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Everything posted by AmberDust

  1. "Yes, I've been living in Ponyville for a little while now," Plum said, walking into the kitchen to grab a plate of goodies. "She's trying to promote her new bakery," Amber explained. "She hasn't opened it yet and plans on running it from home... Hopefully all the food she made will get everyone hooked on her baking." Amber smiled. "oh," she added, "And I don't live in town just yet. I was thinking of buying a house for a while while I explore the wonders around here. That's why Plum invited me to Ponyville. I'm an explorer, kind of." She tilted her head. "We grew up together, so I might just end up staying." Plum entered the room with a plate of warm ginger snaps. She placed it on the coffee table. "Please, help yourself." She said. "There's plenty more in the kitchen if you're hungry". @ There was a rustling outside.
  2. Plum Pudding stood up quickly with nervous excitement and trotted to meet the guest. "Yes!" She said, nearly yelling. Then, embarrassed, she added quietly, "Yes, this is the right place." Amber trotted up behind her to greet this new weather-worn Pegasus. "Happy Hearth's warming," she said kindly. "I'm Amber Dust." She paused a moment, brushing the snow into a best little pile. "Oh. And I'm Plum Pudding...your hostess," her friend added nervously. "Please, come in...What your name?"
  3. OOC thread--Read this post first! http://mlpforums.com/topic/116775-ooc-introduce-yourself-this-holiday-hearths-warming-party/ UNPAUSED. "Hello? Plum? Are you there?" As Amber trotted into the festive purple house, a cool winter breeze filled the hall with whirling snowflakes. "I'm over here, Amber," a mare called from another room. As Amber relieved her scarf and boots, Plum Pudding, a brown Earth pony with friendly green eyes, made her way to the door to greet her old friend. "It smells great in here," Amber said, taking a whiff of the warm, fragrant air. "Been baking all afternoon!" Plum wiped her brow, smearing flour on her face. She ushered Amber Dust into through her kitchen, revealing a bountiful feast of sweets and treats in a warm, candle-lit dining hall, all surrounding a huge platter of her famous plum pudding. "It looks delicious!" Amber said, licking her lips. "Is there anything I can help with?" "Actually, I'm just about done!" Plum chuckled bashfully, sliding fresh ginger cookies onto a plate. "Now we just have to wait for the guests to arrive!" *** "Come on, Plum. Take a break." Amber urged her friend out of the kitchen. "I guess everything's ready," Plum decided, as her unicorn friend pushed her into the parlor. She sat in front on the fireplace as Amber conjured up a fire. "This party is such a great idea, Plum", she said as she levitated kindling across the room. "I thought it'd be a good way to promote my new bakery," Plum said, with a small smile. "I just hope everypony likes it." "Everypony will LOVE it," Amber assured her, smiling. "In fact, I'm trying really hard right now NOT to stick my face in that pecan pie." She nodded towards the kitchen. Plum chuckled. "It's too bad StormJumper couldn't be here though," Plum said quietly. "Yeah," Amber agreed glumly. "But she's still contributing. I bet she's doing all she can right now to keep this from becoming a full-blown blizzard." The pair gazed out the window at the softly falling snow. "It IS quite beautiful out," Plum said, with a happy sigh. "I guess you're right." Amber leaned her head on Plum's comfortingly. "It's nice that we can all be together again," she said. She walked across the parlor and sat in front of the fire. There was a knock at the door. (That's your cue. Check the OOC thread first.)
  4. I looks like Inkscape is popular Amon artists here, and I downloaded it recently, so I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I'm having a really hard time with this software and I don have the patience for trial and error when trying to figure out all the tools. Could anyone give me a quick tutorial on how to draw ponies on Inkscape? (And don't worry--I already know how to draw: rebecca-47.deviantart.com) In afraid my style might be to sketchy for vector art, but then again, I'm not sure how it works.
  5. Concept art for Benevolence. I tried to make her look rich but still a little whimsical(?). Idk. Do you like it ?
  6. I liked the way you described her personality. It's short, but is describes peppermint candies perfectly. Very cute. The backstory seems a little strange.
  7. I like it! I still think the wings should be visible beneath the binoculars, instead of the wings just ending where they touch the binoculars. You know? So it looks more like wings AND binoculars instead of winged binoculars. Did you see the comment I left on your OC's profile?
  8. Heh heh. Thanks Although my digital art needs a lot of work. What software do you use?
  9. Erm. Somewhat: rebecca-47.deviantart.com But that other person who offered is probably better. Check out my gallery anyway, if you want. I'm much better at pencil art.
  10. My dearest friend, I hope my letter reaches you before you set off on your next journey. I'm writing to tell you some good news! Ive finally moved in to my new home in Ponyville, and I positively love it here! It's so full of culture and history, but still friendly and quaint like our old town. I'm thinking of opening up a bakery once I get settled. Ponyville reminds me of the stories you used to tell StormJumper and I when we were young, and I think you'd really like it here, if you're looking for a new adventure. The town is bordered by a mysterious forest called the Everfree, and I hear there's an old castle in it. Also, the Golden Oak library was recently destroyed, and I think you'd enjoy sketching it. On that note, thank you for the drawings and photos you sent me. I really loved them and have them hanging in my hall. There's also a famous designer in our town, which I'm sure would be a great opportunity for you, and Stormjumper lives not far from here. I'd really love it if you stopped by for a visit sometime. This really is a wonderful place. I hope to hear from you soon, Plum Pudding Amber Dust folded up the parchment for the hundredth time and gazed out the window, smiling. The train chugged across the mountainside, and Amber's next adventure came into view. The sun reflecting brightly in her eyes, She gazed down upon ponyville. It really was a sight to behold! Acres of farmland, a mysterious forest, a bustling city, and a castle of shimmering crystal. Amber gazed back towards the letter, pressing her hoof against the purple writing. A new adventure... A warm feeling filled her as the sunlight brushed her azure hair. Memories of her friends and hometown filled her mind, and she couldn't stop herself from smiling. A new adventure with my friends. It was everything she ever wanted. She carefully slipped the letter back into her saddlebag and closed her eyes. Today, a new journey begins. *** The train screeched to a halt and Amber opened her eyes, confused. "Now arriving in ponyville! Please collect your luggage and exit the cart from the back or side doors!" Amber's heart leapt suddenly. Right, she thought. I'm here! As she exited the train with her bags in tow, Amber was overwhelmed with thought. Her eyes darted rapidly as she trotted through town. Sights and smells of the familiar and the new filled her senses like she didn't believe. The air was crisp and the sun was warm and the smell of fresh pastry and soft soil filled the air and everything just felt like home. Amber was filled with fresh energy and excitement as she took a deep whiff of morning air. It wasn't long before she found the small, purple house, and, holding her breath, she thought to herself, I've got a great feeling about this place. She knocked on the door. **OOC** I hope you liked Amber's introduction. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. For Amber's full profile, check out these pages: http://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/unapproved/amber-dust-r248 http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/amber-dust-r7518
  11. Maybe ask around outside the creative resources? Like in Everfree or something... With hope that your topic won't be moved. Or maybe offer some sort of payment. Like you'll help them out with something if they help you.
  12. Hey, its me...You wanted me to review your character? I read it over, and I like it, but I insist you spellcheck and edit it before I give you a full review...if that's okay with you. it just makes it easier to read and understand if everything's organized and spelled correctly. And, if I may ask...how old are you? I just don't want to be too harsh if you're younger than 14 or something.
  13. Celestia and Luna were children at the time, so I doubt they were in charge of anything. And in hearths warming eve, Spike stated it happened LONG BEFORE their rule. I have a feeling they never actually ruled over anything until they defeated Discord.
  14. Okay, so then they had their coronation BEFORE they becme real rulers.
  15. It's more than possible. It's official. He actually calls himself "spirit of chaos" in the show. He IS the living incarnation of disharmony. Yes, Discord came to power afterwards, but he was still born before the book happened. Did the princesses meet Star Swirl in that book? I really need to buy it.
  16. AmberDust

    Amber Dust

    Alright, fine. I removed the elements reference and I moved the part about Amber being sneaky. I also edited her "other" section a bit. She's ready.
  17. AmberDust

    Amber Dust

    Ah, yes, I know that it's important for me to like my OC, but at the moment, I'm trying to get her approved, so it's important that the mods like her, too. ^^" But, hey, there IS such thing as a bad OC.
  18. Thank you for considering.
  19. Thank you for adding the backstory and such. It makes me like the character more now that I undertsand more. You did make up a very major Royal Family that was responsible for the creation of the world, though, which is a kind of dangerous thing for you to do, considering this is in no way canonical. I think if you detatch her from the term "ponysona", she's be a better character. Because let's be real, you aren't like this. You aren't a descendent of the creator of thw world, or anything like that. A ponysona is literally just YOU in the form of a pony. Same history, same personality, same age...and this isn't you. She'd be much better if you called her an OC instead of a ponysona. Also, I suggest you spellcheck/grammarcheck your post.
  20. Look at Pokemon. I think Alicorns are the equivalent of Mew but with the power of the origin trio. By that I mean that all races of pony probably came from Alicorns. But I don't think it's possible for non-Alicorns to give birth to Alicorns...although I'm not expert on pony genes. It's just never happened before. The "pure" Alicorn race died out long ago, and the only pure ones left are royalty, and presumably, very very old. The fact that one of them has a four year old kid seems ridiculous to me...and again, not canon. So, is your pony a really old pony, or an ascended Alicorn? How did they ascend? What is their responsibility? Why is a pony based on yourself worthy of Alicornhood? Again, I think you should answer these questions so we can judge her better.
  21. I don't think this counts as a ponysona. I'd say it's just an OC tht wa soronslly intended as a persona but got derailed. The reason being that your backstories and appearanced are so different, and a ponysona is esentially supposed to be a pony with the same history, look, and personality as you...just in pony skin. Long story short, yes, a ponysona should be exactly like you--or as close to that as you can get. Otherwise it's just an OC.
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