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Posts posted by Ranger22

  1. I regret to inform everybody that due to my real life circumstance and schedule I am unable to continue contributing to this rp. It was a fun ride but unfortunately I have to bid farewell to you fellas. Thanks for the fun times and I wish ya'll luck for the future.

  2. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Vince found himself a little bit more invested into little keychains and little figurines than he initially believed he would. Though he wasn't so invested that he be oblivious to the environment around him. The once empty customer service desk was now occupied by a well fit and bearded man, whom Vince assumed was the owner of the store. Vince gave a nod of appreciation to the man's simple yet respectful service etiquette. Regardless, Vince wasn't particularly interested in anything specific so it seemed that the man's offer would fall to deaf ears, at least to Vince. Despite his seemingly distracted mannerism Vince payed enough attention to his surroundings to get a feel of what was happening. Eyeing the book Yuki had in her hand Vince found it quite refreshing to find she liked to play music. Moving to other isles Vince found a diverse array of books that he didn't recognize, the majority actually. Being a simple man, Vince took interest in the books with interesting titles and cover art.

  3. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    "Being honest with you guys, I just listed sci fi cause that was the first genre that came to mind. I don't exactly do too much reading, at least when it comes to books specifically. You fellas listed genres too, so I'm assuming you don't exactly have a wishlist for the main product sold here huh?" Vince stated as he opened the door to the bookstore, a faint little bell welcoming him and his teammates. The store itself had a small town feel to it, the colors of the interior giving Vince a vibe of minor comfort, though Vince could give credit to the air conditioning as well. There were multiple shelves and racks layered with a wide variety of books, each separated by genres and other forms of identification. No one appeared to be in the store besides Vince and his teammates. Paying it no mind Vince simply assumed that the owner of the store was just in the back of the building. Spotting a little rack with accessories related to a videogame he had been playing, Vince walked over with peeked interest. "Don't mind me."

  4. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    After looking up for what he believed to be the fifth time, Vince eventually found his two teammates there instead of thin air and strangers. Vince walked up to them and responded to their greetings with a smile and a wave of his hand. "Waiting always feels longer than it really is for me so no worries, I'm just glad that the wait is over." Vince said as he stretched out his legs. "Also, no worries Yuki. It was an understandable course of action considering the unique and out of the blue scenario you were faced with. Shame it had to take something special away, but what's done is done. So, you guys got anything on your shopping list? Cause I was planning on window shopping till something caught my eye and budget." Vince was honestly still annoyed by the whole issue, but thinking it best not to bother with it he decided to focus on shopping. Otherwise, Vince wouldn't know what he would do to the stupid dog. "Got any interesting books on your minds? Other than sci fi novels I don't really have a preference."

  5. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Tuckston's Book Trade? Vince took the name and tried to remember if he recognized it and its location. Much to his minor annoyance there was nothing that came up in his mind. With a sigh he typed the location into his scroll and let the gps do its job. Vince had eventually hailed a transport, exchanging a quick greeting to the driver before giving him directions. Vince kept track of his wallet the entire ride, which wasn't that long when he gave it some thought. The sight of well kept roads and diverse pedestrians kept him occupied as the driver cautiously focused on the road. Eventually, Vince saw the sight of Tuckston's Book store, handing the driver the required amount of lien before heading out of the vehicle. The store itself was fairly sized, quaintly matching the other buildings and structures that surrounded it. Pulling out his scroll Vince texted to Draco that he had arrived. 

    To Draco: Took a cab to the book store, just waiting out in the front for you and Yuki.

    Vince put away his phone and put his back to the wall of the bookstore, deciding whether or not to whistle in order to pass the time. He found it curious that he had arrived at the destination first, though taking a vehicle might have explained why. Taking in the air, Vince began looking at random objects to fill his consistent need to do things. 

  6. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Vince checked his scroll as a notification appeared, revealing itself to be a message from Draco about Yuki's condition and details about shopping. Relieved the whole issue wasn't as bad as it could be Vince checked his bag for any half decent outfit that he could wear in the city. Settling on a pair of jeans and a T shirt that had a video game character on it. Forgot I brought this. Vince thought to himself as he pulled his head through the T shirt, remembering the powered armored character to be more than a little bit responsible for his current get up. Ignoring his embarrassment and seemingly overwhelming nostalgia, Vince pocketed his wallet before leaving the dorm and closing the door behind him. With his scroll still in hand Vince responded to Draco's message.

    To Draco: I'm still up for shopping, got a bit of spending money so I'm looking forward to it. Let's just hope we don't run into any robbers on the way >:3. Either way, just tell me where we should meet up and I'll be on my way. 

    Naturally Vince hadn't hoped to run into any issues, it wasn't exactly on his bucket list to be attacked by goons. Though being a huntsman in training helped alleviate any fear of such an encounter, or at least being majorly harmed by it. There was a significant advantage of being trained in the use of aura, combat being a stand out advantage. Vince also took comfort in knowing he could call for his gear in an absolute emergency with a tap of his scroll. With these factors considered Vince walked out of Beacon in relative comfort, simply waiting for his teammate's location without any stress. 


    @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Before Vince could leave the dorm he had overheard Ghalan's response, which much to Vince's dismay proved to be as horrible as Ghalan's actions. God this faunus is such a god damn pain. How the hell does he think? What is his thought process? The questions ran through Vince's mind as he tried his best not to be any more baffled than he was at the moment. Vince didn't really have any stakes with the issue at hand, but Vince's concern for the scenario simply stemmed from Ghalan alone. The retard kisses a girl out of nowhere and fucks off saying "let them take care of it they're close!" Following up with "it's better that she not get close to one as I," as if that stupid ass line excused his actions and responsibility for anything. Vince couldn't grasp what the hell Ghalan's intentions were at all, a headache coming up as a consequence. "What?" was all Vince managed to say before Ghalan himself went away to forge weapons. He knew he said to let them settle the issue, but he had at least expected more of a response by Ghalan than whatever lunacy had just been spat out. With a guttural groan of annoyance Vince pulled out his scroll to check the weather, waiting for Draco and Yuki to finish up whatever they had to talk about. 

  8. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Vince was just barely getting off his bed before he saw the surprising act of Ghalan kissing Yuki out of the blue. In all honesty the only emotion Vince felt was annoyance at Ghalan's insistence of finding even more ways to be a rude individual. Ignoring his disruption of the team's plans on going shopping at the town with his forging thing Vince honestly didn't know what to do with the situation. Naturally Yuki had ran out on them, with Draco following suite, fitting the faunus; character quite well. With his eyebrow raised Vince looked at Ghalan with a semi-concerned look. "I'm curious, what made you think that was an ok thing to do? I mean, common sense and decency should be obvious man. And if you just say you felt like it I'm afraid I have to say you lose like, 20 respect points." Vince said as he stretched his body, one limb at a time, Taking a deep breath he began searching his pockets, satisfied to find his wallet and scroll both tuckly kept inside. "Either or, I don't know if they want your forging done after that little tease, but I'll be ready to do whatever, you guys just settle this juvenile issue." Vince calmly said as he headed for the door. Putting his hand to his chin Vince wondered what could he possibly buy at the town markets.

  9. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Vince simply nodded in agreement to Yuki's suggestion, for it was convenient and it had sounded like a good distraction from the whole Dust robbery mess. But that brought another question, what was everyone's take on home? Naturally it was subjective for sure, but Vince hadn't the slightest idea what his teammates had like aesthetically. Not that it was an actual issue of course, considering Vince would figure out their tastes when the shopping actually began. Before Vince could vocally agree to Yuki's suggestion Draco had conveniently walked through the door to answer for him. All things considered Draco was gone for a relatively short time, not that it had any impact of the suspicion Vince carried. "I guess that's three votes for some shopping." Vince stated before seeing Ghalan's interest in forging Yuki's new weapon reappear, interrupting the topic about shopping. Dog is persistent aint he? Vince thought to himself as a light smile briefly appeared on his face. 

  10. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Yuki had seemed to be in a similar predicament as Vince was, overwhelmed by the sudden surge of information and wondering what to do in face of it.  Her suggestion was simple and held merit, Vince couldn't help but nod in agreement. What else was there to do? No one was certain about anything besides the fact there was possible danger in the near future. The best they could do was just train, plain and simple. Continue their lives as huntsman in training and hope for the best while doing whatever could be done. "I said we didn't I? It can't be helped, best we can do is aim to get stronger and do what we can when if we have to. Best not stress over it, we don't want to be dragged down by something that isn't certain." Vince stated to Yuki before returning back to his bed, trying his best to find comfort in the soft fabric. Vince noticed Ghalan investigating Draco's 'groceries,' listening to his teammate's words that seemed to just flow through his mouth as if nothing had happened in the past few minutes. Vince couldn't help but smile, seeing his teammate practically following his advice without even trying. Vince couldn't help but laugh at the cheesy and lengthy inscription Ghalan's revolver had, keeping it subtle and quick to not sound rude. Seeing Ghalan's weaponry made Vince wonder about his own, after all-a weapon practically made a huntsman. He never really put much personality into his gear, not bothering to put much thought into his armaments compared to many others. Vince had assumed this was due to his combat school issuing gear instead of letting students create their own. Though Vince knew he had the freedom to do so now, considering if it was worth the effort to do so. With a bit of pondering Vince had concluded that he should, it was something to do if not anything else, best think about that instead of impending doom. "So, what do you fellas want to do now?" Vince asked, slightly bothered that he felt he had asked this question before as of recent.

  11. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    What Draco said didn't sit too well with Vince, though it gave an answer it was vague and potentially dangerous. He agreed that the had to get stronger, that was a plain given. Though Draco's theories and need for secrecy made Vince wonder what could have possibly been going on in the faunus' brain box. Despite his discomfort with the notion Vince understood why Draco had wanted to keep what he did secret. Though it may seem peaceful, the world was still dangerous and filled to the brim with dangerous people and faunus. Secrecy, like Draco had explained would help keep whatever enemy they had just made from gaining an advantage. Though Vince still worried, whether they liked it or not becoming a huntsman forced them into a scheduled life. One, that despite being there to aid in their growth could potentially make it easier for anyone with enough intelligence to easily keep track of them. Before Vince could say anything Draco's scroll had vibrated, leaving the dorm as well as questions. With a sigh, Vince overheard Ghalan offering more possible things he could forge with his mithril. Vince scoffed at Ghalan's grammatical use of 'a half plate,' he had to agree it was a more sturdy option for those up close. Though, aura and speed seemed to be the norm among huntsman. Mithril had proved an interesting topic, however Yuki's hiding of Draco's journal and investigation of his belongings proved to be a more direct and immediate issue. Walking over to Draco's bag he saw the dust that filled it, making Vince feel more uncomfortable with the fact Draco bought it all for the team. "So, what are we going to do?" Vince asked, feeling as if he had asked the question more times than he had to.

  12. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Vince had found himself agreeing with Draco's assumptions about Candlestick, though the name itself sounded too ridiculous for Vince to believe it was the criminal's real name. Despite this, what crime boss worked with his own lackeys? The idea was ludicrous for sure, but the world has a way of surprising people, in usually unexpected and horrible ways. That idea alone made Vince wary about Candlestick's true position and possible mastermind of the recent chain of robberies. Regardless, this was a particularly big issue to deal with, though Vince couldn't blame Draco for acting considering he would have done the same thing. But the prospect of dust being stolen didn't sit well with Vince, where was it all going? Black market sounded too easy, but it made complete sense. The robberies would make dust from vale more expensive, making the other regions want to buy from somewhere else like Atlas or Mistral. The prospect of Atlas hiring these goons frightened Vince, though it made sense and he didn't have any doubts about his government doing such things. But if they were robbing dust to sell on the Mistral blackmarket, more profit was to be made if these thugs were simply in it for themselves. Thinking about it made Vince's head hurt, this sounded bigger than he and the others had any right in butting in. "As I said before this man is probably connected to a lot of friends. If worse comes to worse your going to have a rogue huntsman after you, or multiple.This man won't come after you alone, and I suspect he saw your combat capabilities for himself. Saying you'll deal with him doesn't answer my question. So again, what will you do?" So Torchwick is his name? Not much of a difference but it at least sounds better. On a different note Ghalan brought many curiosities about mithril to Vince's mind. This material could stop a bullet but not a rapier stab? It was lunacy to think about, though the rest made sense. It was a strange prospect, a living material that seemed to refuse modern technology and methods. Besides that, Vince found himself thanking Yuki for saying what he was about to.

  13. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Knew it, was all Vince could think as he heard Draco admit to having stopped the robbery that was brought up on the news. Unless there was some other robbery that happened in town in the exact same way Vince was confident in his statement. The stockpiling of dust was generally a smart idea for students, especially considering the increasing rarity of said dust. Though the endeavor surely would have cost quite a sum of lien on his part, making Vince wonder what form of income his teammates had. Though that was a question for later, what concerned Vince the most was Draco's safety. "I expect nothing less from a huntsman in training, though it seems these robbers are quite a problem for the police. I wonder how they manage to successfully rob so many stores? They must have to be quite organized to keep this stuff up, and you said one managed to escape? How are you certain that Candlestick fellow won't come back seeking for payback? I know your tough Draco, but if this man is connected you and anyone you know may be in trouble." Vince said as he rose to face Draco. The while Ghalan had tested the mithril armor with a live round, much to Vince's complete annoyance. Though he had to admit, the armor had managed to hold up horrifyingly well for it's composition and design, and it wasn't as if Yuki was shot wearing the damn thing. Mail? How the hell did mail stop a bullet? "Ghalan, can you not fire your damn gun in the damn dorms? We might get into some serious trouble with the teachers We aren't even suppose to have them out in the academy, take some caution next time." He said in a rather lecture like tone, mainly worrying about Yuki's well being, especially since she was shot with a revolver. "So, what are we gonna do about this. You took action Draco, if anything happens it's your responsibility," Vince said to Draco after refocusing his attention back to him. Trying his utter best not to act on his instincts for firearm safety that had been drilled into his mind.

  14. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Draco coincidentally enough walked through the door just as Yuki finished her sentence, with Vince not knowing whether or not the faunus had overheard their earlier conversation. Vince's concerns were temporarily discarded when Draco had begun conversing with Yuki, followed by Ghalan with the same offer he had given to Yuki and himself. With Ghalan's enthusiasm Vince would admit that Draco was in quite the distracted position. Though it wasn't like Vince had any real intention to hide the assumption about Draco's heroism, even going so far as to potentially bring it up as a topic eventually. But once again Ghalan's offer proved to be the dedicated topic, which to Vince's admittance made him want to reconsider Ghalan's offer of reforging his equipment. Sooner or later Yuki had initiated dialogue about something other than mithril, question about the specifics of Draco's shopping trip. Which to Vince's satisfaction proved his earlier theory, naturally a huntsman in training would purchase dust for supplies. But only giving the faintest hints about whether or not he had anything to do with stopping a robbery. "I never requested dust from you Draco," Vince remarked, not feeling comfortable with having someone buy him something without asking first. It had always made him feel the slightest bit indebted, in a more negative way than he would have liked, as if the buyer had wanted Vince to feel like he owed something. "Though I thank you for doing so, especially considering the robberies. Speaking of which, have you heard of the robbery in town today? It was near the stores so I wonder, did you see anything?" Vince asked in an innocent tone, though he had mainly wanted to gain more evidence to prove his theory.

  15. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Vince's ears perked up as he heard the news about the dust robbery from Yuki. "Now that is some interesting news. Dust robberies have been pretty frequent around this area if you've been paying attention to the news. You here about one dust robbery you heard em all, but I don't recall one ever being stopped recently." Vince rose from his bed, turning to face Yuki. "You think it was a huntsman that stopped the robbery?" Vince asked, the words coming out of his mouth bringing up a possibility that intrigued him. "You said Draco was shopping around for supplies right? In town where that robbery just happened?" Vince asked Yuki rather inquisitively for an answer he probably already knew. Though school supplies would come to mind when shopping was mentioned by a student, a huntsman in training would correlate to dust instead of measly old pencils and paper. Running into a dust robbery would only make sense if one was shopping for dust. Pulling out his scroll he began looking for news on the robbery, which to no surprise popped up rather quickly. Faunus huh? Vince thought to himself as he read about the mysterious savior. With this one word Vince had taken total faith in the idea of Draco being that mystery hero. 

  16. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Vince gave a quick glance as Yuki pulled out her scroll, she probably has Draco's contact information he thought to himself. Not soon after Yuki gave her response, which to Vince's inconvenience didn't help decide on anything nor give any information to boot. With a quiet sigh he looked over to Ghalan in hope for an answer, though it seemed he was to enamored with his work and tools for the trade. He closed is eyes as he delved into thought, and eventually came to the conclusion that it was better that he had not worried about it. it wasn't like there was anything life threatening occurring so why had Vince needed to bother? With a sigh Vince simply blamed his fairly fatigued state due to the sparring match. Normally Vince had expected himself to last longer than he had, though the trial in the forest had probably explained why. He was trying his hardest not to fall asleep, difficult considering he was laying on a bed. "Yuki, is Draco coming here now?" Vince had finally bothered with a direct question, though he still naturally asked in a polite tone. He looked towards Ghalan, seeing how the faunus had eyed his work. What's up with that? Vince mentally asked himself, merely seeking a distraction till Draco had arrived. 


  17. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Vince kept a straight face as he heard what he interpreted as a last ditch effort to change his mind about Ghalan's offer, which was ended with a statment that gave off the impression of understanding, it was really the only way to interpret it any how. "I'll come to you if I change my mind Ghalan, I'm quite satisfied with my armor's composition." Vince simply stated as he continued to walk back to the dormitory. Overhearing Yuki's attempts to cooperate with Ghalan in order to help him reforge her weapon, at least that's how he saw it. Vince walked past students and teachers alike, who were either by themselves or in similarly sized groups. It didn't take too long to get back, the door left closed as the way they left it. Opening the door it seemed that Draco hadn't returned from whatever trip he was currently on, it had also appeared that the toom hadn't been altered in anyway. Looking back for a moment to see his teammates he walked into the dorm and sat himself on his bed, a bit ragged from the school day. "It seems that Draco hasn't returned yet, wanna wait for him here? Or do you fellas just wanna get out of Beacon?" Vince asked Ghalan and Yuki, curious on what they wanted to do for the rest of the day. 

  18. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Vince began wondering the possible places him and his team could go, though finding Draco was his first priority. Before Vince could say anything Ghalan excitedly continued his talk about Mithril, this time sounding like a sales pitch. Though on second thought Vince considered his initial comparison rude and instead dubbed it a friendly offer based on good faith. After all, if Mitrhil was as rare as Vince thought such a gesture was highly commendable and worth thanks. Judging from Ghalan's demeanor Vince could tell crafting was very important to his teammate, especially if it meant spreading his family's symbol, a form of respect and symbolism of his clan's skill and product. Vince then saw Ghalan produce a thin mail shirt, gleaming with brightness and an essence of grandeur. Vince couldn't help but be impressed with the armor Ghalan protected himself with. Honestly, Vince heavily considered the option, always looking for a chance to better his arsenal. He looked over to Yuki, seeing if her decision could possibly sway his opinion. Though it seemed she wanted her weapon reforged, Vince had finally decided to decline. "I'm fine thank you, your offer is generous but I have to decline." Vince had preferred his equipment to have weight to them, it tested his endurance and overtime grew his strength. Plus he had gotten used to handling the weight of his equipment, believing his performance would lessen if he had altered it in any way. Getting up, Vince put away his tray before returning to his teammate's table. "C'mon, lets go back to our dorm and decide what to do from there," Vince said before he began walking back to the team's dorm.


  19. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    "He already got over his parent's deaths when he was a kid, you don't see him brooding over it now do ya?," Vince stated as he finished the last bits of his cherry drink, much to his discomfort. Though it seemed Ghalan had already changed the topic by mentioning the meteorite in the story, pulling out his sword in the middle of the lunchroom much to Vince's annoyance. It seemed Ghalan had confidence in his equipment and the materials used to create it, his so called mithril. Vince had no idea such a material existed, only knowing about the most basic of metals and the man made materials found in Atlas. "Why do you still have your weapon on you? Put the thing in your locker before something happens." Vince stated in flat reminder of the school rules. Vince wondered why mithrandier wasn't more common if it was so effective, maybe it was rare or even a secret. If so why was Ghalan so open about it and why did he have so many ingots of said material. Questions Vince doubted he could reliably get answered, though he always had hope for such things. What Vince wondered was what was Ghalan eyeing him and Yuki for, judging by his sentence cut off he was definitely planning to use his mithril on them. Leaving Ghalan to his thoughts Vince looked back to Yuki. "Either way, I think we should pack up the journal and just leave it back somewhere in our room, with a little extra effort to hide it or something." Vince said in response to Yuki's question, with no doubt in his mind that the entries had pulled her heartstrings just a little.Vince had remembered that Draco had his bag on him when he left Glynda's class. Assuming Ghalan hadn't snatched the book from their dorm, they would have to wait till Draco comes back in order to sufficiently return it without notice. "Hey, do you guys got classes left? We can head and do something if you don't."


  20. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    The following entries had just like the rest, intrigued him to no end. His teammate's life had proven to be a spiraling barrel filled with unfortunate events, sadness, and strange oddities that sounded otherworldly, which comparing to the things in Remnant didn't sound too strange in general. Though interesting Vince found that the entries themselves proved sparse in dedicated information, understandable considering they were diary entries and not official reports. It made sense that Draco would write about what seemed important at the time, especially so-considering the amount of emotional and physical stress he had gone through when he was younger. "When a person's life has been filled with nothing but hardship it becomes something they just learn to accept. There is a lot more to our teammate than he lets on, can't blame him considering what he has been through." Vince had already accepted the notion of vicious racism spread out across remnant, but what Vince was curious about was the meteorite Draco had found. Vince hadn't heard of any such thing before. How did it channel dust when dust going beyond the atmosphere simply cancelled itself out in space? Those were questions for another time, what Vince wondered where Draco was at the moment.

  21. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Ghalan had stated what Vince had on his mind, how Draco was only a potential member of the White Fang. Though if he was being honest with himself Vince considered the notion irrelevant as of late. Responding to Ghalan's facial gesture with a rather ridiculous smirk, Vince continued to drink the cherry flavored drink he had practically stolen from his teammate. Was cherry always this bad? Vince had mentally asked himself as he saw Yuki suddenly flush red in response to Ghalan's teasing. Possibly correlating the two with the light red hue the drink and Yuki's blush had, rather strange to compare Vince eventually thought. The later entries were similarly another take on Draco's past. Hunter? How quaint...Vince thought as he took a moment to gather the information given by the entries. Sachi, the name hadn't struck Vince as familiar. Though judging by the name he could assume the family itself was from Mistral, a hot spot for many industries. Reading about his growing affection for Sachi had proved itself as endearing. With that, Vince's curiosity on the current whereabouts or fate of this Sachi character had taken root. However, what intrigued Vince the most was the rather short statement about dragon faunus. For the life of him Vince couldn't find any information on such a particular type of faunus. Faunus themselves took traits from existing animals in nature such as deer and even common lizards. But a dragon? Though he was repeating a question he had asked himself earlier the thought perplexed him. Draco's existence at least proved such a faunus type could exist, but it was a frustrating fact to deal with, at least in Vince's unique thought process. His thoughts were halted by overhearing his teammates quick exchange of dialogue, banter to be synonymous. "I wonder how this Sachi has fared, I find myself curiously compelled to read further," Vince stated as he took another sip from the cherry flavored drink. Curiously eyeing Ghalan as Vince noticed his change in bodily behavior, though his interest in the entries proved more tempting than his teammates possible action.

  22. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    The information revealed from the journal proved to be rather interesting to Vince, after all further insight on a person's past never managed to bore the young huntsman in training. Sadly, much to Vince's acceptance orphans were not particularly uncommon in the world of remnant, the wide variety of dangers across the land often made orphans out of many children. Too Vince's luck he wasn't one of them, especially considering the fact his parents were from a rather rural part of Mistral. Though it seemed Draco was one of said orphans, rather early on much to Vince's notice. The journal entry showed a younger Draco, a Draco with the mentality generally expected from a child without a parent. Curiosity, sadness, and inevitable acceptance of the circumstance the orphan finds himself in. Vince had predicted as much, though specific details were always better than just guessing. What stood out the most was the picture and the mentioning of the White fang. Vince had assumed that the individuals in the photo were related to Draco's parents in one way shape or form. Was Draco in anyway related to the White Fang? The obvious answer was yes, but it seemed to not be the extremist of today. Having done his homework Vince knew of the White Fang during the time of Draco's childhood, they were peaceful back then. "Assuming he was a part of the White Fang when he was younger, that was when they were a peaceful group unlike today. So that adds good boy points to Draco's portfolio, and it seems that he currently resents them so no worries there." Vince stated as he finished up what was left of his meal. Yuki's words had made Vince wonder, did the White Fang have high ranking officials as young as Draco. There had certainly been members just as young, but were any leader types? The thought had intrigued the young huntsman, despite the animosity it had made him feel. "Is there anymore to the journal, or do we all feel like growing a conscience and stop snooping?"

  23. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    "Read what?" Vince managed to word out before he noticed Ghalan's thievery of a portion of his meal. His mouth slanted in minor annoyance before the mentioned book took priority of his attention. With some thinking Vince had managed to recognize the book as Draco's personal journal. "Did Ghalan seriously just take the darn thing?" Vince thought as he took Ghalan's drink and waterfalled a fair amount of the drink. He winced as he noticed the unique flavor of cherry, which was a flavor Vince honestly thought was better naturally. "Why does cherry flavored anything have such a strong aftertaste? Just like damn grape, nothing grape flavored tasted like grape." Vince thought as he looked at Yuki's discomfort form on her face. Vince himself had wondered what could have possibly be gained to be worth taking it from a teammate, especially when said teammate obviously wanted privacy. He wasn't one to pry into someone's privacy, a byproduct of his father's influence and teachings when Vince was a child. But it was clear that Draco had some clear as day resentment and passion. Understandable ones for sure, but being vocal as Draco was Vince had assumed something had happened in his teammate's past to cause such things to take root. Curiosity took over, of course there was the additional potential to help out with Draco's issues, assuming Vince's sudden knowledge and urge to help Draco with his personal issues was received as an insulting invasion of his life. "Alright, lets take a look," Vince stated boldly as he took a bite from his meal. 

  24. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    'You know, I don't think steak is a snack man," Vince said with a light chuckle as he and his teammates made their way into the large room that was Beacon's cafeteria. Many other students had filled the room, eating lunch in groups or generally hanging around standing up. Vince hadn't known many people besides his group and found himself lucky to be put into a team, finding friends was always an awkward thing. Looking around Vince had noticed a few students taking a few glances at him and his teammates, Vince had assumed it was the general curiosity everyone had when there was something new. Though considering the relatively small number of faunus attending Beacon he wouldn't have been surprised if they had taken interest. Vince had taken a moment to enjoy the large ceiling above him before heading into a lunch line, which was surprisingly not as long as he had expected. The meals available were varied, well portioned, and fairly healthy-something considered important for the development of prime physical specimens. Taking his nice and heavy tray Vince found a table for his team and sat down, happy to finally replenish the energy he had used up on Yuki. "No sushi, but they did have a whole swordfish..." Vince muttered as he stuffed his face.

  25. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Vince found himself disappointed in Cardin's inability to effectively hold his own against his Ignis. The combat capabilities Cardin had possessed were simply unable to measure up to the faunus he was faced up against. Missed strikes and dodging made up most of the fight, a boring fight to most onlookers who took an interest in the more intricate designs of martial arts and combat. Too his teammate's credit Ignis was particularly fast, an impressive amount of speed for an aspiring huntsman. Not entirely sure whether or not it was due to semblance or general physical capability Vince made certain to take note of what he could. Though unfortunately Vince wasn't able to do this for too long, his teammate deciding to end the match with a well timed and performed throw, tossing Cardin out of the ring in one fell swoop. Through the entire match Vince had noticed the expression on Ignis' face. One clearly of frustration and animosity, though it was obvious it wasn't due to the sparring match itself. Vince had assumed it was due to Ignis' dislike for Cardin's character and disposition. His suspicions would be confirmed when Ignis had loudly lectured to Cardin about the very topic Vince had thought about. "So that's what he had bottled up this entire time, passionate boy for certain." Vince had muttered as he listened intently to Ignis' words. The lecture was clearly unexpected as the other students had been silenced in shock. Understandable considering the severity of Ignis' words and tone, showing how serious he was about the topic and his beliefs. not soon after Glynda had declared the match over and dismissed the class. "Whole thing must be a pain for her to deal with, I might apologize to her later...maybe give her a gift on top of that." Vince had mumbled to himself as he rose from his seats and headed off to quickly change out of his armor. After quickly packing away his armor and weapon he headed out and caught up with Yuki and Ghalan, following their lead as he kept track of the time.

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