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Posts posted by Ranger22

  1. Hazelut once more did a basic rundown on his equipment as he and his temporary allies got ever so closer to the stronghold that could have possibly matched one of Red Eye's entrenched positions in Fillydelphia during the Enclave's operation cauterize way back then. The task was daunting to say the least and Hazelnut couldn't bring himself to not worry about his team's ability to take down the stronghold. A stable dweller who stood out as a fairly vulnerable link in the chain, one which the ranger benefited from if he stayed alive. More than one cocky individual that may not entirely understand the concept that trying to take down a fortress with rifles wasn't exactly the smartest idea. Hazelnut would of listed more but doing so would more than likely demoralize him more than he'd have needed to.


    The paladin simply shook his head and started scanning his weapons and armor's current state. His missile launcher had no immediate problems, and his missile variety would prove effective in taking out weapon positions and weakening building structures. The grenade machine gun had an adequate amount of shells and would be good in suppressing and wiping out large groups of infantry. Though to the ranger's shame, he had to admit the weapon's cleanliness might provoke a jam in the near future. His armor on the other hoof was in excellent condition, with its talismans wonderfully aligned and its plates were in a healthy state. It would be essential in surviving the assault, but Hazelnut felt that he would need more if he and his team would get out alive.

  2. Well, Damien & Flash kind of jumpstarted the story and so far, we're still trudging along to the raider encampment. Come to think of it, without Child of Darkness controlling the raiders and White, the story can't really go on beyond the party just talking and readying up. Crap, I just realized that.

    My point exactly, I would have suggested to take control of the story ourselves, but I don't want to do that if we can help it. After all that would be just plain rude and may destroy what narrative Child of darkness had in mind.

  3. A sense of anxiety began overwhelming me as me and loaded mag ran outside the city perimeter along with multiple soldiers. The sounds of gunfire rang out constantly, drowning out the sounds of the trooper's running steps. The built in earplugs in my newly acquired helmet aided in dampening the sounds, however the sheer amount of guns firing eventually overcame my defenses and barraged my ears with painful noise. I looked ahead ignoring the pain, the soldiers looked as if they were chasing two individuals. I could barely make out their appearance, but the sheer amount of soldiers present told me that they were important none the less. I began feeling a warm sensation in my legs and lungs as I kept up the chase, struggling to keep up with loaded mag and the other troopers. Normally I would have been fine with the distance we've traveled, but the armor proved more restrictive than I had expected it to be. Wanting to contribute I lined up my rifle to the silhouettes of the ponies we were chasing, before I could open fire the head of the soldier ahead of me erupted into a gory mess. 

         I slammed my hooves into the ground, stopping me in my tracks as the soldier's brain matter splattered my helmet's visor. Before I could wipe off my visor a hail of bullets erupted seemingly out of nowhere. Soldiers and myself included scrambled for cover, firing wildly into the brush in an effort to suppress their unknown attacker. The enemy's fire didn't halt, their concentrated fire decimated whoever was out in the open and inflicted heavy casualties. I began searching for the source of the gunfire like last time, however I received a bullet for my efforts. "I'm glad I have this helmet," I quickly muttered to myself. Loaded mag slid towards my cover, looking a bit more weathered than usual. 

        "Fuck, they had to attack now! Alright zebra, if we don't find a way to counterattack we're just going to get shot like fish in a barrel. I got a plan, follow me and shoot anypony out of a uniform." Loaded mag said as he pulled out a cylinder shaped grenade from one of his pouches. Pulling the pin, he threw it at the brushes, soon plethora of smoke began covering the area. Five soldiers followed loaded mag into the cloud of smoke, not wanting to be left behind I followed suite. The bright yellow colors of muzzle flashes could be seen within the smoke, taking a deep breathe I delved deeper into the smoke with my zebra rifle's safety off.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. It took about an hour or two to walk from the shipwreck to the entrance of the city the trooper had mentioned. The soldiers gave a sigh of relief as the city steadily came into sight. Headlights flashed brightly on our position, a series of muffled shouts were heard before the large gate that stood before us opened. Several soldiers stood parallel with rifles ready to open fire, an LMG position could be seen hidden behind. After a brief exchange of words between the soldiers we simply walked in. It wasn't anything particularly impressive, except for the fact that it was a bustling city of trade in the ruins of post war Equestria. No steel towers that ominously loomed over the heads of ponies nor did it have the advanced technology that was the moniker of Manehatten. However, it was more impressive in the sense that there seemed to be no conflict within the coastal town's walls. "Is this where we part ways?" I asked the soldier from earlier.

        "Actually, no. We have a few matters to discuss first." He proclaimed before removing his helmet and goggles. "You had property on that boat, property which had been lost correct? If so, come with me," he said before beckoning me to follow and walking away. With only my rifle in my possession, I saw it unwise to turn down a chance to recieve helpful equipment. Following the soldier I noticed a commotion coming from the inhabitants of the city. Many were gathered together and chattering, the largest group gathered what seemed to be a board with a bunch of papers stapled to it. I ignored it, but a sense of curiosity did make its way to my head. Soon we reached a small office like building, the soldier told me to stay put before walking through its doors. After a few minutes of waiting he came out with a box and placed it in front of me, he gave me a nod before stepping back. 

        Knowing the gesture full well I open the box, revealing a set of pre-war combat armor, a few magazines for my zebra rifle, and a water canteen. I was baffled, curious on why would a stranger give me such a gift for the minor amount of help I gave. "Look, I'm only giving you this cause we failed to protect our boat. In doing so we lost our passengers and we almost lost you, replacing your possessions is the least I could do to make up for our failure." The soldier said rather sternly. "The names loaded mag by the way, my parents weren't the most creative ponies in the world."

        "My name is Xander, I'll put your gift to good use," I said humbly as I began donning the armor loaded had given me. Just as put on my helmet gunshots echoed throughout the city. The troopers who stood guard earlier began scrambling towards the source of the noise. Loaded mag stared at me for a brief moment before putting back his helmet on and following his fellow troopers. Naturally, with nothing else to do I followed, not for any particular sense of duty but to satisfy my curiosity.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. An explosion...that was the last memory that significantly stuck out as important. Seemingly out of nowhere a projectile was produced from the coast and struck directly at the middle of the boat, producing a thudding boom that deafened my ears and drowned out the screams from the boat's crewman and passengers. A blindingly fierce combination of red and yellow engulfed the ship, the brightness stung at my eyes as if the flames themselves competitively lashed away at my irises. The last words I could remember was somepony yelling at the remaining survivors to abandon ship before I dove into the dark waters below. I awoke with a gasp, as if on instinct I immediately began taking in as much air as my mouth could take. I tried my best to ignore the strange humid warmth of my new environment as I slowly arose from the sand in order to get a better grasp of my situation. I saw the burning remains of the vessel I rode on washed up on the shore, a large gaping hole in the middle of its hull. The words south beach army was crudely painted on the side, notifying me of a possible faction affiliation. I guess the armed and uniformed soldiers eyeing me up the whole trip were a clear enough indicator.

        A uniformed soldier was standing next to me, firing his rifle in quick burst at the wall like tree formation ahead. Returning fire caused him to duck behind the cover he had, he muttered a curse before noticing I was awake. "Hey! If you want to live grab a gun and start shooting!" He shouted before continuing his onslaught at the enemies hidden behind their organic cover. Not wanting to ask questions I hastily searched for the weapon I remembered having on the boat ride. With a stroke of luck I found my my rifle in front of a dead soldier half buried in the sand, snatching up my cherished zebra rifle I quickly got into cover next to the soldier.

        "What in Celestia's name is going on here!?!" I shouted at the soldier. He paused to look at me, probably wondering why a zebra would ever mention the name of one of Equestria's pre-war rulers.  

        "We got attacked on our way to port, as soon as our ship reached the shore these assholes began firing on us. I don't know who they are but they've killed enough of my men to show they know what they're doing. I hope your striped hide knows how to use that gun, cause you got two options right now, fight or die!" Without a response or way to ask a question without risking death I simply grasped my rifle and aimed it at the tree line. Peeking through my scope I saw the muzzle flashes of our attackers. With a deep breathe I estimated my attacker's location and squeezed the trigger, releasing a three round burst from my rifle. I expected my shot to miss but was confirmed when a pony scrambled out of the forest trying to extinguish the flames engulfing his body. The flaming pony's death had caused our attackers to fire less and eventually stop firing at all, it took awhile but the battle had been declared over much to the relief of the boat survivors. After the battle the soldier besides me simply stared at me and my weapon. "That is one scary rifle," the soldier simply said to me before walking off to evaluate the situation.

        I sat on my haunches and took a deep breathe, my heart still racing due to the daring situation a few moments ago. I disliked killing, especially when I had to use the rifle dreadfully stapled with the name of my race. It was however the most effective weapon I had and its rarity made sure I kept it. Trying to forget the pony's screams I hadn't noticed the soldier walk up to me. "Nice shooting for a stripey chump, shame our trip din't go exactly as planned and that goes for all of us. Normally I wouldn't help strangers, but our boat got you involved with a foreign conflict and you pitched in when you didn't have to. The best I can do for now is escort you to town, you up on that offer ma'am?" The soldier calmly explained to me.

        "I'll take you up on that offer, but aren't you worried these guys might attack again?" I asked, ignoring the stallions misinterpretation of my gender.

        "From raiders to mutated creatures we get attacked often, as for now they're gone. It's best to not worry about it until it happens cause its just inevitable at this point. C'mon, the town aint to far off from here," the soldier explained in a surprisingly dismissive manner. Not wanting to stick around the shore I followed the soldier and his fellow troops to the town. 

  6. All hazelnut could do was walk and take in everything the ponies around him were saying. The pipbuck wielding unicorn's comment was disgruntling but brought up a fair amount of points. It once again made the ranger's doubts about the experience of his team reemerge, but then again the ranger hardly knew any pony around him so it wasn't particularly fair for either him or the unicorn to judge before seeing any of them in action. What particularly annoyed Hazelnut was the fact that the unicorn dismissed his experience and skill. It might of just been his narcissism kicking in but the ranger didn't fight off the countless enemies of the steelrangers for over twenty five years to be dismissed by wasteland trash. Really, Hazelnut had nothing to benefit by arguing with the ponies around him or brag about distant accomplishments so he chose not to bring up anything outside of his mind. Hazelnut instead subtly stretched his limbs in order to assure he turned quick enough to to use his heavy weaponry to the best of his ability.

  7. The return of the pip buck wielding unicorn brought a sense of relief to hazelnut. It wasn't really the unicorn's appearance that brought comfort, it was the ability to get the mission going that made hazelnut's day a little brighter. Hazelnut got up from his resting position and joined up with his group as soon as the pipbuck stallion began talking. The ranger wasn't exactly confident in the plan his team had in place, a day or two of planning was never enough when it meant cracking a stronghold, Fillydelphia was evidence enough. It wouldn't matter; in his experience, changing a ponie's mind when it was made up was next to impossible. Letting the chips fall as they may the ranger simply kept silent as he followed the group to what seemed to be a gate to tartarus. 

  8. Hazelnut was perplexed on his parties actions, they left early in order to assault the raider base yet they halted all progress to waste time in the middle of the wasteland. Not wanting assume anything without further investigation Hazelnut began observing his teammates from a reasonable distance. "Practice? They fucking stopped just to practice? Why the hell are they assaulting a well fortified base when they're not even fucking prepared on the day they actually attack!?! Hazelnut frustratingly thought to himself as he watched them practice with the armaments they had in hoof. The little red pony was testing out her skills with the sniper she had acquired earlier with the shotgun unicorn. The need for practice would have proved my past complaint, if the fact she hit a moving target as small as a bloatsprite didn't exist. What the hell is with this little fucking whore? The ranger thought before wandering off to look for his other teammates. After a bit of searching the ranger found three more of his group, the unicorn with a throat problem, the stable dweller, and the Cyborg. 
       The cyborg was armed with a minigun, a suitable weapon for a pony of his stature. Unfortunately without a baddlesaddle it would way him down immensely, with a strap or without a strap. The female unicorn was currently drilling the stable dweller on how to use his newly acquired rifle. Though hazelnut appreciated the unicorn's effort to help the weakest link in the group, the advice given was fairly atrocious. Fully automatic and recoil control? Those two were like night and day, no matter how well a pony could handle recoil, a rifle firing in full auto wouldn't be able to effectively hit anything no matter how hard the user tried, especially when distance was put into consideration. Firing well placed shots using less than four rounds at a time would conserve ammo and greatly increase the chance of hitting ones target. Hazelnut would have walked up and told him, but the possibility of looting the pipbuck from the dweller's dead corpse was enough incentive for the ranger not too.

  9. Hazelnut didn't notice time passed as he checked every inch of his equipment for anything that would prove a hindrance in the upcoming battle. Satisfied with his weapons quality he reattached them to his battlesaddle and promptly got up from the ground. As soon as he did the unicorn spoke up and ordered the group to get themselves armed and outside. The ranger silently complied and started trotting towards the ladder that lead to the desert like wasteland above. As he did, Hazelnut observed the readiness of his team and the equipment they would be carrying into battle. They were around squad size and were fairly well armed. The snipers were obvious in their use and rifles were good for mid range and picking off individual ponies, the minigun would do wonders for crowd control but it would make his teammate a fairly obvious target. Hazelnut's own missile pod and grenade machinegun would obliterate any thing as long as they were in range, following the same risk the minigun had. Armor had to be the only thing he worried about, but if his team played smart it wouldn't be an issue. Seeing how cool his team was the ranger didn't bother worrying about their skill, discipline would be a deciding factor. 

  10. Hazelnut began to tap his hoof in impatience, he had lead himself to believe that he and his team would begin their assault in the morning. After some consideration Hazelnut eventually decided if there was a pony to blame it was himself for his impatience. In order to past the time the ranger began checking his equipment for anything that would hindrance him in the battle to come. As Hazelnut was checking his grenade machine gun's ammo belt he looked around trying to see what his team was doing. After some observation it seemed like his companions were in pairs chatting away, not exactly approving this fraternization Hazelnut none the less didn't try to interrupt any of them. He honestly couldn't blame them, an upcoming battle often lingers in ones thoughts, bringing no small amount of anxiety. Hazelnut simply calibrated his weaponry to past the time until his team felt confident enough to depart.

  11. @https://mlpforums.com/user/36045-kronos/  Hazelnut snickered a little underneath his helmet, something tells me this fellas hasn't ran into the Applejack's rangers at all. Not wanting to push the subject the ranger simply nodded and made his way through the underground complex in order to find the team he'd be fighting with. Hazelnut sneezed causing him to stop in his tracks,"funny, I don't recall ever being sick." The ranger asked himself before simply ignoring it and continuing his search. After a minute or two he finally found the room the unicorn and his red compatriot were staying. "Morning, you all seem chipper today," Hazelnut said rather blandly.

  12. The ranger's eyes quickly opened as he felt the sensation of being awake drown out his senses, getting up the ranger stretched his body as best he could inside of his signature suit of armor. Hazelnut being used to little to no sleep took comfort in knowing he had more than a few minutes of desperate sleep for one night. "A good soldier buck is a well rested one," Hazelnut cheerfully muttered to himself before rummaging out a ration bar and canteen out of his metallic saddles. "A good soldier buck is also one that isn't starving," the ranger said as he downed his morning meal. Hazelnut's distaste of the bar was as clear as day, a popular opinion of many a ranger. Despite their questionable flavor the bars gave the right amount of energy Hazelnut needed, so his disgust would have to wait. "Chocolate flavored my flank," the ranger bitterly said as he washed the bar down with water. After his meal the ranger walked around the bunker looking for his companions. The first companion he ran into was the bloodthirsty cyborg, who honestly looked quite pitiful, not that the ranger would say it out loud. @https://mlpforums.com/user/36045-kronos/"You hungry? Here," the ranger said to the cyborg as he produced one of his spare ration bars from his saddle, tossing it towards his companion.

  13. @https://mlpforums.com/user/36588-meson-bolt/"Elevation? We're you born up in the mountains? The only other ponies with problems like you were the few pegasi who moved down here from the cloud cover, ignoring the enclave of course. You've probably been on equestrian soil for quite some time so you probably know everything you need to know, but in case you don't I recommend you drink a good amount of water. We don't want you lagging behind when the shooting starts." The ranger said all he had to before wandering away from the mare and her workbench, seriously, who needs a workbench to work on weapons? After a few minutes of wandering the ranger found a nice corner to slump down in, the ranger knew sleeping in the home of a stranger who clearly had hostile intent with rangers was a fairly bad idea. However if the ranger was going to survive the fight the next day he needed his rest, the ranger took one last precaution and set up a sensor module near him before he closed his eyes and fell into a light sleep.

  14. @https://mlpforums.com/user/27609-flamestreak1990/@https://mlpforums.com/user/36588-meson-bolt/ "It's your life, as long as it doesn't effect me negatively be my guest to do what you wish," the ranger said dismissively as he searched for a good place to rest. As he looked the ranger heard coughing, probably coming from the unicorn who argued with the little red mare. The ranger looked around for both a nice place to sleep and the unicorn. After awhile he ran into the mare working on some weaponry on a workbench, Her coughing doesn't sound too different from the slaves in Fillydelphia. Either she was dehydrated, had radiation poisoning, or was plagued with something else entirely worried the ranger. Her combat abilities might have been impaired, and worse case scenario she would drag down everypony else. "Need water?" The ranger offered. 

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