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Everything posted by Tabe

  1. 28.234 Well, I'm going to bed, see y'all in the mornin'.
  2. The person that posted that comment should be ashamed to call him/herself a human being. To look down so low on someone who is physically incapable of defending himself. Thats just hitting the bottom, there is no chance for salvation.
  3. Crimson Heart maybe? Or does that sound too badass for a pony?
  4. 38.221 I based my calculations on 1 comment every minute, and sometimes its more than that so about 600-ish days we are done.
  5. 38.105 Well what are the odds for that? I made an actual calculation and it won't take 667 years, it will take 667 days. Thats pretty sweet.
  6. 38.100 According to my calculations, we will be at 1 million in about 667 years.
  7. Nah, they don't. I won't tell them, but if they accidentily find out I won't deny it.
  8. No need to worry, my friend. Season 5 WILL be made, I just wanted to know how people would react if it wasn't made.
  9. The Gothic series were ruined by Gothic 3 and Gothic 4.
  10. Banned cuz this is THE...WORST.....POSSIBLE....THING!
  11. Banned cuz no one bans the great and powerful TABE!
  12. I hate my friend cuz he destroyed my box (don't ask) Nah, I don't hate my friends. I do hate my ex friends though. I was hanging out with 2 of my buddies for about 5 years, I don't see them for 1 year, I see them on the street, I give them a big wave and shout "Wazuuuuuuup?!" and they just look away. I lost 2 friends and looked like a big idiot. Screw those guys!
  13. 37.168 This is going well...
  14. As true as this is, I have watched many shows but not one of them have raised emotions the way MLP have.
  15. I don't really want any of the Crusaders to get their Cutie Marks, it would not feel right. Its a part of the series, if you'd take that away, it would feel wrong.
  16. Hello there, my friend. I found my welcome to be rather pleasant, and I'm sure you will as well. Just stay out of trouble and have fun and you'll do fine
  17. I would probably react something like this... We don't know if Season 4 will end in a cliffhanger, wich I kind of hope it does. It gets more exiting that way, but Hasbro would never do this to us so chances are very small that its gonna happen. How would you react if the very unlikely event of cancelling the season would occur?
  18. Well she won't be Celestias Student anymore So I bet we won't see much of that line. God, I hope Hasbro know what they are doing.
  19. I want him to stay the way he is now, Twilights assistant. He just fits being helpful, and you kind of expects to help out with stuff, and that's what he wants to do.
  20. Didn't know where to post this. I have started to make Avatars and Signatures when I'm bored, so I might as well share a few. Nothing terribly advanced or complicated. I went for an artistic style and I'm happy with the results. Feel free to use them if you want. Again, I'm just a beginner, I hope to improve in time.
  21. Banned cuz crying Pinkie makes me sad
  22. Even thought my favourite pony is Rarity, she is far from badass. I would say Applejack cuz she ain't afraid of nothin'.
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