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Everything posted by Tabe

  1. I got scratched in the face by a monkey oonce.
  2. If people would have ignored the photo in the first place, he would realise that he's wasting his time and we are not going anywhere, but people just have to fight back for no reason.
  3. We can just go ahead and rename this thread to "Complain about peoples opinions". No but seriously, questioning other peoples opinions gets you nowhere. Its a good movie, and as stated, was meant for little girls who don't care much for the plot.
  4. Don't know really, my voice have never been that dark, so i don't remember.
  5. Life is hard and mean. You can lie down and give up, or you can grab it by its throat.

  6. Watch it as a movie and its incredible Watch it as a MLP movie and it sucks. My personal Opinions. I love this movie alot, but I want a MLP movie.
  7. More questions! I have so many questions! Can't take it!
  8. I'm not the kind of person who would like to live in Equestria, but If I had to choose, I would say as a pony in equestria.
  9. Tabe

    Rarity Fan Club

    Do you guys think we will see Nightmare Rarity in the show? If you don't know, Nightmare Rarity is a version of Rarity from the comics, google it.
  10. Tjäna, folket! Ville bara veta om det fanns fler svenska bronies på detta forumet, och hur länge du har varit medlem. Jag har själv bara varit medlem i en månad, men gilar det än så länge ------------------------------------ Hallo, people! I just wanted to know if there are more Swedish Bronies on this site and how long you have been a member. I, myself have only been a member for about a month but I like it so far.
  11. As much as i want the show to go on forever, it WILL get boring at some point, so changes are welcome for me.
  12. Hello, Princess. Can you still feel Nightmare Moon inside you, waiting to be released?
  13. He IS the lord of chaos, and he DID make Ponyville the worst place in the world, and made the mane 6 really miserable so you can understand them.
  14. Depression. I have been in several states of depression. At the time, it seems like it won't go away, but it does. Still scared of it thought.
  15. Uuhhh, my head! So much confusion! I hope you know what you are doing, Hasbro. Maybe they make a copy of the first movie? Twilight needs to win the band contest and the price is some sort of important item? Boooooring!
  16. Tabe

    Ask Zecora

    My advice is to hear them out Find out what it is about If they do not make any sense Maybe, it could be too immense I doubt you want them to stay But I cannot make them go away Voices could be a sign or a curse Think in light, it could be worse
  17. Tabe

    Ask Zecora

    I have lived for many years Quite a few, it appears I have travelled far and wide But I am young on the inside It may not be the answer you seek My memory was better, so to speak
  18. Tabe

    Ask Zecora

    If you have a question for me I will give you an answer as correct as can be Your question can be easy or hard Maybe you ask what I have in my yard?
  19. I myself belive that in some form, the destiny of the mane 6 are in the box. Don't ask me how or why I don't know myself.
  20. I would not mind being friend with lovely Rarity
  21. So I thought ALOT about Mlp at work today and I got a bunch of things that I wanted to share. I won't take all at once, I'll start with the Timber Wolves. We have seen how they rebuild themselves when destroyed. That would mean that they are invincible and we have also seen multiple wolves being rebuilt into a bigger wolf, stating that they don't need their "original" parts to rebuild. So my thought is: No one is doing anything about these wolves, and lets say they keep building themselves, or mating and making little baby wolves, or whatever they do. Could they just not build thousands of wolves and basically take over Equestria? The elements of harmony could probably fix it, but we don't know that. What do you think? Timber Wolves is a bigger threat than we think?
  22. Don't know -_- "I'm not actually sure it is a sword. More of a letter opener, really."
  23. One can stop watching the show but you can still be a fan. I am a huge Star Wars fan but I have not seen the movies in years.
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