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Everything posted by Firehearted

  1. @@Lightning Bliss, "Shhh. Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you" He tried his best to calm down the frantic princess. "I'm not some evil pony out for your blood" He held her tight not letting her weak kicking loosen his grip. "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, even Boom" Atlas had never thought about it that way. Not now though. Thinking is for later. Now is for action. "What happened to Seth? If you feel to weak say then I'll ask later once we get you somewhere safe" His words were earnest and true with his low and hopefully comforting voice.
  2. @@Bada3oom Box, "King? Ha! Like I would bow to a monster like you!" He shouted at the wolf still full of rage. What little logic still in his head confirmed what Seth er... Whoever had said. If he did something he shouldn't he'd never be let back into that house. He looked back at LB now in the mud. "You want her? Come get her!" Atlas flew behind him scooping up the Alicorn in his forelegs now covered in mud. "I don't want to hurt you" He cooed to her. "I'm still Atlas from the cabin. Please don't struggle" Even if she did it wouldn't get her anywhere. She was much too weak and Atlas was much stronger than he used to be. "Forgot I could fly, mutt?!" Atlas shouted down to the wolf. He looked down at Boom and Lust. He'd just left Boom to fend for herself. All he could do was watch from the sky. It was up to her to run or fight now.
  3. @@Hypn0ticD, "What? How do you expect me to use this?" He looked at the strange black object. "A fancy mirror? Do you expect to flash down a Pegasus with it?" Atlas laughed at his own silly suggestion. "And you go calling me crazy. What's a phone anyway? Thank you" Atlas sat down on the couch like he had any other couch. Okay, that kinda felt awkward. Do these bend like this? No. Okay... Maybe just sitting. Atlas sat down like he had back in the street. his arms down supporting his upper body and his legs sprawled out awkwardly. "How do you not know what Equestria is? It's only the biggest and most powerful land in the known world. Didn't you go to school? You know, the three pony nations, Earth Ponies, Unicorns , and Pegasi, after years of bickering moved to a new land and settled what would later be Equestria? How about Discord? Tried to forcefully take over Equestria on many occasions. Ring a bell?"
  4. Problems of living on a military base

  5. @@Bada3oom Box,@@arkman575, @@Lightning Bliss, "Daddy!" Two Bits ran into the arms of her father. After some cooing from Done Deal he turned to look at Atlas What? How? Atlas looked at his clean white coat in shock to see drops of blood in his forelegs. How?! This was bad. Real bad! "Atlas... What are you hiding?" A simple request. Nothing out o the ordinary for the situation at hand. "I-I... I can't tell you. I had to do it though. If I hadn't I may have done something rash" Atlas took a step toward them but Done Deal covered her daughter and stepped back. He shook his head at the pegasus. It was soul crushing. Atlas could have broken down right then and there. "Fine then. I hope we can meet again" Atlas didn't know if that would happen. "I'm still Atlas. Remember that" "Uncle Atlas?" "Not now honey. Atlas has some... problems right now" With that Atlas screeched back the guest room and grabbed his gear. Where'd Boom go? The window. she had gone after Lighting Bliss. Atlas grabbed Boom's bags as well and flew out the window. "Boom! We gotta get outa here!" then he saw Seth running after Lighting Bliss. His eyes went red with rage. That wolf. "SETH!" Atlas boomed with the voice akin to a demon. Atlas landed next to Boom. "LEAVE US!" His eyes were glowing with anger. "Why do you hate us!? Why do you want to fuck up my life more that you already have!? I only want to live my life!" Lighting Bliss lay behind him. She was fleeing the wolf. What? Something was wrong, oh so very wrong. "Have you turned on your friend's as well?! What do you want from us?!"
  6. @@Hypn0ticD, This whole place was weird. Atlas just had a bad feeling all over despite the whole not-his-body thing. Atlas looked at Colette as if she was insane when she suggested he stand like her. After a flat look and much difficulty Atlas was walking on his tow hind legs occasionally stopping to regain his balance. He had grabbed the clothing he found himself with and was carrying them. In his mouth. For Atlas is was perfectly normal. No bags? Mouth it is. Didn't taste good but what else was he going to do? The world around him seemed... off. It wasn't his. But it had to be! He reasoned. It's not like random new worlds were a thing. Right? Atlas stepped into the house. She was a bit too peachy about calling up someone. "So where's your paper and letters? If I plan to get outa here I'm going to need to send a letter to the embassy. Ya'll have an Equestrian Embassy, right? I've never heard of America so maybe not. If that is true then I can send through the Griffon Embassy" He dropped the clothing still in his mouth onto the floor. No need to carry it farther than needed. "I don't think I've actually introduced myself. I am Atlas Lightfeather. Just call me Atlas. Mind if I sit down on your couch or something? I really don't think walking like this is healthy. Oh and thanks for letting me send something from your home" Atlas still felt weird about all this. Whatever had happened to him should be easily fixed. He could just get some help from some mages in Canterlot and be done with this whole weird body thing.
  7. @@arkman575, @@Lightning Bliss,@@Bada3oom Box, "What the hell has gotten into you, Seth..." Lighting Bliss was laying nearby dying. "Damn you. Put down Two Bits or I swear to Celestia I will end your miserable fucking life" Atlas's eyes faced red in anger. "What?" Done watched confused. "But I will not bend to you. You revealed your trump card. You would never hurt the filly. You have no leverage" Atlas was playing with fire and he knew it. One wrong move and... Done listened in horror. What the hell was Atlas thinking? "I have not attacked royalty. I ran from you. You lie to the father of a filly you are holding hostage for your selfish ends. If so much as lay a corrupt claw of yours on her you will never be safe again. I will have every asset I have hunt you. With enough time I can assemble a small army. Your status as a diplomat won't save you from the law. I will make sure not even your own homeland will protect you, Celestia help me" "I-Is what he says true, Atlas?" Atlas turned to Done his eyes still red. He looked back at Seth not answering.
  8. @@Hypn0ticD, "Yeah, an earth pony. You know? No wings or horn. Just hooves, a strong back, and can pack a buck" Human? What the hell was that? He was a pegasus and he would not deny it. "A human? Don't know what that is but I ain't that. I'm a pegasus or was rather..." Call someone? Why not? "Fine. If you can get ahold of one of my friends sure... And what kind of question is that? Of course I can walk" Atlas began to walk on his hands and knees. "Ow. Ouch. Eck" He made whatever random pain noise came out as whatever small rock or something of the like hit his hands. "Question. Where are we? Not as int he town but where as int he country? Dragon country? The Griffon Kingdom? Sure ain't Equestria that's for sure"
  9. @@Torrent505, I acted fast. "If you can fight, Scrap now is the time" "I'm sorry, sir. I am not authorized to conduct hostile actions" "Screw you too" Scrap beeped in confusion as I jumped to Eric's aid. "Well can you at least talk to that thing? You can speak English" I laid down on the ground and grabbed Eric's arm just above where the hose was holding him. I held on for dear life (Or Eric's rather) trying to use my own body weight to hold him where he was. Sure I didn't weight too much but it would have to do.
  10. @@Lightning Bliss, @@arkman575, "I'll do anything" Done pleaded his whole body shaking. "Anything! D-Do you want money? I can get you more then you could ever want! I won't call the police either! Just please put her down" He was on his knees in front of Seth still at a reasonable distance. "P-Please" He cried to the dangerous wolf. Atlas stepped into the room completely unaware of the situation. "Something wrong, Done?" He asked as he approached. "Where's Two Bits?" The question was swiftly answered as he got into angle to see the hostage situation. Seth? What? "You... You bastard" What? Seth was supposed to be the cool reasonable diplomat. Was he really this desperate to get them? "Put her down" Atlas ordered caution in his stance. Lighting Bliss? What was she doing here? She wouldn't take part nor approve of this. That was the least thing on Atlas's mind though. Two Bits was more important. @@Bada3oom Box, Two Bits looked around worried. She may have been a filly but she understood danger. Her eyes locked on Atlas. "Uncle Atlas!" She screamed a begging tone in her voice. The ear piercing scream could be heard about the house.
  11. @@arkman575, Done Deal heard the door open and checked the clock hanging in his study. Must be Two Bits. He thought. With a small smile he got up from his seat and began to walk to the entry hall. He loved his daughter. She was the world to him. Done wouldn't know what do if something happened to her. "Two Bits! Guess who's here to stay with us for a bit!" He called as he entered. He stopped dead in his tracks. His face went white and blood ran cold. Two Bits looked up at her father in pure terror. "Put my daughter down... I'll do anything you want. Just, please put her down" He pleaded his lower lip trembling a bit. Boom wasn't kidding about the hearing. "You stay here. I'll go see what Two Bits needs" Atlas walked at a causal pace to the entry hall. A hurt pony? Here? Weird. Two Bits was a smart pony though. Something might have been up or she could just be exaggerating it.
  12. @@Bada3oom Box, "Sounds good" He tentatively listened to Boom's bit on magic. "Voice mutilation? Now I think that one sounds cool. So how does that work? I just think of a voice and say something?" Okay, Atlas had to admit that was something that he kinda wanted to do. Atlas sighed, stopped, and look down. Her face... He had just- Stop that thought. Think later. Talk now. He got back to speed wiping any sigh of worry and anguish away. "What are you getting at? Yes, I do remember the whole segment on powers. Next thing you're going to tell me I can turn into a bat" He laughed at the idea. "I can't do that right?" He added seriously. the far off sound told Atlas the front door had shut. "Two Bits is home" With another sigh Atlas flopped onto the bed. "The past few days have been tiring... Mentally at least. Just..." He flipped onto his back staring at the ceiling. "I still don't feel good about this... That mare... All this fighting in my head..." He put his hooves in his face sitting up. "Something outside?" Atlas questioned seeing Boom look out the widow his voice a bit glum.
  13. @@Bada3oom Box, "Why'd I get out? Cause I can't stand being near them now. Not after the cabin" Atlas whispered to Boom not letting Done Deal hear anything. "Hey, Done. Mind if we stay the night at your place for a bit. We're kinda hiding out right now" "Of course, Atlas. We're friends and you know good and well that I have too much room in this house as it is" "Thanks, Done" Atlas sighed. He shook his head looking down. "Something up? Well, besides you getting yourself into trouble again?" "Nah. Just some tiring stuff lately" "Ah" Done took a look of Boom. Something was off about her, he just knew it. None of his business though. "Who's she? Not everyday you drag somepony else along. She your lover or something?" "Hell, no. You know I'm no where near ready to settle down. Say, where's your wife and kid? Normally they'd be here" "Oh, Silver Bars is out shopping with some of her friends. Two Bits is at school. You know it's not even noon yet?" "Oh, I didn't really notice. It's been a long morning" "Hm. Ah well. You know where the guest rooms are. If you'll give me a minute I have to finish some work in my study. Help yourself to kitchen!" He called leaving the entry hall. Atlas sighed again. Not yet. Hurt later. Work now. "Sorry about the rush. That was Done Deal, a friend of mine. Follow me" Atlas began for the guest rooms. "He's a businessman and investor. One of the few Canterlot ponies I like too. We knew each other back years ago. As you can tell he's a bit older than he but he doesn't care. He's good at what he does but personally he spends too much time on it. But that's his job. I don't get it anyway. Oh, if you see his filly jump on my don't mind it. She's taken to calling me 'Uncle' and frankly I like her. He has his flaws but he's a good stallion. Oh, and not a word about the whole vampire thing to him. I may be willing to tell my folks but not him yet. I don't know who he'd take it. Laslty, I don't think we should stay in Canterlot long. One day at the most. We should head for Ponyville in the morning, I have a house there and we can pick up some stuff, that is unless you have other plans. I'm game for whatever you throw at me" He finished his long tangent with another sigh. Just have to hold the floodgates a bit longer. "I remember you said something about 'Vampire magic'. What's the story behind that?"
  14. Well, I actually put a Fanfic on FIM fiction... *Groan* Hoping for the best...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MasterCombine


      I forgot FIMfiction instated a new policy where every story has to be approved by a moderator. Maybe it has to undergo the approval process before it shows up in the search? I added it to my 'read later' list, but it's not showing up yet. Might change when it gets approved, though.

    3. Firehearted


      Ah, I see. Well whoopty do. Might was well work on chapter two them. Chapter one is a bit meh and I don't like how it came out but it was needed for some setup.

    4. Spartan


      If you want your stories to be read faster, try Fanfiction.net

  15. @@Torrent505, "Alright, suit yourself" I responded. I really didn't care which he called me right now. "Most of the people I work with don't carry knives either. Makes me feel safe though. I've used it before" I listened to his plan. "Wait, hold it. Are you off your rocker? Aliens are on board?" Come to think of it that was a stupid thing to ask. Another thing to add to the list. "Still, Aliens. We don't know about them. As soon as we save it the thing might cut our heads off. Any intel on this, Scrap" Scrap. It seemed to fit the SIRI bot well. "Was that meant for me, sir?" The SIRI asked in his stereotypical accent. "Yes. Anything?" "If you would like I can program to respond to that designation" "Fine then. You are now Scrap" "Very well, sir... Designation complete... Anything else, sir?" "Yes, scrap. Anything else to add to the Ibisi?" I had mispronounced the name horribly but Scrap got it. "I'm sorry, Atlas but no" I sighed. "Well, Eric. You're the only on with a plan here. Let's do it" I pulled back out my knife and began to follow.
  16. @@Torrent505, "I buy it" I let go of Eric giving him some breathing room. "Jackson Boyd, archaeologist" "I believe you told me your name was Atlas, sir" "Ever heard of a nickname, SIRI?" "No, sir" "It's as substitute name that friends often give each other for convenience" "Noted, sir" "So, yeah. Just call me Atlas" I turned back to Eric. "Sorry about the whole 'I'll cut you' moment. Just a precaution. Not everyday you get sucked into some alien craft" I pulled out my journal and jotted down a note as well as a sketch of the SIRI with me. 9/8/14 Day One Found another human named, Eric. Seems trustworthy. Will keep an eye one him though. "I guess we're in this together... Say, what do you mean down the hall? All I saw was you and another one of those things" I pointed at his SIRI.
  17. How had this happened? What was he to do? A bright light illuminated nearby. "What's that?" "It appears another SIRI as activated flood lights, sir" "Call me Atlas, alright" "Of course, Atlas" With a groan I got up from my position. Hurt later. I threw the worries and grieves in the trunk in my mind then locked the trunk. Might as well see what that is. What did I have on me? A passport? Oh, yeah. The embassy. "Do you take this? I want to get to your countriy?" "What is this, Atlas?" "A passport" "I see. the GA does not accept passports from the United States of America" "Of course you don't" I mumbled. "If you knew why did you ask, sir?" "It's called humor. Ever heard of it?" "No, sir. I have noted it in my databases" I rolled my eyes. What else? My journal and a pen. Might come in handy. Bingo! My pocket knife. "Is it okay If I have this, SIRI?" "Yes, Atlas. May I ask what it is?" "A knife. Never seen one?" "Ah, very different from other species. I advise you keep it. Others may be hostile against you" "Thanks for the advise" "You're very welcome, sir" Other species? What had he meant by that? I added that to the "Holy shit, I need to know about that" list. "Mind killing your lights, SIRI" The lights went out and I followed the new light from the other hall. Oh, thank God he was speaking English. Another human... Or maybe a robot... I pulled out my knife and crept into viesw. In front of me stood a human with another SIRI thing. "This means quiet" I put my finger to my lips as I whispered. I ditched my shoes where I stood. Silence is a fragile thing. Like a tiger hunting my prey I crept on the unknown. Slowly I raised my knife then I pounced. My knife to his neck and my free arm above that I had him just where I wanted him. @@Torrent505, "Alright, friend. Keep quiet and you'll be fine" I really don't know why I had snuck up on his like this. Fear? No. Danger? No. Trust? Maybe. "Do not resist" I said still in a whisper. I slowly began to walk backwards forcing him with me. I kept en eye on that other SIRI. He didn't look like he was going to turn on me. Good. Once back into the hall I had started in along with my shoes I talk again in a normal voice. "Alright, friend. Who are, where are you from, and tell me anything else of importance. Till then I can only assume you mean me harm" ((I normally wouldn't control someone like this and this will be the most I will at any time for future reference. After this I won't control Eric again))
  18. @@arkman575,@@Lightning Bliss, @@Bada3oom Box, The mare forced against the wall looked at Atlas in horror. She had no idea what was going on but she just wanted out. With a flash Lighting Bliss appeared behind Atlas. "Help!" She screamed for dear life. Don't stop, don't think. The phrase went over and over in his head blocking out anything else. "Oof!" Atlas fell tot he ground as a charging wolf rammed into him. The wolf had said something but he hadn't quiet heard it. That voice was familiar though... Seth? Oh, no. No, no no. Not now. Action, Atlas! Do something. Before the wolf was fully on his paws Atlas gave him a good knock to the temple and back knocking him out cold or at the very least winded him for a few seconds which was long enough. Atlas's was only on autopilot. Everything else wasn't important. Anything that came near him would get hurt. The mare saw the opening to flee and made a break for the street. Atlas didn't let her go but a few feet. With another scream she was dragged back into the alley. Atlas looked down at his pinned victim. "Don't stop, don't think" He repeated unconsciousnessly. His eyes swapped to a dark red and fangs extended from his mouth. The mare looked up in terror at what she was seeing. This couldn't be real. Vampires weren't real! How! Atlas finally let his hunger win and dug his teeth into her neck. Slowly Atlas felt some warmth hit him a creep over him. It felt good. He felt good. Refreshing to say the least. The act went by all to fast as Atlas let the mare go. Her limp and pale body fell to the stone floor with a thump. He had just killed a pony... Not out of defense like many times before but- Don't stop, don't think. Now wasn't the time. Seth was here. Seth was danger. "Come one!" Atlas grabbed Boom and threw her on his back if she liked it or not. Wolves couldn't track scent from the air right? Even if he did a single diplomat from some far-off country wouldn't have enough leverage to get Atlas arrested or something. "I'm taking us to a friend's house. I'll give you a rundown there" The house was close by thankfully. It was a large house not as big as one of the richest types like Fancy Pants and Photo Finish but was still large. Atlas gave a hard knock on the oak door, Boom still on his back. In moments a Earth Pony stallion answered the door. "Atlas? What are-" He was cutoff by Atlas bolting and slamming the door behind them. "Not now, Done. A wolf is after me and I need to hide. Oh, this is Boom" Atlas added dropped her off his back. ((Sorry, that was bit too much control but I needed to get that done as soon as possible))
  19. @@Bada3oom Box, So food wasn't needed. Noted. But he could still eat. Good. He liked food. "Impatient isn't quite the work I would use" He was anxious, that was true. He had good reason though. Oh, great. She wants me to pick a pony. In his mind he was picking a pony to die. Atlas the Executioner. What an appealing title... He scanned the crowd for anypony who seemed shady or anything of the sort. Where was everyone headed? Ponies seemed to do that a lot. Go to random happenings like moths to a flame. The general choice was unnerving. All of these ponies could die by his hoof. No... She looks like a mother... He looks fairly important. Him too. She just doesn't look bad... Her? No... Maybe him. Nah. They all seemed like good ponies to him. A life was a life. He looked around again. None. Again. Still none. Chose damnit! The longer this takes the harder. Don't stop, don't think. The words of his sergeant during air diving training popped into his head. That wasn't fun at all. You have to jump from a fairly high up cloud wings tucked and then open them again at tree level which is, to be frank, fairly nerve racking. Don't stop, don't think. If you do you won't jump. And if you don't jump there's no way you're going to try again. Interesting memory for this moment but it worked. "That one" Atlas pointed at a unicorn mare hugging the wall going in the opposite direction of crowd. She had a dark blue coat with a black mane. On her head was a ballcap which was under a hoodie. Good enough for now. "Follow my lead" Atlas threw on a jacket from his bags. A bit hot but needed. Atlas made a beeline for her from where he was. "Ma'am?" Asked Atlas with his best worried sick face. "Yeah, what? Go bother someone else" She scoffed not even bothering to look at him. "Ma'am, please help. Me and my sister here," He pointed at Boom. They looked nothing alike but it would do. "Are looking for our little brother" Best sob story? Best sob story. "What? No, I ain't helping you" She told him in disgust. "Please do" Atlas grabbed her foreleg urging her. His grip ws strong on her not letting go. "Ow! Let go!" He gripped her leg harder and more or less dragged her to the nearest alleyway. Nopony stopped them or even seemed to care. Don't stop, don't think. "Let go!" She more or less screamed. "I'm sorry" Was all Atlas could say to her. He pulled her to the far back of the alley then pinned her to the wall. "Now what?" Atlas asked Boom already knowing the answer. His face of fake concern was replaced with real concern. Don't stop, don't think.
  20. @@Bada3oom Box, "Er, what?" Atlas stopped staring at nearby ponies hungrily to see Boom in front of him. "Oh. Hi. Yeah, there is some things here and there I need to do. Sides left? Well he did seem to want to be with Breezy... Oh well. Looks like it's just for a while" He kinda wanted to like Sidewinder. Too late now though. "Where was I? Things to do... First..." He looked down worried. "We need to get the 'thing' over with. I can't walk around Canterlot staring at everyone's necks..." He bit his lip. He was not going to enjoy this one bit. He needed to do it though. It was the first step to getting back on track and accepting this whole thing as much as Atlas hated the idea of being okay with being a vampire. "And after the 'thing' maybe we can get lunch and I can give you the rundown on what else and we can make a plan. Speaking of lunch... Is eating even a thing I need to do now? Since I don't get tired or anything is food still important?" The question was way out in right field but it came to mind. Atlas had a lot to learn about being a vampire. Atlas approached her and took his own saddle bags. "I could carry you bags if you want. They seem a bit heavy on you. Well let's get going. The quicker I do this the better" Why had Atlas asked to carry her bags, he didn't know. Politeness he supposed. The bit in his stomach grew deeper the more he thought of sucking the blood out of a pony. Just don't think about it. Just don't think about it.
  21. @@Bada3oom Box, (Well this is going to be an awkward post) Sure enough after a bit of flying around Atlas caught sight of a small airstrip near Canterlot and just out of view. It wasn't the smallest place but it wasn't that small either. He came to a graceful landing next to the airstrip. I felt good to be back on his hooves again after a long flight even if he wasn't tired by it. Badaboom was probably already here unless the plane crashed or something which he seriously doubted. There was a number of things to do while here. Get a place to stay, plan the trip, and send a couple letters. Not too much but it may take awhile depending on the pace they went on. Look at all the fresh meals! Most of Atlas's attention was on not attacking the nearest pilot or worker. Fresh bags of blood at every turn. Just one bit wouldn't hurt... He snapped out of daze of starring at one of the pilots. He looked around making sure no one noticed. Good. Now to find Badaboom and Sidewinder. Time was not to be wasted. (Do you just want to say Sidewinder left right away? We shouldn't drag this out too long)
  22. I groaned on the floor. What had just happened? I was at the US Embassy then... Er.. then white? I dragged myself to my feet and looked about. A cold white hallway. What had I done this time? "Hello, sir" Came a cold metallic voice. "AH!" I jumped and turned around to see a strange robot ball glowing red flouting behind me. "What the hell!" "I'm sorry, sir but I am not familiar with that term. Would you please elaborate?" The robot held a distinctly German accent. "Er... What are you? Better yet where am I?" I pointed around me somehow keeping my cool. "I am a SIRI, sir. I will answer any questions you have and allow you passage through the ship. You are aboard the GAV Reprive, sir" "The what now? Did I do something to Germany or something?" "The Galactic Alliance Vessel Reprive. I'm sorry but I am not programmed with information on this Germany you speak of" "Well you sound German" I added not realizing the gravity of the situation. "This is the standard voice I am been programmed to speak to you, sir. Does it bother you?" "What? Yeah, don't speak like that" "Is this better, sir?" It asked in a now British accent. "Yeah, sure. The Galactic Alliance? Is this Star Trek or something?" "I am not-" "You know what, never mind. Just get me home" "I'm sorry, sir but I can not" "And why is that?" "Your planet, earth, was destroyed six hours, fifteen minutes, and twenty seconds ago" "Come again?" "Your planet, earth, was-" "Yeah I heard you... And why am I here then?" "You as well as about 700 million humans were taken from your former planet to save your species from extinction" I sat down on the metal floor. Earth was gone? How? But... I was alone, now. I needed to find someone else... Now was not the time for hurting. I could hurt later. I just needed a minute.
  23. Remember when there was a new episode of MLP every Saturday morning? Yeah, those were the days...

  24. @@Hypn0ticD, "Racine? Never heard of it" Atlas sat back down in his rump with his Er... What was his hooves in front of him. "What am I doing?" Atlas asked while beginning to take off his shirt to get to his wings. "I'm trying to figure out what happened the me and if you're responsible" After figuring out how his new forelegs worked he got his shirt and jacket off with ease. Now he could stretch his wings. Stretch. Wings. Was this too much to ask? He looked to see what the problem was. "Oh great. I'm an Earth Pony now..." He stared flatly at his bare back. "And where's my fur? Actually, more importantly, what the living Tartarus are YOU?" He pointed his former hoof at Colette. "Cause I ain't leaving until you get me back to, well, me and show me home, creature"
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