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About Pinkiesister75

  • Birthday 1975-03-12

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    Just joined the herd. Brand new newbie Pegasister. I LOVE Pinkie Pie, Art, Music, Early Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett, The Beatles, Duran Duran, Weird Al Yankovic, MST3K, Cats & Pure Happiness!

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  1. Happy Birthday, User :3

  2. AWESOME! I'm not alone in this! I loved the bead eyes. They worked on the principle of "Less is More". They IMPLIED huge eyes. And those babies were the CUTEST EVER! When I first saw the "new eyes", it was that photo of Applejack in "The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows". I assumed it was just an animator's goof.... ....then FLURRY HEART came along....
  3. I'm kind of weird in that I actually prefer the classic "bead-eyes" look. The new style is too overwhelming for me. ....or maybe I'm so used to it that the new style's jarring for me. It's still adorable but I need to get used to it. I always am like, "Geez, animators! STICK WITH an infant foal style for once!". Are the Cake Twins going to look different, now? Maybe they'll be aged-up to kid-pony stage next time we see them, so they can have full-eyes without making us go "Huh?!". I'd love to know, though; What's with all these different versions of infant ponies? First, we had this.... Then we had this.... Now we have this.... It's like Klingons with or without head-ridges!
  4. I like the lesson and there's a lot of amusing moments but somehow that darn Daring Do fangirl character needed to be called-out for her jerkassery. It's so obvious that she was just stringing Dashie around! No one called her out! No apologies from her. Her attitude was worthy of a punch in the muzzle. Twilight should have ruled in Dash's favor and addressed that Daring-Do pony's goalpost-moving and deceiving. If indeed I'm wrong about Twilight's ruling, at least have Twilight call that pony out or something. I know everything worked out in the end and friendship is more important and Rainbow was happier with the Daring-Do book that Twilight gave her. I understand that sometimes, nasty people are never called out and jerks exist with impunity but it just seems a bit disconcerting in MLP. Even the alleged "Karma Houdinis", Flim & Flam would get called out, their schemes flop despite technically succeeding and run out of town. The Daring-Do fangirl, along with that cherry-selling guy in "Putting Your Hoof Down" just grinds my gears big time and spoil an otherwise decent and funny episode. That's just me, of course. Also; Pinkie never apologized to that filly. She went all OOC-jerkass on that poor thing and never apologized. Pinkie loves children and would never be a jerk to them unless she was apologetic, afterwards. At least show Pinkie apologize and buy the kid a candy-apple or something. I finally watched "Rainbow Falls"....aka....The "Jerkass Wonderbolts" episode.....but I LOVED it! The difference between that episode and "Trade Ya"/"Putting Your Hoof Down" is that in "Rainbow Falls", the Wonderbolts deeply regretted being jerks, apologized and admitted that they were just "caught up in the moment". Their OOC-moment had an excuse and they were sorry. I know it's a bit over-the-top for me to let 1 or 2 small details spoil an episode for me but bullies and "Karma Houdinis" are a HUGE "Berserk Button" for me. I was seriously-bullied as a kid and it does a number on you. I would've enjoyed these episodes if..... * Cherry-Seller Guy was included in Fluttershy's "Flutterjerk" rampage. * Daring-Do Fangirl Mare admit that she was stringing Rainbow along and had no intention of trading that book (then get called out). * Pinkie Pie later apologizes to that filly and buys her a nice treat or they have a hug or offers to cater that filly's upcoming birthday party for free. Twilight gives the kid a book. Another episode that irks me is "Just For Sidekicks".....a big "Shaggy Dog Story" that dumps on Spike. I do confess that, despite Jerkie Pie and Ms. Daring-NO, Spike at least had a great time in "Trade Ya".
  5. That's the only scene that really stands out in that episode.
  6. I know. Love the episode and I get a craving for apples. In fact, I'm eating some right now. Don't forget Pinkie in this! Slo-Mo and Barfy Pinkie are a hoot! ....and Applejack's *blecch* face.
  7. Remember when everybody was like "Photo Finish = Lady Gaga"? Well, that pony wasn't Gaga....THIS PONY is Gaga!
  8. Dashie is also a scream, yes. Flutters is also pure adorableness and beauty.
  9. With me, it's obvious!.... ....She make me SMILE SMILE SMILE!
  10. Ah! A Perry Cline pony! I wonder what the tuning fork means? Was he into music? Radio? Piano-tuner? Seismologist? Is the cutie-mark actually a Jaw-Harp? He definitely looks like Perry Cline (as he appears in that Hatfields & McCoys miniseries).
  11. I'm wondering about the one McColt stallion who's surprisingly well-dressed. He has a tuning-fork cutie mark. Is he a reference to someone? You have all these scrufts with bad hair, teeth and (likely) hygene...and then there's this one guy among them who looks like a dapper 19th century gentleman with an Old West flair. There's got to be a reason for the design. He must be a shout-out to something.
  12. I think he was cross-dressing. He wore a mare's hat & coat and his face was covered up by the scarf. His voice is pretty raspy and he probably taked in a higher octave when ordering the cake.
  13. Same, here. I also like to think that the deceased victims are okay in their new life in the hereafter. I believe in an after life and I take refuge in the notion that those who were BODILY murdered by those creeps are doing okay and at peace.
  14. Sometimes, things get worse before they get better. But things WILL get better. I feel we're entering a New Age and all the bad stuff from the Old Age must come out in the open and be dealt with first. * The Piscean Age becoming the Aquarian Age. * The end and re-start of the Mayan Long-Count Calender. * The Book of Revelation (Taken ALLEGORICALLY). * Ragnarok (again, ALLEGORY). * The Kali Yuga becoming the Dvapara Yuga (according to Sri Yukteswar in The Holy Science). Whatever the tradition, you can't deny that there's a big world change thingy going on. Don't worry, after all is said and done, things will be okay in the end. (I know not everyone believes this stuff. Please don't see me as insensitive. I am okay with those without these spiritual/mystical/afterlife worldviews)
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