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Alicorn Fluttershy

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Everything posted by Alicorn Fluttershy

  1. @,@@C. Thunder Dash, @Pat.Rio.T., "hmmm never seen someone react like that to seeing me" said bluebell, "i am verry sorry sir." she ended while standing on his nose. "bluebell don't stand on his nose." Chrystal scolded then to pat she said "sorry about that. some days she can have no manners at all. are you alright?"
  2. "WENDY!" Yelled the twins. "HEY! who are you? put her down this instant!" the twins marched up to the man and were imediately smacked up against the wall knocking both of them uncontious. Kaoru's head started to bleed. Hikaru's final thought before the blackness hit him, its all up to Haruhi now.
  3. @@Eloquence, "that is a wonderful idea. i'd like that. and yes i was there during his reign. it was terrible. but the hope when Celestia showed up was great." she decided to hold off on the storys until Eloquence could write it down. she didn't want her to miss anything. "what kind of drinks do they serve at the bakery?"
  4. @@Eloquence, "would you like to start off with King Sombra's reign?" it was a hard topic for her to talk about but she could manage. "do you want to hear what i was doing or the general history of it all?" she was more than happy to ablige to either option. "and as too my traveling with a breezie i'll tell you that later. i have practicly all day to spare anywho. its not like i have a job or anything to get back to in the chrystal empire." @@pinkiepartypie, Bluebell wishes searched far and wide for something to do. she turned a corner and came face to face with a pink curlyhaired pony. startled she regained her composer "hello" she said "how are you?" she put on her best smile and waited for the friendly looking pony to reply.
  5. "Doesn't undercover mean you arn't supposed to show ponies you are an undercover cop? i mean any one of us could have connections to whoever you're trying to stop. wow you really trust ponies you just met alot." Chrystal imagined what could happen next. her mind wavered to her imaginary horror place where Nitro was saying "i know i'm not supposed to...unless i'm takeing you in! and then he put handcuff on all of them and stuck them in his car which turned into a jail. Chrystal sat shivering in her seat perhaps a little to lost in her horror fantasy. Bluebell knew what was going on. "Nitro you scared her. tell her you arn't going to put her in jail and she'll be alright."
  6. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm its a high school so it could have 2 viceprincipals
  7. @@C. Thunder Dash,@@Pat.Rio.T., @, @, "As in Undercover agent? a secret agent? or is it an undercover cop? a spy?" bluebell would kept asking until he answered. "Bluebell stop pestering the guy! you've just met him and he's trying to talk!" Bluebell sat down and made a lip zipping motion. "sorry about that Nitro." said Chrystal.
  8. "uh Haruhi? is this normal?" said Hikaru. both twins knew this had to be a bad sign. "Haruhi why doesn't she know anything?" then to Wendy "hello! Wendy! its Kaoru and Hikaru from the host club! you remember the host club don't you?" Honey, after club activities, decided to take a walk to the park. upon seeing luna he ran and excitedly exclaimed "Luna! Luna! it seems we had the same idea!" he jumped up and down while still moveing at the same pace as Luna.
  9. @@Pat.Rio.T.,@, @, @@C. Thunder Dash, Bluebell Wishes pointed at the woopie cusion. Chrystal got the hint and pulled out her chair so that it tipped forward dropping the woopie cusion on the ground she then sat down and pulled in her chair kicking the woopie cusion towards Anala in the prosess. she acted as if it had never happened. she didn't like makeing a fool out of herself but also didn't care to point a joker out if it wasn't a dire situation. Bluebell continued acting normaly as well "so what do you wanna know?" she asked.
  10. Blubell flitted above the chair. "oh but you don't even know her and wouldn't you guys like to sit next to eachother?" Bluebell knew she had them in a bind. she wanted to see what they would come up with as an excuse. afterwards she would tell Chrystal Heart what they were doing rather dryly in fact. yes she had it planed out. Chrystal hadn't knoticed the woopy cushion yet. "i'm sure bluebell wishes would love to tell you her autobiography." she giggled.
  11. "oh i forgot!" Chrystal giggled "you don't know her." a sleepy pink breezie head peeked out of Chrystals hair. it was soon folowed by a shock of blue hair tied with a pink bow on each side of her head, a tiny breezy body compleate with a pair of breezy wings and and a blue and pink tail. "bluebell wishes meet my er... friends"
  12. @@Eloquence, Chrystal Heart turned, her intrigue now pointed towards Eloquence. "Oh you really want to hear my side of the story? Well i guess i could spare half the day at least. oh but Blue might get mad at me. oh well. BLUE!" a sleepy pink breezie head peeked out of her hair. "what is it Chrystal? i was haveing a nice dream..." Chrystal replyed with "Eloquence. Gears. Story. Half the day." Bluebell Scowled "you don't have to talk in code Chrys. i'd understand perfectly if you talked in regular sentences. i do speak pony ya know!" "sorry blue but i'm going to tell Eloquence my story." she gave the breezie an apologetic look."sorry she peaked my intrest." Bluebell brushed her expression off. "boring! i'm gonna go find something to do! sompony new to talk to!" "ok but be careful!" Gears releved from the tention lifted off and went strait back into her shop. she really didn't want any more attention.
  13. "of course it counts!" she said "if its in the town it still counts as the town." a yawn sounded from inside her hair. "Oh! i almost forgot you were there Blue!" she laughed or rather giggled and entered the resaurant like princess Celestia. she followed the group towards the misterious pony.
  14. (OOC:sorry :awqward apologetic smile:) @@C. Thunder Dash,@, @, "I see" said Chrystal, "is it just me or did none of you know eachother before today minus Anala and Riley?" the situation was become more intrigueing by the second. "most ponys don't ride around with ponys they don't know. its kinda dangerous." she cringed at the irony and hipocrisy that she had just said "then again i've been doing it too."
  15. "salad." Chrystal Heart said "good choice."she had begun to think of Rain as a friend. she began to think up good topics of conversation she could bring up as they waited for food. "so do all of you live here?" she asked wanting to get to know the ponys around her better.
  16. "i could go for a hayburger." said Chrystal Heart. once they had arrived at the resaurant she walked through the doors and waited for the other ponys. she didn't like walking ahead of other ponys. it kept her away from the conversation and that was no fun.
  17. "Chrystal Heart" she said, jumping in the car. "nice to meet you." she was a little nervous traveling with ponys she didn't know but her intrigue got the better of her. "so what do you guys wanna eat?" she said to bering about conversation. she didn't like long pauses
  18. i'm a butterfly! *yay*

    1. DiscordedBrony


      Congratulations! :D

    2. Alicorn Fluttershy

      Alicorn Fluttershy

      like always it happens without me knoticeing and the n i'm like "woah when did that happen?"

    3. DiscordedBrony
  19. @,@@Eloquence, Gears was uncomfortable from the attention, chrystal was giveing her. "no way! i wouldn't do that!" she gave her friend a pleading look to steer the chrystal pony somewhere else. she mouthed help me. Chrystal continued to stare at her rainbow horn in awe. "wait a second!" Chrystal exclaimed, "you're that pony from the great new dicoverys guide!" she ranted on about how cool it was to meet someone from the guide, and asked her how her horn was so rainbowy.
  20. "Teribly sorry to bother you dear." Gears said "but my friend Eloquence came to my door requireing assistance in finding you. unfortunately i try not to let my friends down when they look like this." she imitated Eloquence's batting of eyelashes. "so i had to come find you and have possibly scared you half to death in the prosess. hmmm. to answer your question no i am not cyborg." Chrystal had begun to circle around Gears looking at her wings and horn. "increadible" she said. Gears, uncomfortable because of the attention said "oh this? i um made it."
  21. @@Eloquence, "well i supose its worth a try. Lift off in 10 seconds. will you be following me on foot? if so i advise you stay back at least 10 hoofs in case i change course." she troted outside puting her wings on her back as she went. "3 2 1 lift off!"she flew into the sky and began searching the ground for signs of a certain Chrystal pony. a glimmer caught her eye. pink Chrystal threw off the glimmer. Gears signaled to Eloquence that she was going to land and did so not 2 hooves away from the chrystal pony and applejack "Hello Chrystal. I have a friend who would really like to talk to you. She's absolutely fascinated by the history of your home, and would love to hear any stories you might like to share about your life and your home." she said compleately copying everything her friend had told her to say in a semirobotic voice. @, in the middle of the conversation a unicorn with mech wings, one heart eye and a rainbow horn touched down so close to Chrystal Heart she jumped. she then spit out a speach she had obviously memorised beforehand. Chrystal, semi shocked, didn't know how to respond. plus she didn't even hear half of it. "are are you a a cyborg?" she asked dumbly.
  22. @@Eloquence, "much abliged my dear sweet friend, much abliged." Gears said makeing use of her old antique dictionary's vocabulary "just let me tweak this to distribute the wing pressure.....(meaning a whole lot of technobable) and we'll i mean i'll be ready for lift off." she started tinkering away "so just what do you want me to say to Chrystal heart when i land next to her, a unicorn with mechwings and a rainbow horn? (in a girly mocking voice) hi i'm Gears and my friend Eloquence wants to meet you."
  23. mmmm something made with Bacon is cooking downstairs mmmmmmmmm

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PandaPie


      Please, without me your life would be utterly boring


    3. Alicorn Fluttershy

      Alicorn Fluttershy

      no it would be less agrivateing and easyer

    4. PandaPie


      That was aggressive


  24. @@Eloquence, "first pony that came to mind." Gears stated rather dryly but still playfully, "so how can i help you find said Chrystal pony? hmmm? whats the story behind all this? no let me guess. you want me to use instant alicorn and soar over ponyville to find said pony? would you mind telling me said pony's name so i can stop calling said pony "said pony"?" it was starting to get confuseing. "tell me what you know. i don't think said pony has all day."
  25. @@Eloquence, @, Gears stopped working. she could practically see Eloquence batting her eyes and pouting like she always did. Gears opened the door to see her friend doing the same expression she imagined her doing. "ok. what super famous, possibly foreign celebrity pony do you want me to help find this time?" she said in a playfully annoyed voice. Gears knew her well enough to know what she wanted when she saw that face on Eloquence. "trenderhoof? or mabey its princess Celestia herself?" she laughed.
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