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Everything posted by LordSwinton

  1. Sure, just wanted to check so I don't get the shade of white wrong. Wolf? The base doesn't affect the quality of the art She's a thief yes? So I take that as a yes? BTW I cannot see sigs atm, on mobile.
  2. Yup! Can do! Pure white? Like absolute pure white? And I'll need his cutie mark on a transparent background. I can't vector overly complicated cutie marks.
  3. Sure, I'll do a sketch first to test the waters. Do you have a side profile of her? There isn't anybody else shrug request away if you like. Business is slow.
  4. "I'll keep that in mind." He mumbled as he stared warily at Sparky. He was all to aware of how close he had been to having a chuck of his hind hoof forcibly ripped off. Who knew Sparky could be so violent, he sure didn't. "Sorry, Sparky. I offer my most humble apologies. In no way or manner did I intend to insult you." He hoped he didn't hold grudges but he might sleep with one eye open just in case. "Yes, sleep,to perchance a dream, of course. I'm deeply sorry to have kept you awake, Lektra." He apologized as he followed behind her numbly. It excited him that she allowed him to stay and he was grateful she was a decent pony and not some deranged psychopath that could haved chopped him into pieces when he was cold and out. He was staying at a proper house with a proper bed. WITH A MARE. It didn't bother him much but if his parents caught wind of this, he'd most likely have his head on a pike. A silver pike. He didn't know what the fuss was about ponies gossip all the time, especially among the higher circles. The rumor mill never stops anyway. "Goodnight, Lektra." He bid her sweet dreams.
  5. Starchase was roaming around the halls of the castle. He was, without a doubt, utterly lost. The place seemed like a maze to him. He was pushing open every unlocked door. He popped his head in and saw the others. "Hello" He smiled awkwardly. Was it even the right place he thought.
  6. Another done! And finally IB (I Google a clear image background image for his cutie mark, is it the same? I'm not too good at designing with so little details
  7. I doubt many people know I exist lol
  8. Okay, I'll get it done in a bit Is this long enough? Wasn't sure how to do her right fringe again bleh Could I have a pic of your OC with no background and the cutie mark, I simply cannot vector it, too complicated.
  9. Got her done pretty quickly since I still have the file from last time
  10. OK! Time to close (pss, is our RP dead?)
  11. Oh okay, you might need to remind me when I've finished it Okay, if you want me to
  12. I shall try, I've never done clothing
  13. OK, I'll keep that in mind. Actually why do you need the svg? Just curious.
  14. With her costume on? Your approval fills me with joy Do you want the raw svg this time too?
  15. (Sorry I'm late in ) Starchase looked out the window. Yup, there was the castle in full view. The letter sat on his mantel as he sipped his tea. He had a hard time believing it was real and nobody was pulling his hoof. It was everything he ever wanted, adventure! He pulled on his coat and left, sending his dog and goldfish to an old friend's. The sad puppy eyes made him feel extraordinarily guilty. He trotted briskly through the crowd until he reached the gates.
  16. I'm so terribly sorry I don't know how to do gradients So is it a mare or stallion? I'm starting work on it. And a little backstory would help
  17. Glad you 'stumbled' into our little forum here! Interlocutor, wow big word. But then again there really isn't another words for it.
  18. I can't seem to attach it here :/ I kept getting the spike above her ear wrong. Does it look odd?
  19. It's really creepy and rather unsettling. Was that what you were aiming for?
  20. Okay, I'll get to yours when I'm done
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