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Derplight Sperkle

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Everything posted by Derplight Sperkle

  1. Fluttershy enjoyed trips to Canterlot, the train rolling down the tracks with the scenery passing by always calmed her. As the train arrived in Canterlot, she got her bags prepared and walked to the castle with the others. Some ponies seemed to recognize the Element of Kindness and stared a bit, but Fluttershy shied away from their gazes and stuck in the middle of the group. Oh I hope my animal friends are doing okay, she thought as the castle doors opened to allow everypony in. The interior of the castle never lost its majesty and Fluttershy was amazed at the preparations that have commenced already. With Pinkie involved, this party will be very big, hopefully not too big. @@Hypn0ticD,@@bronislav84, "I think we should get Princess Cadence before we meet the humans, there should be time, I think..." Fluttershy commented.
  2. My new laptop has officially been ponfied http://imgur.com/sSLdqO8

  3. So my brand spanking new laptop decided to get itself into a automatic repair loop. Only fix was reseting it. Lovely....

    1. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      is it still doing badly? :(

  4. Just got myself a new laptop. Loving it so far :D

  5. I've watched Jack for a few months now, what got me started was his Beam NG Drive videos. Those wrecked cars were just marvellous.
  6. This is what happens when you remote desktop from a laptop to your desktop then remote desktop from the desktop back to your laptop. http://imgur.com/ZIPxjqr

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Derplight Sperkle

      Derplight Sperkle

      Remote desktop the remote desktop, then you will find the answer

    3. Monsoon


      Indeed you will

    4. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      computerception again BWWAAAANNGG

  7. So I decided to complicate things. Playing Civ 5 on my desktop from school on my laptop

    1. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      computerception BWAAAANNNGGGG

  8. @,@@Yoshikupo, @ When the group reached the town, passers by would stare at Goraxan. The crowds even slid away from him as they walked into the center. Not many people see Dragonborn these days, my people are slowly dwindling away... Jade eventually pulled Goraxan aside as they entered a shop. The store was run down, but he could smell the food cooking in such a delicious manner. Goraxan would grunt in acknowledgement from Jade as customers still gawked at him. As they left the shop, he could see their compatriots in the crowd, he pointed them out for Jade. "They are there, now lets get moving."
  9. I have returned from the great north that is known as Maine

    1. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      without the moose that you were supposed to ride into battle :P

    2. Derplight Sperkle

      Derplight Sperkle

      Those moose kept running away. All I wanted was to make the great Moose cavalry

  10. Off to bed then a great long drive up to Maine to meet Britty's family. It's going to be an interesting weekend.

    1. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      hope your ready for maine redneck bbqs and the great outdoors :3

  11. @@Taialin,@@Yoshi89, @@Hypn0ticD, @@bronislav84, @@Windbreaker Fluttershy was glad to see all her friends have arrived in time. Rainbow had even been up in the clouds waiting before even Applejack and Fluttershy arrived. As they arrived, she gave each a small wave. The one pony that arrived with royal escort was what surprised Fluttershy. Princess Celestia was in town instead at Canterlot. Wouldn't it be better if Princess Celestia was in Canterlot? Not that it's a problem... Fluttershy quickly bowed to the Princess as she approached. "Um, hello Princess Celestia. I was wondering, if you don't mind me asking, um, why you were still in Ponyville? I thought you were in Canterlot preparing for the humans?"
  12. @,@, @@Yoshikupo Goraxan watched the little robot with distrust. He didn't trust anything that could have possibly come from their main enemy, so he made sure to keep a decent distance. The fire burned behind the group as they kept ahead of the flames. Their 'leader' then asked if anyone had a map. Goraxan grunted in approval. "I don't have a map. Shouldn't you have brought one, since you are our appointed leader? And I wouldn't trust that thing, it might just blow up in your face."
  13. So no for me as a moderator. I will have to do better next time

    1. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      sorry love :( kisses to make you feel better ^.^

    2. Shadow Beam

      Shadow Beam

      Same here, although they said that my application was postponed or something of the sorts.

  14. @@Yoshikupo,@ "Teleportation eh? Coward magic," Goraxan said to himself when suddenly he heard a body drop near him. He looked around and saw some bandit wanted to take advantage of his tunnel vision on the that cowardly human. He turned and also saw the elf with the bow in hand, landing the killing blow on the bandit. "Thank you elf, if only you were here a few seconds ago, we could have that that worm of a human..."
  15. That banner changed pretty quick

    1. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      why must the banner change so much :/

  16. @@Kreinbahthur,@@FractalMoon, @ "Screw this, this is taking way too long. I suggest we skip on the formalities." Shade holsters his MP5 and materializes one of the new shotguns he got from the police. He loads it with the door buster rounds that he also picked up and gets in front of the door. "This may get a bit loud, and splintery," Shade says as he pushes Silver aside and takes aim at the door hinges. He fires three rounds, one on top, middle, and bottom of the door. The door door hinges splinter out from the force of the shotgun blasts and the door falls flat on the other side of the now doorless frame. "Knock, knock. Anyone home?"
  17. Suddenly new banner appears!

    1. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      a wild banner appears shall you use your master ball?

    2. Derplight Sperkle

      Derplight Sperkle

      No, I don't want to see the restrooms afterwards

    3. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      ewwww that's gross XP

  18. @@Yoshikupo "You think ice can stop me?" Goraxan's nostrils began to smoke as he prepared his fire breath. He soon opened his mouth as flames erupted from his mouth towards the ice around his legs. The ice began to rapidly melt from the intense heat. When all of it melted, he looked at the human with a sinister look in his eyes. "You better think of what you are going to do next, human filth, for it will be the last thought you will ever have," Goraxan said as he began advancing towards the human.
  19. Application has been sent in. Good luck to all who have applied
  20. Just applied for to be a moderator, hope I get in

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Goofyg27


      Why does your face on the picture look shocked or bored just asking?

    3. Derplight Sperkle

      Derplight Sperkle

      It's Twilight rolling her eyes

    4. Goofyg27


      Oh ok. I am feeling a little bit crazy now.

  21. @,@, @@Yoshikupo Goraxan powered on his jumppack and made a powered jump right towards the human on fire. He landed several seconds later near the pair of humans. One of them was lacking clothing from the fire that was put out, and the other was looking red in the face. What human expression could this be? I have not seen it in the camps of Harbinger of Fate. Goraxan looked in the distance and saw another human fleeing. "I will get that human filth," he snarled as he jumped into the air again. Goraxan landed several yards away form the fleeing human and roared at him, "Stop in your tracks coward. Fight me like the pathetic slime you are." His broadsword was out and in his grasp, waiting for the decision the human made.
  22. @@Hypn0ticD Fluttershy arrived when it looked like nopony else was around. She checked the clock and the schedule to find she was quite early. surprising that I'm here before anypony else, but it's good that this is all quiet. Fluttershy set down her bags and began waiting for her friends. Speaking of friends, Applejack soon arrived with a full cart. She must be getting ready for all the humans. Other ponies also began to arrive, but Fluttershy didn't recognize any of them. "Hello Applejack. I'm sorry I am bit too early, I guess finishing off preparations for my animal friends went much faster than I thought. I haven't see anypony else that we know arrive. Knowing Twilight, she should be here soon, we both know how she is with schedules," Fluttershy said in a low tone to make sure nopony else heard her.
  23. @ Goraxan stared into the fire as the two humans seemed to wander off. I know my comrades will be okay. Once my freedom is attained I will get them out and reform my guild. He kindled the fire as the elf tended to the fences. He still wondered what brought her here, but seeing what made the others depart, didn't want to press. This forest is dangerous, the humans were unwise to leave the camp. Just as Goraxan's suspicions were confirmed by the gunfire in the distance, he sprang up and followed the elf into towards the fight. ​Some good old fashioned fighting to cheer me up. @@Yoshikupo,@ Goraxan headed off into the forest towards the gunfire. As he approached, he readied his jumpack for liftoff.
  24. @@Yoshikupo, @,@ "My social rules do not differ too much from your human rules. If there is something I can handle that you don't, I will handle it." Goraxan watched the fire then raised his head to look at Jade when she asked him the question. "The reason I was in that dungeon? I was on the wrong side of a battle, and was taken prisoner upon the defeat of the Harbingers of Fear. I guess my kind is sought after by humans, so they didn't kill me right away. I still don't know why I was thrown in the dungeon away from my comrades, I hope they are doing fine," Goraxan looked up at the moon as he remembered his friends in the Harbingers of Fear.
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