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Posts posted by Bronyance

  1. Hey, I do acapella music. I'd reccommend getting more people, to stregthen out the range of what you can do with acapella. A bass singer, tenor singer, alto singer, soprano singer, and a vocal percussionist is the base to the general modern acapella group (like Pentatonix). Obviously, if you have the range to, you can make it by yourself (like Peter Hollens or Mike Tompkins). The first thing you really want is to record your bass and your beatboxing to lay down a base for the song. Next, add in harmonies with your tenor, alto, or soprano. Lastly add your melody, and as an extra touch backing vocals wouldn't go amiss. Arranging your piece before recording is always a good idea, too.


    I'd use a metronome to keep in time.

    Hope this helps!

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I have 3 things I'd mention and they're all to do with singing xD

    1. I have a pretty low vocal range, of B1-Bb4 currently.

    2. I can do a bass growl down to a G1 (both are linked below starting @ 3:19).



    3. Something I really like to have fun with: I can overtone sing (or throat sing, essentially singing two tones at ones, sounds pretty trippy).


  3. I play singles badminton currently, and have won a local tournament of it. Casually I play goalkeeper in football (soccer), and swim competitively.

    I used to play tennis for my county and racked up a few trophies before that, but I've stopped now. I'm not great at playing with a team, I like to play by myself, and I don't really support any sports teams over another.

  4. Heyo guys! I thought I'd let you all know that 3 of my new singles have been released to Bandcamp. They're name-your-price so you can download them for free if you want to. Donations are always appreciated, however!


    Here are the links:


    September 8-Bit Cover


    Friendship 8-Bit Cover


    IMmortal 8-Bit Medley



    And my EP, Kingdom, is still available for free:



    Thanks, guys!

    • Brohoof 3
  5. Unfortunately, most comprehensive music creation softwares are fairly pricey. Prices usually range from £60 (~$90, ~€80) to anywhere up to £700 (~$1,100, ~€950) for full versions. I personally use FL Studio. It's an understandable program which is not as expensive as most (I got mine for around £80). There aren't really any free or very cheap programs that compare at all - the only thing would be GarageBand and that's an Apple exclusive. You've really got to know you want to get into music properly before you buy a DAW.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. What races would you like to see?

    Earth (+Str modifier, -Int modifier)

    Pegasus (+Dex modifier, -Str modifier)

    Unicorn (+Int modifier, -Dex modifier)


    Would you prefer progession-style play(Making a character and leveling it up from 1-whatever), or one hitters(take a premade charactersheet/make a character, and just play one 3-4 hour session)?

    Progression, definitely.


    What are THREE elements from the show that MUST be in the game? (Examples: silliness, puns, canon characters)

    I'd like to see a bit of silliness, definitely. Locations from the show would be nice. Possibly a few canon characters would be cool, too.


    Would you rather have an original character, or play a canon character?

    I'd like to play as an original character, personally.


    How do you prefer your coffee? (We have an ongoing argument and I need to win)

    Mocha, with milk and 2 vanilla shots.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Any thoughts on how that would work? My intention was to generate the content live soas to better connect with the audience. Most of the mechanisms I can think where that would be possible would require a great degree of coordination and would be pretty badly subject to lag and digital compression.

    Hm, I don't know really. I have good internet but I have no idea.

  8. Heyo! I'd love to do some singing for people if they need it - I haven't had much work to do with singing, at the moment I'm doing a lot of 8-bit stuff for my channel and I'd like to do some more singing jobs, so if anyone needs a male singer I'd be happy to do that for them.


    I have about 4 years of singing experience - my voice type is low bass, but I can sing in the baritone range for higher things as well.

    Microphone: Blue Yeti (Studio Quality)

    Range (Modal*): B1-F4

    Range (Non-Modal**): E1-D5


    Singing examples (with highest and lowest notes of each sample, singing starts at 1:06):



    *Modal singing is the general style of singing, which exludes falsetto and any other unorthodox singing techniques.

    **Non-Modal singing includes falsetto, growling, fry and any other ways of hitting notes that isn't modal.

  9. I'd love to help out. I have a fairly low voice and about 4 years of singing experience under my belt. I'm in a choir and an acapella group. I make 8-bit music, transcribe some piano music and sing). My range is B1-G4 modally, and E1-C5 non modally. I don't really disclose anything about myself on the internet, though ;)


    Here's one of my latest singing projects (I just did singing on this):



    You can see just about my full range here (singing starts at about 1:05):



    • Brohoof 1
  10. Ooh, a September cover. Haven't seen one of those in a while...


    Anyways, the song sounds alright and faithful to the original, though there are a couple of clashing notes in the beginning that don't sound too pleasant to the ears. The drums don't really fit too good either, as they seem a little too simple. Also, at some points, such as when the song picks up at 1 minute and the very last few seconds, it sounds very muddy.


    Overall, a nice effort. This cover, while not the most perfect, could be even better with a few tweaks here and there. Then again, maybe most of what I've listed is just a limitation with whatever it is you used to write this song (I'm guessing a DAW plugin like Plogue Chipsounds or the Magical 8bit Plug, neither of which I've used and have no knowledge in.) And even then, it's mostly just nitpicky stuff. Good work.

    I would like to see you write more authentic chiptune, btw. FamiTracker is free and welcoming in open arms whenever you choose to accept it. I also hope that if you do see this (which I am betting on, and is why this is not completely transparent), you don't take that last bit the wrong way. I'm not trying to be pushy, but I really like when chiptune artists make stuff that could run on an actual console. And also because FT is my DAW of choice, and there aren't enough pony musicians around that use FT. Kind feels lonely, heh. : p

    Thanks for the tips! I don't go for more authentic chiptune not because I don't like the sound of it, but because I find there's already so much of that all over YouTube and I wanted to bring something new to the table, something of what could be done with 8-bit sounds rather than what has been done with 8-bit. I appreciate the fact that some people don't like the sound of this type of music, but that's just what I'm sticking with.


    Thank you anyway ^^

    • Brohoof 1
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