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Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

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Status Updates posted by Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

  1. Two years away and I am confused as hell, can we not change our usernames anymore? 

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      It's under Account Settings.

    2. Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Ooof, I'm stupid. Taking some time to get used to the UI.

      Thanks for the help.

  2. The games these days, first DoW 3 and now WW1 Battlefield. Take me now, I would have always thought WW1 to be a pipe dream from big franchises.

    1. J.T.


      yeah it's going to be awesome :D I was getting so sick of the modern style shooters

  3. Dawn of War III is upon us, pray to the Emperor to guide Relic's hand.

    1. Johnny1226


      If chaos allows it

  4. Roommate fell asleep with the TV on, no power button. Must find remote so I can sleep.

  5. Dammit to hell, not only did I spend 15 mins finsinfs my card(For logging into my room), bug I can't hear a single thing anyone says. That was probably the most pathertic thing ever. I wish

    1. Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      finish*. I wasn't such a knumbskull.

  6. Not sure if I like 40's. The ABV of them is too high and I am not used to it yet.

  7. I feel like I am too argumentative with others, a dissenting opinion leads to days worth of comments at times. I really wish I deferred to others when I know it is futile or I am wrong...

  8. Screw The Americans, that show just kills me on the inside. Every single death just makes me hate the show even more(Despite still watching it).

  9. Gotta love those video games where you can chill and drink yet still perform well. War Thunder, you are awesome thank you.

  10. I'm no fascist nor do I identify with some of their policies, but is it weird to be so interested in their history? I could learn about or talk about them all day.

  11. I'm no fascist nor do I identify with some of their policies, but is it weird to be so interested in their history? I could learn about or talk about them all day.

    1. Johnny1226


      I understand completely

  12. Finally broke a thousand posts, took so long as I got to 500 in about 2 months after first joining. Guess I have definitely slowed down on my posts. Not like it mattters, just curious.

    1. Johnny1226



  13. Just realized the semester is over in less than 3 weeks. The dread of finals week is starting to set in, why must it be so close?

  14. That moment when you realize you run out of alcohol yet too drunk to drive and get more. Shit...

  15. Oh god, why alocohol do you make me feel hungry? Ate too much beer cheese and chips...

  16. Damn, I never drank forties before due to racial strereotypes, but these things are amazing. One gets me intoxicated faster than 5 keystone 16 ounces for 2 dollars. I am impressed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      The stereotype is about it being associated with Black and Latino's. A great deal of rappers(black rappers and Eminem) also enjoy it/rap about it. It is targeted at Black and Hispanic young adults/teens. Though after I read about it more it is also popular with a great deal of college students of mixed ethnicity. Not that there is anything wrong with it, hell of a lot better tasting than Keystone and a much cheaper price. The stereotype seems to be only in the US however, in Europe it is...

    3. Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      in Europe it is just a cheap malt liquor. Blasted character count.

    4. Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Actually drinking a Keystone right now considering the ABV of 40's. The taste makes me nauseous compared to the 40's.

  17. Tis the weekend, sort of. Well good enough for me as I just finished my last test. I swear this week was harder than every finals week I've ever had.

    1. Johnny1226


      Have a good weekend then guardsman

    2. Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      I most certainly will, thanks. Hopefully your day is going well too.

  18. If there is a song even remotely like this I would love to know, nothing else compares:

    1. Ziggy + Angel + Rain

      Ziggy + Angel + Rain

      That "Jolene" sounds like a hussy! Actually, so does her "man," if he's that easy to "take." My mom's fond of Dolly Parton; largely as a person, I think.

    2. Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Haha true enough, Jolene does sound like a hussy. I do enjoy Dolly's music at times though, I just love emotional or dramatic music.

  19. The hell do you beat Asgore on a neutral run in Undertale? I've been trying for the last 3 days.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Alright, I'll try my hand at dodging the attacks again.

    3. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      I mean I was stuck for a few days too, don't worry you'll get it

    4. Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      I hope so, this game is great. This battle is just extremely difficult, thanks,

  20. Gotta love how Rogue One isn't centered around that Jedi crap anymore. Though it may focus around Rebel scum, it is still better than Jedi.

  21. Thank you Netflix, been on a Courage the Cowardly Dog binge as of late. I miss that show.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Johnny1226


      I liked that show

    3. Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)


      Idk why, but I felt the same way when I was younger. This show is still creepy as hell, fun though. I miss the old days of Cartoon Network.

    4. BlackHole(TimeLord)


      I like it. My little brother loves that show. I love the fact the even the title has a little bit of irony in it.

  22. 780 notifications for Deviantart. Time to create a new account, faster than looking through them...

  23. So late on the draw with shows, but The Americans has introduced me to so many good songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7QbWAPagzU

    1. Roughshod


      Cool song comrade. On a scale of 'rough' to 'shoddy' I give it a 'smooth'.

    2. Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)
  24. All I ever dream about is school, stresses me out more than the actual classes. I really hate dreams.

    1. Johnny1226


      That is unfortunate

  25. I am totally not an exercise person, did weight and aerobic training in PE today and I feel nauseous as hell.

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