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Everything posted by MinunShy_Kay

  1. Merrrppp. Goodness gracious, I am terrible at sleeping during normal hours lol. 

  2. Haha... my goodness. It's interesting to me how vastly my life has changed in a year. Definitely for the better. I'm leaving California in June and taking a huge plunge and moving to Kansas where I'll have to pull up my big girl panties and juggle college, work and a new baby boy. Oh yeah... by myself too. I want to be alone. And start over. There's just too many toxic people that have hurt me too badly here. A new beginning sounds amazing. I hope all my brony friends are well <3 I hope everyone is loving themselves and enjoying life. I'm so sorry I was gone for so long... I guess I needed to take space to shake the sadness and focus a little more on feeling better. Of course more horrible things have happened (I.e. The "relationship" I had with the guy who gave me this wonderful little squish growing inside me, it wasn't Blue, I promise. He's wonderful and wouldn't hurt me, even if I deserve it.) but I can't dwell on them. I need to move on now. 

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Hi, glad to see things are looking up for you :squee:

    2. MinunShy_Kay


      Thank you! :D yes, finally. It's been a long journey though.

  3. Gross it's my 19th birthday u.u

    1. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      Happy birthday ?

    2. MinunShy_Kay


      Tanks Tanner. I mish youu ❤

  4. Now I know that this site is for bronies and stuffs so if you'd like to venture into my thoughts and feelings for a bit then you're more than welcome to but it's gonna be a long mushy post about my starfish, Blueman, one other than my Reid ^,^ *politely clears throat and takes in a big breath of air* I love you Reid. I really just do. You've loved me and taken care of me like no one else ever has, Ashton inclued. You picked me up dusted me off and are the only reason I get up...

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      happy birthday my friend =)

  5. What are you supposed to do when your own family wants

  6. Go to welovefine,com or you could order it via Etsy.com! That and Hot Topic :3 that's what I dooo :3
  7. I can't handle life right now. I'll just go cry myself to sleep again

    1. Clockwork Chaos

      Clockwork Chaos

      hey man, i don't know you but i hope you feel ok again soon. shoot me a message if you're feeling down and wanna talk or vent about it, ok? i've been told im a good listener /)

    2. MinunShy_Kay


      Thank you. That means a lot to me

    3. Clockwork Chaos

      Clockwork Chaos

      i'm sure you've got lots of people that you can talk to :P everyone has people that care about them more than they know ^_^ but like i say, im here if you wanna talk :) it's nice to meet you, Friend. call me Alex ^_^

  8. I am so not okay. All I want is to loved and appreciated but apparently that's not gonna happen. I FUCKING HATE MY GODDAMN LIFE.

  9. Am i the only one who got a rape-y feeling about the banner with applejack?

  10. Sanitarium, leave me be. Sanitarum, just leave me alone

  11. Can I just die already?

  12. Please just leave me alone....

  13. Ugh I HATE moving!!

  14. I hate drifting apart from the people I love...

  15. And if you go, i wanna go with you. And if you die, I wanna die with you

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      famous last words of Twilight Fans............8D

    2. MinunShy_Kay


      Ewwww!! I was referring to a line is a song. It's called Lonely Day by System of a Down

  16. Don't get me wrong, I love metal but rn i have a soft spot for Ed Sheeran /.\

  17. I feel like I should stop telling dumb jokes

  18. What kind of dances do snowmen go to? Snow balls! c:

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      You joke too much xD

    2. PacificGreen
    3. MinunShy_Kay


      Hehe sorry, not sorry ^.^

  19. What did the big bucket say to the little bucket? "Hey are you okay? You look a little pail!" c:

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      The jokes... They're for days.. And more days.

  20. It's actually pretty good! I checked it out thinking I would look like something a kindergartener would draw but honestly keep practicing!! You'll get even better!
  21. What did the grass say to the mushroom? Hey, you seem like a really fungi!

  22. Sammmeeeee ^.^ although biologically I'm female
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