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Everything posted by StormBolt24

  1. I think I have my motto: "Hating is not the anaswer."

  2. I feel like I am somekind of Jedi Knight from Star Wars... I mostly thing very equally and the way that could be best way to harmony and equal-value, but will never love anyone special or get anyone special who to love, because jedi rules forbids it. Its not like I AM like this, its just that I feel like I am. But if I am: I just gonna deal with it :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Satsuki Kiryuin

      Satsuki Kiryuin

      You've still got a long way to go before becoming a Jedi Master, young StormBolt.~

    3. StormBolt24


      @Otty: possibly yes :3 but I am glad being at least Jedi Knight or Padawan at least :)

    4. Satsuki Kiryuin

      Satsuki Kiryuin

      Fair enough. x3

  3. Having fun with school PC: Doing nothing.

  4. Time Rider just stared Celestia. "But you wouldn't let me down your highnesses. But you would risk only yours and other subjects lives in that case and I don't even know yet what it would be. What comes to yours first question: I suspect the release happened the sametime, when I manage to mine the crystal out from the asteroid and use it to power up my ship. Oh yeah and I am not pony for my original form." Time Rider Answered.
  5. Going offline...

  6. "Possibly Celestia... But I believe I can do this on my own. No: he actually cannot feel me... But he is a Time Master... So it is unpredictable, what he is going to or what he is currently doing. But yes: he will turn against you all, if he will sooner or later realizes that you are helping me... I don't know yet what will happen then... But I fear the worst and thank you for your offer princess Luna... But I suppose i'll refuse your offer...ni don't want others spare their lives for me... Who after all: released him from his imprisson." Time said with a voice of mixed shame and defence and fear.
  7. Its sad if I get a friend who does not RP... But instead is friendly and gaming... Now THAT is awesome friend ^^

    1. AppleGearRising


      Oops, I didn't notice that somehow, thanks! X3

    2. StormBolt24


      You welcome friend ^^ you have mine faith :P

  8. "That could be best... But Celestia it will not be only you or Luna... He would attack everyone of you... Even innocent ones. I am not yet sure how... But I think he may think that tou are having your own subjects or ponies or snything like that... Since you both are queens after all. So your highnessess would become his main targets and other ponies the side victims." Time explained to Celestia and Luna.
  9. everyone listen up: eastern europeans and russians mostly are thinking, that this song is absolutely terrible and hate that "beared woman" because he is transsexual. Go to thumbs up this video, to show them that we are all equal-valued. Please? :3
  10. My school has ended, for today :3

  11. read my comment plz. My comment is user: "IceLightning24"
  12. Time looked outside of the chariot. "I don't know your highness Celestia why he wants to do this... But I don't think he meant to you ponies... But we human... I don't know about you all... But I afraid I am already one of his enemies..." Time stopped a little and stared back to her. "But there is a way to stop him... Those symbols what were marked on that stone near of my ship... I think they are representing something... I think they are some kind of destinations. I don't know yet what... But if you'll help me, we might find out the answers. But I warn you, both of your highnessess..." *he said, meaning Luna as well. "If you'll help me, we will speed up process of saving my home... But I am sure Time Master will notice this and you'll ponies become victims as well." He said with warning and kind of saddened voice.
  13. This werk should be a normal and weekends booring :/

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Oh, ye of little faith. :3

  14. ((His name is still Time Rider )) Time was at first silent and surprised of Luna's reaction... But then he stared at Celestia, "I rhink i'm fine... Just got a few wounds... But nothing critical. I don't really want to talk about my nightmare... Except one thing..." He said and then looked serious, "When I founded final door and out from these nightmares... I heard some voice. It told me that it was created these nightmares to kill me. He also told me being "The Time Master" who has been imprisoned inside of that ceystal for centuries and now when I accidently released him... I suppose he wants to avenge his imprisoning... Then he told me about that eventhough my nightmares are away... "Something" will still coming to me and find me..." He said and ended his words.
  15. Time was still walking at the light and then stopped as he heard a voice: "You have passed through the nightmares... You might ask... Why you having these deadly nightmares..." "I do and a lot. So why?" Time asked the voice. "So you would have died." Voice said evily. Time was confused. "Wait what? Killing me? Who... Are you?" He asked the voice. "They call me... The Master of Time... For centuries, my soul and live has been imprisoned on the crystal. But when you foolishly released me... I manage to cause createst chaos ever created before! Now... I see you are planning to disturb my work... So I will let you die very soon... I promise that eventhough you got past from my nightmares... This isn't over yet... They are coming for you..." Voice said evilly and coldly and then all disappeared. Time opened his eyes and groaned a little.
  16. Totta. Toivottavasti Suomi lähettää ensi kerrallakin Euroviisuihin jonkun rock yhtyeen joka laulaa enkuksi, koska ne näyttää menestyvän hyvin
  17. Ai? Ok sit :3 ei tavata torilla, mutta juhlitaan suomen uutta parasta tulosta sitten Lordin
  18. Time smiled, when door begun opening and it shows a bright light inside of it. "Yes... My way out of here at last. Maybe this is finally the ending of my nightmares... I am so glad that I got this far and now..." Time said while smiling more and when door was opened full, he proceed inside of the door and light.
  19. Nah actually it wasn't, it made my rating of France show easier.
  20. Oh? Umm... Okays then qnd yes: I don't understqnd France but lyrics were finnish subtitles so yes: I was able to see and understand lyrics as well
  21. He still searched a little more the helicopter and then: he saw at the other side of the bridge a staris to the lower levels and door was at the very end of the launching road. He immediately trotted to the stairs, down to them and to the door. "Alright, let's see what is the thing this time..." He thought, while reads the words: "What ponies was infected by SCP?" Time answer: "Pinkie Pie was made immobile, when someone stares at her and could only move, when someone did not stare her or blinked. Rarity was psychotic, as she wanted to make dresses out from humans skin and other body parts. Applejack hoof was infested, Fluttershy's stare was deadly to those, who meant bad, Rainbow Dash was ghost and Twilight Sparkle was the only one, who was not infected by SC." Time spoke and then silently stared the door.
  22. Nah, most of people thinks that France was terrible...
  23. I know. Still a lot of peoples thinks that UK wins every year :/
  24. Oh? Lol okies I am though very glad of Finlnd 11th rank, since it was the best one Finland has got, since after year 2006 :3
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