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Status Replies posted by NinjaPomeranian

  1. Morning. ^_^'

  2. Found my FireRed game ;u;. My shiny Charmeleon will evolve soon ;u;

  3. Ugh...parents can be such an annoyance...telling me to give up ponies and grow up? I'll make my own decisions thank you very much...

    1. NinjaPomeranian


      It is.When I hear those people who their parents force them to like/dislike things,I consider myself very lucky.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  4. Morning. ^_^'

  5. Found my FireRed game ;u;. My shiny Charmeleon will evolve soon ;u;

  6. Found my FireRed game ;u;. My shiny Charmeleon will evolve soon ;u;

  7. Morning. ^_^'

  8. Ugh...parents can be such an annoyance...telling me to give up ponies and grow up? I'll make my own decisions thank you very much...

    1. NinjaPomeranian


      I don't get parents that force their kids to like/dislike something.Is their life,you can dislike/like what you want,so they can too.I like Pokemon omg ;u;. My mom even bought me a lot of cards,including a Charizard one xD.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  9. Morning. ^_^'

  10. Ugh...parents can be such an annoyance...telling me to give up ponies and grow up? I'll make my own decisions thank you very much...

    1. NinjaPomeranian


      Me neither.However I didn't really experienced it since even though my mom is girly-ish and stuff,she doesn't have any problem that I'm not girly mostly of the time.Hence,we do and go where I want where she comes in visit.And my dad always gives me freedom over my liking and disliking,so yeah.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  11. Ugh...parents can be such an annoyance...telling me to give up ponies and grow up? I'll make my own decisions thank you very much...

    1. NinjaPomeranian


      Because they are your parents doesn't make they rule over you.Nobody but yourself can do that

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  12. Ugh...parents can be such an annoyance...telling me to give up ponies and grow up? I'll make my own decisions thank you very much...

    1. NinjaPomeranian


      that is just terrible.Is not worth to give up something you like though,after all,is your life.Is better to ignore the haters and to continue to like what you like than to like what others want you to like.:)

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  13. It's raining...I will enjoy it as I can since on Monday there will be about 40 grades in my country ;u;

  14. It's raining...I will enjoy it as I can since on Monday there will be about 40 grades in my country ;u;

  15. Free hugs?

  16. I'm very scared since I hear sounds from my room and I dont know from what they are and until my dad comes home I will live a horror movie.

  17. You're the first person to reach out to me in forever. Thanks ^^

  18. I can't get rid of these feeling of loneliness. I feel so forgotten.

  19. Soon I am leaving for some time and I probably won't be back until sunday. I might occasionally log in (low chances) but only to check notifications and PMs and to answer on shorter ones. See You on sunday, people! *hugs*

  20. Vertical

    1. NinjaPomeranian


      I moved my monitor to the side of the bed and I have my keyboard on my lap.Yay for lazyness

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  21. Soon I am leaving for some time and I probably won't be back until sunday. I might occasionally log in (low chances) but only to check notifications and PMs and to answer on shorter ones. See You on sunday, people! *hugs*

  22. Soon I am leaving for some time and I probably won't be back until sunday. I might occasionally log in (low chances) but only to check notifications and PMs and to answer on shorter ones. See You on sunday, people! *hugs*

    1. NinjaPomeranian


      if only we could...we can keep dreaming,eh?xD. And thanks ^w^

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

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