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Everything posted by Haruhi-chan

  1. I flipped over my bike when I was about nine. They said that if I hadn't been wearing my helmet, I would have cracked my head open. D: So, I got away with a bunch of scrapes, bruises, a lost tooth and a mild concussion. My helmet had saved me from getting killed. That's why you should always remember to wear a helmet, folks. I think that's really the closest I've ever had to a near death experience.
  2. I would change it to Kimi. It's my nickname right now, but I would love to change it to my real name. Everyone pretty much calls me Kimi now, and the only ones who call me by my real name are my parents. However, I'm pretty sure my mom would be pissed if I wanted to change it to Kimi. XD
  3. I also want to make note that my new husbando is Prussia from Hetalia: Hottie, amirite? <3
  4. I love Monster drinks. I have a slight addiction to them, but I haven't really drank them much lately. I love the blue kind because it tastes sort of like cotton candy. XD
  5. Name: AdorbzFangirl Reference Image: here Pose/base: This would be perfect for her. <3 Other details: None that I can think of. Cutie Mark: Basically, it's just the female gender symbol. I couldn't find anything that would really fit her as a fangirl.
  6. Sebastian Michaelis would be my first choice. He's absolutely gorgeous. <3 I mean just look at his face and tell me he's not the sexiest thing ever!
  7. Not really. XD I could careless because I'd rather be myself then be someone I'm not. I happen to be the type of person who wears pajama bottoms and t-shirts out in public. I also wear animal hats too. With my jean capris, I wear this red petticoat skirt too. :3
  8. Definitely the Nightmare Before Christmas! I LIVE for that movie like omfg... I mean, I love most of his others but that one was just AMAZING. There was also Alice in Wonderland as well and Charlie in the Chocolate Factory.
  9. Mine would be the autism awareness ribbon. I'm always trying to get people to better understand this condition and how my mind works while having it. It's not easy, but I feel like that would be the perfect cutie mark for me. If not that then... probably something to do with a fangirl. XD Since well... I'm a fangirl.
  10. Uhhhh. I'm a female, and I love MLP. O_O I wouldn't call myself a pegasister, but I do love the show.
  11. Swedish fish are the best! I also like those little Dots gum drops every now and then. Let's not forget the greatest thing of all... CHOCOLAAAAAATE!!! <3 I swear, I can never get enough of that stuff!
  12. Yep. I was about five I think, and I had gotten mad at my parents. I don't remember it too much, but I opened my window and dropped my bag out there. I walked outside, thinking they had no idea what I was doing. I actually started walking down the road to my best friend's (at the time) house. My mom actually had to come out to get me back after making a compromise with me or something. XD
  13. I'll be honest. I have horribly bad teeth. I've had my wisdom teeth pulled a long with others. Some of my wisdom teeth grew in and replaced the missing teeth. I'm actually getting dental surgery done soon, and I'm clearly not looking forward to it. However, my teeth have to come out. I have special needs too, so it was a hassle for my parents to get me to brush my teeth because I'd literally go into the bathroom and forget what they had told me to do.
  14. In console gaming, I guess I'm average. I mean, I play my 3DS and my Vita pretty often lately. I'm not a skilled gamer, but I'm also not a beginner one either. *shrug* As for PC gaming or mobile gaming... well... that depends. To be honest, I don't play games on PC because I have a mac laptop, and I don't play mobile games because I don't like to. So... I guess that means I'm more of an amateur. Though, I could have chosen average on the PC gaming question. I don't get serious about games. I'm not competitive, especially not with pokemon. I actually lost my best friend because she got involved with competitive pokemon and dropped off the face of the earth. It consumed her, and she ended up dropping me like a rock. So, ever since then... I've always had a hatred for competitive gaming and such because it just brings back those bad memories.
  15. I think McDonald's has the best fries. They are so good, and they also come with soft ones. Those are the best! OMFG SOMEONE SAID CURLY FRIES, AND I FORGOT ABOUT THOSE!!! I love them, and I think Arby's has the best ones ever.
  16. There's a lot of things that gross me out, so I can't name everything. What does the most is probably meatloaf. Like, seriously... that stuff is just... awful. TT____TT I can't stand eating it, let alone the smell of it or the look of it. It's just so gross. Spoiled milk is another thing.
  17. My old Elmo doll. I had this old Elmo that was literally my best friend. I took him everywhere I went. I also called him Raggedy old Elmo doll because he was so old. XD He was blind too. I miss him so much though. TT____TT Something happened to him when we moved, and I haven't found him yet either.
  18. Actually, I tried to follow like every strategy out there to beat him... and for some reason, none of them worked. I still died. That's why I consider him one of the most hardest bosses for me to fight. I mean people say Evrae is hard... but I even found a strategy to beat him easily as well. Seymour Flux is the hardest boss for me for a good reason.
  19. Shining Armor, hands down. I swear... if I was a pony... I'd totally be in love with him. >=D
  20. I've faced a lot of hard bosses but... there's one that takes the cake for me. That would have to be Seymour Flux in Final Fantasy X. I tried SO hard to beat him, and I could never do it. I failed every single to the point where I almost rage quit and gave up entirely. >< In the same game, it used to be that giant caterpillar thing. The one on Mushroom Rock Road? But I found a perfect strategy to beat him, and now he's nothing compared to what I dealt with towards Seymour Flux. DX
  21. Probably the coast of Maine, especially near Bar Harbor or Acadia. <3 It's absolutely beautiful.
  22. I'd have to say Final Fantasy X-2. I know this game tends to get negative attention, but I loved it! Rikku is without a doubt one if my most favorite characters, especially in this game. You see her bubbly, child-like personality more in the second than you do the first, and I think that's what I love most about X-2. I also like the one with Serah and Snow. I can never remember the games though. The reason is because Serah and Snow are basically me and my boyfriend in real life. <3 I find them so cute because they remind me and my bf of us so much! Edit: It was FFXIII, like my boyfriend said because I asked him. XD
  23. OMFG I FORGOT ABOUT ET. O_O THAT WAS MY FIRST MOVIE, ACCORDING TO MY MOM. <3 I loved that movie so much because it was absolutely adorable! The Land Before Time is also another good movie too, and Rain Man was good as well.
  24. I was born in 1988, so I wasn't around for anything that was before my birth year. So, I guess all I can say is the Back to the Future movies. XD Wow, so many damn typos in that sentence.
  25. My dream is to meet my hero. <3 Although, he hardly ever comes to the US, let alone Arizona. FML. With that said, my second dream is to become a successful writer then.
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