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Posts posted by Haruhi-chan

  1. I just want to know how people can read without any problem. I've always had the hardest time getting into books that interest me. I just can't seem to read a book or finish it. It drives me nuts, so that's why I was wondering how all of you avid readers are able to read without any distractions and stuff. D:



    • Brohoof 1
  2. People don't understand how I can be autistic because I don't 'look' or 'act' autistic. It pisses me off. Not every person with autism has to act or look a certain way. It's an invisible disability for a reason. I get misunderstood ALL OF THE TIME, especially at hospitals. This one time, a nurse set down a bag of IVs and such... and I shot off the bed in full blown meltdown mode. Well, my mom told her I was autistic, and she said "But she can communicate". It pissed my mom off, then the nurse wanted to have two security guards hold me down while giving me a shot to calm me down. >_____> I ended up refusing treatment and walking out. No way in hell were my parents going to let me succumb to more trauma.


    So yeah. Also, just because I can type and talk normally doesn't mean I'm any less autistic than the next person. I've seen other autistic people with more severe forms of autism that can type just as good as me. Just saying.


    People also underestimate me when it comes to what I can and can't do. For example, something as simple as calling or talking to a person on the phone can cause me to meltdown into oblivion. I have really no idea why this happens. I've always figured it was because my brain just can't process it very well or something.

  3. Maleficent



    Space Jam

    Finding Nemo

    Alice in Wonderland (both versions)

    Thor: the Dark World

    The Pirate Fairy (Tinkerbell)

    The Avengers

    Star Wars Trilogy

    Phoebe in Wonderland

    How to Train Your Dragon


    Those are all I can think of for the time being, but I assure you the list is actually quite long.


    ♥ the GazettE

    ♥ SuG

    ♥ Lost Ash

    ♥ HITT

    ♥ Sadie

    ♥ Matenrou Opera

    ♥ an Cafe

    ♥ SCREW

    ♥ LM.C

    ♥ Girugamesh

    ♥ Diaura

    ♥ Lycaon

    ♥ Dog in The PWO

    ♥ Mejibray

    ♥ born

    ♥ Royz


    ♥ Reign

    ♥ Purple Stone

    ♥ Vaatsu

    ♥ Synk;yet


    ♥ BugLug

    ♥ UNiTE

    ♥ the 3rd Birthday

    ♥ Jupiter

    ♥ Ghose

    ♥ DEZERT

    ♥ Triggah

    ♥ Anli Pollicino

    ♥ Comodo Dragon



    ♥ Gimmick.

    ♥ LEZARD

    ♥ Megamasso

    ♥ Pentagon

    ♥ RUVISH


    ♥ Misaruka

    ♥ Xenon

    ♥ M i n e r v a

    ♥ Diawolf

    ♥ DaizyStripper

    ♥ CLØWD

    ♥ Chanty


    Yes, I like a lot of visual kei bands.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. My anxiety is starting in me. It's driving me nuts because I have stuff that needs to be done. Well, it's probably not important stuff... but it's still stuff I want to get done though. My brain is giving me a hard time. >< I guess you could say I'm really overwhelmed right now for no real apparent reason.

  6. I'm not sure if there is a topic for this or not. Yes, I did do a search for it. Too many different things came up, and they were totally unrelated. ><


    Anyway, what are some of your most prized possessions?


    My first one is my fluffy blanket named Keru. He reminds me of my hero because he's sort of like my security blanket. When times it get rough, I always have something to snuggle with. Plus, I'm always thinking of what Takeru would do if he saw me that way... things like that.






    Next would be my Baxter plush. He's very special since like yesterday lol. Baxter is our team mascot for the Diamondbacks baseball team. He got us free tickets for his birthday yesterday. Well, I was able to have him sign my plush. :3







    So, what are yours? :DD I have more things that are prized, but these are the two most treasured things for me.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I browse forums and listen to music. Though, I usually end up just laying down and snuggling my favorite fluffy blanket and my Baxter plush signed by my favorite mascot Baxter himself... eventually I end up falling asleep after watching TV. It ALWAYS happens no matter how much I try to avoid it.

  8. I often wear a petticoat skirt with my clothes. I like being unique. However, I need to get a new one because my current one is getting pretty ruined and old. The only problem is, I got it during halloween... and I don't know if I can get it again this year. I also wear those animal hats a lot, and some people tend to stare at me. 


    I'm just the type of person that looks to stand out. *shrug*

  9. I prefer earbuds. I wear animal hats, and headphones don't work with them. I can't wear headphones while wearing my special hats. I also do have noise-block earbuds as well. Yes, these are a thing. I can't hear anything around me, even when my parents try to talk to me at times. I can't hear them, so they have to wave at me. lol

  10. I love Visual Kei more than anything. I also love Doctor Who and Littlest Pet Shop. Oh... and there's um... Simple Plan. I can't think of anything else at the moment. D: Visual Kei is probably the biggest for me. I like pokemon too!


    Visual Kei and Simple Plan are pretty much my life too. XD

  11. Sanjay & Craig. Sorry to those that actually LIKE this show but... it's so gross. Ugh. I just can't get into it and probably never will. 




    DORA THE EXPLORER. LIKE OMFG SERIOUSLY ALL SHE DOES IS REPEAT SHIT AND IT'S EFFING ANNOYING HOW CAN PRESCHOOLERS ENJOY THAT STUFF TELL ME WHY. I was forced to watch an episode of it in a Toybox class once, and I wanted to fricken die.

  12. Personally, I use these:

    Original - http://watch-series-tv.to/serie/Doctor_Who_%281963%29

    2005 - http://www.watchseries.li/serie/doctor-who


    Though, if your not comfortable with the streaming thing, I think there are a few DVD sets you could buy, but nothing as complete. And you usually don't need to stick to watching them in perfect order and not spoil any major story arcs for yourself (as long as you don't start on a finale). I usually just wait for a season to be mostly out, then start with all the Dalek and Cybermen episodes, as they are my favourite villians.

    Edit: It was my computer. Never mind. XD

  13. Doctor Who - I just started watching after hearing good things about it. Next thing I know, I'm hooked!


    Visual Kei - Well, this on is kind of complicated. I can't really remember the first time I got into it. It started with just a few bands, only to get over a dozen of them later. Now, I can't stop listening to it. It's so addicting. <3 It's one of my favorite fandoms ever.


    Pokemon - At first, I hated pokemon an also Pikachu. I couldn't stand it. Then, one day, I gave it a try. I played Pokemon Yellow for the first time, and ever since then... I've been a Pokemon addict since then.


    Loki/Tom Hiddleston - This all started on November 11th 2013. I was watching Thor 2 in theaters, and omg Loki was being a sassy little shit! I couldn't get over how hot he was. I got hooked on him and later, I started getting into Tom himself. I've liked Tom ever since then and still do too!


    I can't think of anythign else so... yeah.

  14. I'd say any Pokemon game. However, it's usually because the NPC trainers do something that piss me off. XD Like, disabling my pokemon moves, use stat raising/lowering moves, cause confusion to my pokemon... just yeah... I could go on forever.

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