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Status Updates posted by AuraBlue

  1. Still feel weak right now. Not sure what's going on but I'm just going to sleep on it

  2. Don't know why but i just feel very weak right now

    1. Goofyg27


      i hope you get better.

    2. AuraBlue


      I hope so as well. Have work tomorrow and can't miss a day

    3. Sphinx-Ara


      *hugs* Has anything happened recently that could have causd it? Too much sress?

  3. #excited #birthday ^_^

    1. CheeryFox


      Happy b-day! ^^

    2. Arc Flash

      Arc Flash

      Happy Birthday!!!

    3. Goofyg27


      happy birthday

  4. So excited for BABScon this. going to cosplay for the first time ever (dressing as Daring Do)

  5. Feeling accomplished right now. Just finished a few more pages of a fan fic I'm working on. Still have a long way to go though

  6. I don't know why but i just started tearing up out of nowhere. WTH is going on

  7. Having trust issues with my own family. Definitely not a good day today

  8. Ever get that feeling that you're no longer in control of your own life

    1. Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Not so much, sometimes the more people think about it. The more it will happen. The mind is a rubics cube and takes a while to put in correct order.

  9. I literally need to go on a journey of self discovery. I need to find my purpose in life

  10. (Good morning everypony. Hope you all have a wonderful day)

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Thank you, hope you do as well. :D

  11. 2017 is already stressing me out. WHYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!

  12. (Everypony is celebrating the new year right now but we're still stuck in 2016 for a couple hours)

  13. (2017 is around the corner. Who else is excited)

    1. Bojo


      I am truly excited! Can't wait for October to watch the MLP Movie!

    2. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      OK 2016, can you go one more day without killing someone people like?

  14. I'm pretty much tearing up right now. Had one of the best Hearth Warming's this year

  15. That awesome moment when a dream gives you an idea for a story

  16. Definitely don't feel like my normal self anymore.........that's a good thing right?

  17. (Good morning everypony. Hope you all have a wonderful day)

    1. Zachary


      Good Morning!

  18. Do you ever get the feeling that you're no longer in control of your life. That's how i feel right now

  19. Need to listen to some meditation music right now. Currently fed up with a lot of things. Also have a good night everypony

  20. (Good night everypony. Hope you all have a wonderful night)

  21. (The amount of hate online right now is unbearable. Good night everypony)

  22. (Good night everypony. May Luna watch over your dreams tonight)

  23. (Good morning everypony. I hope you all have a wonderful day)

    1. Zachary


      Good Morning!

  24. Yay for pony related dreams ^_^

  25. (I hope everypony had a wonderful Nightmare Night)

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