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man dude man

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  1. personal leverage is more important than personal opinions.

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    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      People assume I am ignorant, sheltered, weak, childish, and "fake"(to this being, artificially understood), who knows maybe you are accurate in some ways that you dont understand, just not in the ways that you believe you do... I am ignorant to things more important, than the lingering presence of this worlds personal over involvement. I am sheltered by my own justifications, and weak to my own desires, I am childish in my sense of pride, and maybe my personal interests. I am not real...

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      in the sense that I am becoming of myself, not in the sense that I seek social conformity, or choice to resemble of what I am not, because what I am not, and what I am, are literally the same thing.

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      Ive recited conversations I wasnt supposed to hear... lol but, learning is important, and understanding the perception of others isnt about becoming the prom king, it is understanding that people bind together when they feel threatened, and it is to make myself less threatened because I am the one provoked while being deemed an antagonist in every corner of my life.

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