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Everything posted by Shady23

  1. I do it as often as possible because I know how welcoming it felt for me when I was welcomed. I don't get to everyone sometimes but I try to welcome as many as possible in hoping they will find it like home here
  2. For me it's just my fist that I never have to use. If I did have to pick one it would be a pistol but I would never fire it unless my life was in danger.
  3. Welcome my friend to the best community on the net I'm sure you will enjoy your stay I'm new here myself and it already feels like home. If you have any questions be sure to ask anyone that's not me cause I'm still a noob Cool to hear your doing youtube videos, that's something I've been wanting to do but I need the proper equipment. Just keep making videos and watching others as a student, if it's something you enjoy the quality will be great
  4. I love applejack so much it's amazing looking at the art in this thread!! I'm a bit jealous I don't have the talent Even though I love all of the mane 6 AJ has been and always will be my favorite she is so easy for me to relate too
  5. Last day off, what to do??

    1. DemonicBox
    2. DemonicBox


      take advice from a 16 yr old < :3

    3. Shady23


      Lmao did that the past two nights, still a possibility though :)

  6. Yea for sure I really hate having to use touch screens, drives me insane!!
  7. I've had to listen to myself quite a bit. For most of my life I just didn't think I sounded like I imagined. Then not long after high school I was a normal guest on a podcast for Madden NFL league and quickly got use it. After podcast and constant family videos I've gotten satisfied and comfortable hearing my own voice.
  8. I love all cereals but if I had to choose it would probably be Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
  9. When I was in high school I did it all the time and a few years after that. Now I can't think of anyone I call by their last name. To me it's just whatever that person prefers to be called.
  10. I've never actually paid attention to that but it's a great point. I don't recall any birthday reference at all during season three, plus season three was kind of short so maybe that why :okiedokielokie:
  11. She has a few times but not as much as the others.
  12. Yea I completely forgot about them and thankfully so. They are by far the worst characters in my opinion.
  13. It's nearly impossible for me to pick a favorite, even to just five but I'll try that. 5. Bridle Gossip 4. The Return of Harmony 3.Pinkie Apple Pie 2.Castle-Mania 1. Twilight's Kingdom This is in no particular order. I also have to mention that I don't believe there are any episodes I dislike in all honesty. I like some more than others but not by much
  14. I feel very lazy but luckily I'm off. I'm not really happy happy or down, just meh I guess
  15. I hope everypony is having a good day!! :)

    1. DemonicBox


      Says the disguised chaos hybrid

    2. Shady23


      Nothing like a bit of chaos to brighten your day :)

    3. DemonicBox
  16. I'm a new Brony myself so I also missed out on all of that stuff. I do love the background characters a lot in this show but for a 100th episode? With it being such a milestone episode it should be featuring the Mane 6 in my opinion. Or at least maybe have a episode on the other princesses to explain their past a bit more, anything like that to help explain more of the past in Equastria to add to the story a little more. Either way I'm sure I will love the episode. I know there will be a mixed reaction but I'll be happy either way honestly. :grin2:
  17. I think it depends on the situation. All of them act mature within their own personality in different situations. Even Pinkie Pie she did step up and take care of those kids very well. Applejack and Twilight come off as the most mature I believe but in all honesty the other four are just as mature given the situation.
  18. When Sunset and Twilight are in Pinky's kitchen and then Maud pops up out of nowhere and just says "Boulder was hungry" and continues to poor food on Boulder and just walk away. It was so random with just that one line was golden
  19. I don't mind the music in the show and there are some songs I love in it. That intro drives me crazy, if I'm watching on netflix I skip it every time :okiedokielokie:
  20. Up until the finale I think he cared about the mane 6 to an extent but all of them except fluttershy wasn't very welcoming to him, rightfully so. Now after season 4 he considers all of them close friends after what Twilight did for him. I'm sure we will still see all of his pranks and him not taking anything seriously but in a more friendly way. I'm excited to see how he acts in season 5 and where his character goes.
  21. Welcome friend I'm new myself and It feels like home already I'm sure you will love it!!
  22. Thank you so much!! I will have to decide which to use and maybe switch it up now and then :grin2:
  23. Yeah I was really into League a awhile myself and everyone once in a while I will play a few games but the community ruins the game. The game its self is very fun in my opinion but the overall experience isn't worth it.
  24. Haha thanks for that info bro I will look into that
  25. I need some pony shirts or something. Any suggestions on where the best place to get this stuff is?
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