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Pineapple Bloom

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Status Updates posted by Pineapple Bloom

  1. TFW someone sends you a note but you're too introverted to even respond ;w;

  2. I am SO sorry if this is completely random, but I know somebody called Mothra on a different forum, so... are you from TamaTalk?

    1. Mothra


      Sorry, never heard of it, this is the only forum I've been on, just a coincidence I guess :P

    2. Pineapple Bloom
  3. Now THAT was the best episode EVER and I think Fluttershy's brother cameo'd at the end there but IDK.

  4. I saw a MLP knock-off toy with Pinkie Pie's color scheme, Rarity's eyes, and Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark.

  5. This literally appeared for a frame in the new episode!! O_O http://i62.tinypic.com/dre2l5.jpg

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      i saw that i was like WHATTT!

  6. This sounds amazing!

  7. My mom thinks Applejack's name isn't fit for a girl character because "Jack" is a boys' name. O_O

    1. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      Well, she kinda has a point here XDDD

  8. I just now noticed Apple Bloom in the banner O_O

    1. Lil'Cinnamon


      I noticed that a long time ago. xD When I first saw it.

  9. I cried more than I did with any other MLP episode ever...

    1. Lunia


      "I cried inside"

  10. Wisdom of the day: "Family is way more important than pies."

    1. VitalSpark


      What about Pinkie's family?

  11. I'm adoring Apple Bloom more and more! <3

  12. I touched a carpet snake today and it felt so smooth :)

  13. In the shop I saw a My Little Pony knock-off with a Pony Creator character on the packaging...

    1. Shikilicious


      I would bet the image isn't licensed. Perhaps ponycreater can get some new funds from this.

  14. I'm glad MLP Season 5 is here, 'cause my favorite anime ended at the end of March. :(

  15. The worst thing ever happened to me today... I just want to be happy again ;-;

    1. Pineapple Bloom

      Pineapple Bloom

      I mean, the worst thing that's ever happened in my life

    2. Lightwing


      What happened? :c

    3. Ice Fox
  16. Whenever I see the word "welcome", the first thing I think of is equal ponies...

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      =..........Join them.....Join them.....= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =====================================================================================

    2. Ryzu


      lol I just think of the welcoming section

  17. OMIGOSH I found my brother's account!!!

  18. I'm trying to determine if my brother has an account on this site...

    1. Ryzu


      OMG SAME I really wanna find out cuz my bro is awesome and I know he is a brony as well, his name is connor and would probably be in a roleplay section

  19. Watched the S5 premiere! It was so fabulous and Starlight Glimmer's song was cute XD

  20. Hi! If I remember correctly, you asked for a commission from me a while back. Sorry for not doing it, bad things happened and I'm not in the mood to do commissions anymore :( I hope you got your money back though! (I don't know if you paid or not)

    1. ChikaChan


      Don't worry about it,I don't mind at all,take care ^^

  21. I'm back, sorry I was too upset to come here for a while.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VitalSpark


      Happy to have you back!

    3. Pineapple Bloom

      Pineapple Bloom

      I'm fine for now

    4. Ryzu


      feel free to pm me if you need anything though

  22. I'm sorry but I might not be here for a while because there's a huge cyclone coming and flooding predicted :'(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CheeryFox
    3. Ryzu


      More importantly make sure the people you care about are safe as well

    4. CheeryFox
  23. I thought I had watched every MLP episode but I had never watched Hearth's Warming Eve or Owl's Well That Ends Well. I watched them today though. ^_^

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