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Fantasma Phantasm

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Status Replies posted by Fantasma Phantasm

  1. Well slap me on some horns and call me the devil, I have 666 brohoofs..

  2. Well slap me on some horns and call me the devil, I have 666 brohoofs..

  3. Well slap me on some horns and call me the devil, I have 666 brohoofs..

  4. Well slap me on some horns and call me the devil, I have 666 brohoofs..

  5. There are times when I hate being a fan Superman... But you can't control how you feel right?

  6. I need people to play Skullgirls with!>·<

  7. I need people to play Skullgirls with!>·<

    1. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      Do you have it? If so, what version? SUIGLY!!!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. I'm gonna reintroduce myself. Hi guys! I am Fantasma! Glad to meet you all! Its really exciting to be back! Hope to meet new friends and some old!

  9. I'm gonna reintroduce myself. Hi guys! I am Fantasma! Glad to meet you all! Its really exciting to be back! Hope to meet new friends and some old!

    1. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      You bet! I just got to connect with others or (hopefully) reconnect with others.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. I'm gonna reintroduce myself. Hi guys! I am Fantasma! Glad to meet you all! Its really exciting to be back! Hope to meet new friends and some old!

  11. I'm gonna reintroduce myself. Hi guys! I am Fantasma! Glad to meet you all! Its really exciting to be back! Hope to meet new friends and some old!

  12. Curse my Inactivity.. How are you guys?

  13. Curse my Inactivity.. How are you guys?

  14. If constantly questioning Morality or taking on the world is what its coming to then leave out of it. I don't an opinion or a side to decide whats best for me and the people around me. Sometimes you got to take a step back and realize that not all things are worth taking sides on and stay indifferent. Sometimes simplicity is good thing.

  15. Heh heh.... I own Zelda...

    1. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      I have Nintendo themed Monopoly board and i'm playing with my family, I own Zelda.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. I ask an important question.... What next?

  17. When things change, I prefer the way it was, and when things don't change, I get bored.... I have a twisted mind.

    1. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      The moment I looked at the first few seconds, I knew I wasn't in for a happy-go-lucky video..

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. When things change, I prefer the way it was, and when things don't change, I get bored.... I have a twisted mind.

    1. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      You know... On second thought, I'm not going to finish this vide..

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. When things change, I prefer the way it was, and when things don't change, I get bored.... I have a twisted mind.

  20. When things change, I prefer the way it was, and when things don't change, I get bored.... I have a twisted mind.

  21. When things change, I prefer the way it was, and when things don't change, I get bored.... I have a twisted mind.

  22. Yesterday was just full of regretted decisions- oh what a way to spend the New Year's

    1. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      Regardless, Happy New Years. May this one be better than last!

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)


    1. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      From your dear Master Hand!

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