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Status Replies posted by Violet_S

  1. I gotta head to bed now. *yawn* X-O Good night.

  2. Umm today sure was an eventful day.. *blushes* well uhh bye!

  3. Sooooo booooooored

  4. Like my status if you like cake

  5. Umm today sure was an eventful day.. *blushes* well uhh bye!

  6. Umm today sure was an eventful day.. *blushes* well uhh bye!

  7. Umm today sure was an eventful day.. *blushes* well uhh bye!

  8. Umm today sure was an eventful day.. *blushes* well uhh bye!

  9. Hey, anyone remember last time, when I had a giant bottle of cola beside me, making act in a spiral behaviour on the forums? Well... *Eyes the bottle right next to him.*

  10. When I listen to music on headphones in public I'm so paranoid it's playing out loud owo

  11. Hey, anyone remember last time, when I had a giant bottle of cola beside me, making act in a spiral behaviour on the forums? Well... *Eyes the bottle right next to him.*

  12. Hey, anyone remember last time, when I had a giant bottle of cola beside me, making act in a spiral behaviour on the forums? Well... *Eyes the bottle right next to him.*

  13. Good morafterve my friends!

  14. Forums seen quiet... anyone here i am bored???

  15. Forums seen quiet... anyone here i am bored???

  16. Good morafterve my friends!

  17. Forums seen quiet... anyone here i am bored???

  18. Forums seen quiet... anyone here i am bored???

  19. Good morafterve my friends!

  20. Forums seen quiet... anyone here i am bored???

  21. Good morafterve my friends!

  22. I swear as I get older, my immaturity grows, lol

  23. Forums seen quiet... anyone here i am bored???

  24. Forums seen quiet... anyone here i am bored???

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