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Fantasma Phantasm

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Everything posted by Fantasma Phantasm

  1. Awesome! I think its perfect! Awww YEAH!!! Devil May Cry for WIN!!! I have all 4 Originals! Not daring to touch Reboot....
  2. There is no such thing as a 'generic' wish, friend. It just means a lot of people(PONIES!!!) have common goals and thats good! Now I know habits are hard to break, but.. you got this! Let your wishes be the ambitions that drive you! Not make it seem like a mere fallacy! Odd people are cool to! It makes life interesting! Good luck!
  3. When you get 2 Honorolls in a row, you know you are awesome!

  4. Not to mention those Shoryukens... I'll never stand a chance!
  5. I used to make interesting posts like you..... But then I took an arrow to the ground.....
  6. *stares*......we'll who backs down first...
  7. Your wishes are in my heart. You came to the right topic to express that. I would love to meet you person! You seem like someone i'd get along with just fine! I think your wishes are lovely. Wishes are the hope that drive you to take action, not just the impossible. With enough courage all things come true. Its reminds me of something I live by, 'courage is the Magic that turns wishes into reality.' I have a lot of faith in you and hopefully you and your family get out of the situation you're in! A happy life to you!
  9. No. You Dielived. Am I the master of all that is good and just in the world? or just a Silly Filly with the power over a specific pebble?
  10. You get a rose and a hug from Mr. Green. *Inserts a King Sombra, a Metsu Shoryuken, a Superman, and a Filly Mr. Green. *
  11. The TimeSpace Continuum collapsed. What must you do to defeat my Shoryuken to stand chance?
  12. For making fun of Blank Flanks! You're no better then Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara!
  13. Final Fantasy. What starts eternity but ends time and space?
  14. I lolz at this.... I got paired with the color Green! It has been my life long dream!
  15. I'm a Parasprite!!! Oh yeah!!

  16. I love it! I always loved this song because of the beginning! Don't know why.... But I like it anyway! Nothing is greater than having something from Okami be a boss theme! Nice choice! Keep on boss themeing away!! I love it! So many good choices!
  17. PROFOUND SADNESS!!!! (SADNESS!! SADness.. SAdness... sadness...)
  18. And you know what they say about puns!
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