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Sugar Cuddles

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Status Updates posted by Sugar Cuddles

  1. I realize that I'm posting this on april fool's day. But I'm migrating to WoE. No joke :S Just wanted everyone that may be wanting to keep in touch that D: http://worldofequestria.com/

    1. Yuna Crescent
    2. Star Racer

      Star Racer

      Whats your username on there?

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Her name there is ✧Sugary Cuddles✧, if anybody still needed that.



  2. Updated my profile...and removed a lot of things some might miss. But feels and stuff ; n ; Uuuh, hopefully you'll like it!

    1. Sugar Cuddles

      Sugar Cuddles

      I won't be hanging around much really. But, uh, hmn, eh, ah, I thought I could update it at least a little bit. Always groaned at it whenever I looked at my profile.

  3. CAN'T HELP MYSELF! >w< Gotta show you all my new clothes! http://i.imgur.com/hhkmkoF.png http://i.imgur.com/c1I5luJ.png

    1. Ryzu


      im jelly. As a guy I can't really accessorize without being made fun of so all I have going is a color scheme.

  4. Uuuh, status update! I'm not active here anymore! You'll see me lurk sometimes tho! :3 Uuuuh, I also would be pleased if I can make art requests cx Just saying inspired MLP Artists

  5. So...I miss being my old sona kinda. Not the little alicorn, but a taller Celestia ish one. Decided that I just can't go without, but I'd like to hear ya'll on ze design c: http://i.imgur.com/1eO8hun.png Is it okie?

    1. Deae Rising Shine~
    2. Solid


      Neat and simple design, really beautiful eyes. I really like it ^w^

    3. Yuna Crescent
  6. I'm a pheonix! ^3^ Mah gerd

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sugar Cuddles

      Sugar Cuddles

      I'm a draconequus! But I guess I'm also a Pheonix?...Hhmn...THIS REQUIRES RESEARCH! *starts writing notes*

  7. http://i.imgur.com/3mWiu8B.png Weren't I cute when I was little? :D
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sugar Cuddles

      Sugar Cuddles

      *gasps* Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you are in fact not cx Sowwy.

  8. Not going to be super active here for a while! I'll visit occasionally to check PMs, but may only respond to urgent or request related ones.

  9. S-so bored! C-can't go on xD *twitches violently* Anyone wanna play a game? :3 (Whom I have contact with please. Stranger danger <-< )

    1. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Reckon I would. xP

    2. Sugar Cuddles

      Sugar Cuddles

      Then do it! :3 Message me for huggles! :D

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      I love huggles! They're my favorite thing! x3

  10. Nice chat everyone. Sorry to those who came in late. I had no idea when people would or wouldn't be online sadly. Hope you at least had a nice day c:

    1. Sugar Cuddles

      Sugar Cuddles

      It's alright! :D It was nice to see peeps I knew meet each other and derp chat tho :3

    2. remove p l e a s e ?
  11. NEW YEARS PARTY ROOM! Everyone is invited! http://www.chatzy.com/78985525645198 (IMPORTANT: PM me who you are in the room before joining. Don't want anyone stealing your identity in there o-o: Security reasons. Bullies are everywhere (~o.o)~ )

  12. Maybe someday. I can find a mare who will be my special somepony. I am truly jealous of you who have someone. Keep at it c: You lucky cuddly ponies c:

    1. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Personally, I've given up on the notion of a monogamous relationship. I have some friends that I can "get physical" with, and I'm also extremely close to them in a trusting, personal way, although the idea of a committed "bf/gf you're the only one for me" relationship is one that I no longer subscribe to.

    2. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      Hey Sugar, I know you can find one ^^


      also, we need to chat, it's been awhile :P

    3. Sugar Cuddles

      Sugar Cuddles

      I believe that there's multiple partners fit for one person. But I also like to think that one can stick around forever :3 (assuming both are happy). But anyway. Breakfast time.

  13. Merry Christmasiedoodles! And Happy Holidays! /).^3^.(\

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dragon4111


      Happy holidays-holds up a soda-

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Same to you, although we're still waiting on it. x3

  14. NEW SONA! /)^3^(\ Amazing what feeling like drawing can make you do.

  15. And thus, Payday 2 ate my life. Oh well cx

  16. Working on a drawing. Wish me luck :3

  17. Been thinking about making a game...Don't know if I should make it involve ponies, or just use the original idea from an old site I went to o-o: OCs and such (with permission of course) from that place. Gah, ideas xD

    1. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      We can finally have ICarus the Cleric :3

  18. Why don't I have more cola? Why do I allow me to be without? cx

    1. HopeTheWanderer


      Because cola is hazardous to your health, my fair lady.

  19. Rarity is my favorite pony of the mane six! ^3^ I'm glad her fanclub made it that far. Though I'm sad that I didn't spend any time there cx Oh, and this request http://mlpforums.com/topic/116252-make-sugar-cuddles-a-robot/ is still open for entries btw :D

    1. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      :3 Sugar is all Holiday-ey XD

    2. Sugar Cuddles
  20. http://mlpforums.com/topic/116252-make-sugar-cuddles-a-robot/ <---Artists assemble! I've been using Sugar-Bot 9000 in so many chats now. I need a visual cx
  21. *pukes rainbows* So cute ¤O-O¤
  22. Gah, anyone else have a huge craving for light chocolate right now?

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