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Posts posted by Haruhi-chan

  1. Rejection





    The Dark

    Friday the 13th Don't judge me

    Bad Luck



    The World Ending



    Cooking on an stove (Due to bad experience)






    ...yeah. I'm not a nervous wreck though, I swear!

  2. Everything. Just... everything. I've gone from losing 3DS/DS games to losing styluses for my iPad and even my favorite plushies. I'm not a very organized person at all thanks to ADHD. :x I also lose my brain sometimes. >____>

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I listen to my visual kei. Though, for me it's anxiety that can bring me down. So, if it does... I listen to one of my favorite songs by SuG or Our Day from Takeru's movie Beatrock Love. It's amazing what he can do to make me feel a lot better. Like, yesterday, I got upset because a voice actor I like who I felt betrayed me... I got upset with him. I was almost about to cry, but when I listened to Takeru singing though, I started to calm down. So, after that I felt fine.

  4.  I hate the ignorance surrounding Autism. This is all thanks to Autism Speaks. Trust me, this organization is NOT good. Just look up Boycott Autism Speaks if you guys don't believe me. People who follow this organization don't realize all they want to do is cure autism. They also use scare tactics to frighten parents into thinking autism is bad and a disease as well. I have autism myself, and I couldn't be happier. I have an amazing boyfriend, some good friends... life is good for me too. Autism Speaks doesn't realize that people with autism can live normal, happy lives as they get older. People in the US are too ignorant about this.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Abraham Lincoln because I grew up with my dad telling me all about him. I know quite a bit about him, but it's not like I can name everything right off the back though. *shrug*


    Also, I'm not sure if she counts but...


    Aya Kito:




    She was diagnosed with something called Spinocerebellar disease (or something). She started writing this journal about life with this condition. She is one of my inspirations because she kept writing and writing and writing no matter how hard the condition tried to take away this ability for her.


    Here's a video from the drama that they based off her journal. It'll tell you more about the condition she had.



    Sadly, she died before I was born at the age of 25. I was born in 1988, so go figure.

  6. I'm going to go out on a limb here and post something non visual kei related. Now, this song has always had a special place in my heart. I can relate to this song because as someone with varying special needs... this is how I feel. Just listen to the song, and you'll understand.


  7. Mostly just jokes about self-harm, disabilities and mental health. I don't see what's funny about dealing with these things, and it does offend me when people don't take them seriously. As someone who has been through all three, It's definitely very frustrating and hurtful to have someone joke about such things. There are people out there that do, especially on the internet.

    • Brohoof 3
  8. I can think of a dozen people with awesome voices. The list would end up being absolutely endless. O_O So, I'm only going to choose maybe a few people. One of those people is Byou from SCREW. I love his voice when he talks but also when he sings. It's so beautiful, and it's just a voice I can love more so much.


    Here's a sample of it:



    Another would be Takeru from SuG. I mean, this one is obvious so I'm not going to explain. :P I do love his voice though. It's so adorable, and it's also kind of hot as well. I really do love his voice. I would give a you guys a voice sample, but I don't think Time after Time is up yet.


    Well, what do you know! Thanks, Pony Canyon.



    Another voice I love is Zin from Jupiter. His voice is very soft and angelic. It's so gorgeous, and I actually prefer it more over the voice of Kamijo. I really adore his voice because it's just... yeah.



    I have a dozen voices I could post, but I'll just leave those for now. Maybe if I think of others, I'll post again. XD


    Edit: I guess I can only post two videos at a time. So, you'll have to copy and paste the third one to listen. D:

  9. I feel like I'm on the asexual spectrum. I don't know where on the asexual spectrum though. I'm not disgusted at the idea of sex, just don't have strong feelings for it at the moment.

    This is pretty much me right here. I feel as I can identify with it, but there's also the part where I'm sort of afraid of sex too. I do feel that being asexual is what fits me because of my views towards it and what not.


    Actually, I do agree with Wheatly to an extent... Sex shouldn't HAVE to be part of a relationship. I'm not saying it's a bad thing or that those who do it are bad people though. I just feel that it should be an option in relationships. You have to realize that a majority of those people who do it with their loved one... they aren't only doing it for love. Some do it because they feel they have to or because they think it's part of being in love. That's something I don't really agree with. You shouldn't have to feel pressured to have sex. It should be an option and a decision made between you and your partner. I really don't think sex is what defines a relationship.


    I feel this way because I used to be friends with people who always talked about having sex almost all of the time. It's all they cared about in their relationship was sex, sex, sex. They didn't care about whether they actually loved each other or not. That's why I'm very strict when it comes to the idea of sex being part of someone's relationship. I mean, once or so every month or on occasion might be so bad... but if you're doing it almost every day or more than you should, then how can you call that love?

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I'm not a brony, but I am asexual. I just don't feel that sex really makes up someone's relationship. It shouldn't be the main focus. If you love someone so much, be with the but don't have sex. I guess once is okay... but even when me and my boyfriend talked about it at the time, I told him about me being asexual. He knows a lot of it also has to do with my autism, which it does. I'm not really sexually-attracted to anyone, not even to my fangirl crushes. I do call them sexy, but I don't mean it in that kind of way.

    • Brohoof 2
  11. If you count having your ex-boyfriend leave Facebook without telling you it was over... then yes. I had to find out from an ex-friend of mine what happened. >____> After that, they all started to hate me. So, I ended up leaving the 'circle' they created. It worked out in the end because I made up with the guy I was with before I met them. That guy is now my soulmate. <3

  12. In a way I do, yet in a way I don't. Like... I do want more friends, but I don't want so many that I can't keep up. I'm not a very social person either due to autism. It's not easy for me to have a dozen friends, especially ones who I have very little in common with. I have maybe one friend I talk to the most out of all the others. It's surprising how well we get along, despite having little in common too. Plus I have my boyfriend.


    I have a lot of people I can talk to, but it's hard for me to start a conversation. I can't just go up to someone and say "hey what's up?" because once I do, I feel like I end up regretting it. I suffer from social burnouts a lot, and I often get overloaded by too much interaction as well. This is what causes a lot of my idleness or walking away. What I need is friends who understand me. I need them to understand what being autistic means. I obsess over my fangirl crushes, especially Takeru. I've actually lost friends because of this. They just don't seem to get that when it comes to being autistic, I can get extremely obsessed and talk nonstop about something.


    Let alone... understanding my social boundaries. There may come a day when someone says hi to me out of the blue, and I ignore them. It's not because I don't like them or because I'm being mean. I just don't feel like socializing with a stranger that day or even at all. It's hard for me. It's hard to make friends, and I often hate that I'm not like every one else in all honesty. I wish people would be more considerate of the fact that I have problems. People like senpai... and my other few friends.


    With that said, it would be nice if people actually added me on Facebook. :<

  13. I have a Xbox 360, Playstation 2 (I'm old school, but I really want a PS3. PS4 is out of our budget range right now), PS Vita, Nintendo Wii (without the wiiU since no one in the family is a console gamer)... yet the only one I have ever played the most out of all the ones I have is my 3DS XL. XD I like it because it's something I can take everywhere and get rid of boredom, especially if I'm at the VA with my dad or at one of my mom's doctor's appointments. I have a mac laptop, so PC gaming isn't an option for me right now. I'm kind of glad because those MMoRPGs can get soooo addicting that I forget about real life. x_____x

  14. My phone is light blue like Rainbow Dash almost. :3 Hence, why I named it after her! It has a light blue/dark blue case on it as well. I have an iPhone 5C, so it's one of the colored ones. I love my phone so much. <3

  15. I carry around my Keru blankey everywhere I go. I can't bare the thought of parting with him. I also refer to him as a real person. I also like to name my electronics. I named my phone Rainbow Dash because it's light blue. I named my nano Joltik because it small and yellow. Oh, and I love Doc McStuffins and Sofia the First, especially the second one more than anything. I take my pills in a certain order every morning. I flap my arms and squeal sometimes if I'm really happy, hyper or excited for no reason.

    Um... I make cat noises a lot. I love cats so much, and I can't help meowing like one sometimes either. I also wear animal hats wherever I go too. Another one is that I can only sleep when my room is cold. I have to sleep with a song sung by my hero on repeat the entire night just so I can go to bed (not sure if this is quirky though). I feel like my brain is another person sometimes because it does things that aren't normal at times. It's hard to explain this one. I also wear pajamas bottoms in public.


    I can also be a little OCD as well when it comes to writing. I have to make sure that my punctuation doesn't line up with other punctuation. It drives nuts when I worry over this, but I can't help it. I wish I could just write normally and not panic over this. I even do it when I'm just writing as I am at the moment. It's literally just one thing that will cause me to twitch and have to correct so much. So, in order to do so, I often add more words to a paragraph to make sure it doesn't happen. x_x


    Mind you... this was copied and pasted. Yeah, I'm weird as cheese... what you gonna do about it? :P

  16. Just what the title says... So, has anyone ever blocked you on Facebook or any other site for stupid reasons? What were those reasons? Please share your stories~

    I was blocked by this one girl on Facebook because according to her friend, who at the time was mine before I blocked her, said that I was following the same j-rockers as she did. Like, in other words... in her 'defense' I was doing it intentionally to be a stalker or something. I mean seriously? I follow j-rockers because some either decide to follow me, and I want to be nice by following back or I follow them to stay up to date on what they are doing and such. So then at the last minute, my other friend was like "I hope you don't do that to me". I literally wanted to scream. For one thing, they don't OWN the j-rockers. They don't have the right to say which ones I can follow and can't follow. That's why I find this absolutely ridiculous as hell. It's just so childish. Both of them are like little children who pitch fits over stupid things. *sigh*


    Sorry if this is placed wrong. I wasn't sure where to put it. D:


    Oops, forgot there was a curse word in there. Sorry about that. I don't want to get in trouble. :x

  17. I searched this before hand, and I came up dry. So, if this has already been made... then in my defense, I could not find any record of it. :x


    Anyway, what are some of the things you can't live without? Music? Internet? What? It can be anything you feel you can't imagine being without. Note; These are about the THINGS you can't live without, not the people.


    For me, it would be my Keru Blankey for starters. Then I also can't live without my visual kei. I can't live without my phone either, or my iPad and my laptop as well. I think that's all I can really think of for now.

    • Brohoof 3
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