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Status Updates posted by SomeReallyRandomGuy

  1. Two friends are putting me right in the middle of all their drama... *sighs*

  2. Yesterdays episode was pretty great :)

  3. How is everyone today?

    1. Monsoon


      Decent enough what about you?

  4. I really do like this site, but honestly I don't see myself being here much any more :/

  5. A lot of today has been somewhat decent :)

  6. Today was the first day of college.. Mixed feelings :/ How was your day?

  7. I thought things were getting better. Oh well..

  8. How's everyone doing today?

  9. This evening was going so well :/

  10. A new laptop, or a new phone. Really stuck between them as I''d use both equally :/

    1. rarity1


      I'd go with the new laptop.

    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      it depends on the laptop. if its not a good one, then phone.

  11. A pretty good end to an otherwise below average day.

  12. I hope you all have a good day :)

  13. I have to go out, and it's raining, and I'm not sure how I get to the place I have to go.

  14. Early night for me. Got to be up early for a rather pointless journey :/

  15. I hope everyone is enjoying their day :)

  16. 5:52AM, I think that means it's time for bed :)

  17. How is everyone this evening? :)

  18. I'm glad I got the grades I need for my college course, but I'm not looking forward to college :(

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