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Posts posted by AppleLover

  1. Little Wind was freaking out. Midnight had put that armor on with his mind. Course he couldn't freak too much not like he could freeze time to browse his inventory at any point in time whenever he wished. Right? Either way he started on his way to the barrow checking his own equipment as well. He has a iron sword and some body armor, but no hoof slipper/boot things or helmet. If he had any, he doesn't now because the narrator of Little Winds thoughts and actions is too lazy to remember. (Gonna let you get us there. Wherever your character goes mine will follow)

  2. (You're dedicated homie. I'll give you that. I thought this thing was deader than a draug that you brought back from killing it and it turned into a pile of dust. Course I haven't been on this website since.... I can't remember actually. I think last year?)


    Little Wind had absolutely no clue what was going on. Drakk was still asleep (as far as he knew) and that old ruin was still waiting. He galloped out of the out and put the main gate, only to find Midnight talking the ear off of a cat pony thing. It looked like a cat, but had the build of a stallion. Weird. Anyway, Little Wind trotted up to Midnight and tapped him on his muzzle, then pointed his hoof in the general direction of the ruin. As if to say, let's go kill some stuff. (Ps I would love to see this come back to life again. Might take some work)

    • Brohoof 1
  3. As excited as Wind was to get to the dungeon they were going to, a death in a main city was equally exciting. Course he would never have known if not for Midnight stopping. He went to midnights side and saw Drakk asleep. "You really think it's a good idea to wake him up? He seems at peace." Wind said

  4. "I think we should start it right away. It is the first real quest we got in this land and w should fulfill it. Plus Dragons do bring a sense of urgency to my life. So let's go!" Wind said, galloping to the front entrance before remembering he didn't know where to go.

  5. "Dude who wouldn't explore a deadly cave that has the possibility of imminent death? And you say it's an old ruin? Than no doubt their are bodies of ancient ponies that may have been resurrected. Plus the chances of some serious bank? Yeah I'm in." Wind said. "When do we start?"

  6. After putting away the floating gem, he heard a strange "da-dum hoo" and looked around. Nothing was around that make a sound, so he dismissed it. He turned and went back to the main hall. He noticed Midnight and went to his side. He plopped his left front leg (no clue what else to call it) around Midnight's neck and asked him, "Why are we waiting here?"

  7. (I haven't been posting lately because I've been without internet for a while)


    Little Wind shook his head and looked around. He had zoned for a minute and forgot where he was. He remembered Midnight trotting up to the castle and galloped to him. The door was just closing and he slipped in. He looked around and remembered the place was called Dragons Reach. He read about it in an imperial travel guide he grabbed from a bandit camp once. He walked up the stairs and saw Midnight talking to a pony with gray fur and one dressed in royal garb. A surprised look on their face. Wind decided to slink off and explore. After exploration took him into the jarls chambers, he realized their was but bags everywhere. "Looks like I've got an extra 324 coming in." He smiled. After he plundered the money, he saw a gem floating on a container. He picked it up and put it in his saddlebag. "Maybe I'll get it for an awesome price."

  8. Outside Ponyville Residential


    After a few minutes of hanging from a Pegasus who may be talking to something that's not there, Little Wind decided to hop off and investigate the figure in the distance. The one who seemed to be going inside the place. "Yo I'm gonna hop off. I think I see something in the distance that's interesting. I'm sure you know where your going so I'll meet you at the Acres". He prepared himself for the land and jumped to the ground. As soon he was down he bolted off, knowing idling too long could attract more biters than a dead animal. But no matter how fast you run, you'll always run into something. Three zombies were standing in the middle of the street, and unless he wanted to go through houses, he had to go through them. He got his bat ready in his mouth and swung at the middle one. The bag connected and the side of the biters head looked like it exploded. The other two swung their hats around and lunged. Wind dodged and knocked th both to the ground before running. One of them was a Pegasus and it tried to follow him, but it crashed in a house and the building tumbled down. A couple minutes later he was out of breath and standing in front of the 'figure' he saw earlier. Luckily it was a live pony. In between breaths he said "Hey man. You going into the forest because that seems dangerous."


    (Cabbage or Something)

  9. Just Outside Ponville Residential (I'm guessing)



    "Holy crap!" Little Wind said after being picked up. "If you gonna do that I'm gonna have to get you a saddle!" She stopped in front of dorm cyber pony and began taking to it. Saying that he had a safe place. 'Well I guess I do, but for how long? I don't know.' But put the corner of his eye he saw a commotion. He looked like he went through some tough times. 'But who isn'?

  10. "Don't know about any 'safe havens' but I've been squatting at Sweet Apple Acres for about a month and maybe one or two biters came out the woods. You guys have heard that term right? Whatever it's all the same. Either way we could Head there and sit for a day or two." Little Wind said, walking around the roof they were on,looking for a way down. "I seriously don't wanna jump. But it's looking like I might have to." He whispered. "Anyway if you guys wanna and maybe aren't native to Poyville I could show you guys where it is."

  11. Little Wind heard Midnight talking about the nine divines and snickered. "Love that fight. There's only eight, no there's nine!" He shook his head and went to pick up the body with Midnight. "Ok let's get him to the di- I mean inn." He corrected, looking shady as all heck.

  12. At first the pony that picked up Wind scared him, cause the only time he got grabbed was by either the infected or a piece of wood on his saddlebags, which he left somewhere in ponyville. But when the pony spoke hr calmed down. "The word around ponyville? You mean besides just about everything here is either dead or turned and this place has almost no resources on the outskirts of town. Most of its near town hall from what I gather. So what about you Huh. What's the word on Cloudsdale? Figured a Pegasus like yourself would be where it's safe." He said, looking down nervously.

  13. Little Wind was scavenging through a building when he heard a baby foals scream. Part of him wanted to jump and run at it to help, but he had to think. 'Its probably my mind playing tricks on me. Been alone for too long' he thought. Then he heard a Screamer. And his eyes went wide. 'Someponies actually here?!' He went outside and looked around. A figure was seen flying in a general direction, and a few flapping after it before plummeting to the ground. He was about to try to run after it and see who it was, but some of the infected appeared. Two Earth Ponies and a Pegasus. All Little Wind had was a small kitchen knife and a wood bat. "Not risking it." He said, voice cracking from not being used for so long. He ran towards the Pegasus and jumped over it, using its back to boost off and run.

  14. And just like the old thread about this, I am so down. Little Wind is who I want to use, and he should be in my signature. And every thing that Ender has said so far about the whole situation, I love. My only request is a special zombie that attracts the horde. Like when they see a survivor they scream and bring the rest of the zombies. And they have no real specific look

  15. "Little Wind watched the annoying pony leave and said to Midnight "Jold my spot" and followed him the pony went behind the inn and Wind smiled. His bow came out and an arrow was notched. He let it fly into the ponies head and he crumpled into a heap. He went to inspect his kill and found that it wasn't him. It was a guard. "Damn it all."


    (Come on people. Let it live!)

  16. Little Wind was browsing the stalls in the market when he noticed two stallions being dragged through the streets. Then he realized that he knew them. "You got to be kidding." He was about to walk over and ask why their in trouble when a guard arrested an old mare under the crimes of being too old. So he has to act like a pony he wasn't. He took a deep breath and sauntered over to the guards, making them stop. He said "Guards! Release those stallions at once! Thy are the last of an ancient tribe from deep within the depths of the Everfree, and my wife desired them for her last dying wish." The guards looked at each other, and then the lead guard stepped up. "Ok, we'll release them, but only if you give us all your gold." She said. "Fine." He said fishing out his bit bag and hoofing it over. All the while thinking of the slow death this mare will achieve. The mare unchained the two ponies and walked trotted off. "I take it you don't get to the cloud district often?" He looks to his right and saw the stallion from before. "You realize how much of a dick you look like right?"


    Little Wind just arched in utter hilarity when Midnight got launched. It didn't help Amy when he hit a tree. "26% ok. I can't even." He said chuckling. A bandit was nearby, holding her sides with laughter. Still laughing, Wind went over and sent his sword through her sides, causing her to cease laughing. "Jesus that was brutal." He took his bow and shot five arrows in the giants back. It turned, picked him up with its giant hooves and threw him in the sky. The whole time he thought karma you bitch. When he landed he blacked out in Whiterun. And when he woke up he was behind an inn. "How the hell did I get here!" "I take it you don't get to the cloud district often." Wind turned and looked at a prissy pony trotting away. "You die first."

    (We kinda need to get to Whiterun. Just chalk that up to their OP clubs.)

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