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Status Updates posted by CrossbowDoctor

  1. I was just invited to a REALLY active Skype group :) It's awesome!

    1. pinkiepartypie
    2. Bronychan1214


      great for you. Night I am napping bye until late tonight :D

  2. Added you as a friend, if that's all right :)

    1. Proton


      Of course it's all right! :D

  3. Are there any ways to go up levels without posting? I'm not usually one to post, I just like to chat :)

    1. Frostgage


      Unfortunately no, the only way to get new ranks is by posting. The first rank only requires five posts, though. There may be some casual topics in General Discussion you would like.

    2. CrossbowDoctor


      Oh, okay. That's alright :)

      I might do that sometime! :)

    3. ghostfacekiller39


      You can post in the fan clubs :P Easy way to posts, since there's always the topic of discussion of your favorite pony, and easy way to make some new friends with similar interests, too :P

  4. I'm back! How is everyone? :)

    1. pinkiepartypie


      Look at the party

    2. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      I'm feeling Optimustic today!

  5. Howdy! I've sent you a friend request on Skype, if that's okay with you :)

    1. Frostgage


      Of course it is. I accepted btw :)

  6. Good morning, everyone! :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. CrossbowDoctor


      Oh, hi, KoGy! :D

      I'm just chatting with my friends on here; Nothing nicer! :)

    3. pinkiepartypie
    4. KoGy


      That's nice to hear!

  7. I'm up for a bit, I'll probably get some more rest later! How is everyone? :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. CrossbowDoctor


      That's good :)


    3. pinkiepartypie


      Hey look at my account lol

      *hugs back*

    4. KoGy


      Good night.


  8. I might take a nap. I'll see you all in the morning! World of Equestria doesn't seem to have worked for me, so I'll be staying here! :).

  9. If anyone wants to add me on Skype, I'm CrossbowDoctor :)

  10. Hey, I really do appreciate your help, but did you lock my status? If you did, why? Did I do something wrong? :(

    1. Nohbdy


      No, you didn't do anything wrong. I locked the status to prevent it from getting out of hand. Hope I didn't scare you ^^;

    2. CrossbowDoctor


      Oh, no, that's okay! Thank you for letting me know! :)

  11. I'm back! How is everyone?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CrossbowDoctor


      What's wrong???

    3. pinkiepartypie


      Chikorita left the conversation, blue eclipse shut his notifications off and so did Cadance, I thought these were my friends but apparently very few like me*cries*I just wanted to have fun am I to annoying or something....WHAT DID I DO*cries*

    4. CrossbowDoctor


      I'm so sorry! *hugs*

      Maybe they were just busy :(

  12. I'm going to watch a movie, I'll be back later :)

  13. Is there any big trend towards most popular pony here that you've noticed?

  14. Was Makusu2 really popular? It seems like she's caused a lot of commotion :(

  15. Is anyone here part of the "World of Equestria" pony forums? I tried to register, but when I clicked "Create account" a while back, it just brings me to a page saying that I don't have permission to view this community :( I checked my Email for a confirmation link or something, but nothing ever came :(

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. CrossbowDoctor
    3. long gone
    4. Nohbdy


      What works for some may not work for others. I encourage you to try the community for yourself, regardless of what others may tell you. I know a few members of that site, and if you still need help accessing it, I can ask them to help you out.


      On a final note, please don't attack other sites here. We don't like it when others do it to us, after all. Thanks!

  16. I sent you a friend request, if that's all right with you :)

    1. long gone

      long gone

      Everyone wants to be my friend apparently, so go ahead.

  17. Does the banner change when there is a holiday/event?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. long gone

      long gone

      Yes, fine taste in pony.


      We're not biased, I swear!

    3. CrossbowDoctor


      Okay, I'll do that! Thank you! :)

    4. Shanks


      This particular banner is in honor of this favorite pony tournament modeled after the World Cup. http://mlpforums.com/topic/82112-the-2014-mlpf-world-cup-round-of-16-a-princess-luna-vs-zecora/page-223

  18. Hello?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. KoGy


      I'm doing my bed time preparations. Doing good but being a bit dizzy.

      How about you?


      Also welcome to the forums.

      Nice people, don't break them.

      They don't come with a guarantee.


    3. CrossbowDoctor


      I'm good, thank you very much!


      Don't worry, I like nice people a lot; I like everyone a lot, actually! :)

    4. KoGy


      Good to hear!



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