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Status Updates posted by ZukoIsBestPony

  1. If some random stranger sang this to me, I'd more then likely declare them the love of my life.
    1. MidnightFire1222


      Oh my god is he an amazing singer and that song is to die for! *swoons* (Lol)

    2. ZukoIsBestPony


      eep! I know right! :)

    3. MidnightFire1222


      *fangirl squeal*

  2. Wow, just got yelled at for 2 hours straight, glad to be back here.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ZukoIsBestPony


      Thanks. :) that means a lot.

    3. MidnightFire1222


      You're very welcome. :)

    4. The Dark Lord

      The Dark Lord

      Parents never argue about what you think they're arguing about.

  3. Watching True Blood for the first time, just got to season 2,STUPID JASON!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZukoIsBestPony


      Pretty good! My mom finally deemed me old enough to watch it, I recommend it highly.

    3. ZukoIsBestPony


      But note, it is NOT for kids. Trust me, I'm pretty open minded, tolerant, level headed and mature, but let me tell you, I feel uncomfortable with watching this show sometimes. Like, have you ever seen Torchwood? Take the sex violence and gore from that show, multiply it by 15, then add really sh*t your pants uncomfortable situations and sprinkle with obsessive cuss words and lingo heard mostly in the deep south, and you have this show. But it's SO good.

    4. MidnightFire1222


      I'm 22, so I think I can take it. lol. Thanks for the warning though; maybe I'll search it up sometime. (Anyway, really hope you can post the pm rp soon. Been a bit.)

  4. Anypony else ship drapple?

    1. Sky Cutter

      Sky Cutter

      ???????? x ???????


  5. My dogs hate it when I bark at them.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MidnightFire1222


      Lol; with 7 billion people on the planet, give or take, I very much doubt you are the only one.

    3. Sky Cutter

      Sky Cutter

      I do that sometimes too ^^

    4. MasterSpark95


      I sometimes do that, and they might bark back...

      Or just hide under the couch or in the bedroom, and I'm like: "Umm, did I say anything wrong?" xD

  6. Internet, why must you make me cry?

    1. The Dark Lord

      The Dark Lord

      Them feels. Isn't that a series or something?

    2. MidnightFire1222


      This song here makes me cry sometimes.

    3. ZukoIsBestPony


      @Lord Ya, it's from the pjo series. Nico is an insanely tragic character.

  7. The internet has no heart man, it's made out evil. Like a goatee.

    1. The Dark Lord

      The Dark Lord

      Rule number 6 of the internet "Anonymous can be a horrible, senseless, uncaring monster."

    2. ZukoIsBestPony


      Sad but true megatron

    3. ZooZLight


      The internet is more like a chest... It's full of dirt on the outside but if you open it you can find some wonderful things.

  8. Haha! So many awesome vids!

  9. Haha! So many awesome vids!

  10. Watching 'a bird in the hoof', CELESTIA YOU TROLL!!!!!

  11. Lol, there is no crack in our pies.

    1. CMQuickfireTK


      dat's good I'd get mad lul

  12. Good night everypony, may Luna guard your dreams

  13. Huh, still awake, and it's tomorrow already. Weird.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sky Cutter

      Sky Cutter

      well how else am I gonna stalk you?

    3. ZukoIsBestPony
    4. Sky Cutter

      Sky Cutter

      find your house, go into your room, and steal all your socks?

  14. New face and name!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CMQuickfireTK


      my desktop got a new identity, amazing what a simple sticker can do lawl

    3. ZukoIsBestPony
    4. CMQuickfireTK


      Dem apple stickers doe.

  15. Did somepony say honor?

    1. Clarity


      pls retreieve my honor

  16. I looked a weeping angel in the eyes, I 10 think I'm fine. Goodnight everypony, may Luna guard your dreams. 9

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sky Cutter

      Sky Cutter

      because reasons


    3. Sky Cutter

      Sky Cutter

      because reasons


    4. ZukoIsBestPony


      I think you have the angels in your head! Keep your eyes closed, I'll lead them away.

  17. Gonna make my mom a glutton free b-day cake!

    1. Untitled Goose Q
    2. MidnightFire1222


      Aww, that's sweet to do for her.

    3. Sekel


      That's a nice thing to do. Did you mean GLUTEN instead of GLUTTON?

  18. Screw Cannon! My Fannon is more true. :P

    1. MidnightFire1222
    2. ZukoIsBestPony


      LoK, I had this whole big theory regarding what happened to this group of characters and the new episode totally threw me off.

  19. ...Why does the Di Lee still exist? They committed mass crimes against humanity and Aang just let them keep doing what they were doing? Whyyyyyy?

    1. ZukoIsBestPony


      *Edit* Dai Lee, not di lee

  20. BRB, watching epicness!!!!!

    1. Sekel


      What are you watching?

    2. ZukoIsBestPony


      I was watching the new legend of korra. I'm pissed now BTW.

  21. Eeeeeep! LOK 1 hour!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MidnightFire1222


      Legend of Korra?

    3. ZukoIsBestPony


      Ya, season 3 airs tonight!

    4. ZukoIsBestPony


      Probably already aired where you are. :) I'm in pacific time

  22. Looking for somepony to do a pm rp with me!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ZukoIsBestPony


      Yay! I'll send you a OOC PM.

    3. MidnightFire1222


      I would say we should, but since we already are, it's kind of pointless for me to offer. Lol.

    4. ZukoIsBestPony


      @Midnight Lol, we should eventually do some big cross dimensional Doctor and Derpy cross over!

  23. My dogs are druggies.

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