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Everything posted by AmberDust

  1. Amber trotted over to the water silently. Looking about, she had begun sketching a stream when a thought came to her mind. "Maybe we could follow it," she suggested to nopony in particular. She looked upstream at the small waterfall, then at the pattern of rocks. She scribbled the pattern in the corner of her makeshift map quickly before taking a drink. the mare looked over to the stallions fooling about in the water. "Shall we move on?" She said, smirking.
  2. Brohoof for Gary Oldman...Have you seen Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are dead? anyways. Who would play Link? And would he... ... talk?
  3. Sure thing. You said "long fur"...are you talking about his coat? Or his mane?
  4. I'm not sure how I'd do that lol.
  5. Well, lets consider that its real. Who do you think would be suitable to play Link? Or Ganondorf??
  6. ... darn it. i was too late. Aaanyways, this could be fake, but one thing that caught my attention was... "The “Zelda” games have traditionally included swords and sorcery, like “Game of Thrones” or “Lord of the Rings,” but typically with a more light-hearted, kid-friendly tone." ... "but typically with a more light-hearted, kid-friendly tone." ... "kid-friendly tone." Haha what? Since when?
  7. You did. I'm not really sure how to work with it, but I'll try.
  8. Thank you for even mentionning the digimon movie. I LOVE that movie. it has everything...although I watched it in English. anyways, to add to this topic...we're only talking movies, right? and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhSf7L0ilXs and of course I have others, but I can't bring them to the front of my mind...maybe I'll remember them later. As far as video games go, though, Pokémon B/W blew me away! Like, just, just https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBblQDOTMek just listen.
  9. Just listened to his song for the first time--it sounds awesome! *o* Very Medieval. I with I knew how music works lol. It must be cool to be able to write your own theme song.
  10. I could do a sketch for you, if you'd like: http://mlpforums.com/topic/115666-oc-sketches/
  11. Celestia's eyes widened as the walking horror stumbled into view. What is that thing?!? She felt Bishop's hand cover her mouth. She sunk shakily into his chest, trembling with fear. Here eyes stayed locked on the foul-smelling beast. A terrible thought emerged in her brain. Was that...a human?
  12. @ ((Adventure, away!!)) Amber looked around carefully as she trotted through the jungle. With her magic, she held suspended in midair a piece of coal from the fire and a strip of dried bark. "It wont be the best map in the world, but it's better than nothing," she said aloud as she sketched out the campground. Her orange eyes darted around as she tried to locate a path. She scribbled a bit with the coal, marching slowly behind Lightning. "So you said found these packs near a river?" she asked suddenly, momentarily taking here eyes off of her map. She looked up ahead. She couldn't see it, but listening carefully, she heard the distinct noise of running water. She blew her hair out of her eyes. "We're close, right?"
  13. Lol I'm getting a lot of different opinions, so i guess I out to post a picture. I would LOVE to see this sketch!
  14. I'm sorry if it looks all wobbly...I used a dip pen and it didn't work out so well.
  15. You should really consider making this thread an actual poll. And by that I mean yes.
  16. What was her colour scheme again? And you wanted this specific pic coloured? Or just any pic of her with this design? *** Also... Here's some more doodles of Amber Dust. Also, I was in he middle of drawing Amber's gala dress, and I took a pause to make this. Princess Amber Dust! Her hair gradient is meant to resemble the twilight before the sun rises. It symbolizes hope. She'll never actually become an Alicorn, but I wanted to draw it anyways: *** @@Dsanders, @retrosteamknight, , @AspenSwift Ugh all the images are compiling onto one post...bluh. Please bear with me.
  17. Mine's Luciana. It's my Nonna's name. I have a friend whose middle name is Jupiter! How cool is that? my mother doesn't have a middle name. Probably because her full name (pre-marriage) was super long. C********* T************. Wow.
  18. I have 3 mlp OCs now...Amber Dust, Plum Pudding, and Stormjumper. The last two started out as background characters in Amber's life, and as such they aren't as well balanced. I grew to love them, though, and I started drawing them more and more until I had internally developed backstories, personalitites, etc. they started as doodles. Typically, when I'm making an OC, I try and consider what element of harmony suits them best. That usually helps me develop their character, and it gives me a heads-up to make sure I'm not making a clone of one of the mane 6. 9u9
  19. Oh yeah, and in the second image, ignore the ones with blue/violet coats. I was hoping to incorporate some silver ribbons. :/ Does that change anything?Also, want me to design a dress for you?
  20. @ I don't think the spell Twilight used to hatch Spike was an aging spell--they would have been WAY to difficult for an entrance exam...I think. When I say dark magic, I'm mostly refering to what Sombra did to the Crystal Empire, or that one spell Celestia did as an example to Twilight. I think Twilight has summoned things out of thin air before. :/ I know Trixie has, with the aid of the amulet. As for healing magic, I just assume it'd be pretty difficult. I imagine of comes easier to ponies with healing-based cutie marks.
  21. Princess Luna! No, a tornado! Hmm...Maybe Princess Luna fighting a tornado? Yeah, that's be amazing! So long as nopony got hurt.
  22. I'd still like feedback on this, so I'm bumping it again, if I may.
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