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Everything posted by AppleLover

  1. I can't even describe how terrible this one that I read was. the most digusting thing I have or ever will read in my entire life. It was about little filly luna, and like 10 litttle 10-14 year old boys. It was put as humor, and romance, rated T. The things they did was so terrible I puked in the toilet and cried for woona. It was so badly written and had so many wierd fetish type things. I don't even want to describe any of the actions that happened to Luna. But I couldn't look away, I just couldn't. The horror of it just pulled me in, and I sat through half before I pulled away from it. Oh and the spelling and punctuation was complete crap like seriously. I think i read that one too. Wasn't it where a pimp became the mayor? I remember Granny Smith offering her 'services' to a young stallion and I was like 'Oh hell no' and exited the story so damn fast Rainbow Dash would be pround. Not really seeing as I have a somewhat slow internet connection. But you get the picture.
  2. Every time I have a nightmare, which thank god it doesn't happen often, but when I do, every noises and movement reminds me of it. I literally become a sniveling mess whenever it happens, and it goes for a day or to. But when I awaken from the dream, I'm sweating, I'm nervous, I'm crying and I fear for my life for some reason.
  3. Gonna play some Battlefield 4 in a bit. Anyone wants to play with me, Im on PLaystation with zombie_gun12345. add me if you want to play it with me. In other news, I got a kill with a defibulator kill in that game. It was so cool I actually told everyone I know.

  4. I like to think that their more of into the industrial revolution, but it hasn't really started out too much. Like they have the technology to build cars and stuff, but they find it useless or they have no idea to power them. But than you see things like radios and the such, and you wonder how far they are. It's hard to answer.
  5. Good ending second time. Than I picked the other option and found that I got lost. So good and bad.
  6. (Not trying to be mean i assure you) Alright, how bout you tell me how you could buy a newspaper, some candy, a toy, and a jug of milk for a nickel. Or how we didn't have any 'Swag', it was called being awesome. The last one I wish was still around.
  7. "Well, come on than. We need to get over there if we're gonna take tha bounty. Plus, I'm eager to find some bits and armor for myself, as well as y'all. It would be good to find some so we don't have to buy any. And Re, is she gonna be coming with us, or is this a one night stand? I don't really know you're history so I can't say much, but if she wants to come we should let her. She could rile you down whenever you get to drinking again." he said, a smile going over his face.
  8. (o_o)/ \(o_o) High dives are so amazing, they made these two go wide eyed in realization.

  9. I was torn between 14 and 12 and 4, but 14 won my vote. Who doesn't like a picture of Luna eating an apple.
  10. Applejack because she's a lot stronger. Her lassoe can take Rainbow down if she caught her. But I won't say only Applejack. Rainbow has a good chance if she can stay in the air. But if she's on the ground, Applejackcould lend out some serious hurt. So applejack. It's kind of a 50-50 type of question really.
  11. Little Wind jumped at the sound of a gunshot, he went to check it out, but all he saw was a bandaged up pegasus and some blood on the floor. He went down to one of other patrons and asked what happened. "Some fool came up and tried to slice up that there pegasus. He got away, but I think the one with the gun hit him." Wind nodded and walked away to a table where two drunk customers were playing blackjack. It looked like the unicorn had lost. "Oh sweet blackjack! Used to play this all the time back in Trottingham. Mind if I join you fellas?" he asked, taking a seat. (You don't know how to play blackjack Fictional? It's a fun game, I can teach ou if you want. Well, I can tell you the basics for it. Like the objective of the game an whatnot. Course I don't know everything about it, somethings I never even touched. Course I learned the game from Red Dead Redemption so my knowlegde might not be too good. Anyway, I'm rambling.)
  12. You're making one?! *sigh* when your done, message me, I need something to read and I'm desperate. And just to clarify, I don't make a habit of reading clopfics, I just read them every so often because I'm bored. Oh, and for a confession to stay on topic, I like to look up funny pictures of MLP and read them. Not really secretive, but oh well.
  13. Either Morgan Freeman or Eddie Murphy. IF my life could be narrated by one of those people, my life would be so much better. BUt only if I could turn off the narration every so often. Like when I'm sleeping.
  14. "Yeah, maybe. But I got something for you, and Re if he ever wakes up." LIttle Wind said, handing over the bounty. "Think we'll be able to take them? If you do, then we can ask around, se whwere that fort is. We got weapons, and we can get some armor from the fort if we need to." he said.
  15. I just had a dream where I was flying an airplane, than I won a world cup and got married a lot like in despicable me 2. but there was dwarves a pixies.

    1. Stellafera


      you won a world cup all by yourself



  16. (Sorry been busy with games and friends. I actually got my Vector K10 on Black Ops 2 gold, finally.)) Little Wind awoke to see the inn keeper poking him with a broom and Midnight curled up next to hm, a hoof around his neck. He caught the broom and snapped it in half. "Mind cutting that out, I got a headache." he said. The inn keeper growled and went back to his desk. He looked back at Midnight and lifted his hoof off of him. He saw a random helmet a few feet off and put it on Midnight's head. he noticed a slight smell of wine on it, but didn't want to ask about it. He draped Midnight on his back and put him in the chair in the room. Re was in the bed with his ex. "Ok, no more wine or any other type of alchohol for us. That was a crazy time, and we just got here. Now where's Drakk?" Little Wind asked himself. He walked outside the inn and saw Drakk halfway in the water. His back legs were ni the water, while his front legs were splayed out in front of him. He pulled him up and into the inn. 'How did he even get out there' he thought. Once Drakk was seated and he was sure that everypony else was safe and sound, he mosiest up to the counter and asked if there was any work around here. "Yeah the Jarl set a bounty on a couple bandits up at that old abandoned fort a couple miles away. Offering a thousand bits to see them dead." he said, handing over a rather official looking paper. 'Alright, now than if these guys would WAKE THE HELL UP! And if Shadow would move her arse and get here, don't even know where the hell she went, we could tackle this job, and get a nice little sum of one thousand bits. Than maybe we could find some armor off the corpses of those bandits. And if they won't WAKE UP than me, Re, and Midnight can go up there, while Drakk stays here, if he's not feeling up to killing, and he can wait for Shadow." he thought, taking a seat in the main room of the inn.
  17. Since my glasses are broken, I don't feel like playing games. Then again, who wants to sit three inches from the damn TV screen anyway.

  18. Husky, Great Dane, and German Shepers Those are my top favorite dog breed. The Great Dane is so kind and just a gentle giant. The Husky looks beautiful. And the German Sheperd has to be the most loyal dog in the world. But I love how there are so many breeds of dogs, but when you see a cat, it's just 'cat'. You almost never know what breed it is.
  19. "Well hi Dusty. My name's Little Wind. But no, sorry sir. I just got into to town, so I don't really know anypony. But I hope you find this Tumbleweed you're looking for." he said. He went into the saloon and made his way up to his room. He rumbled around in the chest, and took out his book. The title read, 'A Lonely Night' and showed a picture of some dark silhouette. "Now I can't remember getting this, but it seems interesting." he said, opening it up.
  20. The town really was beautiful when you looked past the dry, airy desert and the fact that you could get killed for just looking at somepony wrong. Little Wind looked this way and that. He saw plenty of things. He saw a sheriffs station, a general store, and a forge. Plus a bunch of plain, brown buildings. "Well, this has got to be the worst walk I have ever had. Maybe I'll just go back to the saloon." Little Wind said, making his way back.
  21. for me it's the guns in Dead Space 1 and 2. It just feels so good to find a schematic for a gun and buy it, than rip the Necromorphs to shreds. Other than the guns, finding the Peng treasure sure is awesome. Especially when it doesn't even give you that many credits, like 5000 or something.
  22. I broke my glasses. It's gonna be a long month.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. dragon4111


      Oh is it one with Applejack?

    3. AppleLover


      Surprisingly no. It's a Skyrim one and a Western.

    4. dragon4111
  23. "Bunch of*Hic* lightweights. Ain't that right Barnabus?" Littler Wind said to the penguin next ti him.He got up, stumbled for a bit, found a nice bottle of mead, and curled up with it on the inn floor. He woud have made his way to the room, but the magical pixies that he saw convinced him he was sleeping on clouds.
  24. I can never just have only one chocolate covered honeybun. But I also can never get enough of cheese. I love it so much. And dill pickle ships. Those three items are the best foods I have ever eaten.
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