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Posts posted by Antidaeophobia

  1. I don't believe in superstitious language, this means, I don't believe there is such a thing as good words or bad words. Language is about intention, and I can tell you, someone who doesn't curse, but calls you an 'ignoramus', hurts far more than someone that says 'I fucking love you'; one is expressed with love, but with cursing, the other is without a curse, but is rude and mean't to lower another persons self esteem. Do we still praise the one without the curse simply because the other uses as 'bad word'?
    If you spend more time listening to whether someone curses, instead of the meaning behind what they say, then that demonstrates you to not be a very effective listener. 
    I believe in expressive language, and in cursing; and if someone is going to shut themselves off from what I have to say over a simple 'fuck' in my sentence, then that means they aren't very far off from shutting themselves off from other things I have to say that they may disagree with. I think the height of immaturity is to try and control what comes out of other peoples mouths simply because you think it could hurt you. As my mother would say 'put on your big girl panties and deal with it'

  2. I actually have chronic severe life threatening asthma, which has also cause COPD. Up until I was 15yrs old, I was in the hospital 2wks of every month. After that I was better managed because I was being seen at Mayo Clinic. 

  3. I love my mother, but I hate how immature she is, and she tends to also portray me in conversation as some sort of mean person. She seems to have gotten it in her head that I'm against her, and that I don't respect her, and I make fun of her behind her back. I have no idea where this idea came from. She also doesn't seem to understand just how little money I've had given the financial issues we've been having.


    For instance; we agreed we wouldn't be celebrating mothers day, on actual mothers day, but waiting till my grandma came to town next week. So actual mother day rolls around, and I thought we'd just spend the day, painting our nails and watching movies like we usually do on mother day, but she didn't want to spend any time together and ignored me all day. I guess my mom was mad about me not making a big hoopla about the whole day, and she's like 'you didn't get me a gift for mothers day' we've had some financial issues, so I don't have much money and we're doing mothers day with my grandma, and I thought she was joking and I jokingly said 'I don't give gifts based on corporate holidays'

    Well, today a friend of hers and my mom and I were running errands, and her friends is like "What did you get for mothers day?" and my mom snarked 'A lecture in corporate greed', and proceeds to tell this story that makes me look like a total piece of shit, and I tried to say 'we're having mothers day when grandma comes to visit, and I thought we were going to watch movies and paint our nails, but you locked yourself in your room', but the story she told did make me look like a total shit head. 


    It's times like this where I hate my mother.  :okiedokielokie:

  4. LOL, yeah, I've been blocked quite a few times. Sometimes people block me as soon as they see my icon simply because of what they've heard. I don't get where people got it in there mind that I'm mean or something. Sometimes I wonder what sets them over the edge, was it the political posts, or because I talked about feminism one to many times, or because I posted to many pony pictures. I never really know.

  5. I already made it very clear to my friends and family that I will kill them even before they turn. I told my mother I'd kill her the instant after she was bitten- because, you know, that's what you do when you love a family member. 
    I'd probably keep my best friend as a pet though, put him on a leash and walk him around like Michonne did with her zombies. He said he'd be cool with it.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. I like to view her as an eccentric and loony but well-intentioned character who is passionate at what she loves to do. She is also best friends with Bon Bon/Sweetie Drops.


    For her hobbies, I do see her talent as a musician, but she also loves to read books about Equestrian mythology and rumours.

    I agree. I also always saw her as a bit of a conspiracy theorist personally. The sort everyone would just roll their eyes at her ideas, but maybe those ideas might have a grain of truth to them. Her love of humans equaling many humans love of bigfoot, and her being similar to a fan of cryptozoology and discussing the latest 'human sightings'. Perhaps trading blurry human sighting photos with her fellow crytozoology friends. 

    • Brohoof 3
  7. Did you start on the drawings yet?

    Yes, I've got my sketches done. Just got some last minute paid commissions and had to handle those first. I'm doing line arts and getting everypony coloured up next. :)

    wow... that looks great  :wau: could you make the mane on the left side cover the eye a little bit...? 


    and il edit this post when i get the link to work  :wat:

    Sure, I'm you like it so far. I'll fix her bangs to go over her left eye. 

    Did you start on the drawings yet?


    Did you start on the drawings yet?

    Any particular pose, or just artist choice? Sorry if I'm missing your post on that. 

  8. yes please!!! could you have my oc with this base? 






    my oc:








    (with the socks if possible) she has green eyes... since you cant see it with this picture. also the tail has the same shape as rainbow dash's (similar)


     and cutie mark:







    thanks in advance :fluttershy:

    Hi, yours is almost done, except the cutie mark, I had some issues with the link for the cutie mark. Do you have a different source I could use. :)

    yes please!!! could you have my oc with this base? 






    my oc:








    (with the socks if possible) she has green eyes... since you cant see it with this picture. also the tail has the same shape as rainbow dash's (similar)


     and cutie mark:







    thanks in advance :fluttershy:


    Heres what I have so far, if this isn't what you were looking for, let me know so I can make changes. Send me your cutie mark link when you get the chance and I'll add it.

  9. Heyy anti, just a quick question. Well first of all thanks so much for this i love you for this *hugs*, second of all, when you finish where will you post the images exzactly, here on this forum?

    I'll post them here on this forum post.

  10. As the topic name states, how did you come across a thought for your OC/Ponysona?

    How did you come up with things like:


    - Appearance

    - Abilities

    - Personality

    - And other things you can possibly think about!


    Also how did you even begin to start of an OC/Ponysona, did yah do it for RP sake or just for fun thoughts, maybe for extra fun, do you use your OC/Ponysona often and for things like PC avatar/backgrounds?

    I`m really interested in hearing your OC`s/Ponysona`s Orgins!


    My oc is really based on myself. When I created her (pink pony in icon), I wanted a avatar that could represent me in the pony forums, and in rpgs. Her hair, eye colour, and piercings are like me. 

    Several years ago, I took Astronomy in college for a fun class, and it turned out to be my special talent in real life. I ended up loving it and having a knack for it. So my Oc's talent of astronomy is based on my own personal discovery. I also based my oc on both the positive and negative aspects of my own personalty, only exaggerated. 

    • Brohoof 1
  11. How did you find MLP Forums?: Google


    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Trying to figure this out


    I'm a mom of a 12 yr old boy who has called himself a Brony for a while now. And like most people, I had a fear of the MLP world etc. He just had me watch the documentary and it left me with some questions. I understand that a Brony is typically an adult male. Initially the show was created for girls. Both of which I'm fine with. But, in the Doc. There was the one 13 year old which showed his struggle with his father excepting MLP. I'm having a hard time finding a place where boys 14 and under can participate and find other boys whose interest is like his. He has no problem telling people at school he's a Brony and thankfully everyone has been excepting, though there are no other Bronies.


    Does anyone have any suggestions, links etc for his age group? Or a Bronycon type of thing on geared towards boys his age?



    Thank you!

    Nice to see a parent taking an interest in their childs interests. Even though there are many adults on this forum (I'm 26/female), ladies consider themselves bronies too. We're a very mature, friendly group of people, and bullies and cruel people are dealt with quickly. I found the forum through google, and by reputation as so many people I knew said they liked it. This is my favorite forum because people are very kind to each other even if we disagree sometimes. I'd recommend you monitor some of the art sites your child visits though, but deviantart is a fairly safe art community if that is something of interest your kid has. Feel friend to message or friend me if you have any concerns at all.


    • Brohoof 1
  12. Thanks; I'll try GIMP and see how far I can get.  Considering that I just want to make the corners of six graphics transparent, it shouldn't be that tough...

    I use GIMP and I really like it. I download free brushes and add ons from deviantart all the time. It's a fairly easy program. I use the 2.6 though because the newer version was glitchy with my tablet.

  13. Requests filled- However, if you are interested in getting a design, check out my deviantART account for more info on my pony art: http://www.alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com

    post-26225-0-73937200-1431057322_thumb.png <-My OC post-26225-0-07979400-1431057697_thumb.png <- OC I made for someone 


    I'm taking 5 free requests for pony art. I will do canon characters, or original characters. 1 drawing per person of 1 character of choice, no background or accessories. Indicate a position you'd like them in sitting, laying, prancing, etc. I will draw it in as show accurate as possible with basic colour. If you want your OC, please provide a drawing of them if possible with cutie mark. That, or descibe them in detail, such what character their hair, eyes, colour looks like to help me with drawing. 
    1) KrazyDashie
    2) Mars Orbit
    3) SunBurn
    4) Rarity is Queen
    5) Seaswirl10
    If you missed the chance for a request, or you'd like more added to your drawing such as a background, check out my deviantart account for info on my pony drawings. 
    Name: Antidaeophobia/Nova/Sami
    Age: 26
    Gender: Female
    Style: Punk/my hair IS usually pink and white.
    State: Iowa/South Eastern Iowa
    Likes: Crafts and Art. I'm a professional artist and knitter. Writing scifi/romance. People that don't walk to fast for me (4' 10"). Trees and nature.
     Music: All sorts of music; punk, rock, power metal, folk, etc
     Movies: Action movies. Horror. 50's B Scifi, V for Vendetta, Stranger Than Fiction, District 9, Alien
     TV: Doctor Who, Star Trek (original and TNG), Sherlock, Adventure Time, Bullshit!, MLP, Futurama, Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Vicious. BBC in general.
    Books: Scifi, Adventure, Feminism. I read just about anything, I love books!
    Dislikes: self righteous know-it-alls. Judgmental twats. Immature assholes. Disrespectful jerks. People that make me carry the conversation all by myself. People that interrupt me when I'm speaking. People that talk over me. Poor listening skills. I'm not really into video games. Romantic movies. New Star Trek. Bars or places that are loud and crowded. People that feel the need to obsessively talk all the time, or assume I'm mad because I'm quiet. I can just be quiet and in someones company and I'll be happy. People that judge me for how I dress, my gender, or being disabled.
    Hobbies: Lots of creative endeavors; writing, knitting, painting, drawing, etc. Reading. Nature walks. Adventures. 
    Other Info: 
    My element of harmony is Loyalty. I'm a great best friend, and great fun to be around as long as you treat me with the same respect I give you. I'm always willing to try new things. I'm very progressive and accepting of different people and ideas, but I don't tolerate stupid real well. I enjoy doing activities like art fairs, museums, day trips; generally getting out of the house. I can also hang out though and talk. 


    This probably a waste of time :/


    Age: 19


    Gender: Male


    State: Iowa



    1. Music: Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, U2, Sonic Youth, Radiohead, REM, Foo Fighters, Coldplay, Smashing Pumpkins, Live

    2. Video Games: Basically anything not Sport or Racing

    3. Movies: Adventure, War, Sci Fi, Documentaries

    4. TV Shows: Sherlock, Adventure Time, MLP, Wilfred, DCAU, Regular Show

    5. Books: Adventure, Sci Fi, Post Apocalyptic, Fantasy

    6. The Great Outdoors

    7. Nostalgia Critic

    8. Ponies

    9. Geology and Anthropology

    10. Weapons

    11. Arizona Southern Sweet Tea


    Dislikes: Stuff


    Hobbies: Listening to Music, watching TV shows and Movies, Thinking about things....., Archery, Staring at the Sky, Camping, Drawing..both traditional and vector, Video games 


    Other Info: Confused Religious Beliefs, Heterosexual if that's important :/


    Yay, Another Iowan. Nice selection of interests. 

    • Brohoof 3
  15. I took astronomy on a whim for a college credit. Figured it would be fun and an easy way to get credits (turns out the school considered it one of their hardest classes). That's how I discovered my special talent (IRL), and found out I had a love of it, as well as a love for making graphs and looking at data. I ended up getting a B in a class where 80% of the people fail. My teacher even wrote me a recommendation so I could get more funding to pursue more classes. It was a wonderful class. 

    I took a class called Biblical Literature my first year of high school, and it taught the Torah, Bible, and Koran in terms of the the culture of the time, not as fact. The teacher I had was fantastic and told me she was moving to a lovely new house with her growing family. Imagine her shock when she showed up at the house and I was sitting next door in a lawn chair with my mother LOL Her family and mine ended up becoming close friends, and they still are. I helped name her youngest child, and would watch her kids. Her husband took me to the ER for 8hrs when I fractured my back and arm.

  16. Awesome! Thank you so much! :D

    Will this doe, a deer, a female deer- work for you. (Sorry, I'm required by law to quote lyrics from The Sound of Music when referring to female cervidae). I at least hope this is something you can build off of. 


  17. This is just a basic sketch of what I could do for you. Of course inked with proper colouring.I understand if this isn't what your looking for though.

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