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About Snake

  • Birthday January 8

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    Ask <3
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    Washington (NOT DC YOU NINCOMPOOP)
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My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Twilight Sparkle
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    No Preference

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  1. Really really sick. I need a miracle cure for this.. My throat is so raw..:C

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      possibly, is it a really scratchy kind of pain and hurts when you swallow? what other symptoms do you have, also to see if it is strep look at the back of your throat with a mirror and see if you have any white or yellowish spots on your throat.

    3. xenozfan3


      Could be some kind of infection. Do you have access to any cloraseptic spray? When I have a sore throat that's what I use.

    4. JonasDarkmane


      Aww *Hugs* I hope you get better :)

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