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Dynamo Pad

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Everything posted by Dynamo Pad

  1. So, I got myself a Gamecube controller for Smash Ultimate, but I didn't have the Gamecube adapter. However, I read on the box of the controller that the adapter was compatible with Wii U. So, I checked my Wii U console and I still have the controller adapter. I just tried to see if it worked and it proved successful! Now I can get back into the swing of things with Smash Ultimate! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tacodidra


      I almost always played as Captain Falcon. Somehow his fast-paced moves (and especially the Falcon Punch!) suited my playing style well! :)

      Thanks, I'll try but I'm not so sure about that myself! :adorkable: There's at least one trophy I won't be able to get – Captain Olimar, which requires a Pikmin save file. I don't have that game, and I can't really justify buying it just to get a Smash trophy! :laugh:

    3. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      I love playing as Captain Falcon. His quick combos and powerful hits are so devastating. I can't help in agreeing about the Falcon Punch. Just getting that when the opponent is off stage is just so satisfying. Plus, you can't forget about the wombo combo with Falcon. :mlp_laugh:

      You're welcome and that's completely understandable. I'm not a fan of the Pikmin series, so I agree on not getting a game just to get a Smash trophy. Well...there is always borrowing a saved file from a friend to get the trophy. :mlp_laugh: Even so, I still hope the trophy collection goes well. ^_^ 

    4. Tacodidra


      Thanks again! :kindness: I'm afraid I don't know anyone who owns a copy of Pikmin (and only a couple of people with a GameCube)... So I guess it's no Olimar for me. :P

  2. So, I just got called down by my mom and sister. They found old pictures that I drew when I was in high school Most of the pictures were of Pokemon and some were keyblades and weapons from video games. I honestly thought I lost the pictures and didn't know where they were. :mlp_laugh: 

    It was pretty nostalgic seeing the pictures. :) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Wow, that must have been quite an experience! :rarity: I found some of my old drawings (from when I was a kid) a while ago... I threw many of them away, as they were awful, but I kept some of course! :yay:

    3. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      @Tacodidra You can say that again. I made those drawings about 7 to 8 years ago. I remember an art class either in middle school that taught on how to draw. Oddly enough I think some of the drawings were from middle school, as well. :mlp_laugh: I wouldn't say that I'm the best at drawing, but I'd say I'm decent to alright. :D 

      It's good to keep some drawings you made. :mlp_yay: It really has a sort of sentimental value, or something along those lines. :squee:

    4. Tacodidra


      Yeah, and I guess even the worst drawings have some value... I'm definitely not good at drawing by any means, but at least I'm not as bad as I was back then! :P

  3. I'm currently playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch. I'm really liking the game, so far. I've been going through Classic Mode to unlock other characters. It's pretty challenging, but it's a lot of fun, in my opinion.
  4. @Catpone Cerberus Dynamo smiled and nods at her remark, while walking in circles on where he wanted to take them. "Okay, then. We'll go to the fast food place and get something quick to eat. Then we can make our way back home." He says, walking in the direction of the fast food place. As the restaurant was within their sights, he chuckled joyously at her response. "I don't know. You're right that I decided to carry you. However, you do have the control of direction. Since you can guide me and then I lead the way." He says as they reached their destination. Dynamo got into a kneeling position, so Sunlight could get off of him. As she got off, he got up and walked over to the door. "After you, my lovely princess." He says, opening the door and bowing, so that she would enter the building first.
  5. @Scarlet Rose Dynamo chuckled along with Scarlet as she poked her tongue out at him. "I definitely have Ponymon. I have the Ultra Moon version, if you were wondering which game I had. I'm not the best at battling, but I'd be up to trade." He smiles and nods in agreement to her suggestion. "Speaking of Ponymon. What's your favorite generation of the franchise? I would have to pick Gen 4 as some of the designs were pretty interesting. That, and it was my first game I ever completed in the series." He admitted with a sheepish smile. "I'm glad that we can agree on Vulpix and Ninetales. The funny thing was that I didn't know that she was in Sun version. I went to the wonder trade feature and somehow got an alolan vulpix in my Moon version." At the mention of Eevee, Dynamo could only grin at the female wolf. "I could never forget about Eevee. I think it's also a fox, or something along those lines. That, and it's the second mascot in the Ponymon series next to Pikachu." He says, before continuing. "I love how Eevee can evolve into different forms. It really makes Eevee feel more unique and diverse when it comes to team building. Who's your favorite evolution of Eevee? For me, it's a tie between Espeon and Umbreon. I love the sun and moon evolution duo." He says as she hugged the fox plus in her arms. He chucked and nods at the mention of Smash Brothers. "I definitely have that game. I've been a fan of the series since the beginning. I just picked up the game recently and it's a lot of fun. It feels like the game is different, but I can't complain. It really feels like the creators upped the difficulty and fighting styles." He hummed at the thought of Eevee and other Ponymon being real. "I think that would be amazing. If it was possible, then I would love to have a real life Alolan Vulpix." He chuckled, before smiling at the mention of her favorite Eeveelution. "So, you like Sylveon, huh? I think it's a perfect fit for you. Sylveon has style, grace, a pretty good Ponymon for battle. Plus, it's very cute and beautiful." He says as he saw the hotel was within their sights.
  6. @dragon4111 Frozen sighed and shook his head at the idea. "Oh, please. I'm not taking his, or any other creature's opinion on anime. I look for the highest class of anime and no some poor knockoffs. That, or those that take too much obsession in one show or another. That form of entertainment is both a waste of time and beneath ponies like me." He says, leaning back against the couch. He couldn't help in raising a curious eyebrow at Snow. "You have faith in them? You know, you could always just run away. If the one's who are hunting for you can't find you. Then you can still live out your life. You're an assassin of sorts, right? You just move from place to place and get a good disguise. It's fool proof." He chuckled as he listened to Snow's explanation. "You, the great Snow Frostflame, can't do things on his own? You seem like the type of pony to go it alone. Why rely on the strength of others. You can only go so far with one's help. That's just relying on kindness and friendship. Just like Cosmic said. It's a waste of time and it won't make much of a difference." He says, a cold look ever present in his eyes. "Average adventurer?" He raised an eyebrow once more in confusion. "Who are you talking about? If you mean Dynamo and the others, then you must be kidding. What makes you think they possess some great power that can make a difference? Would you even say such a thing if you weren't under this curse as you put it?" He didn't know what Snow was talking about, but he supposed he could humor the pony sitting across from him.
  7. @Catpone Cerberus At Sunlight's question, Dynamo was about to nod. However, he blushed slightly as his stomach answered for him with a growl. "I guess I am a little bit hungry." He says, chuckling sheepishly with a grin. His grin soon turned into a soft, yet grateful smile. "You're right, but I don't want to choose a place that you might not like. I want to always take your opinion and feelings into account, sweetheart." He says, humming in thought on where they could go. "Then, we can stop somewhere to pick up some food and head home to eat. Is there anything you want in particular? If not, then there's a fast food place that I know that's around here." He says, placing a hoof upon her own that was around his neck, before continuing. "Thank you for the concern and I hope I didn't make you worry."
  8. @dragon4111 Frozen rolled his eyes as he was ordered to be quiet by Snow. He soon could see why as he saw the crowd of ponies passing by. He deduced that it would be better to not draw any attention. He was still around and he would have any advantage that was given to him. As they had reached the lobby, Snow carried him into the hallway and walked to the hotel room. "I guess these posh characters only care about money and power. They could care less about who is involved with such affairs within this tournament." He says in response to Snow's remark. As they entered the room, the ebony Pegasus was placed upon the couch. He flared his nostrils and scoffed at the suggestion. "Unless you have anime, then I'll pass. The only thing on would be the tournament, so why bother? Your former team is going to lose, anyway." He turns his attention to Snow, while trying to get comfortable on the couch. "You still didn't answer my earlier question. Why do you have such confidence in that team? I even told you everything on how I feel about the punching bag. What makes you think he could be a match for you, or even anyone else on Team Lotus? Answer me that and maybe I'll talk." @reader8363 Dynamo couldn't help, but nod in agreement. He narrowed his eyes as his leg bounced in anticipation. "I know what you mean. If it weren't for this committee wanting to make the rules, then we would have a good chance in this round. They just want to find any way to exploit us and make us lose. If it weren't for all of these rules, then I'd be out there fighting with all I've got. I know I was eliminated, but I don't care." He watched as Rose managed to lessen the damage with her sword. He could see the effects of the wind lessening more and more. "This isn't good. She needs to finish this match and fast. Sure, the wind making sure she can still fight, but still. That spell wasn't intended to last very long. I just hope she can find a way around that ridiculous lighting barrier."
  9. I remember eating cereal when I was younger. Nowadays, I don't usually eat cereal for breakfast. However, when I did, I would mostly have Froot Loops cereal.
  10. Happy Birthday @Unicorncob! ^_^ 

    1. Unicorncob
    2. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      You're welcome, my friend! :squee:

  11. My favorite song before 2005 would have to be Move Along, by The All-American Rejects. I remember seeing the music video on MTV and the song was so catchy, in my opinion. I think it also became my favorite song because of a Bionicle commercial.
  12. When my friend was saying that I was cheating, while fighting them in a video game. We were playing My Hero: One's Justice and I was pulling off some combos. They banned me from using different characters and then we went to a Deku VS Bakugo match. They kept acting like Bakugo as we fought and we got some hilarious end of the match results. We even got a few ring out wins, while fighting on certain stages.
  13. The movies that I'm definitely looking forward to in 2019 are: - Toy Story 4 - Spider-Man: Far From Home - Escape Room - The Lego Movie 2 - Happy Deathday 2U - Detective Pikachu
  14. I used to play on Pokemon Showdown a few years ago. I wasn't the best at Pokemon battles, but Showdown was a lot of fun. I don't go on Showdown nowadays, but I watch other YouTube channels from time to time, who play Showdown.
  15. I haven't seen that show in a really long time. It was a pretty fantastic show, in my opinion. I loved the characters, the story, the animation and the world building.
  16. @Catpone Cerberus Dynamo nods at her comment, but smiles softly at her other remark. "I'm truly glad and happy that I've made you feel that way. Whether I was a friend or a boyfriend, I'm being who I am because I see you as a great mare and individual. It can be the other way around. You deserve me because you've been so good to me, as well. For that, I'm truly grateful that I met you that day. Along with having you and Jade in my life and by my side." He glances behind him to give her a grateful look upon his face. The gaming unicorn chuckled as her remark, while he felt Sunlight wrapped her hooves around him. "Of course, my dear, Princess. I'll have you back to your castle safely and in no time at all." He laughed once more as he walked down the path towards town. It took some time, but the two finally made their way back to Ponyville. As they had reached the market and main square of town, Dynamo hummed to himself in thought. "It's getting a little late. Did you want to stop anywhere to get something for dinner? I know we only had cake, so I wasn't sure if you were feeling hungry or not." He says, feeling hungry himself for food. He wanted to make sure that everything was okay as he was concerned for her well being.
  17. @Scarlet Rose Dynamo held Dusk close as he gently rocked the young colt back and forth to soothe his sorrow. "I understand how you feel Dusk." He says, nodding in agreement to Broken's remark. "It's just like what mommy had said. That pony, who bullied mommy was indeed scary. However, I was able to stand up to that bully and used my wits and strengths to stop him. Even your grandpa Button was able to help when the time was right. I know losing others in the past is scary. I can't deny that things like that may happen again in the future." He looks to Dusk, while giving the young colt a reassuring smile. "However, I can promise you like I promised in your dream from before. Your mommy and daddy love you very much. We're here for you now and we will always be here for you, no matter what. We want to see you grow up to be a healthy and happy adult. Your mommy and I will protect each other and in turn, we'll protect you." He says as Dusk curled up a bit more in his arms. The gaming unicorn smiles as he felt Broken rub her finger over his knuckles. "You've got that right. Plus, we'll be giving you a really big surprise in the morning. That, as well as a gaming marathon." He winked as he saw the confused look upon the young colt's face. "You'll see what I mean in the morning." He promised as Broken lead the three of them back to their room. He climbed into bed as Broken tucked Dusk into the bed. As Broken snuggled under the blanket, Dynamo wrapped an arm around the two and held them close. "There we go. If you have a bad dream again, then your mommy and I will be right there beside you. We'll always be here to make sure that you are loved and kept safe, my son." He says as he kisses Dusk's forehead. He then leans over and kisses Broken's cheek.
  18. @Scarlet Rose Dynamo smiles and nods as Scarlet went to use the tickets. "That sounds good to me. I mean, I would get a prize, but I have no place to put the prize in my room. I have too many plushies and anime figures I got from conventions." He laughed and shook his head. At the mention of a gaming session and eating at the hotel, he grins. "I think that sounds perfect. A marathon of games, along with eating in the hotel room? One can't ask for anything better." He says, following the female wolf to the counter to claim her prize. He smiles at her choice in getting a small fox plush. "That's a really cute plush. Foxes and/or cats are one of my favorite animals. I mean favorite animals that one could have as a pet." He explained, so as to not create any confusion for his friend. "It's the same when it comes to the game Pokemon. Vulpix and Ninetales are some of my favorite Pokemon's. Although, I prefer the Alolan versions over the originals." He explained and chuckles as Scarlet hugged the plush tightly. "I think that's very sweet that the plush reminds you of your sister. It's like she's always with you now, in a way." He took her paw into his hand as the two soon left the arcade. As they left the arcade and walked to the hotel, Dynamo chuckled as he pulled his 3DS handheld out of his pocket. "The better question is when don't I have a 3DS?" He chuckled once more, while playfully sticking his tongue out at Scarlet.
  19. @Scarlet Rose Dynamo smiled as the rest of the day went by without any incident. "I'm glad I was able to make a good impression. I'm sorry about spamming a few force chokes, while playing as Vader. I found there was a crazy glitch or something along those lines. I discovered it, while playing other ponies back in my hometown. We didn't think it was possible, but we laughed as we got the grab over and over. That's how the others and I had to unlock the secret apprentice in the game." He chuckled as he gave the female wolf and apologetic look. "I'm really glad that you had a lot of fun. After everything that happened, I think that you deserved to have a nice time playing video games. I'm even surprised by how many tickets we got. That's the most tickets I've ever acquired, while being in an arcade." He says, while placing a hand under his chin. "I wonder what kind of prize we can get for these tickets. Either way, I feel like you should use the tickets. I don't really need anything from the arcade, to be honest. All that matters to me is that I'm glad to spending time with you, Scar." He smiles as he looks to her. He nods in agreement as he felt Scarlet take his hand into her own. "It's good to see that bully got his comeuppance. Hopefully, that will teach them to not be rude to anybody, or any gamer's." He blushes slightly as he felt her tail lightly wrap around his own tail. "I'm okay with either option on dinner. I was thinking the former because there's not a lot of good places for dinner around here. Plus, I was hoping to take you out to dinner when we got to Ponyville, if that's okay." He says as the two made their way out of the arcade.
  20. @Scarlet Rose Dynamo smiles as Broken had approved his his plush idea. He nods in agreement to her remark as he winked with a grin. "Oh, don't worry. I have another idea all planned out. I just need to phone an old friend and see if they can make my idea possible." He raises and eyebrow as Broken mentioned Vinyl Scratch. "You mean your old friend and teacher, right? I think that's a great idea. It would be an honor to meet her and tell her that she has a wonderful student such as yourself." He says, wrapping his arms around her and snuggling her in return. He was about to close his eyes, but stopped as Broken had heard a noise. He didn't hear anything at first, but he soon heard something. It was the sound of Dusk crying. He frowned as he hoped that his son would be okay. As Broken helped him out of bed, he began to follow Broken to Dusk's room. "Whatever is happening, then I know we'll be able to help him." As they reached Dusk's room, the door opened to see Dusk, who was curled up and crying, while clutching his Luna plush. Dynamo's ears fell as he felt awful seeing Dusk in such a state. As he listened to the dream, Dynamo frowned and shook his head as he knew something like that would never happen. He soon walked over to Broken and Dusk, before placing a hand on Dusk's head and ruffling his mane. "Everything is okay, my son. I promise that a dream like that will never come to pass." He says, taking Dusk into his arms and hugging him tight. "If there was ever a pony bullying you, then I'd drop everything to make sure that you would be kept safe. Grandpa Button can hold down the fort without me for a while." He chuckled to make Dusk smile, before continuing. "You're not a freak, Dusk. If anything, I think you're a great pony, who has a loving and caring mother and father." He pulled back from the hug and used his thumb to wipe Dusk's tears away. "If there's one thing I can promise you, then it's this. I love you with all of my heart, my son. I'm not pretending to love and care about you. I truly and wholeheartedly care about you. I'm not with you mother because of any wrong reason. I'm here because I want to be with you mother. To get to know and love her and to know and love you. I'm truly happy and grateful to have the two of you in my life. I just hope I can continue to know you more and be a great father for you. I promise that I will always protect you and your mother and keep you both safe." He says, hugging the young colt and rubbing his back reassuringly. "Come on. Let's all go back to our room. Dusk wants us right now and we'll be there in his dreams together." He smiles softly to Broken and Dusk as he gently took Broken's hand into his own.
  21. @Catpone Cerberus Dynamo's eyes widened at the mention of other sporting halls, but chuckles at Sunlight's remark. "That's true when you put it that way. I always thought there would be only one sports hall. Then, I realized that there could be more that one sports hall. I'm a fan of buckball sport. I remember seeing Ponyville facing off against Team Appleloosa. It was a pretty close, but pretty awesome game. I admit that I'm also a fan of kickball and dodgeball." His ears fell as he listened to her reassurance of not being a burden. As he listened to her speak, he couldn't help in smiling softly at his girlfriend. He kissed her on the cheek and pulled her into a hug. "You're too good for me, you know that? What did I ever do to deserve such a caring, loving, sweet and amazing girlfriend like you?" He says, before continuing. "Just let me know if there's anything that I can do to help. I know you said that I'm on a vacation, but I would like to help out." Dynamo laughed alongside Sunlight as he nods to her remark. "Very well, then, my dear. I shall oblige in helping you not have the burden to walk." He says as he got up from his sitting position and stretched. He then got next to Sunlight, before lifting the orange unicorn onto his back. He glances behind him and gives his girlfriend a soft smile. "The journey shall be perilous, so it might take some time, before we make it back to town. Just be sure to hold on tight and never let go, okay?" He chuckles, before making their way down the hill and back towards the town of Ponyville.
  22. @Scarlet Rose Dynamo felt like it was more than that. It seemed like Scarlet was upset over the whole ordeal. However, he didn't want to make the female wolf feel uncomfortable. So, he decided to drop the subject altogether. "Okay. If you ever need to talk about something, then please let me know. You're my friend and I'm here for you, Scar." He says, giving the female wolf a reassuring smile. "I guess the Persona games will be right up my alley. I've played Kingdom Hearts and a bit of Final Fantasy. So, I should be able to figure out how this game will work. I feel as though there has been a fighting game for Persona. I could be wrong, so you can quote me on that." He chuckles, while nodding in agreement. "I know what you mean. It's the same for when I play certain games. Final Fantasy is one example. I've played the later titles, but I can't find the early games in the series. That, and certain Mario and Sonic titles. I can never play the 2006 version of Sonic. I heard that was very bad." He shuddered at the memory of the bad reviews. "I'm glad that the cashier gave you a free soda. It sounds like there are some nice ponies living here, in Canterlot." He smiles, before his eyes widened at her remark. "Wait a minute. You said the game, Catherine? I love that game! That, and I think they are similar." He pulled out his phone to bring up an image of both Vincent and Joker. "Oh, wow. They do look similar. Actually, I don't think it's a coincidence. You see, there's a new Catherine game coming out sometime in the future. The game creators had said they are adding some downloadable content in the game. One of the things is a costume for Vincent that will have him look like Joker. I've heard somewhere that Joker is actually Vincent's son." He shook his head as he almost didn't believe in what he said. "We can look up that theory later. For now, let's enjoy some awesome Persona. Are you ready, my friend?" He asks, turning to look at her with a confident grin on his muzzle.
  23. My favorite episodes, in no order, would have to be: - All Bottled Up - Lesson Zero - The Perfect Pear - Crusader's of the Lost Mark - Crusader's of the Lost Mark - Twilight's Kingdom - Shadow Play - Amending Fences - Pinkie Pride - The Cutie Mark Chronicles
  24. @Scarlet Rose As Dynamo peeked his face into Dusk's room, the gaming unicorn noticed that the young colt was fast asleep. He smiles softly as Dusk was cuddling his plush of Princess Luna. He jumped slightly as Broken was behind him, while wrapping her arms around him. "You scared me, sweetheart. I thought you were still asleep." He whispered, while chuckling softly. "Still, I don't blame you. I could guess that you wanted to check up on Dusk to see how he's doing." He smiles softly as he nods in agreement to Broken's remark. "It sounds like he's getting used to his new home very well. I still wouldn't be surprised if he cuddled with us in bed." He nods at her idea of Dusk's birthday gift, while following his girlfriend back into their room. After a few minutes, Dynamo entered the room to see Broken was under the covers. He walked to the bed, before throwing the blanket over him and Broken. He wrapped his arms around Broken and snuggled up to her, while returning the nuzzle. At the mention of getting Dusk more plushies, Dynamo closed his eyes to think. A few moments had passed, before he opened his eyes and shook his head. "While I think the idea is a great plan, I still feel like we can get a few more plushies. I do like the idea of a plush of my mom, his birth father and myself. However, I think he could also have a plush of Night, Button and you, his kind, loving and caring mother." He says as he places a kiss upon her cheek.
  25. @Scarlet Rose Dynamo smiled softly as he saw that Scarlet had returned. He chuckled slightly along with her, before placing a comforting hand upon her shoulder. "I saw what happened and what he did was very rude. He didn't hurt you or anything like that, right?" He asks as he listened to her remark. "That's good to hear. I'm in your capable paws of learning this game, sensei." He chuckled with a grin as he nodded to her question. "I'm definitely ready to choose my character. By the way, is this a fighting game or an adventure game? I'm all for co-op games. That, and this character, Joker, looks pretty interesting. He looks like a character I've seen in some other game. I'm not crazy for saying that, right?" He asks as he chooses his character.
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