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Status Replies posted by poniesrfun

  1. Good morning everypony^^

  2. Hello every pony , big hugs to you all :)

  3. i got luna on my which pony r u quiz

  4. Hello everypony :) :) *hugs*

  5. The Pinkie Pie invasion has begun, all members must have a Pink pony :D :D

    1. poniesrfun


      Yay I got pinkiepie plushie , I love pinkiepie

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  6. What has MLP done for you?? Me, its made me happier person and I have met so many new friends :) :)

  7. I so love being a brony , its the best thing EVERRRRR

  8. I sure do love my pony friends . every pony is so nice on here

  9. Six months ago, I joined the MLP forums. I'm so happy to have joined here and meet my awesome friends. Thanks, everyone. *hugs* =)

  10. I do love the magical world of my little pony . just wish I could be there

  11. hi every pony , i sure do like making new pony friends :):D

  12. I'll wait when my parents go sleep =) then I start playing with the ponies YAY =)

    1. poniesrfun


      oh cool , yeah we must have our pony play time :)

    2. (See 96 other replies to this status update)

  13. Goodnight everyone and thanks for the huggles ^^

  14. I feel dull and depressed Go away bad feeling i had enough of you already over the past 7 years

    1. poniesrfun


      BIG hugs my pony friend ,hope you feel better soon, I feel like that at times too, mlp helps me through , I hope it helps and comforts you too

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  15. good morning all my lovely pony friends :):D

  16. hello all my lovely pony friends :)

  17. i love my little pony more and more each day :):D

  18. Writing a story excerpt I love from the first sentence while I listen to rain and distant thunder. Life is good right now :)

  19. happy easter all my pony friends , :)

  20. And of coarse today is the first day of Spring. So excting!

  21. And of coarse today is the first day of Spring. So excting!

  22. MLP people are lovely people :)

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