Eulogy gives a surprised and saddened look. "I... I don't know where you mother is..." He replies holding her close to him. To quickly try to change subject, he quickly begins tickling at under her forehoof, then following it up with toward her belly. (minor filler)
  15. @ He kneels down and examines the picture, he can't help but smile, his cheeks flushing red. "Luna dear... Its wonderful." He says petting her happily. "You're very talented. I love it." He says in approval. He scoops up the little filly in his arms giving her a good nuzzling.
  16. @[/b] After my first experiences on the first contact war, nothing became more important then showing the prowess of all Ponykind. (Also side note I've actually made a Mass Effect based ask thread on being the legit Illusive Pony x3 http://mlpforums.com/topic/110726-ask-the-illusive-pony-mass-effect-mlp-crossover/#entry3113491
  17. @ The clock reaches roughly sometime into the 3o'clock range, the familiar rumbling of the rattling engine approaches as Eulogy pulls in. He exits and shuts the metallic door and unlocks the door. "Luna? I'm back." He announces, seeing the cute filly on the living room floor with her assortment of coloring pencils and papers, he can't help but chuckle.
  18. @ He kneels down and kisses her forehead, "I promise your. I'll take you out again." He says smiling. Petting her head gently he them exits, shutting the door behind him. She hears the vehicle outside start up and from the window he gives another look to her mouthing the words, "I love you." Before pulling out and driving on.
  19. Eulogy gives a concerned look and kneels down pettingher gently, "Luna. Its not you. You haven't done anything wrong." He says trying to reassure her. "Now I'll be back later today okay?" He asks and gives a gentle hug. Eulogy always thought it was difficult to leave the young filly alone. @ Eulogy gives a concerned look and kneels down pettingher gently, "Luna. Its not you. You haven't done anything wrong." He says trying to reassure her. "Now I'll be back later today okay?" He asks and gives a gentle hug. Eulogy always thought it was difficult to leave the young filly alone.
  20. @ @ The mare gives a smirk and trots along. "Alright now." The gruff stallion says, I'm assigning camp listings, when I call your name step forward and take your company tag." He says, another pony joining by his side holding a bag. "Masher Mouth." He calls, a large red muscular earth pony approaches taking a tag and heads on toward the barrack tents. "Orange slices." He says, next a small orange earth stallion approaches, his torso equipped with a leather chest piece and front hoof guards, a sword draped on his flank....the names continue.
  21. @ Eulogy gives a concerned appearance, he looks down to the sweet filly, "Luna some people... Erm... This place has a lot of bad people... And some haven't met you... And..." He ponders on what to say next... "They... Just I don't think they are ready to see you, they could react... Bad." He finishes trying to sound simple for her to understand.
  22. @ What exactly do you not understand? I'll be happy to answer any questions I can.
  23. @ In quick panic Eulogy scoops up the filly and quickly retreats back inside shutting the door "Forgot about that mutt." He grumbles and sighs relaxing holding the little filly. "That was too close." He says to her and places her down onto the living room floor.
  24. @ Eulogy takes a seat on the porch steps watching her run around happily, trotting, jumping and rolling about in the dew saturated grass. The dew drops adding more to the sparking in her hair. Eulogy can't help but smile as his cheeks flush about watching her display her joy. Knowing that this is real.
  25. @ Eulogy looks at the back door, he seems to ponder a bit, thinking about the risks of discovery and such... But couldn't deny his little princess. He smiles and looks to the clock, "Huh.. Got some time to spare. Come on." He says leading her to the back door opening it up, the door leading to and enclosed fenced area. The small patch area is simply open grass.
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