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Everything posted by LordSwinton

  1. Flux walked in behind both Princess Celestia and Chronos, fearing a trap. She was on the edge, weird bird, somepony screaming and all. She let out an audible sigh of relief seeing as it wasn't a trap. "Stupid bird," she murmured "At least it isn't a trap. What's happening here?"
  2. "Hey! Wait for me too!" Flux quickly dropped everything into an empty ink pot, pushed in the rubber stopper and rushed after them. There's no way in Tartarus I'm being left here she thought as she sprang over to them. "This thing gives me the chills. Where does it want us?" She muttered.
  3. "Where do you think it's taking her?" She asked as she watched Princess Celestia follow the black raven. "Perhaps I should lower the amount when I do a demonstration," she sighed as she lifted the candles off their holders and went to work on them. "Wouldn't want to blow up the castle now."
  4. "I don't think that's a good idea..." Flux quietly said to Chronos with her voice rising in panic. "What if it's a trap? What are we going to do?!" She realized she was nearly shouting. "Sorry about that," She apologized, clearly embarrassed at her own outburst. "I'm sure the princess is capable of taking care of herself."
  5. I usually draw a box and circle then add legs, ears and muzzle.
  6. Flux was a bit spooked by the raven with its dark symbolism of death and all. "It looked like a harmless bird. Shall I kill it?" She asked as her horn began to glow softly. The raven was gaining distance, fast becoming black blurry dot in the landscape. "Darn, I don't think I can do it now. What was it?"
  7. That's so sweet. I bet your cat loves it.
  8. Next time I'll burn the door down Flux silently thought. Regardless, she still had her limitless supply of joy from her recent experience while it lasted. "Princess Celestia, sorry to disturb you but I have made a wonderful discovery." And ruined your grass in the process she nearly said aloud. "I made this thing liquidy solution thing that explodes when you light it. And I thought it would be helpful somehow?" She had a sort of desperate smile that scream 'please approve of this or I shall cry'.
  9. Peeking out the window, Starchase could see the land was a blaze as it has been for about five years or so. It seemed a lot longer though. But the sun looked a little further off the few times he dared to look at it. Perhaps it was the heat getting to him. He had been moving around at first, trying to find somewhere cooler in Equestria, trying to beat the heat. It led him back home in Canterlot where he'd been staying since. It unnerved him that the crazy alicorn wasn't too far away in her castle. But it didn't bother him as he slowly drifted off to sleep.
  10. "I suppose Sparky here is a personal pet. It sure beats those stupid hard rocks that people have the guts and shear gall to market as a companion for sure." He laughed. He hated those. Which is why he once threw it out the window and it got him in trouble. A rock is a rock and nothing but a rock. And he preferred if it stayed that way. "Doesn't it ever get lonely here?" He asked. He hoped she wasn't offended. Or worse...He didn't want to be kicked out. "I mean, no offense to Sparky here, I bet he's a great companion, but this location is rather far from town being in the outskirts and all." He sort of regret asking that. He was internally slapping himself for it. He tried to shift the subject back to her work. "Your line of work is rather precise and highly specialized, what inspired you to do this? Surely you didn't just wake up one day and found out you wanted to do this for the rest of your life. What's your motivation? What drives you to do all this amazing machinery?" He looked closely at the difference bits and bobs around the room. They must've taken up lots of her time. He for one knew he didn't have the determination to do this sort of thing. And he was lazy.
  11. "Yeah, I was about to do that. I heared she's in," She smiled. " I really hope this discovery will help us in the war. I mean it doesn't mean like much but at least it's a distraction." She trotted over to find Princess Celestia and knocked on her door. She was glad she hadn't found her in her excitable mood like just now or the princess might have thought she was mad.
  12. I'd do it again for you if you'd like. Just that I'm not too good with art as you've seen. But I'm fine with it!
  13. "Thanks!" She said with a smile as she checked out where her numerous cuts were. They were gone as if they were never there in the first place. She was as good as new. "That's was amazing. Must be pretty useful to have a 'rewind button'. How'd you do it?" She cocked her head to one side.
  14. "How did you know?!" She stopped and took a step back and faced him. "Yes, yes, I did! It's the first useful thing I've done here!" She did a little jig and realized it hurt like buck so she stopped. "And I think I hurt myself." She added on a dull note, finally noticing.
  15. Flux roamed around the castle, nicking all the candles that had the unfortunate fate of being seen by her. She had lit them in a jar and held them in the air with magic. The wax was turning into liquid, as she had wanted them to. She filtered off anything she didn't want and had the rest swirling around. She made a makeshift wick and happily carried her new jar of solution off outside to be tested. Naturally, it exploded and sent shards of sharp glass into every direction. She felt giddy. From both her new discovery and the blood leaving her from the numerous cuts she had gotten. Hyped up with adrenaline, she dashed off to find Princess Celestia while screaming 'I made a liquid explosive!' like a maniac.
  16. Please don't kill me, I've never done humans before.
  17. Muzzle looks too protruding in her side view in my opinion. Is it the angle or is her legs a bit long? It might look shorter with her tail on. Everything is a bit hard to judge without any mane. You could add some pieces at the muzzle to make it rounder in the front view but I think it's better not to complicate things. You could try extending the middle piece to the muzzle but I can't really imagine whether it will work or not. It looks fine, I'm just being a bit nit picky.
  18. If you're Chinese, your surname becomes the only name you have. And it's hilarious when there's two by the same name. I call some of my Malay friends by their surname, cause some people just have more memorable surnames.
  19. http://mlpforums.com/topic/120641-offering-gala-dress-help/
  20. Think of some causes that would shape her the way she is. Why would she stand up for others? Is it because she was bullied? Somepony stood up for her once? Think that way and see what develops.
  21. ask and you shall recieve, here :http://arswinton.deviantart.com/
  22. I'm not a huge fan but I love drawing Sherclop ever since me and my friends ponified him and I even made a plushie of him. He dominates a chunk of my DA.
  23. That was actually a really good idea. "I think I could do that. They usually don't do much unless I start a spark and I suppose that's the ignition. That way, it could be possible and it could be safer..." She mumbled. She mentally made a list of ingredients, basically, it was a blueprint for disaster, possible a bomb.
  24. "Hmm,combustible, flammable... First there's the wick, it's always flammable so it kinda starts the combustion sometimes if it creeps to the side or slants. And then there are impurities if the wax isn't filtered properly and that's a risk factor..." She mechanically listed out everything she had been forced to cram into her brain about hire hazards and whatnot. "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong when it comes to these things. Maybe I should try using matches to light them one day."
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