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Status Updates posted by KokuraiNoSenshi

  1. Am I the only one noticing all the Godzilla 2014 threads being revived all of a sudden? No? Ok den

  2. Finally home from the anime convention... Man I am tired... But I finally got some plushies of my very own, so no I definitely didn't come back empty handed!

  3. "I no doubt deserve my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends" Walt Whitman

    1. Pinkamena-Pills


      Well lets be happy your not Walt Whitman,your KokuraiNoSenshi and Pills best friend!

    2. KokuraiNoSenshi


      That's the best thing I could ever hope for... :)

  4. I no doubt deserve my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends

    1. Pinkamena-Pills


      Well too bad! Pills isn't going anywhere! XD


  5. Working on a few things, sorry if I don't reply to PM's or the like

  6. I love having friends who are good at creating things... ^^ Thanks for the avatar Pega!

  7. Man the forums are quiet as of late...

  8. So... Seabreeze's VA has voiced; Knuckles, Vegeta, Venom, & Ryuk... WHAT!?!?

    1. Cosmonaut


      It over 9000!

    2. Ziggy + Angel + Rain

      Ziggy + Angel + Rain

      Get back in the PM, Scootaloo lol. You didn't give me a chance to finish typing. I know this isn't relevant to this topic but I'm going to get your attention somehow. xD

  9. Why does it have to be storms...

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. MetalTao


      Damn it.. i got it wrong again...

    3. Sunshower Raindrops

      Sunshower Raindrops

      Partially. You were right about them being very rare, but were wrong on their anatomy. Honestly it took me a bit to understand their anatomy too since they are very complex.

    4. MetalTao


      Yeah. XD But it is great to be wrong! Only means there is more to learn!

  10. If I don't respond to any PM's or the like, Mecha Aatrox just got released; I am going to be very busy :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KokuraiNoSenshi
    3. Khaoios


      Whoa........look pretty badass, :D

    4. KokuraiNoSenshi


      Yeah I can't wait to play him :3 Looking for a game to join up right now

  11. If I don't respond to any messages or PM

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KokuraiNoSenshi


      Sorry Shift, hit enter by accident :P

    3. Shift


      Yeah, I know, I was makin' a joke :P

    4. KokuraiNoSenshi


      Well it was a funny joke, I will admit XP

  12. Oh fuck! I just realized it said "Do not use without permission!" Shit shit shit!

  13. OMFG! I HAVE NO MORE LIFE, I AM JUST GOING TO DO THIS FOR THE REST OF ETERNITY! http://thatguy1945.deviantart.com/art/Petting-Fluttershy-INTERACTIVE-412271520

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      good question, pega XD

    3. Inactive_Now


      It is kinda addicting. :P

    4. MetalTao


      Is there a Luna version?


  14. OMFG! I HAVE NO MORE LIFE, I AM JUST GOING TO DO THIS FOR THE REST OF ETERNITY! http://thatguy1945.deviantart.com/art/Petting-Fluttershy-INTERACTIVE-412271520

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cosmonaut


      "Who will win the heart of the adorable yellow pegasus! The quirky KokuraiNoSenshi, or the determined Flutterdash! The answers will come soon, right after this commercial break!"

    3. KokuraiNoSenshi


      Uh, no xD

      1. He is already married to the yellow pegasus.

      2. If he finds out I made an OC who becomes an alicorn & they get together he will have a fit because he hates alicorn x Fluttershy stuff.

      3. Alicorn is also a dude & he hates hetero ships.

      4. If he finds out this crap & gets pissy at me I will die because it will be like getting rejected by FlutterShy, or at least it will feel that way to me :(

    4. KokuraiNoSenshi


      Therefore Flutterdash is not allowed to hear about this, which is why I am going to make a new status update :P

  15. Oh man... So tired... Guess I should go to sle- *Checks clock* It's... Quarter after 7 in the morning... WHEN THE HECK DID THAT HAPPEN!?

  16. Such a cute avatar :P

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      I'll have to do it in a bit, have things to do and parcels to receive as well.

    3. KokuraiNoSenshi


      That's fine, I just got home myself lol

    4. MetalTao



      I can't HOLD All these D'Awwws!


    1. Arctic Night

      Arctic Night

      Bird is the word

  18. This entire world feels a bit upside down at times... Question is, is it upside down for me, or for everyone else?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KokuraiNoSenshi


      See, M'aiq gets it

    3. Pinkamena-Pills


      M'aiq is talking literal,im talking spiritual my friend.

    4. M'aiq the Liar

      M'aiq the Liar

      But without the literal, the spiritual would not exist.

  19. Sorry it took so long to update this, but back. Looks like Twilight retook the lead. Whatever... So long as everyone stops fighting, I don't care anymore...

    1. Sunshower Raindrops
    2. KokuraiNoSenshi


      The Twilight fans were attacking the Fluttershy fans because Fluttershy got a big boost a few hours ago... They kept accusing us all of cheating & making dupe accounts, so it was just a huge mess...

  20. Going out for sushi... Hopefully when I get back everyone will have calmed down a bit & whoever wins wins.

  21. I am getting really upset at how hateful the Twilight fans are getting during this... Can't Flutters be ahead without it becoming some conspiracy theory or something?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KokuraiNoSenshi


      @Apple It's not like the Fluttershy fans want this. I have tried to extend the olive branch of peace towards a couple of the Twilight fans, & I posted a whole section of Fluttershy & Twilight cuddling up with the phrase "Let's remind everyone who the best AdoraDorkable team is!"

    3. AppleGearRising


      That'll sate the more right-thinking fans but it won't stop the loons from advocating trouble.

    4. KokuraiNoSenshi


      @Apple I know... I just am getting so sick of the hatred going on right now... What happened to the fun we were all having? It was a great, fun little game & now suddenly the Twilight's are pissed & the Flutters are being accused...

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