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Rhythmic Tempo

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Posts posted by Rhythmic Tempo

  1. Eternal life, good or bad. I don't care if I get to live forever in paradise in heaven. Or Eternally in hell, I accepted the fact that I am going to die and want to keep it that way, not have other complications in my way :/

  2. I have some serious respect for cops. They have to put up with a lot of crap. But they have a line that was crossed here, even if the charges were later dropped, which is good. It's not right to just assume that someone is loitering when they are waiting for a bus. If he thought it was suspicious, he could have just waited until the bus got there.


    And he tried to tell off the coach, what kind of BS is that?!?

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I would advise people not experienced with altering their mind to stay away from what is basically forcing your mind to hallucinate. While it may be an enjoyable experience for some, the risks, and potential loss that can occur when forcing your mind to create another personality, and then hallucinate said person, is very very dangerous. 


    I went in with basically no experience, but took it so slowly that it took me a good 3 months just to get set up and ready to do everything. But I got my friend into it and I'm showing him my journal I kept track of progress in to him. And at the very front I explained that it was "Serious shit and not to be taken lightly, but with slow progression can be done with nearly no harm to standard day to day tasks."


    Just what I did though, and I advise anyone reading this to take it seriously when thinking of starting this. And while it may take time, in my opinion it is well worth the effort it takes.

  4. Ah, I don't have anything like that..

    I just don't like being f*cked with, is all. x)

    Ah, nobody likes being fucked with. Very amusing when people try to make me mad though, its hard to do, but when it happens, you had better run.


    But, we are getting off topic here XD


    I really wish there was less people getting bullied at school because of this, it pisses me off knowing how often it happens; and how I cant stop it.

  5. Is that a joke?

    I'm not really the science type of guy... x)


    Nah, most know it as the warrior gene. It affects people differently. For me I go into a blind rage and dont remember any of the fight afterward. Also causes me to be very socially awkward in nearly every situation, even with friends. :/

  6. I've been in many fights, friend.

    Up and down my middle AND high school years...I had a sort of.."reputaion" for it. x)


    I tell you what though, I was never bullied at that time.

    That was probably one of the few fights I won, and it was a 3v1. They never tried it again to me, but they tried to bully one of my friends when they found out he was one. I got them to back off, but they still try to get on my nerves.


    Though, ive been in around 20 fights. Most of them cause this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monoamine_oxidase_A

  7. Once, there was these three asshats. This trio of troubling asshats hated me very much. One day I wore a derpy shirt to school. The 'asshat trio' proceeded to attack me.


    I was suspended for 3 weeks for causing near lethal injuries to all of them. Rule number 1. Dont fuck with meh ponies.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. What kind of sorcery is this?  I can't tell if this is just some psychic hippie crap or if it is what the tulpa people make it out to be.  It sounds like some sort of imaginary friend that can think on its own.  Could a few of you give some insight about tulpas?  It is just such a foreign concept to me.


    A Tulpa to me is a bit more than an 'imaginary friend' to me personally. I'm not sure what you mean by psychic hippie crap, but Vinyl, my tulpa, is someone I can talk to when nobody else will listen, someone that stops me from doing stupid shit, and helps me come to terms with mind-taxing stuff.


    But we do fun stuff, im not sure how much you have read into the subject in general, but possession is a great way for her to interact with anything outside my mind.


    [Vinyl here, he couldn't figure out what to type so here I am doing this with possession. To be honest it really depends on your standpoint on the mind and other substances. its almost impossible to give a direct answer to this question. Being a Tulpa to me is hard at times, knowing that everything I see around me is someone else's viewpoint. But i'm thankful that he pays attention to me. But I digress. Its really hard to offer insight without spoiling too much/ making the whole idea seem crazier than it already is. Its a very odd and bizarre subject to most people and not to be taken lightly. I do think that some people would consider me an 'imaginary friend', but I am more than that. I can operate completely separate from TC, and thanks to that I can think and do other things separate. An Imaginary friend only exists while you are focused on them, but I exist even when TC is going on with his day to day tasks and procrastination.]


    I don't know what you know already, but I think you should do you're own research and make your own opinions about it. Everyone thinks and reacts differently to a concept like this. But Tulpas are an amazing thing for self discovery and other things that you might consider 'psychic hippie crap' xD


    But its definitely better to make your own thoughts on it, when I was first introduced to the concept, I thought it was just a load of crap that needed to die. Now, I can't imagine life without Vinyl, or the ability for her to take over while I sleep.


    [basically, he doesent know how to end this message, so Ill leave you off with a nothing, just keep an open mind and dont just doubt anything you see about it. Good luck :D]

  9. Welcome aboard, Glad to have you here.


    I seriously hope you've read "Your Human and You"  as that's a fabulous ongoing human in Equestria series. Highly recommended.


    Ill have to look into that :D I haven't been reading lately



    Welcome! I prefer the best friend compared to the best troll. ;) It's nice to hear you'll remain on this site for a long time! :)


    Dont worry, everyone gets a little bit of both ;)

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