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Posts posted by MidnightPallette1992

  1. The worst fanfics are the ones with violence and gore in them, they are horrible fanfics. I hate violence and gore.

    Unnecessary gore and shock factor in a cute, peaceful pony world is what ruins it. Id pick peaceful stories over the horrible murder stuff anyday. Plus, my little pony was meant to make people feel good, not bad. :(

    Pony.mov looks like a remake of grim adventures of billy and mandy. It sucks, the animation looks shit, and its the same damn stories done over and over. Id prefer real my little pony over that garbage.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. why is clopping so horrible in this fandom? Yeah, i think about making love with fluttershy or rarity or rainbow dash or celestia. I sometimes wish any of them were next to me. But why is a fantasy seen as a taboo? Can anyone explain this?

    how many of our so called peaceful bronies HATE on clop? Why do you f***ing care if Im a clopper?! Who the hell are you to say I can't clop??!

    The fandom itself is to blame a little bit too.


    You should not shove ponies down a person's throat. Also they get seriously creeped out by the...umm....clopping.


    Gosh, you people are making them out to be evil bastards or something. They just not have seen the magic of friendship, that's all :bedeyes:

    you think its evil if I clop?! Who the f*** are you to say I can or can't do?!
  3. Just ignore them. Besides, those people are just haters. Real anti-bronies are the ABC.

    the Anti Brony Coalition, or should I say Already Chewed Gum.

    I stopped myself from replying to their hate messages and tried not to give a crap about AntiBronyBrotherhood's opinions. They try so hard to make us brownies a bad name. Anti brownies are ridiculous.

  4. ABB is a horrible cult full of psychopaths and compulsive liars and bigots. They need to get arrested by swat teams for all they done. Anti Brony anything should be burned in the lake of fire for giving us bronies and pegasisters a bad name. ABB and all the hate groups need to be deleted forever. I don't want some antibrony going to my house to murder me. :(

  5. Any one of the Mane six would cheer me up when I get lonely. I would accept any hug from them. At times, the real world feels ugly and cold. I wish I have a girlfriend once again. If rainbow dash existed, I would be a gentlemen and be very nice to her. I would wish to spend time with her. But it may never happen in a billion years because people hate MLP FIM

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Well , pretty much attention and self-esteem boost by constantly putting down others. They are bullies,trolls who think a man is either "normal"/"tough" or a loser/furfag/horsef*cker/weeaboo etc. Pretty black and white, all or nothing mentality. Some of them don't even care about the show, just go with the hate because it's cool. I usually ignore them or try to show kindness, and they get even angrier (2 guys apologised for cursing me, they thought all bronies clop).

    why is clopping so horrible in this fandom? Yeah, i think about making love with fluttershy or rarity or rainbow dash or celestia. I sometimes wish any of them were next to me. But why is a fantasy seen as a taboo? Can anyone explain this?
    • Brohoof 1
  7. I have no idea what to do about the so many of the antibronies on google. Theyre ruining the fandom so bad. I cant help but lash out at them. They play with my emotions :( can you guys help me?

    These anti brony cults are making me furious. Its like they control the world.

    I feel hopeless that i cant fight back at them. :'(

  8. I am 23 years old. I download pictures of MLP R 34 and Clopfic.I enjoy it and occasionally look at it sometimes. It is my alternative to having an intimate relationship with a real human. But i have many concerns due to influence to younger or older people on the internet. I hope those images are not pirated or copyrighted or else the police arrest an innocent bystander like myself. And i am also worried that people get the wrong ideas and feel threatened or offended. what do you suggest I do?

  9. My avatar was removed because it was a sexy picture of MLP FIM and not age appropriate. I actually keep clopfic and playbrony based pictures on my phone, tablet and laptop. I am worried that there are 13 or younger people that might accidently look at the avatar and be offended. Do you have any suggestions? :(

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I am a clopper. I don't give a 'beep' about having a fantasy about cartoon ponies. PLUS I'm straight, and of course I would totally date fluttershy if she was real. Or just one of the Mane Six. Who gives a crap?

    I actually have a life. I doubt that antibronies even go to school. I go to college like normal and talk to my immature ex girlfriend. in my opinion, clopping is a way to cope with a severe emotional illness that I have time to time. Sometimes life is cruel and I feel like sh*t. I believe having a Waifu is an emotional coping mechanism when I feel detached or lonely. How is it that an antibrony never understands anything?

    • Brohoof 1
  11. I really, really am sick of people hating on other fandoms. I seen a furry group hate on Bronies today. I believe furries are not that different from us bronies. This world we live in is so very sad because people would do anything to hurt your feelings. And knock you down, over and over again. What a mess :( :(



    "What's truly important in life is cherishing who you are and the beauty in being alive." -Midnight Pallette

    • Brohoof 1
  12. I really, really am sick of people hating on other fandoms. I seen a furry group hate on Bronies today. I believe furries are not that different from us bronies. This world we live in is so very sad because people would do anything to hurt your feelings. And knock you down, over and over again. What a mess :( :(

    • Brohoof 3
  13. There is too much hate for bronydom online, in google and everywhere else besides here. I dont understand why anti bronies go all out to put you down. Its F ed up but true. Every brony hater i see thnks like theyre so special, and ur not. That is bs right there. I like mlp to escape the boredom of the normal society in america. Fandom should never be judged just by its cover anyway. :)

    • Brohoof 1
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