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Everything posted by CinnamonPop

  1. A burb, a bat... Both have wings. I guess we're both flap horse enthusiasts :P

    1. CheeryFox


      I love bats and ducks. And other cute things. :BrightMacContent:

  2. *bap* I wish to be a bat for halloween too :sealed:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CinnamonPop


      But strawberries tho. :sealed:

    3. Denim&Venöm


      I mean, I guess you could technically be a fruit bat. 


    4. CinnamonPop


      That works. Then I can use a pastry alibi. Yeah... I like that. :ph3ar:

  3. Happy Wednesday Morning :catface:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Patty Thundersnow
    3. CheeryFox
    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hi there, my friend. :) And now for a fun Halloween joke: Where do baby ghosts go during the day? Day-scare.

  4. Generally, a lot of people who I meet in the forum games are awesome people to play with/around. I haven't seen anything different from that yet.
  5. Aww, don't hate me for being lovable, apricot. :P

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. CinnamonPop


      Just the given truth.  Don't worry, I still have the files.  :catface:
      So I can just kick back, relax with knowing who my friends are (Most of which are yours as well, wow look at that.), and not be worried about old grudges from 2003. B)

    3. Meson Bolt

      Meson Bolt

      You have my Discord still, if you ever want to be horrible to me without embarrassing yourself publicly. :orly:

      As it stands now though,




    4. Meson Bolt

      Meson Bolt

      Lemme just get rid of that furry shit real quick :proud:

  6. I love nostalgia. Good nostalgia pls. Don't hate on me if we had a disagreement 10 months ago and tell me to grow up. :Daydreaming:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kronos the Revenant
    3. TheRockARooster



      Welcome home, long time no see.

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      It's nostalgic just to see you again. :eager:

  7. Cinny was focused by four main tropes. Killer Rabbit, Game-Breaking Injury, The Unchosen One, and Dream-Crushing Handicap As I've grown I tended to add more tropes to her so that she can make sense as a character since I wanted her to be able to be interchangeable with the characters in the main show. Chuck Channingham Syndrome, Lesser Star, Fall-in Angel, It Began With A Twist of Fate, Dwindling Party, Misery Builds Character, Samaritan Syndrome, Mortality Phobia, Good feels Good, Loner-turner-Friend, and Oppose What You Have Suffered. She's really fun for me to think out those tropes to try and make her fit around that group of tropes, even though they can be very basic at times.
  8. Almost! I tend to see myself as more of a team player than looking to lead and have a spotlight shining on every move I make. But, the dark brown eyes definitely got me down somewhat. Not a big bookworm either
  9. My attitude towards overconfident winners. I tend to associate people that go out of their way to tease me completely obnoxious and when I lose the opportunity to return in kind by embarrassing them, then I just have my temper get the better of me. It's never fun to get my intelligence questioned because some random person online tries to make an example of me. Learning to actually not care about people that I'll never meet. I guess is my problem.
  10. Honestly would love being Rainbow Dash (before the wonderbolt acceptance) for a day. I would really like the experience to be able to physically fly around and have a free schedule.
  11. Less than a week away! October 24th gang rise up.
  12. Uh... Thanks? I don't need anymore mint for a while. Dentist stuff.
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