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Everything posted by StormBolt24

  1. Tme Rider simply ignore they suspicion. He only stared outside and wached, how sceneries passed so quickly. "Hmm.. But I still don't understand what those letters or symbols means... What are they representing? And why they hae presses? What must be done to release those "elements of harmony?" He thought and kept thinking it.
  2. "Volt is just an idiot. That is all." He simply says while shrugging and then stared back to Twilight. "I hope that everything will going ok at the canterlot. I really need new power-core and I hope that they can help me with my nightmares. They are deadly." He added and look out of the window.
  3. Time Rider just stares Volt without saying a word and then he responds: "Nah... I don't want to come with you." He respond simple voice and does not took his hoof he offered. "As I told you: I jsut go to canterlot, do the things and then I get out of here as soon as I can. That is all." He added.
  4. Time Rider just stayed silent, ignoring their words most likely. "Damn it! I should have got some wound at least... It would have been in that case: only way to prove them that I am right about that my nightmares can kill or wound me..." He cursed in his thoughts, while just sstare others silently.
  5. Time RIder slowly opened his eyes and looked tiredly around to see that he is back at the awakening again as well as in the train. "At least I did not got any new wounds during my nightmare... I still don't understand... What are these nightmares for and why I see them?" He thought.
  6. Time Rider left back to the elevator and back to the down place control room of the factory. Once there: he stepped towards the door to truth and spelled:" "Rainbow Dash was psycho. She used other innocent creatures to produce rainbows, but the thing should be fixed now. She met her sister and everything is fine now. Her sister and answer to the question, is "Scootaloo." The door reacted and slowly begun opening.
  7. Time Rider stared her a little confused, but still kept his nerves inside. "It doesn't matter. The one who is here to see you, is Rainbow Dash. Now if you excuse, I'll leave you both alone... Because I have one other thing to do now. Oh yeah: and good to see you alove Scootaloo... I hope you won't die." He said before turnin back to door and leaves, but does not close or lock the door.
  8. Time Rider later followed behind Rainbow Dash. "Scootaloo... So that is your sister name Rainbow Dash?" He asks while staring at the darkness. "May if you step out the darkness Scootaloo, so we can see you?" Time asks politilely, while staring the darkness hiding pony.
  9. Umm... I am not sure what o you mean... No thanks?
  10. Rule 34? Umm... Being honest: I am not sure at all. But if I do like, I just keep it private and do not spread love towards it or such a stuff. But i'm not a brony, so what to expect?
  11. Oh okays then. Sorry of misunderstanding. I am not sure what clopper means... But I don't think I am one...
  12. "I don't have enough time to explain how little fu*ks are given about what you enjoy..." I take this as mean text.
  13. Because I am ssupporter, but since you are rude, I won't even bother to talk with you. I enjoy what I wantyou cannot judge me for what I should and what not.
  14. Time Rider concnetrated on the door and finally managed to open the door and lock. "there we go. The door is open." He said whole removing the lock and opening the door. It was dark in there, but it was unsure, was there somepony at the darkness or not and alove or not.
  15. Time Rider turned back to Rainbow Dash. "Just read it and stop asking questions. The name is signed there and what comes tot the other questions... Because I just need to know." He said simply while working on the lock and key now. ((Here is what note includes: )) "Dear Rainbow Dash. If you are reading this, then it means you have finally decided to look into the truth with your beautiful eyes. Before anypony killed me, I managed to lock myself behind this door. I won't come out, until you are your loving yourself and now as I know that you are reading this and have the key I left to open the locked door, I know you sre your loving Rainbow Dash self... I hope I am not gone when you read this... Your loving sister: Scootaloo ((Absentia))"
  16. School lasts only 2 hours today... I am in luck **

  17. True thing friend :3 even though I belong neither of then, I still liike both: furries and ponies ^^
  18. "I found these two near of that older rainbow machine. I think you should read the note for yourself." He said, while giving the note to her and then turn to lock. "I am sure that your sister is still alive. Now its your time to Decide: will you come with me or not." He added, while waiting her decision.
  19. I suppose they are someways refering to protect animals and I understand if you don't like them ^^ I like anthro animals, they are someways cute and someways.... Sexy >/////< lol... I am not sure either what is the fandom about... But I don't see problem with that either ^^ peoples are peoples :3 PS: the thought you say and/or feel towards FurryFandom peoples, are most likely same as how some peoples might feel towards bronies: they do not get it either, what is it about, liking little ponies from cartoon show.
  20. Aww... Well: I haven't seen furries in public myself... But i have heard from some furries themselves: that they are nice to other people. Awww... Okies then :c I were once a furry friend. He was very friendly to me.
  21. I have met only few peoples that belongs to FurryFandom and in my experience: they have been very nice people. I am no very sure... But are furries pretty much like bronies with one thing: both are pretty much HELPING peoples than hate? If you ask my opinion: I like furries as well as bronies, even though I am neither one of them. ^^
  22. I don't know about this forum, but once at the Steam: one of my "friends" wanted me to turn anti-brony spy. Well... In the end: I removed him and being honest... I was A FEW HOURS one of them but yeah... I decide to stay neutral than hater.
  23. Awake and online

    1. Oblivion


      Welcome back the the forums bro! :3

  24. Time Rider stared at Rainbow Dash. "You really are sad Rainbow Dash... I am sorry for you... But I am also glad that you can feel something else than murdering and violence. But yes: I founded one key and a note." He said while showing her key and note. "If you like: you can now just leave me alone when I open this door, or you can come with me." He added.
  25. Tme Rder heard her sobbing but he kept searching something that would broke the door open.. Then he founded something more interesting: a key and a note behin the old rainbow machine and note. "Hmm... Perhaps I should give the note to Rainbow Dash..." He thought while he took the note and key, while returns to Rainbow Dash.
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