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Blog Entries posted by AveryGamerDude

  1. AveryGamerDude
    Heya guys. It's been a while since I made a blog post, and I figured that now is a good time to make another one... and it's about the show ending. Frankly, I'm not as devastated as I was whenever I first found out about it, but I'm still pretty bummed out. I know that the story of the show is gonna continue in the comics, and that's great, but people are just making their goodbyes now that the show is over, and it's bumming me out. In all honesty, I wish people would quit saying: "Don't be sad it's over, smile because it happened!" I'm sorry, but... no. Maybe I can do that for other things, but there's no way I can do that for MLP: FiM. This show is definitely what I'd call "too good". You know something is too good when you'd rather just not exist than to have it end. I'm not kidding when I say that I'd probably rather just have the show just not exist than for it to exist and end... but I mean, to be honest... I probably wouldn't care so much if I had experienced this show to the fullest, which I sadly didn't. I didn't become a fan until 2013, and even when I did, I never got to watch most of the episodes when they first aired on The Hub/Discovery Family. I did get to watch some... but... not the vast majority. I also didn't get to go to any of the conventions, but I did attend a few panels at my local anime cons. Not to mention that now that the show's over, it's only a matter of time before they stop selling G4 related merchandise, which is... not good. On the bright side, though, I think people are still gonna upload pictures to Derpibooru and DeviantArt, and I would say that people are gonna keep making fan videos, but I heard that Flash is going to get support dropped next year, so RIP. All I can say is... I need to buy the rights to Hasbro, if I can, and create a reboot of FiM. Otherwise, I'll probably never be truly happy again in my life.
  2. AveryGamerDude
    Hey guys. This is the first post I'm gonna do in a series of posts ranting about popular political rhetoric I've seen on the internet. This is an opinion I see espoused by almost EVERYONE on the web, and is also very prominent in regions such as the American south, New York, New Jersey, and in areas of Europe. And the opinion is THIS:
    Man, dem-dem Muslims is just a buncha dayum savages! I say... we just NUKE the whole mi'le ea'! Put an en' t' THAT problem right dere, mayun! Dey all up in dere with... ISIS! An'-an' uh.. the TALIBAN! An' a-al-al... uh... Al QAEDA! An' dey all up in dere plottin 'gainst Amurica! An' every single ONE of dem Muslims HATES Amurica an' wants to see it BURN, so I say WE go over DERE and DESTROY THEM FIRST!!
    Okay... where do I begin? I guess I'll attack the first point directly. You do realize that if we nuked an area of the world that large, that the rest of the world is gonna get harmed by the radiation that emerges from those warheads, right? Not to mention, the Middle East isn't the only place with Muslims in it. There are also significant Muslim populations in Asia and the Pacific. Do you wanna bomb those places too? Not to mention, I've heard that there are a lot of Muslims living in Dearborn, Michigan. Do you wanna nuke Dearborn, Michigan? But I honestly think the big problem is here is the blatant disregard for human life, the idea that just because there are some radicals and extremists in this part of the world, we should just destroy it. America honestly doesn't have the nicest people in it, at least in my opinion. If we started bombing places just because there are some scumbags there, the middle east wouldn't be #1 on my list of places to bomb. (Though for the record, I would never bomb anyplace just because there are some scumbags there.) But no, they just think that we should just destroy that region of the world, including all the good people. Okay to be fair, the people who espouse this position probably believe that there are NO good Muslims! There are no Muslims that DON'T want to hurt the west. They're just ALL terrorists, from the youngest newborn to the oldest man with no teeth and rolling around in a wheelchair, they all just DESPISE the west and wanna DESTROY it. ALL OF THEM. EVERY SINGLE ONE! Because that's not... y'know... close-minded at all.  Not to mention, America used to be pretty bad, too. Imagine if there was a technologically superior country many years ago that looked at America and said to themselves: "Look at these Americans! They've got slavery, they don't let their women vote, they don't allow gays to get married, look at them! They're horrible, evil, scum! We should just GET RID OF 'EM!!" Then we never would have gotten the chance to grow and improve. I'm not saying that we're the best country on Earth. (Because trust me, we're far from it.) But we've made a lot of progress.
    Like I've said, this opinion is very prevalent in the American south, and I think that's obvious to everyone, because they're just a bunch of crazy, regressive morons. (But if you're from the south and don't think this, then this doesn't apply to you. ) I also said that this opinion is popular on the internet. Once again, I think that's pretty obvious because THEY are just a bunch of barbaric, ruthless, homicidal, psychopathic wastes of life. (Though I feel like that's putting it very very very VERY mildly. ) But why is this position so prevalent in areas like New York, New Jersey, and regions of Europe? Well, for New York, I'd say it's probably because they directly witnessed the September 11th attacks, so it's probably a more emotional experience for them. As for New Jersey, they always just like to copy what New York is doing and act like they're better. (Even though they aren't.) And finally, why is this position also so popular in Europe? That I think is pretty easy to explain. Europe is pretty atheistic, and even though I am an atheist, one thing I don't like about the atheist community is that they are VERY Islamophobic. Even the most progressive ones say some pretty Islamophobic stuff. They're so Islamophobic, that they're just as, if not sometimes MORE, Islamophobic as the American south! Like, seriously...  
    Another problem I have with this is the blatant hypocrisy in this statement. When you ask people why they wanna do this, they say: "Muslims are VIOLENT! Muslims just wanna KILL US ALL!!" And I think to myself: "Okay, then how the heck are YOU any different? You think we should just kill an entire group of people because they want to quote-on-quote 'kill us all?' Then by your OWN logic, YOU should die!" (Though I think it's preposterous to kill people who say this, no matter how crazy it is. ) Also, you wanna know how many Muslims there are in the world? According to a study from 2015 I found, 1.8 billion. (Or just over 24% of the world's population) So... you wanna kill 24% of the world's population? That is about ONE HUNDRED AND SIX TIMES the amount of people that died in the Holocaust! So you're basically advocating that your country becomes a hundred and SIX TIMES WORSE, MORE BARBARIC, MORE GENOCIDAL, MORE CORRUPT, AND MORE PSYCHOPATHIC THAN ADOLF HITLER!! This isn't just a BAD idea! This is a PHENOMENALLY BAD IDEA!! And y'know what's worse? There are more places than just the US who have interest in the middle east. China and Russia ALSO have interests in the middle east. If you start bombing those regions, then you're gonna aggravate Russia and China, POSSIBLY leading to another world war, and maybe even the EXTINCTION of the HUMAN RACE! NO! BAD IDEA!! INCREDIBLY BAD IDEA!! 
    And that's all I have to say for this blog post. Just wait until tomorrow, where I'll debunk the inconsistent rhetoric of the alt-right!
  3. AveryGamerDude
    I'm a little bit sad right now, so I thought I'd cheer myself up by sharing a story from my high school days.
    It was about autumn during my senior year of high school, and me and my best friend were talking about stuff we could do after school. My friend suggested: "Hey! Our school has an anime club! We should go!" and then I said: "Okay, cool! I love anime!" the next day right after school, we went to the room that they were hosting the club in, (which if you must know was the art room) and the first sign that I was gonna have an un-enjoyable time was that other than me, my best friend, and the boy and girl that were running it (And the teacher that was supervising), nobody there was older than 15. The second sign was that everyone was wearing costumes of their favorite characters. (Which was all just characters from Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online, and whatever else was popular at the time.) The third sign was that nobody would shut up. Once it was the scheduled time for the club to begin, it took the girl who was running it about 2-3 minutes to get everyone to be quiet. (And what was even worse was that everyone was saying super cringey stuff like "KAWAII DESU!!", "MEWWW!!", and all kinds of other irritating weeaboo phrases.) Then, the girl who was running the club said we were gonna watch "Ghost in the Shell", (A classic!) and then everyone bar me, my best friend, and the two kids running the club were EXTREMELY confused. You'd hear stuff like: "'Ghost in the Shell'? What's that?", and "When did that air? 2012?" And I just rolled my eyes because I couldn't believe that these kids that claim to be die hard anime fans had NEVER heard of Ghost in the Shell. (Though to be fair, most of the were barely 14, so they likely didn't remember a time when classics like these were on TV.) I was excited at first, because I LOVE Ghost in the Shell, but once they started playing it, everything went downhill. Once again, nobody would shut their dang mouths. They only paid attention for like, 5 minutes, and then they just started talking about other things. Some of them watched for a little longer, but they'd make obnoxious comments, like whenever something violent happened, some of the girls would say: "Ewwwwww!!" in the most high pitched and irritating voice possible, and some of the guys would snicker during certain parts of it. I tried really hard to enjoy it, but I just couldn't because of how annoying everyone was being. Once it was over, the girl running it said: "So? What did you guys think?" And everyone except for me, my best friend, and the girl and the guy running the club were very negative. But instead of being valid criticisms, they were stupid things like: "Why are the graphics so bad?" and "Why is the way the characters look so weird?" I just groaned in annoyance, because these kids were too dumb to know that this anime was nearly 20 years old, so it's obviously going to look kinda dated compared to now. Then the girl decided to take a vote on what we should watch next. Everyone except me and my best friend (And the two club leaders) wanted to watch Attack on Titan and Sword Art Online. They couldn't decide which one, so they just went with Sword Art Online. I was hoping it would at least be quiet because everyone bar me and my best friend was watching an anime that they liked, but I couldn't be more wrong. It was actually WORSE. Nobody would stop talking while they were showing it, and the comments they made were even MORE obnoxious! Every time Kirito appeared on screen, the girls would say in a high pitched annoying voice: "Kirito-kun!!", and every time Asuna appeared on screen, the guys would say: "Asuna is so hot!" and whenever something violent happened, all the girls would go like: "Eeeeeeeek!!" (In the high pitched annoying voice, of course) and if something even remotely sexual happened, all the guys would go crazy. At this point, I couldn't take it anymore, and neither could my best friend, so we just left, and I said to my best friend: "This isn't an anime club, dude. This is a f***ing WEEABOO CLUB!!" and then me and my best friend never went back. And every day after school, you'd sometimes hear their screams of joy/fear from the window, and it was EXTREMELY annoying.
    And that is my terrible experience with an anime club.
  4. AveryGamerDude
    *Sigh* It just never ends for me, does it? As you all probably know, Hasbro announced that MLP: FiM is ending after it's 9th season. I'm honestly very bummed out by this, as I'm sure a lot of you are. At first, I actually wasn't too sad about it, but then, everyone started making tearjerking posts about the show ending and started making me feel worse.  Anyway, I wouldn't be so sad about the show ending if it wasn't for 2 things. 1. It's ending too early IMO and 2. I didn't experience the show to the fullest. Honestly, I feel like 9 seasons is a bit too soon. I'd say 11 or 12 at least would be enough. I know a bunch of people are gonna say: "But, Avery! I don't want it to go on until it gets stale and repetitive!" Yeah, I agree, but isn't it getting cut off too soon just as bad if not WORSE? It's like with Courage the Cowardly Dog or Invader Zim. Those were shows that didn't go into seasonal rot at all and they still had more stories to tell! And it's the same with MLP: FiM! What about the Breezies? What about King Sombra? What about the Power Ponies? What about Chief Thunderhoof? I could go on and on and list more examples, but we'd be here all day. They still have a little bit more to work with, why do they have to cut it short? I just don't understand...  As for me not experiencing the show to the fullest, I'll explain. For one, I feel like I got into MLP too late. I saw MLP all over the place in 2012, and I just brushed it off and thought it was one of the dumbest things in history. But then I actually watched it and I LOVED it! God damn it, past me! What's wrong with you? I thought you knew not to judge a book by its cover! Anyway, another problem with this is that I didn't get to see every episode live when it aired on TV. My mom got rid of cable nearly 8 years ago and it wasn't until a year and a half ago that I got it back via DirecTV Now. As if all this wasn't bad enough, I never got to attend a single large Brony convention. NOT. A. ONE. This is one of the many disadvantages of living where I live... any cool event happens REALLY far away, and it's too expensive to get there! But guess what? IT. GETS. WORSE. I didn't draw much fan art for the show, and I seriously slacked off on my fanfics for it, and it's kinda too late to salvage that now. Not to mention, I didn't make a Derpibooru account until a little more than a year ago, and I just wish I did it earlier. (Though I didn't because I was kinda embarrassed to join because of a lot of the content on that site.) Man... I just seriously wish I had another chance to relive part of my past to the fullest, because now I'm gonna have to live with that regret. (Though I'm not sure if I will considering how crushed I am.) I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but seriously...
  5. AveryGamerDude
    Hoo, boy, do I have a lot to say. If you didn't know, I'm working on a fanfiction for MLP: FiM. It's gonna be a human in Equestria fanfic. Right now, chapter 2 is about halfway done. I'm gonna write up to Chapter 10, and then I'll need some people to read it. So please can a few of you guys read it? I'll pay you if I have to! Anyway, I'm really hyped for this fanfic. After I've fixed up the first 10 chapters, I'm gonna publish them to fanfiction.net or fimfiction.net or something. I'm also gonna make official artwork and an official wiki for it. And if it's successful enough, I'll make a web manga, and if it's REALLY successful, then I'll make a web anime series. (Though that probably won't happen.) As for how long it's gonna be, it's gonna be VERY long. I'm talking longer than Fallout: Equestria long. Probably even longer than the entire Lord of the Rings series. If you wanna hear more, leave a comment or send me a message. Cheers!
  6. AveryGamerDude
    Something I've been thinking about a lot is the past of the brony fanbase. I've been lamenting how I never got to experience those moments because I thought MLP: FiM was trash. (Because I never watched it.) So I figured why not tell the story of how I became a brony?
    I guess I'll begin with the launch of the Hub. At the time, I was a wee 13 year old. I saw ads for the Hub all over television. I thought nothing of it, because I thought it was just some stupid kids channel. One of things they promoted in their ads was MLP: FiM. (Again, I thought little of it, as I thought that MLP was just a stupid little girls show at the time.) A few months later, though, I lost access to cable. Then I think about a year or two later, I saw all this stuff about "bronies" on the internet. I think I'll let Filthy Frank sum up how I felt about it at first:
    Then, my little brother's best friend at the time, (Who was a brony) kept watching all sorts of MLP stuff to annoy my little brother. And then he was like: "I'm gonna watch apple.mov!" And I overheard him watching it and I thought to myself: "Y'know, that actually looks kinda interesting! I need to check it out sometime!" And so about a year later, I did! I watched every episode of HotDiggedyDemon's "Pony.mov" series, and I thought to myself: "This is really funny!" And then one day, out of extreme, morbid, INSANE curiosity, I decided to watch the first episode. I even remember during the intro of it, I was thinking to myself: "Oh boy... here we go... we've got about 5 minutes and then they're gonna start talking about tea parties and dress up!" But then, something amazing (Or horrible) happened... I ended up LOVING it.   And then, a few months later, I binge watched the entire series, found out about the MLP forums, and here I am today! Just one note about MLP: FiM before I sign off, I'll be honest, before I became a brony, I didn't WANT the show to suck, I just EXPECTED it to. (Because it's for little girls and shows for little girls are typically pretty damn bad.)
    So yeah. That's the story of how I became a brony in a nutshell!  Please leave your questions, comments, and complaints in the comments below. See ya!
  7. AveryGamerDude
    It's a new day. Every waking moment for me is one with despair, and I'm constantly starved for help for my crippling sadness. Frankly, I'd say I have a long road ahead of more depression. Around every corner, there's more things for me to be depressed about. I'm feeling numb, because I feel like I have no time left until I do something horrible...
    All that remains of my not as worrisome past are some posts I made on the web. As if that wasn't bad enough, I live in a house divided by religious views and politics. I wish I could talk about it on the internet without putting myself in harms way. But if I did that, I would be left with nothing but being amid the ruins of my old life. I wish I could go back. But sadly, there is no going back.
    I have so many regrets. I wish I could do something about it, but I can't because time is the ties that bind. I would've just taken the things I needed then, but I couldn't do that because I'm not above the law. I'm saddened by this, but hopefully I'll get over it because I'm thicker than water. But unfortunately, my only escape from my despair seems to be from the gallows.
    I guess I could say that I'm done running. I just don't wanna live a life of emptiness anymore. I especially after listening to my mom playing "Suffer the Children Unto Me." And after examining all the broken toys I have remaining from my past... I can only say one thing...
  8. AveryGamerDude
    Since I saw another user do this, I figure I'll do it as well.
    Abortion: I am 100% pro choice. Mainly because I'm my life philosophy, and scientifically, at least in my opinion, a fertilized egg cell isn't a person. Not to mention I support the right to choose in general.
    Death Penalty: I'm not against it, but I'm not for it, either. Although I do consider it cruel and unusual punishment for crimes that aren't murder, I can sympathize with people who support in cases of murder, because if some bastard murdered my wife, I'd make them pay.
    Economy: I'm less familiar with economics than I am with social issues, but I support Democratic Socialism. (I know, I'm a friggin' communist. )
    Freedom of Speech: I fully support it, as most people should. People should be allowed to make certain speeches even if it upsets people. And if those upset people try to use violence against people who are expressing their freedom of speech, put them in jail. (I'm talking to you, anti-flag burners.)
    Guns: I love guns. A lot. Though I am very supportive of gun control. (There's a difference between gun control and gun bans.) I think there should be some form of background check, because I think it's a REALLY bad idea to just let any butt-wipe with money have a gun.
    Gay marriage: I 100% support gay rights.
    Immigration: I might get a lot of flak for this, but I think that we should allow Mexicans who cross the border illegally to stay in America, because I'm sure they wouldn't do it illegally unless they had a good reason. Mexico is a dangerous place, and when the pressure's on, the luxury of choice tends to disappear. As for banning Muslims, I am highly against that. Even though I despise Islam, I think it's unfair to condemn an entire group of people just because there are some radicals and extremists. I will admit that if you look at opinion polls about the Muslim world, there are a concerning number of Muslims who are a BIT more comfortable with violence than they should be. But that doesn't mean that they themselves are terrorists, and there are millions of Muslims who COMPLETELY condemn terrorism and violence.
    Religious Liberty: I fully support religious liberty, even though I'm very anti-religion. But if you start imposing your religious beliefs on other people, I'm gonna have a problem with you. (That's not religious liberty, by the way.)
    Transgenderism: I think that people who get sex-change surgery deserve rights just as much as anyone else. I personally don't believe in that "unlimited genders" Tumblr nonsense. But if other people do, who cares? They aren't hurting anyone!
    I might edit this in the future to include some other political beliefs I have but forgot about. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
  9. AveryGamerDude
    I'm replaying Pokemon SoulSilver version. This time I'm not gonna use Action Replay in order to get 4x XP in order to make the game a cakewalk. I'm just gonna do everything legit. So far, I've just beaten Bugsy, and I'm now gonna head into the Ilex Forest so I can catch a Heracross.
  10. AveryGamerDude
    Hey all you people! As a fast food connoisseur... I figured I'd make my OWN fast food tier list! I'm gonna show you the tier list I made, and break each restaurant down. Just letting you know, this is just my opinion, and if your favorite fast food restaurant isn't on here, that doesn't mean it's not great, I just probably never ate there, or I didn't eat there enough times to formulate an opinion. With that said, let's do it!!

    I'll go through each restaurant, from worst to best.
    -Raising Cane's: I've eaten here a few times, and... it's not very good. Their chicken and fries are mediocre at best, and the only thing that's good is their soda. (But to be fair, how do you screw that up?)
    -Cici's Pizza: Also not so good... Their pizza is pretty average, and their desserts are pretty bad... I just haven't had much good experiences here.
    Arby's: In all honesty, Arby's isn't TERRIBLE... but it's still pretty subpar... Their curly fries are good, though... but their sandwiches? Eh...
    Domino's: Overall kinda mediocre. Their crust is subpar, their sauce is... okay... and so is their cheese and toppings. Their desserts are decent, at least. AND they had a pretty amusing mascot during the 80s! I wish I remembered that when I was making this tier list, because that would've moved it up to C tier, but oh well.
    KFC: KFC is okay. Their chicken and biscuits are... alright. But that's about it. Their cookies are pretty good, though. 
    Pizza Hut: Another okay restaurant. Their pizza is just... meh, but their desserts are pretty good. They also serve fries, which is kinda neat. Never tried them, though.
    Papa John's: Pretty much everything I said about Pizza Hut applies here, except their pizza is slightly better.
    Subway: I feel like I shoud've ranked this a bit higher, but I digress. Their sandwiches are honestly pretty good in my opinion, and their options are probably MILES healthier than most other restaurants listed here, but... their options are pretty limited, so... whatever.
    Popeye's: This place is pretty similar to KFC, but their fried chicken is a little better IMO. Their seasoned fries are pretty good, though.
    Chick-Fil-A: At last, the king of the C-tiers... In all honesty, I kinda like Chick-Fil-A, and as far as I'm aware, they're the most popular fast food joint in the US, or at least the south. I think Chick-Fil-A's breakfast options are REALLY good, but their lunch options are kinda meh. Not bad by any means, but... nothing special. Oh well. Can't win 'em all!
    Braum's: I like this place, but I still think there are better options for burgers or ice cream. Their burgers are pretty good, and their fries aren't bad, either. Their ice cream is REALLY good, and their Lava Cake Sundaes are to DIE for! If you ever want a good sundae... Braum's can hook you up with a Lava Cake Sundae. Tell them I sent ya. Thank me later. 
    Sonic: Another place I like. Their burgers, fries, chicken, and chicken sandwiches are all pretty good, and their slushies and shakes are good, too! The only thing that's really holding this place back is their slow as molasses service, and it's a little pricey. Still pretty good, though. 
    Burger King: I like me some Burger King. Honestly, most burger joints are gonna be high tier, because I LOVE burgers. I haven't eaten here in a while, though, so my memory is a bit fuzzy, but their burgers are VERY good IMO, and their fries are also pretty solid. I haven't really had much here, though, as I've only ordered hamburgers here. But I saw that their getting more options, so that's good.
    Jack in the Box: I love this place! I've only eaten a few times, but it was overall pretty good. Their burgers and fries are nice, they have a lot of options, and I like the look and design of their restaurants. The only thing that's holding this place back is their lack of locations. There isn't a SINGLE ONE in Arkansas, my home state. But they DO have one in Tulsa, which is only an hour drive away from where I live.
    Little Caesar's: Now we're getting into the REALLY good stuff. This is easily my favorite pizza joint. Their pizza's really good, and so is their crazy bread. And it's pretty cheap, too! If you ever need fast, good, affordable pizza, Little Caesar's can hook you up.  I just wish they had dessert options...
    Five Guys: A really good burger joint. Their burgers are REALLY good, and their fries are also pretty nice! Last time I checked, they had a lot of soda options, too. Only things keeping it from being the creme de la creme are that I don't think they have any dessert options, and their food is kinda pricey. Don't count me on that, though.
    Whataburger: What a burger is right! I love this place!  (I actually ate my birthday lunch here, lol) Their burgers and fries are REALLY good, and they have a bit more drink options than the average fast food joint. They also have some variety, as they also serve tacos and chicken sandwiches. I just wish they had more dessert options...
    Taco Bell: One of my personal favorites. Their tacos, burritos, nachos, and quesadillas are all SO good! Not to mention the fact that they have some exclusive Mountain Dew drinks here, so that makes them stand out a lot more. (Even though I'm not a big Mountain Dew guy) The only things that could make it better is if the food was a bit cheaper and they had more dessert options. (I know I've been saying that a lot, but sometimes I want some dessert with my food, y'know?! )
    Wendy's: Again, another one of my favorites. Their burgers are pretty good, they have a LOT of drink options, and they have the classic frosties.  I was originally gonna put this in B-Tier, (Same with Whataburger, but I moved Whataburger up a tier because their burgers and fries are REALLY good.) because their fries aren't perfect, but I had to put it up a tier because of the whole "Waifu Wendy's" ordeal 2 and a half years ago. How could I not? That was seriously one of the best things I've seen in my life! 
    McDonald's: Hoo, boy... I'm not gonna make a lot of friends with this pick... But yeah, McDonald's is S-tier. McDonald's burgers and fries are pretty dang good, they've had a LOT of options over the years, their service is quick and reliable, AND their food is cheap! Pretty much everything you could ask for is all here at the Golden Arches. The only problem is that their mascot is the Joker. (Let's be honest, Ronald McDonald is secretly the Joker. )
    And... that's all she wrote! What do you think? What's your favorite fast food places? Lemme know!
  11. AveryGamerDude
    Hey, I've got another blog post. This time, I managed to think of 10 things that a lot of people hate, but I don't. (This list in alphabetical order, not by how much it's hated or something else.)

    I know that it isn't necessarily CGI that people have a problem with, they just think that CGI is overused. CGI never bothered me, personally. CGI nowadays is typically pretty impressive IMO. Seeing CGI in movies like Rogue One, Avengers: Infinity War, and Jurassic World... I actually thought the CG in those movies was pretty convincing. I mean it's not FLAWLESS, but pretty good nonetheless in my eyes.

    I kinda understand why DeviantArt has such a shoddy reputation, as there is a lot of weird stuff there, but shouldn't people be allowed to draw what they want? If you don't like it, don't look it up! Not to mention, most of the art on DeviantArt IMO is pretty good and not sexual at all! One of my friends IRL told me to browse the featured art of DeviantArt, and I did, but I had to scroll for quite a while before finding anything remotely fetish based, so I really don't think DeviantArt deserves the reputation it has.
    Fast Food

    I understand that fast food is unhealthy. I think EVERYONE does, but my only criteria for food is if it's tasty. I don't care how unhealthy it is, if it tastes great, it needs to get in my belly ASAP.
    Family Guy

    Or at least, the later seasons. Most people liked the first 3 seasons of Family Guy, and there are some who think it was good until about season 7. I didn't start to lose interest in Family Guy until about season 10. But even then, I don't think most of the episodes are outright BAD... just... mediocre. I see that a lot of complaints about Family Guy is that its humor nowadays is too dark or shocking, but hasn't Family Guy always had dark/violent humor? I saw cutaway gag compilations of Family Guy, and some of them were pretty gruesome. I figured they were from the newer seasons, but they were actually from seasons 3/4, so I honestly don't think that it's a very good argument, personally. I understand humor is subjective, but eh.

    Similar to DeviantArt, I kinda understand their shoddy reputation. There are creepy furries who like to draw pretty weird stuff, but like I said in my DeviantArt description, if you don't like it, don't search it. Most furries that I met (Except one) were pretty nice. I know that some people find them cringey, and I think I can kinda understand that, but they never really bothered me that much.
    Jar Jar Binks

    I actually found out recently that Jontron shares this opinion with me. Jar Jar never really bothered me in Episode I. He was just kind of... there. I've never really managed to pinpoint why people hate Jar Jar Binks. I think that people find him annoying, and I think I can kinda get that... but I've definitely seen FAR worse "comedy relief" characters in other movies.

    I don't care if you don't like them, but they never really bothered me. A lot of people complain that microtransactions give players an "unfair advantage" or something like that, but like weird kink art, if you don't like it, then don't consume it! Besides, you're probably gonna get paired up with people who are higher levels than you anyway that unlocked better equipment, so does it really make that much of a difference? Not to mention, i kinda need them so I can easily get revenge on _xXN008514Y3RXx_ for killing me over and over again when I was just chilling and minding my own business.

    I don't understand the hate for these guys. I used to hate them, but then I found out that I actually liked some of their songs, and I stopped hating them.
    Outdated Memes

    I know that people complain about memes that aren't popular anymore all the time, but I never really minded seeing a meme that's 7 years or older, because some memes remind me of my freshman in high school days. (I admit, I kinda miss those days...) Not to mention, just because a meme is outdated doesn't mean that it isn't funny.
    Superman 64

    I saw a lot of people complain about how bad this game is and saying that it's the worst game of all time, but I actually played it for myself, (On an N64 emulator, no less) and I didn't think it was that bad. I mean, it wasn't GOOD, but DEFINITELY not "worst game ever made" material. I could control Superman decently, and I actually knew what I was doing. Besides, even if you hate Superman 64, you gotta admit that at least it's ONE terrible game that wasn't ridiculously overpriced. (AKA Action 52, my personal worst game of all time.)
    So, there you have it. 10 things I don't hate. (But probably should) Maybe next time I'll follow up with a top 10 things I DO hate. (But probably shouldn't)
  12. AveryGamerDude
    Sorry that I haven't been on in a little while. My mom took away my computer for stupid and private reasons. -__- Just letting you guys know that I'm alive and well. (For the most part.)
  13. AveryGamerDude
    Why does everyone have to insult me? I mean they're aren't exactly insulting me, but if you insult my favorite next-gen console (Xbox One), then you're basically insulting me. It just makes me really sad that everyone hates me. It seems that everyone hating me is a running theme in my life. My life sucks.
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