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Blood Moon

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Posts posted by Blood Moon

  1. Min cantered her way into the restaurant, bag no longer with her and tucked away in her room. Sliding herself into a booth, she waited patiently to be given a menu of some sort. To her surprise, a collection of staff members suddenly came from the kitchen doors, wheeling in buffet carts filled to the brim with pastas, breads, salads, meats and fruits of all kinds, setting them up on the far end of the room. Just as quickly as they appeared, the employees set everything in place neatly before disappearing again, leaving only two behind to run the station.

    "Welcome our esteemed guests! Thank you for staying with us tonight. This buffet is all-you-can-eat, so help yourselves until you have your fill! Though be careful, there are some desserts in the works, and you might just want to save some room for those!" A mare in a cook's uniform said with a wink to all the guests present.

  2. The mare working at the front desk turned towards another employee who approached her from the side. Giving a smile and a nod, she turned to the microphone for the hotel's PA system and flipped it on. "Attention all guests, we have an announcement we would like to make! To thank you all for choosing us for your vacations, we have prepared a special lunch for all of you in our restaurant and bar. It is completely on the house, so please help yourselves!"

  3. @Drago Ryder

    "I'm no slouch when it comes to my magic, either. But...let's just hope it doesn't have to come to anything that would make us need to defend ourselves." Mint said with her own smile persisting, if only slightly. She slipped herself off of her seat and back onto her hooves, using her magic to place her bag onto her back once more. "Well, I should probably get my things unpacked. Thinking of heading down into the town for the day, see if anypony there knows anything about what may have caused these rumors to start up."

  4. @Drago Ryder

    Mint sat up a bit more straight when she heard the question. Was she too obvious about being a guard? "My shift?" She asked, doing her best to sound curious about the words that had been spoken to her. Taking in a breath, she gave a soft smile. "Though, I would love to investigate with you. I'd...honestly be a little scared to explore around here at night by myself."

  5. @Drago Ryder

    "The night guard, huh? Yeah, those ponies do tend to get up to some interesting things." Mint responded with a good-natured chuckle, seeming to relax a bit more. She shifted her eyes slightly towards the side as she felt the bellcolt's eyes still watching her and Gale converse. A chill ran down her spine. "Well, I at least have a good sense for when things don't feel right, and there's definitely something that's not right with this place. The problem is just finding what it is..."

  6. @Drago Ryder

    Mint brought a hoof up to her muzzle in thought, a soft hum escaping from her. Shifting her eyes back towards Gale, the mare shook her head. "Sadly, no... Well, nothing conclusive anyway. You know how rumors go. Somepony hears one thing, then they pass it on to somepony else, but it's not quite right and then that pony passes it on and so on." She stated with a practiced calm in her tone of voice. "Just don't be alarmed if you find me snooping around anywhere. I'm determined to find this spirit, monster or whatever it is. Heck, even if it is just a pony doing something way up here, I did some good if I found them."

  7. @Drago Ryder

    Mint shrugged her shoulders, taking a moment to formulate a story in her head. "Well, there are rumors that ponies have been going missing in this area for some time. You see, I'm kind of a...supernatural hunter of sorts. Mysteries like these intrigue me." She stated in a calm tone of voice, silently hoping in her mind that she sounded believable while discreetly using a hoof to slide her suitcase with her guard armor inside further under her seat. She didn't want to cause a panic by simply announcing that she was a guard investigating actual disappearances. "Most places just seem to be duds, so I'm hoping I can find something here."

  8. @Drago Ryder

    Mint smiled and gave her head a small nod. "My name's Mint Rose, or just Mint for short. Pleasure to meet you, Gale." As the mare's eyes scanned the dragon to take in her details, a soft hum escaped from her. "Say...have you heard anything about the rumors surrounding this place? They're...sort of why I came out here, and any information would be wonderful."


    While scanning the common area of the lodge, Kyubi would notice a sign giving directions to various locations: the restaurant and bar tucked away in the corner, a rec room, heated indoor pool, a gift shop and a sauna just outside the rear exit as well as a note saying to ask the front desk about ski rentals.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Techno Universal said:

    Yeah to be honest that was a yes or no thing as I could just make it so that the entrance is actually like five kilometres from the resort. It's just Techno's memory playing tricks on him again! :)

    Still iffy on secret tunnels out of nowhere, but I suppose if it's far enough away to not be a convenience, that's alright.

  10. @Drago Ryder

    Mint gave a polite nod. "I remember seeing you as well. I was simply curious, never met a dragon in person before. And since we'll be having some pretty close quarters in this lodge, I was thinking of getting to know everyone here. Might as well make some friends while I'm somewhere I'd rather not be." She responded, keeping herself relaxed on her seat.

  11. @Drago Ryder

    Mint kept herself in the comfortable seat watching the fire. Despite the warmth coming from the fireplace, she felt a strange draft on her right side that pulled her out of her thoughts. Looking away from the fire, she tried her best to see where the source of the cold air was. The building appeared to be sealed up extra tight for the cold environment so none of the cold from outside should be able to get in while the doors and windows remained closed. "Is this place trying its hardest to make sure I can relax?" She asked herself with a sigh.

    Before the unicorn could put her attention back onto the fire, someone entering back into the lobby caught her attention. That dragon was on the train, right? Not often I get to interact with one of them. She raised a hoof and gave a small wave to Gale in hopes of flagging her down. May as well get to know the faces she'll be seeing for the next week.

  12. The mare behind the counter greeted each and every pony who came up to her with a smile that almost seemed a bit too welcoming for somepony working in such a slow business way out in the middle of the snowy mountains. Each key that was given away was also paired with the cheerfully-spoken words "I hope you enjoy your stay here and taken in the beauty of the bay! The nights last much, much longer this time of year, so take in as much of the sunlight as you can!"

    Mint, upon procuring her key, opted to linger in the large lobby before heading to her own room. The roaring fireplace on the far wall, many plush hoof-made seats and tables ad overall log cabin feel of the building seemed to help calm her nerves a touch. Though, once she noticed one of the bellcolts staring at her from his place by the front desk, she started to re-think her choice in lingering. Brushing it off, she took a seat near the fire with her heavy bag next to her to try and relax before getting to work. "This place is somewhat nice, at least?"

    @Drago Ryder

    Upon entering her room, Maia would find one single queen-sized bed big enough for two to sleep in comfortably together for anyone traveling in pairs resting in the center of the wall opposite the door with its headboard up against the wall, a nightstand on either side with lamps on both and a radio on one. A larger table with some chairs sat to the right of the door just outside the room's kitchenette, a window on the left with its curtains open giving a view down the cliff behind the lodge to the ocean below, a layer of ice currently reaching thirty feet out and sparkling in the light of the morning. On the left just next to the door sat a dresser and wardrobe for guests to place their things for their trip. Given the somewhat plain nature of the room, one could expect all rooms in the lodge to look roughly the same, safe for the painting of a snowy forest above the bed, accents such as those had a tendency to vary.

  13. @Acnologia @Drago Ryder @reader8363 @silvermoon15000 @Techno Universal

    As the group of vacationers approached the main central lodge of the resort, the doors were opened up by a pair of employees in warm sweaters with the resort's name on the front to denote their position. The timing would make it seem like they were watching the visitors approach if anypony were paying attention to such a thing.

    "Welcome everypony to Frostyhoof Ski Lodge!" The stallion of the pair greeted in a strong, yet warm, tone of voice while the mare holding the other door open simply gave a polite bow. "Please check in at the front desk. You will be given the keys to your cabins as soon as we confirm you are on the registry."

  14. I'm a bit interested, though I don't have any ideas to throw at you just yet, myself. Though, my brain is always churning with scenarios and things, so something might pop up while I'm idling. As for who I would be playing, I'm more into playing my OCs as I can more easily slip into their heads, but I wouldn't be against playing Fluttershy if I needed to.

    Though, my OCs are my first choice, so would it be alright if I joined with my twins Sky Rider and Cloud Skipper? Links to their pages are in my signature.

    • Brohoof 1
  15. @reader8363

    "Well, be safe out there. I'm already here to investigate some disappearances, I don't want to have to file a property damage case, too." Mint stated dryly as she felt the train begin to slow while entering the station, eventually coming to a stop with the sound of steam leaving its braking mechanisms. Sliding out of her seat, she stood upon her hooves and reached forward to stretch out her stiff back. Once limber, she placed her bag onto her back to carry, the sounds of her guard armor inside muffled by her extra clothing for keeping warm packed in around it.

    @reader8363 @Drago Ryder @Acnologia @Techno Universal @silvermoon15000

    The crackling sound of the speakers coming to life once again filled the train car as the conductor readied to speak. "Attention passengers, we have arrived at Hoofer Bay station, I hope you all enjoyed your ride through the scenic mountain valleys and have a wonderful stay. The doors will be opened momentarily and thank you for riding the Friendship Express."

    Mint gave a nod to Cinder before wrapping her scarf snugly around her neck to keep warm. "Thank you for the conversation, maybe I'll see you around." She said warmly despite her obvious not wanting to be where she currently was.

    As the doors to the outside were opened up, the unicorn stepped herself outside. The station its self was no more than a ticketing booth and a covered platform to keep the snow off of those waiting for the train. Hoofer Bay was clearly a more modest town by all standards. The town its self seemed to only consist of a few businesses, most restaurants, ski shops or other such tourist stops meant to rake in money back in its prime with housing for actual residents further down the mountain. Further up the mountain on the other side of the train tracks, one could see the many resorts spread about, each giving the other a wide space to work with, though many remained dark and obviously closed down, unkempt piles of snow threatening to slowly bury the poor abandoned buildings. One of the few still open bore a large wooden archway with a sign reading "Frostyhoof Ski Lodge" in front of its property, the name familiar to any who read the fliers plastered everywhere in the rest of Equestria.

    With a sigh of visible breath, Mint started her slow trudge through the snow to make her way to the resort's main lodge. Hopefully the individual cabins would at least be comfortable enough that she could get some relaxing in while not working.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. @reader8363

    Mint set her cider cup down and shut off her magical aura. "I hope you can fare will out in the snow. I've brought all of my heaviest clothes, and I think that will only just barely cut it. Then again, it's hard to find something that's actually for function and not for style in Canterlot." As the mare brought her cup back up to take another sip, the crackle of the speakers above made her pause.

    @reader8363 @Drago Ryder @silvermoon15000 @Acnologia @Techno Universal

    "Good morning once again, passengers. We will be arriving in the Hoofer Bay station in just a few minutes, please make sure you have all of your belongings together and prepare to disembark the train. Thank you for choosing the Friendship Express, we hope you enjoy your stay in the snow." The train's conductor stated proudly before a click came over the speakers to mark the finish of his statement.

    • Brohoof 1
  17. @reader8363

    Mint nodded her head slowly, a soft groan escaping from her as she returned to resting her cheek on her hoof. "Everyone on this train is either on vacation, working on something they enjoy or both. I'm here because the guard captain just wanted to give me a job that would keep me away from the castle for a while." She said with a heavy sigh. As one of the attendants came by, she rose her free hoof to get her attention and get more cider, using her magic to lift the cup to her lips. "...Maybe I can spite him and find a way to actually enjoy myself while working."

  18. @reader8363

    Mint nodded her head while listening, growing curious about the new pony. "In the dragon lands, huh? That would explain it a bit." She mused, idly toying with the empty cup on the table in front of her. "What brings you so far out here? Must be more interesting of a reason than myself."

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