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Posts posted by Ranger22

  1. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    As Vince waited outside the ancient brick ruins he had overheard Ignis' comment about the chess pieces and also the little interactions between him and the other two faunus. The topics themselves were by no means uninteresting, they had practical value and served as a reminder to Vince about the basic stuff overshadowed by the trial he and so many other students were currently undergoing. Taking everything in Vince hadn't put a word in until he had acknowledged a question that Ignis had asked, a question hat was asked by so many students before and probably after him. Why did you want to become a huntsman? Why did I want to become a huntsmen? It was a common but practical and almost necessary question that one needed to answer for just about any career. Why does one want to become what they are? It helped determine the end goal that people aspire towards and the paths taken to reach that goal, though the latter is a consequence of said goal. It was something Vince had already answered, but at the same time didn't. After a bit of thinking while Yuki explained her reasons Vince had came up with an answer that summed up his current feelings and beliefs. 

    "Though I think we should be having this conversation later due to our time limit I can give an abridged version for my reasons. Simply put, I want to become a huntsmen in order to get a venue directly to power and the ability to use that power as I see fit. For the dedicated use for handling threats others are unable to handle such as grimm and terrorists of course. Also, being able to travel and get paid for using the skills I have is a great bonus, on top of helping out others. Why I chose Beacon is another matter, one I'll discuss at a later date. We should head out soon, time is running out and I don't exactly want to get kicked out of Beacon before I even started anything." Vince had said as he walked towards the outskirts of the forest.

  2. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    The ruins were not too far from where Vince and the others had fought the grimm in the forest. Luckily for Vince the ruins themselves stood out from the lush green that surrounded it. The ruins themselves were naturally collapsed and spread around due to the efforts of age and natural weather. What remained however was what looked like a roofless rotunda with walls made up of ancient bricks. Columns covered in cracks defiantly held up what remained of the ancient structure it clear cut defiance against mother nature. Resting in the middle was a stone round table that hosted a wide array of colored chest pieces, there were two sets of black and gold. Quite a few of the pieces themselves were missing, seemed that others got here first, guess Ignis had the same idea as well. Vince began wondering what the chess pieces themselves meant, what significance did one piece have over the other? Before Vince could come up with a decent conclusion Ignis had taken it upon himself to pick up a golden rook, Yuki coincidentally enough picked a similar piece. Guess that's that.

    Even though Vince and the others had accomplished their goal he didn't exactly felt a sense of satisfaction in doing so. It was probably do to the fact that they had to return back to the top of the cliff while also guarding a chess piece along the way. Vince had taken one last opportunity to gaze at the remains of the ancient temple before walking out of the small rotunda and back outside, but not before overhearing Yuki. "Strange is a fitting description I'd say, but I like to think they set us up with these weird situations in order to teach us that life as a huntsmen is unpredictable,crazy, and let's not to forget...dangerous." Vince had stated before removing his helmet to get a breath of fresh air. Wiping off the sweat from his brow Vince continued. "Though that may be a stretch, besides the sanity of our quest us finding each other in the Emerald forest is pretty lucky in its own right. Better use that to our advantage, like you said earlier, we work pretty well as a team. Lets keep up the good work Yuki, Ghalan, and Ignis. We still gotta make it back before anything is decided, lets get these chess pieces back in one...piece." Vince had awkwardly ended off as he put his helmet back on. Man it's stuffy in here, but seriously...pieces? The correlation boggles me. With his rifle ready Vince had prepared to head back to the cliff side alongside his compatriots, as long as they had the chess pieces of course.

  3. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    As Vince fired his rifle at the king taijitu he noticed his team spring into action and begin taking the fight to the grimm. Multiple bolts of dust flew through the air in the general direction of the beowolves. Taking a quick second to look for the source Vince had found that it was Yuki using her lance/bow hybrid to fire bolts of dust. Seeing that there were more grimm approaching from the woods Vince had tried to pull himself up, easier now due to the pain subsiding a little bit. Vince had sprayed a wave of bullets at the beowolves to suppress them before swiveling towards the king taijitu to continue his barrage. Then the bright red flash behind the grimm caught his attention, the forest floor then suddenly shook and a loud noise drowned out his ears. The explosion was followed by ferocious roars, it had only just occurred to Vince that the source for all of this was Ghalan, the wolf faunus from the day before. In a burst of speed the faunus had launched himself at the king taijitu and ferociously assaulted the beast with his blade in a dazzling display of sparks and flames. The combination of Vince's storm of bullets and Ghalan's blade strikes had brought down the black serpent.

    Looking around it looked as if Yuki and Ignis took care of the beowolves that had come to assist the king taijitu, of course Vince knew that the snake like grimm wasn't finished yet. Before Vince could speak up the second head of the king taijitu had showed itself, launching itself at Yuki. Luckily for Yuki, Ignis had stepped in front of her in time and slew the beast by driving his blade into its skull, leaving behind a motionless white body. With the battle done Vince had took the opportunity to catch his breath and make sure his body was able to keep going. Of course Vince couldn't do a proper examination without removing his armor, something he wouldn't risk doing. Instead, Vince chose to move around to see if anything hurt...crude but effective(he had hoped). Vince began moving his limbs and body in increasingly more flexible positions, fortunately the only pain left were a few minor stings that remained from earlier. Thank the creator for aura! With his health momentarily stable Vince caught up with the rest of his new found partners.

    "Damn impressive work gentleman, and woman...suffice to say we're another stepping stone towards our future. Lets continue north and get those...relics?" Vince had said to the other three as he casually swept off grime from his chest plate. Saying this Vince thinking about his teammate's semblances, which to his surprise were used during this skirmish. Ghalan's semblance was particularly unique, were the fangs a part of his semblance? Or maybe they just helped channel it? Were examples of thoughts that ran through Vince's brain. It had also dawned upon him that Yuki hadn't used her semblance, it was understandable considering her relative role in combat currently. With his body feeling better Vince had began continuing his path north, beckoning his compatriots to follow. Everyone has their moments when they aren't brave. He thought as he stepped through the grassy earth.


  4. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Damn this faunus was fast, was all Vince could think as he saw Ignis close the distance between the beowolves and himself. It wasn't long before Ignis was standing on top of the diced up bodies of beowolves, which eventually dissipated into nothingness as grimm did. It was very apparent that the faunus was hurt, minor burns at worst thankfully. Vince was about to make mention of the faunus' burns before Ignis stated that they should get moving. Not wanting to be too overbearing Vince went along with the faunus and quickly followed suite. Not long after catching up with Ignis the faunus openly complimented Vince, praising his abilities to take on four grimm at once. "You flatter me, thanks for the compliment but I believe any aspiring huntsmen applying for Beacon should be able to do what I just did without much trouble. Your performance on the other hand was more impressive. After all, you used your semblance quite effectively with your swordplay, something I'm willing to bet took a lot of training to perform the way you did." 

    Vince was honestly speaking the truth, Ignis proved to be quite impressive for a person just applying to Beacon. The speed of his attacks were not only amazing, but his ability to use his semblance with his amount of finesse was no easy feat. But it was very clear to Vince that Ignis' semblance came at a cost, the burns on the faunus' body were not subtle. Worrying would be foolish Vince thought, Ignis was clearly one who knew his limits and watched out for himself. As Vince walked north with Ignis he kept himself wary for any possible grimm, using his new partner's enhanced hearing on top of his own eyesight and hearing. Doing this Vince couldn't help but wonder about Ignis' features, it had been common knowledge that faunus had features of the animals found in remnant. Though mammals were the most common, many faunus had reptilian,avian, and even piscine features as well. What made Ignis unique was he had the features of a reptile with wings. The description fit that of dragons, but Vince hadn't heard of any dragons existing in remnant, the only creatures that fit a dragon's appearance in Remnant seemed to be grimm, though that type of grimm were rare on its own. Was he overthinking things? Or maybe dragons themselves actually exist or existed at some point? Maybe he was just thinking about things he had no good knowledge about? Not wanting to think about it too long Vince took it upon himself to change his line of current thinking. "By the way, keep track of your burns...minor as they may be even the most minor of burns may lead to nasty infection, especially in the environment were currently in.

    Traveling further north Vince had noticed the distant sounds of screams and gunfire, clearly the other students were making their way through the forest as well. It had occurred to Vince that he and Ignis may run into other students soon. Though Vince wasn't particularly sure what meeting more than one other student meant for the rest of the year. Would the next two become part of their four person team? Or was he just left with the one other he met and randomly assigned with another pair? These questions proved interesting enough to keep his mind occupied when he wasn't focusing on watching out for grimm. After a decent amount of walking Vince had noticed that there was a clear lack of grimm. It made sense that they were drawn towards the more aggressive students that Vince had heard earlier. Despite this fact the lack of grimm made Vince worried. Though his worries were pushed back into his mind as he noticed someone in the distance, the faunus that he had met the day before. With this revelation Vince began waving his hand to get her attention as he hurried to her position. In his excitement Vince hadn't noticed the monster that drew closer to him by the seconds. In an instant Vince had felt a huge rush of air blow past him, not long after that a surge of pain drowned the left side of his body. Taken by surprise Vince couldn't react to the large form that smashed into his side, sending him flying a couple meters on to the forest ground. Trying to get a hold of his surroundings Vince had looked hurriedly looked around, eventually spotting his assailant. 

    It was large, towering over every faunus and human that looked up from under it. It had a massive serpentine body ribbed in scales of pure darkness, its red beady eyes clearly focusing on Vince. It was a king taijitu, a massive grimm that took the appearance of a snake, a common creature in remnant. Trying to raise himself Vince was met with his bodies defiance, pain keeping him restrained to the grass covered ground. Facing his impending doom Vince frantically searched for his weapon, which to his relief was just by his side due to the strap it had getting caught on his arm. Reaching for his weapon Vince had also noticed multiple red eyes staring at him, which slowly emerged to reveal more beowolves. Cursing to himself Vince quickly grabbed his rifle and focused on the king taijitu, hoping his teammates would take care of the other grimm. The king taijitu opened its mouth wide and gave a defiant hiss. Rearing its head back the grimm then quickly launched itself at Vince, focusing his aura Vince had done the smartest thing he could do in his position, use his semblance. In what looked to be a bright flash of light Vince had unleashed a wave of debilitating energy in front of him, blinding the king taijitu and damaging its perception. Breathing heavily Vince began switched off his weapon's safety and began opening fire at the massive grimm, covering the serpentine body in scorching holes. "Beowolves behind me! Around seven I think!" Vince had screamed as he kept firing at the grimm that had assaulted him earlier. 


  5. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Vince was barely a few minutes into the forest before his instincts kicked in and told him something was coming. It was less of an instinct and more of Vince's hearing picking up unnatural sounds coming from behind him. In a flash Vince swiveled in the opposite direction with his weapon raised, his finger hovering over his rifle's trigger. Much to his surprise it wasn't a creature of grim, but instead the faunus he had met the day before. Ignis speaking up had further reinforce the obvious fact that he wasn't a creature of grim. It took most of Vince's trigger discipline to not immediately open fire as soon as he saw Ignis. How the hell did this lizard pop up so quickly? With further observation Vince was given a clue for that fact, it faded away quickly but Vince had barely noticed what seemed to be static electricity. Maybe his semblance? "Oh, It's just you...maybe try not to go around popping up behind people's backs, it's a damn good way for accidents to happen." Vince had stated quickly as he lowered his weapon and swapped his weapon's safety back on.

    So this was it, Ignis was gonna be Vince's partner for the next four year. Could of been worse, at least the faunus seemed to have common sense and was more than capable of handling himself. "So I guess this means that we're gonna be dealing with each other for the next four years huh? Either way, it'd be for the best if we focused on getting ourselves a relic, wouldn't want to come all this way just to get kicked out of Beacon." To be honest with himself Vince wasn't exactly comfortable with the concept of being forced with a person for four years. Vince understood wholeheartedly the concept of working with strangers, but he was still just a kid out of combat school and not in the army. It was only natural being forced into a tight knit team with a stranger and living with them was a strange concept for him. But if he was going to be a huntsman he had to suck it up, no use in complaining over something uncontrollable. 

    "So, know where are we supposed to go? I doubt that anybody at the start had any hint of where we're supposed to grab these relic things, and what they look like as well." Vince said as he started to scan the woods around him. "I guess we better just keep going in the opposite direction of the starting point, if not try to find some other students who know their way better." Beckoning Ignis Vince began walking straight at a fairly quick pace, stopping occasionally to make sure their way was clear. After a while it dawned onto Vince that it wasn't just him or Ignis anymore. Rustling flora, out of place movements in the shadows, and the occasional red glow that distinctly stood out from the darkness. Dropping onto one his knees Vince rose his rifle and gestured towards Ignis, "We've got Grimm, don't know how many...assume more than four, these monsters never travel alone." Just as Vince had made note of his discovery multiple grimm emerged from the shadows of the forest. They stood at slightly larger than a human and had distinctly canine features, alongside the white bony plates adorning their black bodies typical of grimm.

    Beowolfs, at least these ones are on the smaller side. Best not to get cocky when it comes to grimm, this isn't a simulation. There were at least four grimm that stood in front of Ignis and Vince, fairly easy for their skill level but caution would still be advisable. On top of that there could always be more, or worse...a larger and more dangerous species of grimm. Without a moments hesitation Vince open fired with two three-round burst at the farthest grimm, the concentrated rounds shaving off portions of the beowolf's neck. With one of their own dead the beowolves began their charge, but Vince was able to fire another three-round burst and putting down another beowolf before the last two got too close. Clicking his tongue in annoyance Vince managed to dodge one of the beowolf's strikes by barely a few seconds. Converting his rifle to its sword form Vince speared his blade through the attacking grimm's skull. With a grunt, Vince cleaved his way through the beowolf's head and managed to slash the last one's chest. Concentrating his aura Vince slammed his free fist into the last beowolf's chest, launching it into a tree. Trying to catch his breath four more beowolves emerged from the shadows behind Ignis, howling and snarling as normal gray wolves did. 


  6. Why the hell are we all standing on the edge of a cliff standing on top of a launch pad straight from a video game? Vince thought as he and a few other students stood on top of a large cliff face that stood conveniently on top of a particularly large forest that Vince swore he didn't see in the Bullhead. (The moment before) Vince was woken up early alongside the rest of the students stuffed inside the auditorium(Through the speakers no less). It was very apparent that many of the other students were not morning people, luckily for Vince he was conditioned to wake up at inconvenient and early periods of time back at his old combat school. According to the announcement everyone was to meet at a certain location and to bring anything they felt they needed. It was very apparent that this was going to be the infamous trial everyone was talking about the day before. Wasting no time Vince quickly prepped his weapon and armor. Swapping out his night vision scope and replacing it with a standard one, Vince also brought a few magazines of ice and fire dust rounds. 

    After going over his weapon for any faults Vince began putting on his body armor, alongside any belts and ammo pouches that went with it. Finally, Vince grabbed a hold of his visored helmet, putting it on soundly and neatly. Vince felt rather cozy in his equipment, his armor keeping his body compressed while his helmet kept his breathing at a lmited pace. Overall, armor sucks and it made breathing a difficult task, of course when ones aura was down that armor would be the last line of defense, a trade off Vince was satisfied with. With all of his gear in check Vince left for the meeting point, giving his helmet a quick knock for good luck. This is it, one last trial before my real journey begins. Vince thought to himself as he followed other students outside, all of whom were armed and dressed quite uniquely. (Back to present)

    After hearing Ozpin's explanation of what was to come Vince couldn't help but feel more than a little nervous. Not only were these students being launched into the air without parachutes, the news that the first person you see would be stuck with you for the next four years! On top of the other two who would make up your four person team. Shaking his head Vince wanted to be at his up most right now, better to think of a landing strategy instead of freaking out over something he couldn't control. With the start of the trial nearby a pit formed in Vince's stomach. Just as Vince processed the fact his feet were no longer on solid ground, it took all of Vince's discipline to not flail around like an idiot as he soared through the sky.

    The view was actually pretty darn gorgeous, sadly Vince couldn't fully enjoy it as he tried to find the best way to land and not be turned into mush. Taking a deep breath Vince then quickly pulled out a green dust crystal from one of his pouches, loading it into his weapon after unholstering it. Converting it into its sword form Vince then concentrated his aura to use its effects. With the swing of his sword a powerful gust of wind burst out of Vince's blade, slowing the momentum of his decent. Using good timing, multiple swings, and the occasional boot on bark Vince had managed to bounce from tree to tree before safely landing in a bundle of bushes, safe but definitely not unhurt. I'm damn glad aura exist, but could whoever have created it at least make it so pain was nullified by it? Vince groaned as he rolled off of the bushes, trying his best to soothe his feet as he dusted himself off and rose from his less than flattering position. Converting his weapon back into its rifle form Vince began scanning the area around him. "Clear for now, I don't expect these woods to be empty if Ozpin says to destroy everything in your path." Vince mumbled to himself as he began quickening his pace as he started exploring the woods, his weapon now loaded with standard dust rounds instead of the wind dust crystal he had used earlier.



  7. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

     I'm the type of guy who retaliates tenfold huh? Sounds like something a member of the Whitefang would say. Vince couldn't help but think of this as he made his way to the shower. Vince knew that it didn't automatically make Ghalan a member, but it still bothered him to know that someone actually had the mentality that particular faunus had. Judging from what he'd seen so far Ghalan had the potential to be dangerous, it bothered Vince knowing a huntsmen would be wandering around with that attitude. With a sigh Vince simply accepted the fact that if he became a problem he would be, until then it'd be best to be positive and not think of potential threats. With that though gone from his mind Vince finally pushed his way to the male shower room. It was an adequately sized room with multiple shower heads modestly separated by human sized walls. 

    Multiple conversations could be heard, with the pitter patter of the shower water droning on in the background. Not wanting to stand around a whole group of naked men any longer than he had to Vince took a towel and disrobed himself(wrapping himself in the towel first), putting his clothes in a random locker. Choosing a stall Vince walked in, locked the door behind him, and turned on the water. This was the first time Vince had any form of hygiene since the before the airship, it was nice to finally get clear out the sweat and grime. It wasn't like Vince to get so worked up about someone, he guessed it was the increased feeling of responsibility now that he was at Beacon. After about a minute or two Vince had turned of the shower and dried himself with his towel. With his towel wrapped around his waist Vince got out and quickly dressed himself and left the shower. 

    The auditorium seemed less packed now, mainly due to everyone grouped up in their own little groups instead of all being huddled around near the stage. Vince was satisfied to know his spot remained untouched by anyone. Humbly stepping past other students Vince had overheard a few of the conversations his fellow students were having. More than one conversation had to do with the faunus in the room, others about faunus in general, a hot topic was how a peaceful rally was interrupted by the Whitefang. Besides personal conversations and reunions the main topic in the room was what was in store for tomorrow, a question Vince had as well. What sort of test would a man like Ozpin have for his students. Besides that, how were teams going to work, how were they decided? There were many unknowns, unknowns Vince had to think about as he sat down on his little patch of heaven. 

  8. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    "To be honest, Ozpin will probably give a speech or something. After that, I got nothing." Ozpin? To be honest with himself Vince wasn't particularly intimate with knowledge about Beacon. The only things he really knew were broad pieces of information given to him through brochures and advertisements, even the information given during registration were particularly sparse comparatively to his combat school back in Atlas. Though the classes available and the general expectation of aspiring students were made very clear at the very least. Ozpin, as Vince knew was the current headmaster of Beacon academy, and an individual Vince had not expected to meet on the first day. On second thought it did make sense, Vince alongside the other students here were a new generation of huntsmen, naturally the headmaster was to greet them. With his curiosity satiated Vince turned to the stage, where a tall and mature woman stood patiently. Before anything major happened Ghalan took the opportunity to whisper to Vince about his earlier dust loading.

    "Ghalan...I was raised in the most technologically advanced nation in all of remnant, dust and weaponry is practically its main export. Of course I know why you have to load your weaponry with dust, my main concern was you openly loading fire dust in the open around other students, I'm certain you know the simplest of sparks can set off a lethal explosion right? Look, I'm not doubting your ability to handle your equipment or anything, I just think you need to consider your surroundings is all. This isn't exactly a good place for a conversation like this, if need be we'll talk about it later." Vince tried his best to whisper the entire rant, not that it was particularly effective. Truly, it was mainly Vince's past lessons on weapon safety that pushed his complaints outwards, on top of that Vince's concern for what Beacon staff would think of Ghalan loading his weapon after clearly trying to instigate something with other students. "Though I have to say thanks for at least wanting to explain what you were doing, I know you were not planning anything malicious I just want to make sure nothing happens due to a misunderstanding or accident." Vince had managed to quickly word off to Ghalan before the lights started to dim and someone took the stage.

    Vince had now recognized the fairly tall woman as Glynda Goodwitch, the same woman who welcomed and introduced new students through the holograms available on the aircraft that brought them to the academy itself. She was very well composed, seemingly unfazed by the large crowd in front of her. There was something about seeing her for real that made her seem unapproachable, yet her greeting from Vince's trip to Beacon showed a completely different side of her. However, her presence was dwarfed entirely by the man who approached the microphone. Ozpin's speech was one that not only appeared to have gotten under every single person's skin, it also felt as if it had left a lingering presence around the auditorium. It was horrifyingly blunt, a completely different feeling to how enthusiastic the brochures and students were. Straightforward honesty was a common way of delivering a message back in Atlas, though unlike Atlas instructors Ozpin's speech had no hint no hint of motivation. After his speech Ozpin simply left without anything more, leaving Goodwitch to give further instructions.

    After the speech Vince had managed to hear Yuki's complaint over the murmurs of other students. "I doubt anything will happen, everyone is tired and simply happy to be here, I don't think anyone has the energy to do anything like that. Besides, if anyone causes trouble here they have Goodwitch to deal with," Vince assured Yuki."It was up to me to take the first step..." The thought lingered in Vince's mind as everyone in the auditorium dispersed to join back up with their friend groups and unpack to make makeshift and sudden sleeping provisions. Not wanting to linger on the speech for too long Vince had begun to stake out a spot in the auditorium for himself and prepared a thick blanket and a pillow to be used later. "Guess it takes a while to process this many students, even the best schools are victim to logistics." Not feeling the need for his equipment Vince had stowed away his rifle and magazine pouches in his dufflebag. With everything set up Vince had brought out some of his spare clothes and headed off for the showers.


  9. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    To Vince's minor annoyance there didn't seem like there was anywhere that gave him the freedom of equipping his armor, there was simple too many students around him to make it possible without severely inconveniencing everyone in the room. With a sigh Vince decided to simply keep on moving alongside the other students, feeling a bit anxious due to his inability to equip himself fully for whatever trial he was about to face. To calm himself Vince implanted the thought that he would be able to arm himself right before whatever Beacon wanted to through at him, they had to at least let their students fight at their fullest right? With his mind at ease Vince walked into the large room where a countless amount of students gathered. The room filled with the consistent chatter of everyone's conversations, making it very difficult to hear  anything but one own thoughts.

    The students in the auditorium were to say the least...diverse, young men and women all dressed in their own unique way, many wore casual clothes and others were fully decked out in their own custom gear. Their appearances were varied as well: varied heights, diverse physical profiles, and unique haircuts for just about every student or staff there. Many seemed to exhibit a large variety of emotions as well, the most common were nervous or very excited. Though despite everyone's differences it was vary apparent that Yuki, Ghalan, and Ignis stood out more than others. Upon a further examination of the room it appeared that there weren't that many faunus if any at all, Vince didn't expect there were only three faunus in the entire school after all. Ignis seemed to have still kept up his course of action, simply ignoring the stares and whispering of the other students. Yuki didn't seem phased what so ever, as if she hadn't noticed the other kids. 

    Ghalan was another case, he was brutish and clearly looked like he wanted to confront any form of rumor or sign of hate with physical violence. Though thanks to Ignis' course of action the wolf looked to have cooled off. However, Ghalan's loading of his weapon with dust made Vince question his doubts about the former. Why the hell are you loading your damn weapon in the open at an opening school ceremony with countless students around you moron! Has no one thought you any weapon safety wherever the hell you were from?!? This thought screamed in Vince's head as he scanned Ghalan through his peripheral vision, Vince understood the frustration and anger faunus have to racism, in concept of course. But whatever Ghalan was doing was a good way to keep people hating faunus, presenting his entire race as nothing but savages, Vince had seen this countless times. Not wanting to be the cause for any possible fights Vince had kept his opinion to himself while keeping his face straight. Wanting to get the whole thing out of his mind Vince walked up to Ignis and Yuki. "So know what were gonna be doing here?"

  10. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    "Wait, how are you..." Just as Vince was stating his argument the bullhead began its descent onto its designated landing zone, almost causing Vince to lose his balance. He was baffled, how in the hell did this man time that so perfectly! It wasn't like they were given a schedule for when they reached Beacon, so how did he do it? Vince pondered these thoughts as he grabbed hold of an available rail to keep himself steady during the bullfrog's shaky decent. The sounds of the bullhead's engines and its metal hull drowned out the thoughts in Vince's head. Unfortunately, it didn't make the feeling in his stomach go away, not that he wanted to throw up his guts or anything. Eventually, the bullhead had fully landed and soon after the aircraft's doors slid open. Ignis had given a mock salute before he departed from the aircraft alongside a few other students, Yuki and Ghalan had done the same after grabbing their bags. 

    Vince politely maneuvered past other student's as he found his storage compartment and pulled out his duffle bag. Opening it up Vince was content to see that his armor and other equipment were present and accounted for. Zipping his bag back up Vince threw it over his back and stepped out of the bullhead alongside the remainder of the passengers. Stepping outside Vince inhaled the fresh air of Vale, a much better alternative to the stuffy and limited air of the passenger compartment of the bullhead he thought. What was more impressive was the academy itself, to say the least it was a spectacle. The academy was large, with a main body surrounded by layers of walls and looming towers complimented by many archways. What stood out the most was a single huge tower that dwarfed the rest of the academy, Vince had assumed the headmaster may have been quartered there. 

    The academy was massive and grand, a wonderful mix of the future and the past. Vince was going to call this place home for quite a while, at least he was going to stay in a real life magical wonderland. Vince couldn't help but smile just being near the presence of the academy, this was where huntsmen were created and he had the honor of standing alongside greatness. Wanting to see the other student's reactions Vince had scanned his fellow students, to his expectation most were just as enamored about the school as he was. However, Vince had also noticed that not everyone was having as a wonderful time as he was, finding that there were more than a couple of students already whispering about his two faunus acquaintances. Ghalan didn't take too kindly to that behavior and responded suddenly with a crude gesture and an open insult, Vince couldn't help but smile. Though he also couldn't help but imagine the amount of trouble he could find himself in. Personally, Vince found Ghalan's course of action brash and stupid. Ignis' course of action was more calm, mature, and level headed; the kind of response Vince believed was needed if faunus were to get more honest respect. Simply shaking his head Vince chose not to bother getting involved and tried to find a place where he could fit himself into his armor. 




  11. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    "Lets not assume anything prematurely, after all we only know that Beacon has teams of four not how they set them up. For all we know we could each be on separate teams, but it is nice to see that you're willing to work with us despite only just meeting us." Vince had said in response to Ignis' comment, but Vince knew that Ignis was thinking more than his quick comment let on. The faunus had described the four as a well balanced team, and judging from his face there was a surge of brainstorming happening in that individual's mind. Vince took note to never underestimate the faunus, sure he may have been telling the truth about being friends but that doesn't mean he wouldn't be competition if they were placed in separate teams. Not wanting to stare at Ignis, Vince swapped his attention to Yuki who seemed to be enjoying herself, based entirely of her tone of voice and tail wagging of course. "I agree that being placed in a team with all of you would prove to be a wonderful experience, but as I said to Ignis lets not assume anything and prepare to work with any assortment of strangers." Vince didn't exactly want to point out the obvious, but something in him felt the need to, Yuki simply sounded very certain about a unpredictable thing.

    During this talk Vince had almost forgotten that he had Ginto currently in his hand and not stowed away. Embarrassed, Vince quickly returned his weapon to its original position on his back. Vince would have entirely forgotten if it wasn't for Ghalan making a lighthearted jab at him before pulling out his firearm and commenting on it with a hint of pride. "I wouldn't say compensating, if you want to see people who are compensating check out the fellas who arm themselves cannons and heavy machine guns, I mean...their weapons are like twice their size!" Vince had responded to Ghalan's comment with a joke, his father had taught him to payback what was given after all. Vince took note of Ghalan's comment, not sound conceited he kept his opinion to himself. If properly taken care of a weapon will simply operate as intended, albeit at its maximum potential. Care doesn't erase the original design of a tool. Revolvers were powerful for sure, but generally speaking were not particularly 'reliable' in the broadest sense.

    Though they had greater stopping power, they usually were limited to under eight rounds and were more difficult to control when firing. This lead to lower caliber semi-auto handguns to be preferred by police forces and military. The higher ammo capacity and ease of use had made the 'weaker' pistols more reliable in a modern firefight where generally whoever could throw down the most lead would emerge victorious. At least, this was the explanation given to him by his combat school instructors in Atlas. But in the end of they day the skill and experience of the user would usually prove to be the winning factor in a fight. If Ghalan preferred a revolver more power to him, power...did I seriously just accidentally make a joke? "So, does anyone know when we will arrive at Beacon?"






  12. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    It probably won't be that bad? From what Vince understood real serious huntsman were not the sort to fool around when it came to preparing themselves for the responsibility and challenge that was being the protectors of remnant. But still, Vince felt content knowing there was someone who was fairly optimistic, she was probably right when one considers the implications of killing students. Giving a nod in response to the pat on the back he received from Yuki, Vince took Ignis' words into consideration. Four man teams? That was a start sure, but it seemed like no one fully knew what was to be expected, a pretty interesting yet intimidating thought. "At least we have something to go on..." The hand on his shoulder was something he hadn't expected, but it wasn't an unwelcomed gesture considering the meaning behind it.

    "Thanks for the optimistic thought Yuki, realistically I doubt it would be anything too life threatening, but surely whatever exam they have will test us to the very limit of our capabilities so caution would be recommended." Really Vince was just saying this to comfort his own anxiousness, but it was still a fairly decent piece of advice for everyone. Shaking his head Vince diverted focus to the conversation being had instead of dwelling on the negatives. The main topic currently being discussed seemed to be about the weaponry each of them owned and wielded. Huntsman were always ones for extravagant weaponry, whether it be simply ornate or just wacky in the creative sense. Even huntsmen and students from Atlas got creative with their weapons. I guess ones weapon would become a topic sooner or later considering the career that involved using said weapon practically everyday.

    It seemed that the faunus in question took a liking to melee weaponry, swords in particular. However, what surprised Vince the most was how Yuki's main weapon was a lance that turns into a longbow. Neither one of those were particularly light nor easy to get efficient in their uses due to said weight. Besides the main arsenal these guys had Vince was surprised to know that one of them even made prominent use of his fangs. Geez, talk about fighting tooth and nail, besides taking pride in their weapons it seemed as if one of them openly accepted his faunus nature, not what Vince had expected and a characteristic that would surely cause trouble in the future. Seeing everyone else explain their arsenal Vince felt the need to do the same. Reaching around his back Vince pulled out his holstered assault rifle,the weapon was rectangular and had more than a few accessories placed all over the weapon. "This is Ginto, an assault rifle equipped with intermediate dust rounds and like any firearm the ability to utilize the many different types of dust rounds. It has a grip currently attached alongside a foldable butt stock, neat little gadgets but the most important part of Ginto is what's on top. Its scope is able to utilize nightvision alongside a infared laser sight. Assuring I have a decent advantage at night or in dark areas." Of course Vince had a few more accessories stowed away, why bother taking them out? Vince thought about his presentation for a bit, did he overdid it a little bit too much?



  13. @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

    Being cut off was kind of something Vince had often faced back in Atlas, except it was never a social situation but instead him getting cut off by his instructors for saying something out of line. He knew how to react to the latter, it was unexpected and caught the young man off guard, he had to not let it happen again. Before Vince could open his mouth another person had joined the conversation, picking the fox faunus to initiate conversation with. Oh come on! was all Vince could think of in this particular situation, this wasn't how he had predicted his first social interaction in Vale would go. Caught up in thought Vince had barely heard the one in the jacket say something towards him. We won't bite? Was that some kind of joke or something? Seemed kinda insensitive considering the audience, I guess being directed at a human made it less offensive. "Thanks, kinda my first time in Vale. Kinda caught out of my element right now so sorry if I seem a bit weird. My name is Vince Aurelius, pleasure to be acquainted," Vince had said to the one with the large jacket. 

    With his greeting initiated he would have to pick up on the conversation, but what was there to talk about? Vince quickly scanned the three in front of him for some possible inspiration. Two were faunus...no make that three, no wonder he said that joke in front of the others, he was a faunus the whole time, I was the strange one here.Judging from what he heard out of the trios previous conversation their names were Ignis, Yuki, and Ghalan. It seemed as if they were all in a similar phase of conversation as Vince was. Vince's ear perked as Ghalan made mention of his presence before continuing his three way conversation. That was it, Vince had to put his foot down and get in on this conversation if he was ever going to improve, but when was the right time? "The entrance exam..I've heard rumors,"

    And what do ya know an opportunity! "I've heard some rumors as well...none of them sound particularly comforting. I'm glad you all look combat capable, especially someone who is in the top ten of their combat school, otherwise I'd worry for your safety. Some of the rumors say that the entrance exam is brutal, I'd expect nothing less from a major huntsman academy but I don't have anything concrete. Does anyone of you have better information on this or are we all blind here?" 



  14. Vince didn't notice he was tapping his feet at first, the sound of the bullfrog's engine on top of the shaking of its metal chassis made it difficult for him to hear just about anything besides his own thoughts, and even that was questionable. With a sigh Vince tried to recompose himself, it wasn't fitting for an Atlas citizen such as himself to act in such a brutish mannerism over something as simple as noise. Vince inhaled then exhaled, much to his annoyance he still found himself tapping his foot alongside a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. Oh who was he kidding, he was nervous...probably even more so than when he first got enrolled into his combat school. He was going to Beacon! One of the few major academies across Remnant that trained real huntsmen, the best warriors to ever exist. Just thinking about him possibly being among their ranks was exhilarating! 

    Sure he could have simply joined the army back in Atlas in a year, but why do that when he could become a huntsmen in training and earn the title of becoming a warrior on par with Atlas' specialists while having more freedom to make his own choices? Sure four years of being treated like a student would be a complete pain, but he already faced that back at his combat school, what's an extra four years when in the end the reward is so....rewarding! But still...he was in an entirely new environment, he didn't know anybody in Vale besides his family, he wasn't even comfortable with the weather of all things! All he had here was himself and his discipline, if he didn't give it his all there was no way he could become a huntsmen.

    However, nobody became a huntsmen on mere combat capability on its own, one had to have charisma. The ability to make people not only feel comfortable around you but safe as well. Atlas wasn't exactly warm, both in its people and the weather. Of course that was just a stereotype, but it was the general impression he felt during his time living there. This was Vince's chance to start a new, to become the model huntsmen he had always dreamed of becoming. If he was going to do that he needed to start from somewhere, small talk seemed like the perfect thing to do. Scanning the tight space of the aircraft he was in Vince spotted a few passengers, or potential conversation partners in this particular instance. Most if not all appeared to be just as young as he was, though unlike him they all seemed more vibrant and diverse. Ignoring this alien atmosphere he rose up from his seat and decided to walk up to the nearest person and talk, whom of which was wearing a heavy jacket and suitcase. "Hey whats..." in what seemed to be an instant Vince was cut off by a person who had the same idea. It was a faunus, a faunus with what seemed to be fox like features. The only faunus Vince had ever seen were workers, his father had often told him to stay away despite his curiosity. He had never been this close to one before, he honestly didn't know what to do, ignoring the fact he was standing up and looking like an idiot.

  15. 46 minutes ago, dragon4111 said:

    Hmm true so maybe artificial fangs in his mouth. The mask idea was so that he wouldn't put a sharp sword in his mouth.

    I get what you're saying, however if this is his semblance I think having to activate the effect through his teeth would cause some problems and be a bit impractical. What if he could apply the effect(use his semblance) by coating the weapon with his hand. Sorta like how in dark souls a character applies resin buffs to his weapon, but a whole lot faster. If you don't get the reference maybe he could apply the effect through striking his weapon on himself, though being shielded by his aura. If you really want to do it through his fangs artificial fangs sound like your best bet. Sorry if I sound a bit pushy, i just like throwing ideas around.

  16. Why wear a a mask that looks similar to the ones that terrorists wear in the first place? Especially if he doesn't like the group. It wouldn't be anyone's fault for pointing it out, it would be the wearer's fault ignoring the fact he looks like a white fang member.

  17. With the volume 4 hype still in my blood I would totally love to join up on this rp, here's my character.

    Name: Vince Aurelius  

    Species: Human

    Home kingdom: Atlas


    Weapon: A boxy rectangular assault rifle with a light-grey coloration around two and a half feet in length. The rifle has a scope attachment and a golden pattern resembling an ocean wave. The weapon is able to chamber a variety of dust rounds that give it extra utility in combat, like using ice dust to freeze opponents in place if his rounds hit. Like many others Vince can channel his semblance through his weapon as well. If need be the rifle can transform into a longsword for use in melee, the weapon is named Ginto.

    Semblance: Overload- Vince can use his aura to project a powerful burst of what seems to be light in a cone aimed in front of him. It blinds and deafens who ever is caught in the blast, has a similar effect comparable to a flash-bang grenade. May use dust to add extra effects to his semblance, such as using ice dust to flash freeze the cone in front of him.

    Extra abilities: Vince is in good physical shape/health and has training from an Atlesian combat school. Is a competent marksman and is no slouch in hand to hand combat.

    Appearance: Standing at 5'7 Vince is average in height and has a light tan skin complexion. He has black hair in a short crew cut and a small beard that is neatly trimmed. His eyes are thinner than most and have a dark brown coloration. Though not toned(visible abs), he has a considerable amount of muscle leaning towards bulky more so than lean. When not wearing his school uniform he usually wears black fatigues alongside black hiking boots, he also wears running shoes when he feels like exercising. For combat scenarios he wears Atlesian body armor(albeit outdated) that covers his chest/abdomen alongside a belt that carries his ammo pouches. He owns a helmet but often chooses to wear a visor that covers his right eye. 

    Personality: Vince has a humble and cheerful demeanor, and often tries to avoid confrontation or conflict to the best of his ability. He likes things simple and prefers finding the quickest and most efficient solution to an issue. Despite this mindset if faced with no solution Vince gets frustrated, often overlooking the obvious in his frustration. When frustrated Vince becomes more domineering and his presence usually is more noticeable, if not for the moment. Though optimistic he knows when to be realistic and bluntly speaks the harsh truth when need be. Vince may also often show a surprising amounts of vigor when talking to people, often taking the full attention of who ever he's talking to. This makes him seem showy or loud, another consequence is he often forgets to control himself when talking to people, causing quite a few to be a little more than annoyed of his presence.

    Background: Vince's family were originally from Mistral, moving to Atlas seeking a more disciplined and orderly life for their child. Growing up in Atlas Vince often asked about Mistral, being quite enamored by his parent's stories. Hearing tales of heroic huntsmen at a young age has caused Vince to aspire to become a huntsman, believing that becoming a huntsman would bring a life of excitement and glory compared to the rigid and disciplined life in Atlas. When he was old enough Vince applied to a combat school in Atlas, there he was harshly trained under strict supervision. Trained to use the weaponry and common combat practices of Atlas, he then graduated and hoped to join one of the major huntsmen academies to achieve his dream. Already having a taste of Atlas teaching methods Vince wanted a new perspective, hearing the rumors about the efficiency of Beacon he asked his parents if he could go to Vale. Being gifted his father's armor and weapon as blessings he was sent off to live with his Aunt's family in Vale, there he could apply to Beacon and tests his worth.






  18. As Whitetip followed the stallion he could faintly hear the subtle sound of multiple doors opening behind the trio, each followed then by the sound of the cybernetic tin soldiers pouring out of said doors. Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Whitetip thought to himself as he processed the thought of being flanked by more than a dozen hostiles. Seeing the door at the end of the hallway Whitetip let the other two go ahead of him before he took a heel step turn aiming his rocket launcher at the multiple hostiles before him. With a quick order to his H.U.D his drone appeared once again as if out of thin air, in this case digistructing. So yeah, appearing out of thin air was a fairly accurate description of his drone at the moment. "Fire in the hole!" Whitetip said as he fired his rocket launcher repeatedly, followed by his drone unleashing its own storm of missiles. Multiple audible booms resonated as the rockets and missiles met the horde of cyborgs and robots. What was left after the shrapnel filled light show was chunks of shredded metal and meat surrounded by a blackened and charred environment. "Time to do that like fifty more times," Whitetip said not entirely hearing himself due to the slight ringing in his birdy ears.


    After reloading his rocket launcher Whitetip followed by his drone continued his original path and went through the door at the end of the hall. What he saw made him nearly groan loudly in frustration. "Why the hell are there so many!" Whitetip yelled out loud as he spotted the countless troops,turrets, and the positions they took across the large room. Before he could even pick a target the stallion enshrouded himself in his 'darkness', even pulling out a sword for gods sake. After stating his intentions the stalklion as if in a frenzy charged into the middle of the room and started tearing into the opposition that drove into him from all sides. It was a woefully suicidal act, not that Whitetip had any say in the matter or possibility of reversing that course of action. "I guess that's a thing he can do, yep...he's a scientist apparently." Whitetip said with a mix of commendation and slight annoyance. Why the hell would they choose a scientist for this crap? The griffon thought to himself as he ordered his drone to send a flurry of missiles towards the sniper's positions.


    The mercenary began to move as bullets and energy beams started pinging off his shields, opening fire on whatever was left of the sniper's after his drone softened them up for him. One of the whiptails split off from the main group engaging the stallion and had decided to charge the armored mercenary up close as he was distracted. Whitetip's H.U.D had flashed red as elemental bullets caught him in the back, as he turned to face his new opponent the cyborg slammed into him with its wiry appendage attempting to either beat the mercenary into submission or stab him. Unfortunately for the cyborg an exoskeleton inside an armored chassis made for a fairly strong opponent. Grasping the cyborg's neck, he pushed off the charging monstrosity and lifted the cyborg up into the air, slamming it into the ground. The griffon then followed up by bringing down his armored fist onto his downed opponents head, leaving what reminded Whitetip of a split watermelon. Wasting no time, Whitetip reloaded his rocket launcher and ordered his drone towards new targets an so did he. 

    • Brohoof 2
  19. A thank you, i was something Whitetip hadn't expected out of the stallion, at least not until after the job was done. There was some nobility to be found in Whitetip's and Rose's course of action so the stallion wasn't entirely blameless for an early thank you. Whitetip had continued to follow the stallion, his rocket launcher out this time. If the griffon was going to be ambushed he was going to make sure whoever did was greeted with three rockets to the face, figuratively speaking of course. The environment proved to be in a fair bit of disrepair, not too far off from the halls the brief firefight had occurred in. Shades of grey and brown dominated the rather dark and cold atmosphere, a rather depressing sight contrasted by Whitetip's dominantly green armor. After a while the stallion had begun questioning the fact of how the doctor knew about the team's arrival to the facility despite taking very precautionary measures.


    "Well, considering that this doctor of your has been operating for a while he may have some form of scouting we don't immediately think of. Like per say an invisible flying robot." Whitetip had stated in half seriousness and in half jest, as the suggestion is neither too unrealistic nor sane. Unfortunately, any response from his team was either cut off or drowned out by the speaker system suddenly erupting. After the doctor's rather energetic rambling doors opened at the end of the southern hallway, revealing a pack of modified combat loaders each with dangerous looking energy weapons. The stallion had suddenly erected a shield with his powers and gestured towards a door on the east side as he blocked out the hail storm of bolts. It was a sound plan, Whitetip had thought as he fired three rockets into the crowd of loaders. Not caring much for the results Whitetip ignored the explosions and ran for the east door, making sure his rocket launcher had enough ammunition to fire again. Whitetip had to remember to thank the stallion for saving him some armor repair costs.

    • Brohoof 1
  20. Obliterated...the cybernetic mare's shields were the first to go, followed by the rest of her body blowing up into charred and messy chunks, coating the walls with a spray of gore. Whitetip's body stung like hell, but he had the misfortune to say that he had faced worse before, it would have taken a lot more to bring down the griffon. Making sure he had nothing more than bruises the mercenary felt up his armor looking for any possible penetration or dents while his shield recharged. Nothing, the griffon let out a sigh of relief before looking behind his armored posterior to check up on Rose. Whitetip was glad to say that she had no obvious injuries on her person, Whitetip found it a little amusing that she had her weapon out as well. Before the griffon could say anything in response someone spoke up on the speakers.


    Whoever was behind the voice had sounded like an unsavory blend of megalomania,psychosis, and arrogance. Those description may have been contradicting but this doctor skinner individual deserved not the decency of Whitetup putting an effort to make sense. "699? That many people disappearing on Pandora isn't exactly a small chunk of the population believe it or not. If this guy goes Pandora will have a looot more clients for me to exploit, I'm finishing this job and I'm staying alive for the end of it." Whitetip said as he destructed his drone for later engagements, "Not that an entire security contingent is an easy feat mind you. If we all carry our own weight like the last fight we have a pretty damn good chance, speaking with a hella large percentage error by the way." Whitetip inspected his weapon as he waited for everyone else to make their decisions.

    • Brohoof 1
  21. Whitetip's Tediore drone had done its job, its bullets peppering enough opponents to make the opposite end of the room glow a faint purple. Too Whitetip's benefit it allowed one cyborg to go down with one three round burst from the Dahl rifle. Before any of the other cyborgs could return the favor the singularity grenade exploded, creating a power gravitational field that sucked in not just one but two of the cyborgs. With the two held in place, the following explosion released a wave of kinetic energy and heated shrapnel into their cybernetic bodies, turning the two into a charred mess of torn up flesh. Unfortunately, the two bodies absorbed the grenade leaving the rest relatively shrapnel and burn free, not that Whitetip wanted them to stay that way for long. As Whitetip took down three targets Rose had took it upon herself to participate, using her pistol she fired corrosive rounds at the spider droids, taking out three of them in a short order. Whitetip would have complimented the mare if it wasn't for the return fire from the cyborgs drowning out the noise in the hallway. Luckily for the team the stallion's abilities had warded off the brunt of the bullets, with the remaining few being stopped by the teams boosted shields. Though Whitetip's shields held up quite fairly, he muttered a curse regardless just for being hit in the first place.


    Wanting to end the encounter quickly Whitetip digitized his rifle and brought out his rocket launcher, one of the Torgue variety with three rockets per reload. The stallion however took initiative and lobbed an explosive of his own, one covered in the darkness. One of the cyborgs had tried to deflect the grenade, bad choice seeing what resulted. The dark grenade had unleashed a wave of barbs that just about hit every single opponent in front of the team. Not soon after the fleshy parts of the cyborgs began decomposing rapidly, melting off as if an acid had sneaked its way inside. It made Whitetip comfortable knowing he wore armor over all of his body. Much to Whitetip's surprise one cyborg was still standing, its shields blocking the barbs. It faced the team, muttering a request for a merciful death before preparing to unleash its firepower. 


    Whitetip's instincts told him that whatever weapons it had was more powerful than the rest, considering the power of the others it was a worrying thought. Not wanting to take any chances Whitetip quickly bolted in front of Rose and signaled his drone to bolster their shields once more, which unluckily for Whitetip didn't occur before the hail storm of elemental rounds drowned out the hallway. The bullets shredded away Whitetips already weakened shields, his armor being left to ward off the remaining bullets. Multiple rounds impacted and shattered against Whitetip's Dahl armor, each round slowly tearing away his armor's plates. Clenching his beak Whitetip hyperventilated in an effort to ignore the painful impacts of the cyborgs bullets. Wanting to return the favor Whitetip signaled his drone, quickly responding the drone had focused fire on the lone cyborg, its slag rounds painting it purple. Raising his rocket launcher, the mercenary fired off three rockets in quick succession at the slagged cyborg after moving himself to the side, keeping the mare away from the end of his rocket launcher.

    • Brohoof 1
  22. The freaky pony-headed spider droids hadn't noticed Whitetip and his other two companions. Moving forward as if the three were not beings that existed in the same universe as they did. Whitetip kept his guard up as the team followed the eight monstrosities moving ahead of them, the mercenary didn't know what else to expect and wanted to react accordingly. Whitetip would have been lying if he hadn't admitted the current atmosphere was unnerving, ignoring the cyborgs, the lack of knowledge about the facility proved to be the main contributing factor to Whitetip's degrading comfort. The hallway seemed to drone on, the spider's still ignoring the presence of the entourage following closely behind. After an undocumented amount of time the spider's had finally come to a halt, all of them gathering around an access point of sorts, each spider tip tapping away in an efficient manner. Whitetip had raised his rifle, switching off the safety and moving his talon near the trigger. Taking a quick glance at the stallion Whitetip kept his weapon raised at the spiders, and prepared to open fire at the stallion's recommendation.


    Much to Whitetip's annoyance a faint hissing sound rang out, followed by the hatch opening, revealing six ponies who were each heavily modified with an arsenal of cybernetics and added weaponry. Each was an insult to nature and an abomination that had to be put down, for mercy's sake if not for any other reason presented. Whitetip was about to ask for the team's input, however he was cut off by the glares of the cyborgs in question, each with the intent to kill. Whitetip muttered a curse underneath his breath and readied himself for combat, approval didn't matter anymore and the stallion seemed to have understood that as well, enshrouding the team with his darkness. Six cyborgs and eight spider droids, all fortunately grouped up together. Each had weaponry that could tear apart just about anything with concentrated fire, not that Whitetip had any intention of letting that happen. With swift efficiency, Whitetip summoned his Tediore drone in front of the party. With a quick command the drone had boosted the shields of each of Whietip's party and began unleashing a storm of bullets upon the cyborgs, each round coated in slag. 


    With his drone suppressing the enemy Whitetip reached for his belt, retrieving a grenade with a singularity effect. Singularity had always been Whitetip's choice of grenade, barring the standard fragmentation grenade of course. The singularity effect of pulling in enemies with powerful gravitational force then exploding had proved quite devastating, even more so with the newer slag weaponry available on the market. Pulling the pin, Whitetip lobbed the grenade behind the cyborgs after cooking it for about two seconds. With his drone still firing its guns Whitetip had lined up his rifle and began firing on the now purple cyborgs with three round burst from his Dahl rifle. Whitetip had chosen to target the better armed cyborgs instead of the spiders, if his grenade and drone wasn't enough, his other teammates would have to do some cleanup.

    • Brohoof 2
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